publish an information leaflet which would open a discussion and start a better understanding on how to address this issue.
Alcoholism mine man. It makes him unable to consciously live their lives
- J. London
Work safely without alcohol
always been in the Western classical culture and the habit of drinking alcohol has never been viewed with negativity. Think of the mythology (the god of wine Bacchus) and our habits, to which the idea of \u200b\u200bconviviality and celebration often associated with the consumption of alcohol almost obligatory.
This consumption can, however, adversely affect the health of people, and in particular workers, representing a significant risk to third parties, because alcohol may expose you to risks of accidents or injuries as a result of even a single casual episode of consumption.
reiterate that it is not necessary be alcoholics (ie have a life compromised by an urgent need to take alcohol accompanied by increased tolerance to alcohol or signs of withdrawal) to be a potential danger to himself and others, just occasional abuse!
Alcohol interferes with the metabolism of drugs and chemicals in the liver and can 'dangerously changing the concentration of the drugs themselves.
If you take drugs is not recommended intake of alcohol and however it is useful to discuss this with your family doctor. And
'special caution if you have: heart disease
hypertension diabetes and other metabolic disorders disorders
psychological and psychiatric treatment with sedatives, tranquilizers, etc. ....
I find that alcohol, taken in proper doses, cause all the symptoms of drunkenness
° W. Wilde
The metabolism of alcohol
What happens to an alcoholic drink in our body?
° is absorbed within 20 minutes after the stretch of the intestine nearest the stomach (proximal). The simultaneous ingestion of food slows the absorption.
· It spreads easily overcoming the blood-brain barrier (goes to the brain!) And placental (pregnant women, health-conscious of your children!)
• In the liver alcohol is transformed with a speed proportional to the weight of the subject and the liver weight and form of substances which are endogenous opioids, which is why drinking can 'become like a drug!
Finally, the alcohol is eliminated, but if the dose taken previously has not been deleted it has storage!
What is alcohol?
It 's the concentration of alcohol in the blood.
's blood alcohol content of each individual depends on several factors:
sex (the female is more' sensitive)
age (most at risk are children and elderly)
method of consumption (fasting favors adsorption) from the gradation
the type of alcoholic beverage (those frizzanti sono assorbite piu' facilmente )
Dopo l'ingestione di sostanze alcoliche , l'alcolemia cresce e raggiunge il picco massimo dopo un'ora, se si è a stomaco pieno, o dopo mezz'ora, se si è a digiuno.
Come agisce l'alcol?
Effetti acuti
Modifiche psicologiche (affettive, cognitive, comportamentali)
fenomeni di adattamento dell'organismo (come i derivati dell'oppio!)
effetto simile alla dopamina, prodotta dal nostro organismo (che induce piacere!) inducendoci a consumare quantità sempre maggiori. eccitazione
diminuzione della capacità di concentrarsi
perdita dell'autocontrollo e dell'equilibrio psicomotorio
impaired ability to judge
change in sensory capacity, (slowing of reaction time, dulling the perception of sound)
motor disorders (with precarious balance and difficulty picking up items), sphincter incontinence
disorders of the CNS ( to coma!)
less ability to perceive the danger
The very well known Saturday night
are a sad example of this!
withdrawal symptoms
increase the level of urea and triglycerides in the blood acid-base alteration
depression of the immune system (increased susceptibility to infection)
reduction of the visual field
risk pregnancies fetal malformations, fetal alcohol syndrome (even the fetus becomes an alcoholic!)
But what is the withdrawal syndrome?
E 'a set of symptoms that appear within 6-12 hours after intake and may last several days with the appearance of:
anxiety, agitation, insomnia after 6 hours, 24 hours after
hallucinations, convulsions after 48
delirium tremens, hypotension, tachycardia, motor incoordination after 2-3 days.
Here's the problem drinkers, I thought, pouring a drink.
If something bad happens you drink to forget;
if something good happens you drink to celebrate;
if nothing happens you drink to make something happen
How much alcohol is in a glass?
For approximation we can calculate that every glass of alcoholic beverage contains 12 g. of pure alcohol, which we call standard alcohol units, and a can of beer (330 ml.) or a glass of wine (125 ml.), an alcoholic drink (80 ml.) or a glass of spirits (10 ml.) match each to a unit of alcohol.
The BAC is the concentration of alcohol in the blood is measured in g / l grams per liter.
A minimum intake of alcohol can also impair the efficiency of psychophysical a person. The risk is zero if only if you do not consume alcohol, is considered a low risk of alcohol-related disease, a daily amount of alcohol taken with food, which does not exceed 2-3 units of alcohol for men and 1-2 units for women.

remember editing the new Highway Code Art.186 (maximum permissible blood-alcohol 0.5g / l) .
With the Law No. 125 July 24, 2008 have been further tightened the sanctions earlier
1) blood alcohol content between 0.5 and 0.8 g / l: 500 to 2000 € fine, license suspension for 3-6 months, less than 10 points off the license
2) blood alcohol content between 0.8 and 1.5 g / l fine from 800 to € 3200, decurtazone 10 points from the same suspension of license for 6 to 12 months imprisonment for up to six months.
3) blood alcohol concentration exceeding 1.5 g / l fine from € 1500 to 6000, less than 10 points from the same suspension of license for 1 to 2 years imprisonment of 6 to 12 months, confiscation of the vehicle.
In case of accident, the punishment shall be doubled and applied the vehicle impounded for 90 days, if not already provided for the confiscation.
In case of refusal to submit to alcohol concentration test: a fine from 1500 to 6000 €, license suspension from 6 months to 2 years (revocation for repeat offenders), shutdown from 3 to 12 months, confiscation of the vehicle.
