Puglia Regional
Bersani si è già rimesso i baffi.
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Arteritis More Condition_symptoms
???????????????? Gordian Knot
"Avremmo dovuto L'Aquila make the event - he said - but The Eagle and 'a city' which could become ghost and we would not want to become a region Abruzzo ghost in the national economic and social. "
Paola Agnello Modica - National Secretary of the CGIL.
"Avremmo dovuto L'Aquila make the event - he said - but The Eagle and 'a city' which could become ghost and we would not want to become a region Abruzzo ghost in the national economic and social. "
Paola Agnello Modica - National Secretary of the CGIL.
Viral Hepatitis More Condition_symptoms
When it becomes inextricable Gordian knot, and when the same is likely to choke or drown you, is only the strength of the solution Alexandrian.
Cut the Gordian knot and take the journey.
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Small Broken Capilliaries On Chest
" Après avoir Nommo a faible président de la Commission européenne, ils ont Désormais Nommo a président du Conseil et une Haute Falotico insignifiante representante, les chefs d'Etat et de gouvernement ont leur politique d'affaiblissement poursuite des Institutions européennes "(DCB).
" Après avoir Nommo a faible président de la Commission européenne, ils ont Désormais Nommo a président du Conseil et une Haute Falotico insignifiante representante, les chefs d'Etat et de gouvernement ont leur politique d'affaiblissement poursuite des Institutions européennes "(DCB).
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Hyperglycaemia More Condition_symptoms
Stage: Difficulty objective or laziness? The
As we saw in an earlier article when entering the stage, you enter a new world and particularly where, for the realization of a show, You can create dangerous situations (outside of the rules) due to artistic requirements and directed that expose all the creative and technical staff, in this stage, the risk of bodily injury.
Thus the stage is right to assert that inevitably some exception to the regulations (To date there is no specific legislation on the boards of Italian theaters).
When it comes to safety is worth remembering that we speak of a concept that involves everyone. The workers, the employer, the officer responsible for security, the directors, the supervisory body, the judiciary.
How often we hear that there is still a widespread culture of security and that there is, unfortunately, a real culture of prevention?. Many plans, safety management of the theaters are often concentrated on the formal aspects to protect themselves with the rules and consequences of a damaging event, rather than on the implementation of proper risk management programs.
These programs, after the detection of a risk, they should change the way and work practices after participation and involvement of employees through the same and their safety representatives (RLS).
In the constitution of an organizational safety, must necessarily be defined roles and responsibilities at different levels, passing by the awareness of employees in security issues, creating a widespread awareness through internal communication and staff training, involving all the functions business for the prevention of accidents at work.
But talk of Risk Management can be dangerous and that can be seen by those who are not used to manipulate certe parole come una cosa troppo complicata per essere applicata. Come vedremo le cose non stanno così e l'applicazione della sicurezza in un Palcoscenico non rappresenta affatto una cosa difficile, fatte salve le deroghe affrontate in precedenza, basta solo volerlo fare. Trovo che una delle cose più disarmanti sia quella di voler far capire, attraverso discussioni lunghe e stancanti, a chi ha un atteggiamento poco costruttivo che anche se esistono reali difficoltà oggettive non per questo bisogna scoraggiarsi e far si che quello che si può fare in sicurezza e nel rispetto delle regole deve essere fatto. Spesso però tali atteggiamenti nascondono dietro un pessimismo ed un malessere lavorativo che porta a creare ostruzionismo in tutto ciò che di positivo can and should be done. To be clear I will try to bring some practical example. The electricians are
stage of "focusing" of the projectors are mounted on an 'American lights positioned 12 meters from the floor. How is pointing at that height? Each stage uses different systems that may be stairs, scaffolds, elevator mechanics, child seats. Each of these systems involves a series of operations, provided by the manufacturer and confirmed within the DVR from the RSPP company for the job safely. We take the example of a mechanical lift, the safety data sheet imposes an obligation to set and level the base of the same by means of four adjustable legs so as to balance any slopes. This operation is not always respected and I would like to stress not always an objective problem, but only out of laziness. Let's say one of the four legs can not be inserted because the base of the elevator touches a wall of a stage set. What do you do in these cases? The easiest and simplest thing is to go on with three legs inserted without wasting time thinking about alternatives that may be. From personal experience, 99% of the time, just move the piece that impedes the inclusion of the fourth leg or put differently, the base of the lift to be able to insert the four legs and can therefore operate safely. At the same time if using a harness ci andiamo ad assicurare al parapetto dell'elevatore eviteremo una caduta dallo stesso in caso di svenimento o malessere. Quello che sto dicendo potrà apparire scontato agli addetti ai lavori che sicuramente si chiederanno: E se oggettivamente la quarta gamba non si può mettere? La risposta non è difficile visto che esistono altri sistemi per lavorare in quota. Se non riusciamo a metterne in sicurezza uno bisogna lavorare utilizzandone un altro. Restando nell'esempio appena citato potremmo utilizzare un seggiolino e dotando l'operatore di una imbracatura ed un paracadute (simile ad una cintura di sicurezza) otterremo un sistema di lavoro assolutamente sicuro.
