E' fatta...
con una bella prova i ragazzi di mister Messicano hanno conquistato il posto d'onore aggiudicandosi la finalina con il risultato di 3 a 2.
Avversario di turno la tenace formazione del Benevento United which held in check throughout the race, the more training listed on the Revisions Lombardi.
The end result and the subsequent conquest of the trophy would suggest a race carried out without too much trouble from the Pistons, but to tell the truth we must say that was not true.
The two teams face off for the first time ever and were returning from the closed two rounds in second place.
blue orange I had in this race is rearranged in the department especially offensive to lump-sum payments influenced Micco, D'Ambrosio due to unexpected commitments, and the War of health problems related to the father Aldo resident in hospital.
In this regard I want to do to dear Aldo my most sincere wishes for a recovery well prepared as I am bound to him by past director of rugby, Aldo we are all going great with you, these cards are of course all the associated Track team Lombardi.
Now, after the duties War senior wishes to go back to relive the moments of this thrilling match.
We have already mentioned in attack against the defections, however, there were three important beginning for the conduct of the match itself and are, respectively, those of Mexican Andrea younger brother of the coach, of Danilo Masotti used to defend the posts the LRC both had already pulled down the pitch with the AWS and glorious debut ever in a race official Andrea Velardi son of the manager.
The race was for quite some time since the balanced training in the field have been studied for a long time, then suddenly the game is released and the Benevento United took the lead unexpectedly.
Then there are the guys LCR and received almost immediately to tie with a razor Raffio that this race is used in the unusual leadership.
At the end of time, however, the United Benevento go in the advantage for a gross error check dello sfortunato Rapuano che nel tentativo di far partire un'azione di rimessa per i suoi perde incautamente la sfera a centrocampo facendo così ripartire gli avversari che vanno alla conclusione, 2 a 1 e fine del tempo.
Si ritorna in campo e la partita cambia perché sono i Pistons che la fanno cambiare, massicci sono gli attacchi che i blu orange portano alla porta avversaria senza sortire alcun effetto.
In questo frangente esordisce Velardi Andrea che visibilmente emozionato all'ingresso in campo commette un fallo di gioco (senza cattiveria) che poteva anche essere sanzionato poi l'emozione svanisce complice il ritmo della gara e con buone giocate da una efficace mano al reparto defensive repeatedly unravel the tangle.
drumming With this trend will reach the end of the game, the Pistons are in a network, the referee called two minutes of recovery at this point when everything is a hopeful sign that defeat here, like a bolt from the blue peaceful, like a hurricane sprang from nothing comes first and then the thrust of the final man of providence, the phenomenon of Raffio angel with two peremptory conclusions gives the victory, suffered a victory, a victory sought, desired, perhaps unexpected for this even more beautiful.
Now the tournament is finished the revisions Lombardi draws up the first reports that say that the team is healthy is charged, and soon will begin the championship which we are all waiting for this event so important we are all ready but there is only a small grain to be resolved and it is not trivial, we need a goalkeeper, yes, the good Mazzacane well that stood out in the memorial can not secure your valuable presence to the league for the well-known university commitments and then urge a goalkeeper.
This is what emerges at the end of this tournament, now we must roll up our sleeves and provide an element Mexican coach worthy of the name who can give the right contribution to the cause of the Pistons.
Concluding I want to refer to people who have not appeared on the front lines have also contributed to their success, and are primarily the Director-General Danilo Errico, with his perseverance and love for this game has allowed the assistance of the president Luca Lombardi all this, and Captain historical Dell'Oste Vincent, an injury that could not contribute to the cause but that was always close to the team, so excuse me if I forgot someone.
Let me say a few words on behalf of the team and the leadership of all for his friend Danilo War, as done for the good wishes for a speedy recovery for the father Aldo, it seems right and duty to formulate on behalf of all of us the most heartfelt and sincere condolences for the passing of the beloved grandmother.
whole team gathers around his friend Danilo manifest all possible solidarity.
The manager
Velardi Tullio