Il Teatro Comunale di Bologna
The Teatro Comunale di Bologna was built on a design by Antonio Bibiena between 1756 and 1763 the area facing the current Green Square, where once stood the Palace of Bentivoglio.
Bibiena Antonio had taken over the work supported by the master builder Michael Galletti. They were raising the walls when Galletti Bibiena challenged the safety of the plant. The issue was not just Bibiena and was asked to explain and justify the reasons for its peremptory opposition. Delay work but could not find a solution, the assumptions of the Chamber to ask Bibiena then resolved to build a model of the elevation of the plant and so would be subject to public scrutiny of the public. The most influential citizens were seen personally involved and unleashed a fierce and lively debate. Intervened against Bibiena leading architects such as Bologna Dotti, Torreggiani and scientists such as Gabriel Manfredi and Eustachio Zanotti. The temperature of the controversy is given by the witness of the Venetian Francesco Algarotti writer who left an essay contest on which to print all of the design choices Bibiena most notably: the decision to build in the pit wall (because fire-resistant), rather than in wood and the design of the bell-shaped plant. Bibiena is forced to modify the original project, not least the economic reasons that allowed him to achieve the same wealth of ornate the original wood that is still preserved today in the central foyer of the theater. The development of the current project had to be very laborious in fact been preserved and published in print and other processing intermediates and closer to the final result. Reduced the proscenium, the boxes were different in only two types, the bell curve much less pronounced.
The opening of the Theatre, which was funded by the prospectus and the Bolognese Senate Vativano, occurred May 14, 1763 with the unpublished work of the Triumph Clelia libretto by Pietro Metastasio and set to music by Gluck, with the presentation made by Bibiena same but rushed and reduced to its essentials. Despite the failure to carry out innumerable parts dell'edificio e di locali di servizio, il Teatro Comunale può considerarsi la realizzazione teatrale più importante di Antonio Bibiena anche se per molti anni dopo l'apertura rappresentò quasi esclusivamente spettacoli di prosa e veglioni di carnevale.
In occasione dell'inaugurazione del nuovo Teatro Corso nel 1805, si volle rilanciare l'immagine del Teatro Comunale rinnovando le ormai vetuste tecnologie.
Il macchinista Ferrari costruì un argano per l'innalzamento della platea da usarsi per ampliare lo spazio del palcoscenico in occasione di feste, ancora oggi
in perfetto funzonamento se le tubature dell'impianto antincendio non ne impedissero il movimento.
Nel 1818-20 l'architetto comunale Giuseppe Tubertini worked the first major restoration. It was built when the perimeter of the auditorium, decorated with painted
by Mauro Beri, who pretended, following the Bibiena, an architectural solution in which, however, changed with the design, the dress designer Peter Fancelli
painted allegories of Music, Poetry, Painting and History . It abolished the frame that ran to the top of the hall and the proscenium entablature;
the joint surface was mitigated by adjustment of the state of the parapets of the boxes, as the underlying support frames, also changed
forms of shelves and in its ornate arches of the boxes themselves that they had to stem the balustrades with flared collar of foliage. In
proscenium of Corinthian pilasters topped by lintels, took the place of the columns bibienesche. The structure at the junction between the curved walls
audience and the proscenium was eliminated as two niches with the statues of Music and Poetry of Antonio Schiavi.
About thirty years later in 1853-54, Charles Parmer said in lacunar proscenium four shelves, the shelves were several changes of
third tier of boxes and the cornice of the gallery. The ceiling of the auditorium was painted by Joseph Badillo and Antonio Muzzi. In the same year with Luigi Luigi
Samoggia Busi ridipinsero again the ceiling of the auditorium with a decoration in keeping with the gates of Atri, the chiaroscuro and chandeliers
che furono ridisegnati in stile pseudo-settecentesco perchè si adattassero allo stile generale del teatro.
Un grave incendio distrusse nel 1931 il palcoscenico e il sipario di Angiolini. L'anno successivo, Armando Villa ricostruì l'attuale palcoscenico. Finalmente
nel 1935-36 l'architetto Umberto Ricci completò la facciata, rimasta sempre incompiuta, nelle forme attuali.
Il 23 giugno 1980 il teatro venne dichiarato inagibile e chiuso al pubblico, a causa dei legni, posti specialmente sotto il pavimento del loggione, del
quarto e del quinto ordine, corrosi gravemente dai tarli. La sovrapposizione di restauri non sempre esemplari (le strutture aggiunte avevano creato
instabilità in alcuni palchi) e l'acustica della sala furono due questioni che resero complesso l'intervento di ripristino. I lavori proseguirono a ritmo
intensissimo per evitare che il teatro restasse chiuso per più tempo del previsto. L'anno successivo all'inaugurazione vennero ultimati i lavori più
importanti e che non richiedevano la chiusura dell'edificio. Si consolidarono i solai, si ripristinarono la volta della sala e del sottotetto, fu ripassato
il coperto, furono rifatti i pavimenti, gli intonaci e si realizzarono gli impianti di sicurezza a norma di legge. Le strutture in legno furono trattate
contro le infestazioni, furono restaurati la maggior parte dei dipinti e dei decori e infine migliorati le condizioni dei servizi. Il 5 dicembre 1981 si
the curtain reopened with a performance of Aida by Giuseppe Verdi.