Spesso alle conferenze cui partecipo sento ripetere che quello che manca è la "cultura della security '. It is true that this culture must be brought down but it is also true that the active involvement of workers is crucial. The biggest problems finding them often with older workers, who are often not very participatory especially with regard to the 'DPI.Alcuni tend to use similar systems to reproduce congedanti last month of military service in rejecting any notion of order, even if this means their own security. From personal experience I can say that female engineers and technicians are young more caring and sympathetic to the issue we are facing.
But who is responsible for developing a "culture of security"?
Naturally, the Employers Work and then the Stewards who must implement the development plans through the collaboration of managers and supervisors.
In this regard between "good" changes that the new Decree. August 3, 2009 No. 106 has led to in Legislative Decree no. 81/2008 are those that relate to their leaders and in fact all 'art. 37 paragraph 7, we see that the leaders must be trained.
This change is very important because even those who are now required to take decisions affecting the life of a theater can no longer be in the dark about the laws and especially the sanctions foreseen in case of serious failures or errors that could cause injury.
How much time is devoted to the development of culture security "?
Again the answer is simple: Little or never enough. It would be useful because, in addition to mandatory training, to have the hours per month, managed by the workers and their representatives for discussion and exchange of experiences and advice on how to improve the way they work safely.
The situations that create more difficulties in being managed safely outfits are definitely co-produced or hospitality. It is not always such arrangements, often of old buildings are fully in line with safety regulations. that should be present in all versions of the stores have a certificate of idonietà theaters, a blue sticker, certifying their perfect safety. A discourse that is already happening with regard to the rental of equipment of all types must comply with the regulations and in case of home-made equipment have a certification document issued by a qualified and competent. The most important Theaters have a technical manager who has the task of going to see, not always present but often only on paper, installations that wish to rent. It would be important that the manager has more than specific technical skills are the powers relating to laws relating to occupational safety. To take an example I remember a version that saw the presence of a pool into which they were lying power cable is not suitable to work immersed in water. What could be done in this case? The best thing would be to replace all the cables, but who had to pay a considerable cost plus? Given the tight time and few resources available, the risk was limited (note that there is never a zero risk) by mounting a circuit breaker rated at 0.03 A mountain of a dimmer (even if there were electric motors and the people workers know the issues that the engines create differentials adjusted 0.03) and prohibiting contact with mimes and singers every element at risk. E 'to be considered, however, that the tank was an area isolated from the possible loss of mass and only a metal cable caduto (molto improbabilmente) dal graticcio avrebbe potuto creare rischi di scossa a chi vi transitava dentro.
Ma come mai questo particolare di elevato rischio elettrico era sfuggito a costruttori e progettisti e a chi aveva visionato l'allestimento da ospitare?
Questo rappresenta appunto un caso emblematico che rafforza l'idea dell'adozione di un bollino blu di rispetto delle regole di sicurezza per tutti gli allestimenti prodotti e dati a noleggio. Con il bollino blu verrebbe come ad uniformarsi un meccanismo di condivisione tra tutte le realtà che producono allestimenti e ci sarebbe una certezza di responsabilità che oggi secondo me non è molto chiara.

As we saw in an earlier article when entering the stage, you enter a new world and particularly where, for the realization of a show, You can create dangerous situations (outside of the rules) due to artistic requirements and directed that expose all the creative and technical staff, in this stage, the risk of bodily injury.
