Health surveillance governed by art. 41 of Legislative Decree no. 81/08 is made by a qualified doctor and is one of the obligations to which every employee must undergo.
A worker exposed to certain risks, which we discuss below, may apply to be visited by the MC (company doctor) who will consider the request made by the worker actually is related to occupational hazards.
That's when you need health surveillance:
exposure to noise (hearing loss, also known as deafness, is in first place among the occupational diseases);
exposure to vibration;
Exposure to electromagnetic fields, chemicals, mutagenic and carcinogenic, asbestos, biological agents;
VDU Workers (among them we must evaluate the exposure time of the enclosure to the lights when they exceed twenty hours per week of exposure);
Manual handling of loads (damage to the musculo-skeletal the second most common occupational diseases);
disergonomiche Other conditions such as overload of tasks involving the upper limbs;
Altre normative specifiche quali quelle riguardanti il lavoro notturno, l'esposizione al silice e l'esposizione alle radiazioni ionizzanti.
Cosa succede se il MC esprime parere di inidoneità del lavoratore alla sua mansione specifica?
Il datore di lavoro (che ricordiamo è il sovrintendente delle fondazioni lirico sinfoniche o il direttore dei teatri) attua le misure indicate dal medico competente e, qualora le stesse prevedano un'inidoneità alla mansione specifica, adibisce il lavoratore, ove possibile (e questo rappresenta un punto poco chiaro a mio avviso e comunque molto spesso richiede una valutazione di un giudice), ad altra mansione compatibile con il suo stato di salute (art. 42). Il lavoratore che is used to lower duties without loss of pay corresponding to the tasks previously undertaken, as well as the original title. If the worker is employed in work that meet or exceed the rules of Article. 2103 cc, except as provided by art. 52 of Legislative Decree no. March 30, 2001, No 165. The inability
can be judged, even partial or temporary requirements or limitations. In this case, they must state the temporary limits of validity.
An employee who does not agree with the opinions of the doctor concerned can appeal. This appeal must be filed within thirty days from the date of communication of
same opinion, to the supervisory jurisdiction of local that has, after additional investigation, confirmation, modification or revocation of the same opinion.
remember that the medical examinations may not be carried out during preassuntiva, to ensure pregnant and, anyway, otherwise prohibited by law. I've heard here that the current center-right government is considering to act on this provision. We will see what will happen in the near future.
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