WORK IN SHOW - 2nd edition Safety in the show
WORK IN SHOW - 2nd edition
security in the show
CONFERENCE Bologna February 24, 2010
safety management theaters
• Major additions to the Legislative Decree 81/08. 106/09
• The DUVRI theaters
• Risk management • System Safety Management • Training
Rapporteur: dr. ing. John Libener, Head of the Prevention and Protection
of the Municipality of Bolzano and the Fondazione Teatro Comunale di Bolzano Auditorium.
authorization procedures:
Commission Public Entertainment
• Legislation •
functions and composition of municipal committees and provincial public performances
• Areas of responsibility of the commissions
• authorization process of an event of public entertainment
• ISO 9001 Certification CCVLPS
Speaker: dr. ing. Monaco Felice, president of the municipal committees overseeing local
public show of the Municipality of Bologna, President of the
Engineers of the province of Bologna.
Security in restructuring the theater: architectural aspects
The restoration of the Theatre Richard Zandonai Rovereto (TN):
• The expansion of the scenic
• The renovation of the historic
• Construction of new buildings destination plant
Speaker: dr. ing. Fabrizio De Agostini, a freelance project manager and co-designers
restoration works with the raising of the tower Stage Theatre
R. Zandonai Rovereto (TN) - 1 lot.
security in the renovation of the theaters:
aspects of plant
The Teatro alla Scala in Milan and the Theatre of Ebe Stignani Imola
• Peculiarities of the sites (location, not ordinary protections,
coordination, safety team)
• Safety systems (fire detection, fire protection, lighting)
Speaker: dr. ing. Cesare Laffont, Technical Director CEFLA Plants -
contractor of construction works of the technological systems of the Teatro alla Scala in Milan as part of
restoration of the monumental part.
NH Hotel de la Gare
Piazza XX Settembre 2 40121 Bologna
Date: 24/02/2010
Hours: 9:30 to 1:00 p.m. 2:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. 10.02.2010
Entry by faxing (0471.304114) of the entry form can be downloaded here.
Click here to learn more
Friday, February 19, 2010
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Toronto Pontoon Forsale
And it goes .... And it goes ...
I feel like a big theater suddenly pulled down by bad actors who wanted to do in life or the showgirl and the showman who are unfortunately doing other things. Have the career opportunity of media and a large group of frustrated, that with all the anger in my body, I send warm a. ........
I feel like a big theater suddenly pulled down by bad actors who wanted to do in life or the showgirl and the showman who are unfortunately doing other things. Have the career opportunity of media and a large group of frustrated, that with all the anger in my body, I send warm a. ........
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Blueprints For Sand Rail
I have confidence in the Department.
not judging the Commissioner, the magistrate judge. Make sure all
You can do this peacefully without overwhelming everything? Remove
Italians confidence in the Department of Civil Protection is like clearing the Apennines.
Landslides will be worse.
not judging the Commissioner, the magistrate judge. Make sure all
You can do this peacefully without overwhelming everything? Remove
Italians confidence in the Department of Civil Protection is like clearing the Apennines.
Landslides will be worse.
Lymphatic Cancer In Diabetic Cat
Angelo Balducci. Next to demagogy. Memory
August 31 2006 - Consiglio dei Ministri ....
.... omissis ....
su proposta del Ministro delle infrastrutture, Antonio Di Pietro:
- nomina del dirigente di 1° fascia ing. Marcello MAURO a Presidente del Consiglio superiore dei lavori pubblici;
- nomina del dirigente di 1° fascia ing. Angelo BALDUCCI a Capo del Dipartimento per le infrastrutture statali, l’edilizia e la regolazione dei lavori pubblici;
.... omissis .....
August 31 2006 - Consiglio dei Ministri ....
.... omissis ....
su proposta del Ministro delle infrastrutture, Antonio Di Pietro:
- nomina del dirigente di 1° fascia ing. Marcello MAURO a Presidente del Consiglio superiore dei lavori pubblici;
- nomina del dirigente di 1° fascia ing. Angelo BALDUCCI a Capo del Dipartimento per le infrastrutture statali, l’edilizia e la regolazione dei lavori pubblici;
.... omissis .....
Friday, February 5, 2010
Keratoses More Condition_symptoms
defensive / summary.
Ad integrazione dell’interrogatorio richiesto in data 15 gennaio 2010, integralmente richiamate le argomentazioni difensive già offerte nell’interrogatorio espletato in data 5 novembre 2009, nell’interesse di D’INNOCENZO Luca, persona sottoposta alle indagini nel procedimento penale indicato in epigrafe, i sottoscritti difensori di fiducia Avv.ti Fabio Alessandroni e Fausto Corti, entrambi del Foro di L’Aquila, evidenziano quanto in appresso.