Thus the stage is right to assert that inevitably some exception to the regulations (To date there is no specific legislation on the boards of Italian theaters).
When it comes to safety is worth remembering that we speak of a concept that involves everyone. The workers, the employer, the officer responsible for security, the directors, the supervisory body, the judiciary.
How often we hear that there is still a widespread culture of security and that there is, unfortunately, a real culture of prevention?. Many plans, safety management of the theaters are often concentrated on the formal aspects to protect themselves with the rules and consequences of a damaging event, rather than on the implementation of proper risk management programs.
These programs, after the detection of a risk, they should change the way and work practices after participation and involvement of employees through the same and their safety representatives (RLS).
In the constitution of an organizational safety, must necessarily be defined roles and responsibilities at different levels, passing by the awareness of employees in security issues, creating a widespread awareness through internal communication and staff training, involving all the functions business for the prevention of accidents at work.
But talk of Risk Management can be dangerous and that can be seen by those who are not used to manipulate certe parole come una cosa troppo complicata per essere applicata. Come vedremo le cose non stanno così e l'applicazione della sicurezza in un Palcoscenico non rappresenta affatto una cosa difficile, fatte salve le deroghe affrontate in precedenza, basta solo volerlo fare. Trovo che una delle cose più disarmanti sia quella di voler far capire, attraverso discussioni lunghe e stancanti, a chi ha un atteggiamento poco costruttivo che anche se esistono reali difficoltà oggettive non per questo bisogna scoraggiarsi e far si che quello che si può fare in sicurezza e nel rispetto delle regole deve essere fatto. Spesso però tali atteggiamenti nascondono dietro un pessimismo ed un malessere lavorativo che porta a creare ostruzionismo in tutto ciò che di positivo can and should be done. To be clear I will try to bring some practical example. The electricians are
stage of "focusing" of the projectors are mounted on an 'American lights positioned 12 meters from the floor. How is pointing at that height? Each stage uses different systems that may be stairs, scaffolds, elevator mechanics, child seats. Each of these systems involves a series of operations, provided by the manufacturer and confirmed within the DVR from the RSPP company for the job safely. We take the example of a mechanical lift, the safety data sheet imposes an obligation to set and level the base of the same by means of four adjustable legs so as to balance any slopes. This operation is not always respected and I would like to stress not always an objective problem, but only out of laziness. Let's say one of the four legs can not be inserted because the base of the elevator touches a wall of a stage set. What do you do in these cases? The easiest and simplest thing is to go on with three legs inserted without wasting time thinking about alternatives that may be. From personal experience, 99% of the time, just move the piece that impedes the inclusion of the fourth leg or put differently, the base of the lift to be able to insert the four legs and can therefore operate safely. At the same time if using a harness ci andiamo ad assicurare al parapetto dell'elevatore eviteremo una caduta dallo stesso in caso di svenimento o malessere. Quello che sto dicendo potrà apparire scontato agli addetti ai lavori che sicuramente si chiederanno: E se oggettivamente la quarta gamba non si può mettere? La risposta non è difficile visto che esistono altri sistemi per lavorare in quota. Se non riusciamo a metterne in sicurezza uno bisogna lavorare utilizzandone un altro. Restando nell'esempio appena citato potremmo utilizzare un seggiolino e dotando l'operatore di una imbracatura ed un paracadute (simile ad una cintura di sicurezza) otterremo un sistema di lavoro assolutamente sicuro.
Spesso alle conferenze cui partecipo sento ripetere che quello che manca è la "cultura della security '. It is true that this culture must be brought down but it is also true that the active involvement of workers is crucial. The biggest problems finding them often with older workers, who are often not very participatory especially with regard to the 'DPI.Alcuni tend to use similar systems to reproduce congedanti last month of military service in rejecting any notion of order, even if this means their own security. From personal experience I can say that female engineers and technicians are young more caring and sympathetic to the issue we are facing.
But who is responsible for developing a "culture of security"?
Naturally, the Employers Work and then the Stewards who must implement the development plans through the collaboration of managers and supervisors.
