How often we have seen, even on this Blog, le difficoltà nell'applicare le normative di sicurezza, soprattutto quando parliamo di teatri storici, sono sempre presenti. Sul versante dell'antincendio le difficoltà non sono minori anche in considerazione dell'elevato numero di spettatori presenti nonchè della presenza di ditte o lavoratori con contratti stagionali o professionali che non fanno parte degli organici fissi dei teatri. Questo lavoro ha l'intenzione di rendere nota l'esperienza, a mio avviso preziosissima, del Teatro della Fortuna di Fano che grazie alla presenza di una Direzione estremamente sensibile, supportata da Tecnici della Prevenzione appassionati e competenti, ha messo la diffusione della Cultura della Sicurezza al primo posto.
Vediamo, con un breve cenno storico, to understand the type of structure that represents the Teatro della Fortuna in Fano:
The current theater, which makes the old facade of the Palazzo del Podesta founded in 1299, was built by architect Luigi Poletti Modena between 1845 and 1863 replacing the famous ancient theater of the same name built by the famous designer Giacomo Torelli and stagecraft Fano between 1665 and 1677.
The theater was closed in 1839 and declared unfit for use later killed. Today's theater was heavily damaged during the Second World War (summer 1944) by the collapse of the adjacent civic tower and incendiary fell on the roof of the hall. Only After fifty-four years after its forced closure in the spring of 1988, the theater was reopened to the public after the long and complex restoration and renovation that have preserved the original appearance while renewing all facilities and technical equipment.
very beautiful and the neo-classical hall of the shows, about 595 seats, equipped with every comfort and decorated with exemplary refinement.
It has three tiers to projections of a humiliating withdrawal and capable in the gallery balcony.
from the second hall, climbing the stairs that develop on the two shorter sides and leading to the corridors of the boxes, we reach the foyer of the third order which also gives access to the renovated Green Room, a vast environment for a time to dance parties, concerts and conferences. Completely devastated by the collapse of the old tower, the restaurant has been completely renovated as a modern concert hall designed by architect Gianni Fabbri.
Poletti With the new theater, there was the complete triumph of the work before and romantic realist then remember the titles of the most famous Bellini and Donizetti, Giuseppe Verdi, the French Gounod, Bizet and Massenet, Catalani, Puccini, Mascagni , Leoncavallo, Cilea and Zandonai and also, in 1906, with the "Lohengrin" by Richard Wagner. Equally rich and varied programming in the field of prose with hundreds of dramas, comedies and farces of texts known and applauded, compresi i fanesi Cesare Rossi, Claudio Leigheb e Ruggero Ruggeri.
Poi il lungo silenzio dovuto alle ricordate distruzioni belliche del 1944 e, per finire, il decennio di varia e intensa attività seguita alla riapertura del 1998 culminato con la nascita della Fondazione Teatro della Fortuna.
- Il testo completo a cura di Franco Battistelli è visionabile al link
Entriamo adesso nel merito di questo lavoro e con l'aiuto del Dott. Ing. G. Uguccioni cerchiamo di capire in cosa consiste l'esperienza realizzata dal Teatro della Fortuna.
Il Dott. Ing. Uguccioni svolge dai primi mesi del 2000 il ruolo di RSPP ed ha elaborato tutta la documentazione richiesta first by Legislative Decree no. 626/94 and then by Legislative Decree no. 81/2008 no hiding the real difficulties encountered in applying this legislation a reality as complex as that of a theater, who lives in part of production as well as of their seasons in which they host in a traveling theater companies cultural and artistic programs defined by the Superintendent. I asked
Ing. Uguccioni to tell us about their experience:
"Our experience as professionals in the security industry has taught us that first we have to be the promoters of a culture that creates security and that our task is to create a strong feeling in principal regarding this matter.
My support has already begun at the restoration of the structural unit above, I followed the whole plant at project restructuring and retrofitting of plants with a structure of great historical and architectural merit with your foot until the obtainment of the CPI, the which marked the start of the operation of the theater as a place of public entertainment.
A particularly delicate issue is certainly related to the structure dell'antincendio especially since the renovation of the theater has not always allowed to apply strictly the rules fire fighting equipment, which is why a number of measures were planned to contain the risk of a procedural nature, related especially for the proper management of the audience during performances. As for building fine art and history was not always possible to perform the necessary work and has gone to Exemption (Approved by the Fire Brigade) with equivalent safety measures.
service Box Office, Concierge and masks are provided by a local cooperative that has been awarded the contract to cover the service of the theater, so as you can imagine the difficulty in defining a proper emergency management has also requested a careful work of cooperation and coordination on the preparation of the evacuation plan for the theater. In the year 2008, considering also the variation Part of the relevant legislation has been updated the version of the PE of the theater with all the predictable evacuation procedures for different stages of its functioning. The organization of the evacuation procedures have therefore been planned and designed for three different moments in the life of the Theatre:
1. daytime activities - operation of the production office - administration, production shows with employees (in some periods of the year);
2. maintenance activities - the property has planned a time schedule of routine maintenance to the structure and for all plants present (Chandelier historian, mechanical stage, fixed and mobile fire, electrical system, heating system, air-conditioning system, etc. ...), emergency battery for the conduct of such activities were in charge of external companies and all operations are scheduled so as not to overlap with construction activity - evidence and show, for such activities have been defined procedures for evacuation and emergency management in cooperation with the contractors who were awarded the maintenance of the structure;
3. entertainment activities - testing and preparation, with the presence of Masks - for that moment of life of the Theatre have been defined other evacuation procedures and emergency management in cooperation with the Cooperative, which provides forms, taking into account the presence of the public.