Historical research by the Fondazione Teatro Comunale di Bologna. Photo
Lorenzo G.
Teatro Comunale di Bologna
Monday, April 27, 2009
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Free Swing Set Blueprints
Quando è necessaria la sorveglianza sanitaria
Health surveillance governed by art. 41 of Legislative Decree no. 81/08 is made by a qualified doctor and is one of the obligations to which every employee must undergo.
A worker exposed to certain risks, which we discuss below, may apply to be visited by the MC (company doctor) who will consider the request made by the worker actually is related to occupational hazards.
That's when you need health surveillance:
exposure to noise (hearing loss, also known as deafness, is in first place among the occupational diseases);
exposure to vibration;
Exposure to electromagnetic fields, chemicals, mutagenic and carcinogenic, asbestos, biological agents;
VDU Workers (among them we must evaluate the exposure time of the enclosure to the lights when they exceed twenty hours per week of exposure);
Manual handling of loads (damage to the musculo-skeletal the second most common occupational diseases);
disergonomiche Other conditions such as overload of tasks involving the upper limbs;
Altre normative specifiche quali quelle riguardanti il lavoro notturno, l'esposizione al silice e l'esposizione alle radiazioni ionizzanti.
Cosa succede se il MC esprime parere di inidoneità del lavoratore alla sua mansione specifica?
Il datore di lavoro (che ricordiamo è il sovrintendente delle fondazioni lirico sinfoniche o il direttore dei teatri) attua le misure indicate dal medico competente e, qualora le stesse prevedano un'inidoneità alla mansione specifica, adibisce il lavoratore, ove possibile (e questo rappresenta un punto poco chiaro a mio avviso e comunque molto spesso richiede una valutazione di un giudice), ad altra mansione compatibile con il suo stato di salute (art. 42). Il lavoratore che is used to lower duties without loss of pay corresponding to the tasks previously undertaken, as well as the original title. If the worker is employed in work that meet or exceed the rules of Article. 2103 cc, except as provided by art. 52 of Legislative Decree no. March 30, 2001, No 165. The inability
can be judged, even partial or temporary requirements or limitations. In this case, they must state the temporary limits of validity.
An employee who does not agree with the opinions of the doctor concerned can appeal. This appeal must be filed within thirty days from the date of communication of
same opinion, to the supervisory jurisdiction of local that has, after additional investigation, confirmation, modification or revocation of the same opinion.
remember that the medical examinations may not be carried out during preassuntiva, to ensure pregnant and, anyway, otherwise prohibited by law. I've heard here that the current center-right government is considering to act on this provision. We will see what will happen in the near future.
Health surveillance governed by art. 41 of Legislative Decree no. 81/08 is made by a qualified doctor and is one of the obligations to which every employee must undergo.
A worker exposed to certain risks, which we discuss below, may apply to be visited by the MC (company doctor) who will consider the request made by the worker actually is related to occupational hazards.
That's when you need health surveillance:
exposure to noise (hearing loss, also known as deafness, is in first place among the occupational diseases);
exposure to vibration;
Exposure to electromagnetic fields, chemicals, mutagenic and carcinogenic, asbestos, biological agents;
VDU Workers (among them we must evaluate the exposure time of the enclosure to the lights when they exceed twenty hours per week of exposure);
Manual handling of loads (damage to the musculo-skeletal the second most common occupational diseases);
disergonomiche Other conditions such as overload of tasks involving the upper limbs;
Altre normative specifiche quali quelle riguardanti il lavoro notturno, l'esposizione al silice e l'esposizione alle radiazioni ionizzanti.
Cosa succede se il MC esprime parere di inidoneità del lavoratore alla sua mansione specifica?
Il datore di lavoro (che ricordiamo è il sovrintendente delle fondazioni lirico sinfoniche o il direttore dei teatri) attua le misure indicate dal medico competente e, qualora le stesse prevedano un'inidoneità alla mansione specifica, adibisce il lavoratore, ove possibile (e questo rappresenta un punto poco chiaro a mio avviso e comunque molto spesso richiede una valutazione di un giudice), ad altra mansione compatibile con il suo stato di salute (art. 42). Il lavoratore che is used to lower duties without loss of pay corresponding to the tasks previously undertaken, as well as the original title. If the worker is employed in work that meet or exceed the rules of Article. 2103 cc, except as provided by art. 52 of Legislative Decree no. March 30, 2001, No 165. The inability
can be judged, even partial or temporary requirements or limitations. In this case, they must state the temporary limits of validity.
An employee who does not agree with the opinions of the doctor concerned can appeal. This appeal must be filed within thirty days from the date of communication of
same opinion, to the supervisory jurisdiction of local that has, after additional investigation, confirmation, modification or revocation of the same opinion.
remember that the medical examinations may not be carried out during preassuntiva, to ensure pregnant and, anyway, otherwise prohibited by law. I've heard here that the current center-right government is considering to act on this provision. We will see what will happen in the near future.
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