Come già posto in risalto nella consulenza tecnica disposta con ordinanza del P.M. in data 20 aprile 2009 ed effettuata dall’Arch. Margherita Aledda (pagg. 1267 ss. fascicolo delle indagini preliminari), la Legge Regione Abruzzo 14 settembre 1999, n. 77 (“Norme in materia di organizzazione e rapporti di lavoro della Regione Abruzzo”) è stepped in to redefine the functions and duties of governing bodies, establishing, in particular, with the art. 3 ("Policy of organization") that "The regional organizations, including the Public Companies set up for the final performance of functions or instrumental, is guided by the following criteria:
a.distinzione of powers and responsibilities of the governing bodies political leadership from those attributed to the leaders .... "
And yet the first paragraph of that article states unequivocally that: "The body of political leadership can not revoke, alter, restrict or claim for itself measures and acts within the competence of the leaders ...." Of the available evidence, therefore, the absolute strangeness of Luca D'Innocenzo, President of the Company for the right to higher education by April 26, 2006, he moved to the charges, the same can not intervene, an absolute art. 3 Law 77/99, in what were (and are) the sole responsibility of the management functions of the company. Surprise and indignation, then, that although the PM has the same Technical Consultant D'Innocenzo expressly excluded from the list of those allegedly responsible for unlawful conduct and / or illegal (p. 1287, 1306, 1326), he continues to be investigated for facts and circumstances entirely foreign to him.
The CT of the PM stressed the proper operation of D'Innocenzo not only from a purely regulatory, at both regional and national with the already known "Consolidation of Local Authorities, but also and in fact in reference to 'activity immediately after his inauguration. In fact, mentioned in the CT, giving a discharge to the D'Innocenzo that on May 8, 2006 (and thus 11 days after his appointment as President dell'ADSU "or legal representative, who, in accordance with the provisions Articles. LR 3 and 4 of No. 77/99 held political activities address: see page. 1285), he had to ask, with known prot. 3169 (already submitted to the proceedings), the Director of the Company and the directors of that "news on the proper use of the facilities owned by the Company, especially the student's home. To note the Chief Executives of the various sectors and dell'ADSU respond by informing the regularity of the works performed and to satisfy the same rules. "
And then:
"On 09/05/2006, prot. No 3220, Arch. Pietro Sebastiani, Director of Technical Services in response to the note 3169 of 5/8/2006, declares that the work performed in the student's home consisted in "full recovery of the property" and they had remedied to the "extreme precariousness of the same from a structural standpoint." In this last respect, it is necessary to emphasize that it erred in giving the PM CT Arch. Pietro Sebastiani authorship of the letter prot. No 3220 May 9, 2006 signed, indeed, by the Administrative Director of Dr. Luca Valente.
Individually, once again, in no account shall be taken by the PM explained the arguments from his own CT
It should also clarify that, contrary to the assertions of the page PM CT. 1280 of its elaborate expert, at the time was entered into contratto di appalto per l’affidamento dei lavori di restauro e risanamento conservativo dell’immobile della Casa dello Studente e degli uffici dell’A.D.S.U. (c.d. II Stralcio - Variante), risalente agli anni 2003-2004, Luca D’Innocenzo non era il Presidente dell’A.D.S.U., essendo stato nominato, come già più volte sottolineato, solo alla data del 26 aprile 2006.
La accorta lettura degli atti delle indagini preliminari ha ulteriormente evidenziato che in nessun verbale di sommarie informazioni emergono presunti allarmi riferiti dagli inquilini e/o dallo stesso personale amministrativo della Casa dello Studente a Luca D’Innocenzo, quale Presidente dell’A.D.S.U. Sicché, anche In this respect, it is clear that there was no element of any liability to Luca D'Innocenzo.
In contrast, the appalesa in all its stark contrast to the way the PM's agenda since he decided not to submit to the investigations and the Presidents of the political bodies that have taken place at the top dell'ADSU at various times of executing the work (by successive 1999 to 2004), the subject of repeated complaints expert. Systematic and logical consistency would have liked, the route of choice not to submit to critical scrutiny the actions of those vertices (more directly affected by the outcome of the preliminary investigation), that option was recorded a fortiori against Luca D'Innocenzo, who took over in historic times far from the realization of that work.
And in the nod ahead, it will not be superfluous to point out, in terms of legislation, that following the renewal of the political leadership of the Abruzzo Region, from January 18, 2009 Luca D'Innocenzo, as President of Company-owned regional operating under prorogatio in obedience to the law approved by decision of the Abruzzo Region No 6 / 1, 29 July 2005 (regulation of so-called spoils system), whose art. 1, paragraph 3 states that: "Within forty-five days after the forfeiture, the competent organs of political direction shall, in accordance with the procedures industry, the recovery of bodies decayed under the previous paragraph, unless after confirmation.