First you have identified a stable core of emergency workers (fire and PS) that are part of the plan stable foundation that manages the THEATRE OF FORTUNE, and according to role in organizing cover for the permanent moments life of the theater with different job functions (Maintenance Manager, Technical Manager, Productions Manager, Administration and Production staff offices etc. ....). For this reason completely oversee all emergency management activities that were planned for every moment of life Theatre.
Today we can be satisfied with the evacuation plan that is currently in use at the facility since it was designed for all activities of the Theater and is primarily the result of a long career of sharing, cooperation and verification that lasted about a year .
the end of this long career to the next step was to start planning the evacuation drills that were actually useful to memorize the procedures in this PE. Last year, two tests were performed in accordance with evacuation planning is shared by all the figures that are actively involved in managing security at the theater.
The first trial (year 2008) was organized during the construction and test performance with the presence of an external company that was doing construction work without the presence of the audience. The emergency workers are part of the Foundation of the theater before moving to the test evacuation took part in a training process dall'RSPP wanted. The difficulty of proof was in the management of workers outside the building, unaware of what was happening, while the internal team that handled the event had been informed of what would happen and had been adequately trained to handle the evacuation test. The outcome was positive and the Head Technical Coordinator as well as emergency all'RSPP asked to increase the difficulties in the subsequent test to administer.
The second round of evacuation (year 2008) was organized in collaboration with the Cooperative providing the masks for the management of the audience during the show. Obviously aware that it is unthinkable to hold a trial evacuation during a performance with the paying public, we have tried to recreate a situation similar to that of the show with the audience through the involvement of some cultural associations of our city inviting them to join for free the day indicated in the guided tours of the theater, during a morning conference attendees are now so viewers needed to test the procedures planned in order to safely evacuate the audience. During the same test
evacuation technicians have also tested the correct operation of the sound signal of alarm, sprinkler system located on stage (first put in safeguards to prevent flooding the stage), of automatic smoke extractors heat and all the other automatic fire protection . Although this test was successful, the only drawback was the low number of visitors since the morning in question was very wet and there have been few people who have accepted the invitation. Nevertheless, the experience has been fruitful, especially for males who have been able to verify in practice the procedures developed theoretically in the activity of the preparation of evacuation plans.
The first test of 2009 will take place every other day and was scheduled during a maintenance extraordinary challenging enough, these days the staff of the Theatre dall'RSPP is prepared with the aim of having a successful outcome from the test, but especially trying to contain the risks as much as possible. We are aware that the evidence of evacuation of such complex structures can be risky, so you try to contain them as much as possible by careful planning of activities and the continuous training of staff must become more efficient with regard to the subject matter.
The second race of the year 2009 is already being prepared and will be in the second half. At this stage in agreement and collaboration with the Managing Director and the Superintendent of the Teatro della Fortuna will try to involve students in secondary schools. Our activity is aimed at organizing a day in accordance with the schools about safety and then getting students to participate in evacuation drills simulating il pubblico presente in sala, ovviamente l’organizzazione di questo evento è più complesso in quanto richiede la collaborazione dei Presidi e degli Istituti Scolastici coinvolti. Poichè confidiamo nella collaborazione di tutti siamo certi che riusciremo a portare a termine il nostro progetto relativamente alle prove di evacuazione programmate per il 2009 così come siamo effettivamente riusciti nel 2008 e negli anni precedenti. Ovviamente la nostra attività mira a formare addetti sempre più preparati al tema della gestione dell’emergenza per tale motivo ci piacerebbe poter organizzare in futuro delle prove di evacuazione sempre più complesse anche con la collaborazione dei VVFF, della Protezione Civile e del 118, così come ha fatto the region Emilia Romagna for the preparation of evidence for the dispersal of the Region Palaces in Bologna.
(The video of the test evacuation of the region Emilia Romagna is visible at the following link: video nda)
I want also to remember that evacuation drills are optional activities but are not required by current regulations on safety and hygiene in the workplace and on the structure of the Teatro della Fortuna is a compulsory requirement (2 per year) contained in fire prevention certificate issued by the Provincial Command of the Fire Department regarding the structure above.
The site
internernet theater of Fortune can be seen at:
Teatro della Fortuna