In this regard between "good" changes that the new Decree. August 3, 2009 No. 106 has led to in Legislative Decree no. 81/2008 are those that relate to their leaders and in fact all 'art. 37 paragraph 7, we see that the leaders must be trained.
This change is very important because even those who are now required to take decisions affecting the life of a theater can no longer be in the dark about the laws and especially the sanctions foreseen in case of serious failures or errors that could cause injury.
How much time is devoted to the development of culture security "?
Again the answer is simple: Little or never enough. It would be useful because, in addition to mandatory training, to have the hours per month, managed by the workers and their representatives for discussion and exchange of experiences and advice on how to improve the way they work safely.
The situations that create more difficulties in being managed safely outfits are definitely co-produced or hospitality. It is not always such arrangements, often of old buildings are fully in line with safety regulations. that should be present in all versions of the stores have a certificate of idonietà theaters, a blue sticker, certifying their perfect safety. A discourse that is already happening with regard to the rental of equipment of all types must comply with the regulations and in case of home-made equipment have a certification document issued by a qualified and competent. The most important Theaters have a technical manager who has the task of going to see, not always present but often only on paper, installations that wish to rent. It would be important that the manager has more than specific technical skills are the powers relating to laws relating to occupational safety. To take an example I remember a version that saw the presence of a pool into which they were lying power cable is not suitable to work immersed in water. What could be done in this case? The best thing would be to replace all the cables, but who had to pay a considerable cost plus? Given the tight time and few resources available, the risk was limited (note that there is never a zero risk) by mounting a circuit breaker rated at 0.03 A mountain of a dimmer (even if there were electric motors and the people workers know the issues that the engines create differentials adjusted 0.03) and prohibiting contact with mimes and singers every element at risk. E 'to be considered, however, that the tank was an area isolated from the possible loss of mass and only a metal cable caduto (molto improbabilmente) dal graticcio avrebbe potuto creare rischi di scossa a chi vi transitava dentro.
Ma come mai questo particolare di elevato rischio elettrico era sfuggito a costruttori e progettisti e a chi aveva visionato l'allestimento da ospitare?
Questo rappresenta appunto un caso emblematico che rafforza l'idea dell'adozione di un bollino blu di rispetto delle regole di sicurezza per tutti gli allestimenti prodotti e dati a noleggio. Con il bollino blu verrebbe come ad uniformarsi un meccanismo di condivisione tra tutte le realtà che producono allestimenti e ci sarebbe una certezza di responsabilità che oggi secondo me non è molto chiara.
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Who Does Myammee Hair Ext
One of the few places that seemed to improve, we thought immediately CGIL camp to turn in yet.
Used Kitchenaid Stand Mixer For Sale Saskatoon
LHC, throwback
A pair of prominent physicists have suggested that the hypothetical Higgs boson, which scientists hope to produce through the LHC, could be so rough for nature, its creation would be sufficient to produce a return to the past and stop before they produce a synchrotron.
A pair of prominent physicists have suggested that the hypothetical Higgs boson, which scientists hope to produce through the LHC, could be so rough for nature, its creation would be sufficient to produce a return to the past and stop before they produce a synchrotron.
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Lord Of The Rings Hantai
Walking Tall. I
am quiet and I am proud of what I could do for this city.
Before, during and after the earthquake.
Walking Tall, alongside citizenship imperfect.
am quiet and I am proud of what I could do for this city.
Before, during and after the earthquake.
Walking Tall, alongside citizenship imperfect.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Wedding Program Wording
One day in the prosecution, except for questioning .... I
Exchange, the night before, for the umpteenth time, a place of hospitality.
L'Aquila, a comfortable sofa.
Dinner with black rice and pomegranate, lemon's mom will be to close.
Washing Machine 1000 rpm spin cycle with double, for the shirt to dry overnight, taken from the container. Stretch to warm and light jacket riestratta integrates the car, lilac and red tie, jeans already washed and ironed.
Internet connection, printing of the last things to be added to the file kept in the prosecution. Thankfully, my mail and leave no trace of a collective history all times, dates, names, places, costs.
quick look at the rules, cards, letters, documents, records.