In the period between the date of forfeiture and the settlement of the successors, decayed bodies remain in office under the extension and their powers are limited to the adoption of acts of ordinary administration, as well as urgent and can not be postponed acts with specific indication of the reasons for urgency and indifferibilità, with the exception of members of the boards of subsidiaries and controlled by the Region. " Powers, as already mentioned, were and are always related to the exclusive sphere of political work of the Company, excluding tassativa di tutte le attività di gestione riservate per competenza al Direttore e ai vari dirigenti delle aree funzionali.
Alla stregua di quanto sopra evidenziato, appare inconfutabile l’applicazione, nel caso che ci occupa, della regola di giudizio consacrata nell’art. 125 Disp. att. C.p.p. secondo cui “Il Pubblico Ministero presenta al giudice la richiesta di archiviazione quando ritiene l’infondatezza della notizia di reato perché gli elementi acquisiti nel corso delle indagini preliminari non sono idonei a sostenere l’accusa in giudizio”.
Concluse le indagini preliminari, Therefore, the PM must ask the store whenever the analysis of research results suggests that the picture would be evidence against the accused in the case of trial, or contradictory, however, insufficient to allow a decision of a condemnation.
To Article. 125 Avail. att. CPP has introduced a rule of court which takes as parameter the quantum of evidence necessary to support the charge, so that is excluded from prosecution whenever the PM do you rate it can not meet the burden of proof on him burden (see Cass. pen., June 22, 1990).
That said, there are those who do not veda come siano assolutamente inesistenti elementi tali da poter ragionevolmente sostenere profili di addebitabilità delle condotte criminose contestate a Luca D’Innocenzo, nella qualità di Presidente dell’A.D.S.U., la cui posizione dovrà essere necessariamente stralciata e trasfusa all’interno di una doverosa richiesta di archiviazione su cui si insiste sollecitando i poteri istituzionali e la scrupolosa attenzione del P.M. titolare delle indagini.
Con osservanza
L’Aquila, 5 febbraio 2010
Avv. Fabio Alessandroni Avv. Fausto Corti
Ad integrazione dell’interrogatorio richiesto in data 15 gennaio 2010, integralmente richiamate le argomentazioni difensive già offerte nell’interrogatorio espletato in data 5 novembre 2009, nell’interesse di D’INNOCENZO Luca, persona sottoposta alle indagini nel procedimento penale indicato in epigrafe, i sottoscritti difensori di fiducia Avv.ti Fabio Alessandroni e Fausto Corti, entrambi del Foro di L’Aquila, evidenziano quanto in appresso.
Come già posto in risalto nella consulenza tecnica disposta con ordinanza del P.M. in data 20 aprile 2009 ed effettuata dall’Arch. Margherita Aledda (pagg. 1267 ss. fascicolo delle indagini preliminari), la Legge Regione Abruzzo 14 settembre 1999, n. 77 (“Norme in materia di organizzazione e rapporti di lavoro della Regione Abruzzo”) è stepped in to redefine the functions and duties of governing bodies, establishing, in particular, with the art. 3 ("Policy of organization") that "The regional organizations, including the Public Companies set up for the final performance of functions or instrumental, is guided by the following criteria:
a.distinzione of powers and responsibilities of the governing bodies political leadership from those attributed to the leaders .... "
And yet the first paragraph of that article states unequivocally that: "The body of political leadership can not revoke, alter, restrict or claim for itself measures and acts within the competence of the leaders ...." Of the available evidence, therefore, the absolute strangeness of Luca D'Innocenzo, President of the Company for the right to higher education by April 26, 2006, he moved to the charges, the same can not intervene, an absolute art. 3 Law 77/99, in what were (and are) the sole responsibility of the management functions of the company. Surprise and indignation, then, that although the PM has the same Technical Consultant D'Innocenzo expressly excluded from the list of those allegedly responsible for unlawful conduct and / or illegal (p. 1287, 1306, 1326), he continues to be investigated for facts and circumstances entirely foreign to him.
The CT of the PM stressed the proper operation of D'Innocenzo not only from a purely regulatory, at both regional and national with the already known "Consolidation of Local Authorities, but also and in fact in reference to 'activity immediately after his inauguration. In fact, mentioned in the CT, giving a discharge to the D'Innocenzo that on May 8, 2006 (and thus 11 days after his appointment as President dell'ADSU "or legal representative, who, in accordance with the provisions Articles. LR 3 and 4 of No. 77/99 held political activities address: see page. 1285), he had to ask, with known prot. 3169 (already submitted to the proceedings), the Director of the Company and the directors of that "news on the proper use of the facilities owned by the Company, especially the student's home. To note the Chief Executives of the various sectors and dell'ADSU respond by informing the regularity of the works performed and to satisfy the same rules. "
And then:
"On 09/05/2006, prot. No 3220, Arch. Pietro Sebastiani, Director of Technical Services in response to the note 3169 of 5/8/2006, declares that the work performed in the student's home consisted in "full recovery of the property" and they had remedied to the "extreme precariousness of the same from a structural standpoint." In this last respect, it is necessary to emphasize that it erred in giving the PM CT Arch. Pietro Sebastiani authorship of the letter prot. No 3220 May 9, 2006 signed, indeed, by the Administrative Director of Dr. Luca Valente.