Alcohol, drugs and drug
Alcohol should not be taken concurrently with therapies:
· Psychotropic drugs: alcohol potentiates the effects and this can 'be dangerous in situations where the level of attention should be high
· Antiepileptics: alcohol decreases the effect with the risk of seizures
· injectable antibiotics: risk of adverse reactions and consequent cardiovascular collapse
· Antihistamines: whose side effect of drowsiness
L 'taken with alcohol drugs (hashish, amphetamines, cocaine, ecstasy, heroin, etc.) causes severe mental changes with unpredictable and very dangerous.
Alcohol is a precious liquid:
preserves everything except secrets
(Cary Grant)
Alcohol and work
It is estimated that at least 10% of accidents are alcohol related (WHO data) and absences from work of alcoholics are 3-4 times higher than other workers with a high social cost.
Alcohol also can 'interact with compounds that are found in different production cycles, we show here is an illustrative table
With the continued abuse of beverages alcoholic, you gradually lose their capacity to work (after 7 years of alcoholism, it is estimated a loss of 15% of capacity) and having problems with family, need for outside help.
Some situations may facilitate the consumption of alcohol:
activities involving physical exertion;
activities in environmental conditions that increase thirst
activities that involve frequent situations Entertainment (sales representatives)
availability of alcoholic beverages at work
responsibility too pressing or otherwise work "empty",
pressure from fellow workers use of alcohol
absence of controls and sanctions
activity at low temperatures
And the law does it say?
Article. 15 of Law N ° 30 March 2001 (Framework Law on alcohol problems and related work) enshrines the ban on feeding and intake of alcohol during certain work activities
The Doctor or Doctors of the Work of Prevention Services and Security with supervisory functions have the possibility of carrying out alcohol concentration at the workplace where they carry out activities that risk to the safety of themselves or others
IMPORTANT: The law considers all alcoholic drinks above 1.2 degrees alcohol and then the so called "free beer"
The Order of March 16, 2006 the State-Regions Conference has made implementing the Act 125 of 2001 promulgating a list of activities that pose a high risk of workplace accidents or safety , safety or health of third parties, which is made mandatory prohibition of alcoholic drinks and spirits.
Included among these:
conductors, drivers, handlers and employees to trade in vehicles with tracks, rails
workers to lifting equipment, except for operators to bridge cranes with pendant ground
medical staff medical room
Conductors transportation road, rail, waterways, air including truck and tractor drivers, test track and road transporters
construction jobs
controllers hazardous installations (heating plants, boilers, etc.)
workers who perform activities involving the potential use of firearms
working quarry and mine workers
to work at heights (over two meters)
security guards, in general all activities involving very high levels of attention and vigilance (including people in custody and surveillance)
workers in cement kilns and chemical industry workers
dangerous tasks that require a certificate of competency
(conductors of steam generators)
E 'clear, however, that there is no type of work compatible with the use of alcohol or other drugs, both as regards the risk of injury to both the negative effect on quality of work, on productivity, the ability to relate and cooperate with others.
The Leg. 81/08 provides (Article 41 paragraph 4) that health surveillance is also aimed at verifying the conditions of employment of alcohol dependence and psychotropic substances and narcotic drugs in the cases provided by law.
In case of acute alcohol abuse or suspected, the physician responsible shall give feedback to the duties of temporary unfitness at risk for themselves or others. The release is subject to the revaluation of the company doctor.
for the prevention and detection of chronic alcohol abuse in tasks / activities provided by the law is prescribed, regular health checks (blood tests specific and specialist visits).
In the case of detection of alcohol abuse, is given negative opinion to the tasks at risk by the physician in charge, inviting the employee to report to the SERT of residence. The release of the workers at risk could be made only after presentation of certificate of service stating that the absence of alcohol dependence or detoxification of happened.
Workers suffering from alcohol-related seeking access to treatment programs of rehabilitation and recovery are protected by Presidential Decree No. 9 October 1990 309, which provides for the granting of leave without pay to retain the post of up to 3 years.
Measurement methods available
· Saliva alcohol testing
· Measure alveolar air
· Ethanol blood
Already after 6 hours you can not find high levels of alcohol in the body, those findings are therefore unnecessary during regular medical visits.
chronic abuse - alcohol dependence
· Increasing the volume of red blood cells (globular volume RBC)
· Increased transaminases (particularly AST)
· Increased triglyceride and uric acid (in the old drinkers)
· Range - GT: sensitive but nonspecific indicator, as influenced by other variables: drugs, contraceptives , antirheumatic, pathological situations such as steatosis, biliary obstruction, hepatitis, etc. ...
· Dosage blood of CDT (transferrin decarboidrata): specific indicator of alcohol abuse but relatively significant, which reflects the consumption of alcohol in the last 14-15 days, the 'intake of 50-80 g / day will result in an increase.
may still be affected by iron deficiency, pregnancy and in the case or biliary cirrhosis of liver tumors. TOLL FREE NUMBERS
· Alcoltel assistance on Alcoholism 800,010,566
· OSSFAD - ISS, Observatory Alcohol 800 63 2000 (Monday to Friday 10:00 to 16:00)
· Telephone Listening 800 010 886 (Monday to Friday 15:30 -22.00)
"Work safely without alcohol" - National Health Service - Emilia (Italian Society of Alcohology)
http : / / / dati.htm (epidemiological Addiction Centre) Piedmont
"Problems alcol correlati” –ASOU S. Giovanni Battista di Torino ( a cura della dott.ssa A. Spigo –S.C. Medicina del Lavoro)
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