Barba. Three steps, at grade around the cheekbone, a lot about lace, short for the rest. An infusion of tranquility, a cup of chamomile. I try to sleep. The first few hours is difficult, then better than expected. I get up, I update, I reprint the first 5 articles of Decree 29, get ready, have breakfast, I'm nervous. Mineral supplements, you never know. The tie
as always, in its rare use, is wonderful. I go out, look my lawyers and Daniel. Direction bazzano, coffee, and then in attorney. Too many journalists, too many cameras. Greetings to all, correct in accepting to talk only with the lawyers. Photographers and cameramen a bit too invasive. In Prosecutor ahead.
polite, some expression of surprise, everything pretty straightforward.
Outgoing, crowd, again with just the lawyers.
I'm going to say goodbye to some friends who were there-
Finite interviews in dribs and drabs are talking to me. A few jokes on the political issue, come on, on the City. Widespread concern, I reassure "the mayor is tightening times, there will be news soon."
d. "You're going to do the commissioner?", R. "Parenthesis"
d. "Parentesi chiusa con la politica? " r. "parentesi chiusa con l'assessorato, non certo con la politica!"
Si torna a casa, qualche servizio tv. Preparo una minestrina (sigh!!).
Nella casa c'è una influenzata (sarà H1N1 ? vabbè dice Fazio tutto tranquillo....ometto di vigilare sul ceppo che tempo fa, dall'altra parte del mondo, ha generato il virus.....) un altro, tamponato, con il collare, momentaneamente al pronto soccorso ed io, iscritto nel registro degli indagati. Una calda minestrina.
Che giorno strano, dice lei. Perchè invece gli ultimi 7 mesi ti son parsi normali, dico io.
In fondo questa è una casa, questa una cucina, questo un frigo. Certo un interrogatorio non è really something that happens often, but I think a better day than others, given that we've been.
Exchange, the night before, for the umpteenth time, a place of hospitality.
L'Aquila, a comfortable sofa.
Dinner with black rice and pomegranate, lemon's mom will be to close.
Washing Machine 1000 rpm spin cycle with double, for the shirt to dry overnight, taken from the container. Stretch to warm and light jacket riestratta integrates the car, lilac and red tie, jeans already washed and ironed.
Internet connection, printing of the last things to be added to the file kept in the prosecution. Thankfully, my mail and leave no trace of a collective history all times, dates, names, places, costs.
quick look at the rules, cards, letters, documents, records.
Barba. Three steps, at grade around the cheekbone, a lot about lace, short for the rest. An infusion of tranquility, a cup of chamomile. I try to sleep. The first few hours is difficult, then better than expected. I get up, I update, I reprint the first 5 articles of Decree 29, get ready, have breakfast, I'm nervous. Mineral supplements, you never know. The tie
as always, in its rare use, is wonderful. I go out, look my lawyers and Daniel. Direction bazzano, coffee, and then in attorney. Too many journalists, too many cameras. Greetings to all, correct in accepting to talk only with the lawyers. Photographers and cameramen a bit too invasive. In Prosecutor ahead.
polite, some expression of surprise, everything pretty straightforward.
Outgoing, crowd, again with just the lawyers.
I'm going to say goodbye to some friends who were there-
Finite interviews in dribs and drabs are talking to me. A few jokes on the political issue, come on, on the City. Widespread concern, I reassure "the mayor is tightening times, there will be news soon."
d. "You're going to do the commissioner?", R. "Parenthesis"
d. "Parentesi chiusa con la politica? " r. "parentesi chiusa con l'assessorato, non certo con la politica!"
Si torna a casa, qualche servizio tv. Preparo una minestrina (sigh!!).
Nella casa c'è una influenzata (sarà H1N1 ? vabbè dice Fazio tutto tranquillo....ometto di vigilare sul ceppo che tempo fa, dall'altra parte del mondo, ha generato il virus.....) un altro, tamponato, con il collare, momentaneamente al pronto soccorso ed io, iscritto nel registro degli indagati. Una calda minestrina.
Che giorno strano, dice lei. Perchè invece gli ultimi 7 mesi ti son parsi normali, dico io.
In fondo questa è una casa, questa una cucina, questo un frigo. Certo un interrogatorio non è really something that happens often, but I think a better day than others, given that we've been.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Ontario Licence Plates Boat Trailer
It 'better to suffer injustice rather than do it. Letter of resignation
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