Individually, once again, in no account shall be taken by the PM explained the arguments from his own CT
It should also clarify that, contrary to the assertions of the page PM CT. 1280 of its elaborate expert, at the time was entered into contratto di appalto per l’affidamento dei lavori di restauro e risanamento conservativo dell’immobile della Casa dello Studente e degli uffici dell’A.D.S.U. (c.d. II Stralcio - Variante), risalente agli anni 2003-2004, Luca D’Innocenzo non era il Presidente dell’A.D.S.U., essendo stato nominato, come già più volte sottolineato, solo alla data del 26 aprile 2006.
La accorta lettura degli atti delle indagini preliminari ha ulteriormente evidenziato che in nessun verbale di sommarie informazioni emergono presunti allarmi riferiti dagli inquilini e/o dallo stesso personale amministrativo della Casa dello Studente a Luca D’Innocenzo, quale Presidente dell’A.D.S.U. Sicché, anche In this respect, it is clear that there was no element of any liability to Luca D'Innocenzo.
In contrast, the appalesa in all its stark contrast to the way the PM's agenda since he decided not to submit to the investigations and the Presidents of the political bodies that have taken place at the top dell'ADSU at various times of executing the work (by successive 1999 to 2004), the subject of repeated complaints expert. Systematic and logical consistency would have liked, the route of choice not to submit to critical scrutiny the actions of those vertices (more directly affected by the outcome of the preliminary investigation), that option was recorded a fortiori against Luca D'Innocenzo, who took over in historic times far from the realization of that work.
And in the nod ahead, it will not be superfluous to point out, in terms of legislation, that following the renewal of the political leadership of the Abruzzo Region, from January 18, 2009 Luca D'Innocenzo, as President of Company-owned regional operating under prorogatio in obedience to the law approved by decision of the Abruzzo Region No 6 / 1, 29 July 2005 (regulation of so-called spoils system), whose art. 1, paragraph 3 states that: "Within forty-five days after the forfeiture, the competent organs of political direction shall, in accordance with the procedures industry, the recovery of bodies decayed under the previous paragraph, unless after confirmation.
In the period between the date of forfeiture and the settlement of the successors, decayed bodies remain in office under the extension and their powers are limited to the adoption of acts of ordinary administration, as well as urgent and can not be postponed acts with specific indication of the reasons for urgency and indifferibilità, with the exception of members of the boards of subsidiaries and controlled by the Region. " Powers, as already mentioned, were and are always related to the exclusive sphere of political work of the Company, excluding tassativa di tutte le attività di gestione riservate per competenza al Direttore e ai vari dirigenti delle aree funzionali.
Alla stregua di quanto sopra evidenziato, appare inconfutabile l’applicazione, nel caso che ci occupa, della regola di giudizio consacrata nell’art. 125 Disp. att. C.p.p. secondo cui “Il Pubblico Ministero presenta al giudice la richiesta di archiviazione quando ritiene l’infondatezza della notizia di reato perché gli elementi acquisiti nel corso delle indagini preliminari non sono idonei a sostenere l’accusa in giudizio”.
Concluse le indagini preliminari, Therefore, the PM must ask the store whenever the analysis of research results suggests that the picture would be evidence against the accused in the case of trial, or contradictory, however, insufficient to allow a decision of a condemnation.
To Article. 125 Avail. att. CPP has introduced a rule of court which takes as parameter the quantum of evidence necessary to support the charge, so that is excluded from prosecution whenever the PM do you rate it can not meet the burden of proof on him burden (see Cass. pen., June 22, 1990).
That said, there are those who do not veda come siano assolutamente inesistenti elementi tali da poter ragionevolmente sostenere profili di addebitabilità delle condotte criminose contestate a Luca D’Innocenzo, nella qualità di Presidente dell’A.D.S.U., la cui posizione dovrà essere necessariamente stralciata e trasfusa all’interno di una doverosa richiesta di archiviazione su cui si insiste sollecitando i poteri istituzionali e la scrupolosa attenzione del P.M. titolare delle indagini.
Con osservanza
L’Aquila, 5 febbraio 2010
Avv. Fabio Alessandroni Avv. Fausto Corti
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