Friday, June 26, 2009

Tendonitis Treatment More Condition_symptoms

Viabilità durante il G8

The Prefect of the Province of L'Aquila

Hit the notes and Cat Cat A.4/Gab/G8/33/2009 30/05/2009 A.4/Gab./G8/048/2009 17/06/2009 Eagle's Police Headquarters in which measures have been proposed disqualification from road traffic to be carried out at the G8 Summit International provided in L'Aquila from 8 to July 10 pv;
Considering that, for security reasons public and for reasons related to traffic safety, it is necessary to temporarily suspend the movement on the streets below;
Having regard to Article 6 of the Highway Code;
for reasons of public order and security, from 7:00 am of July 5, 2009 at 12:00 pm on 11 July 2009, below the temporary suspension of the movement: A
. prohibition of vehicular traffic, including heavy goods vehicles (7.5 tonnes) and the pedestrian traffic along:

1. Avenue of the Guardia di Finanza, entire section;
2. New link connecting the airport to the Courts and Avenue of the Guardia di Finanza;
3. All the roads between the perimeter of adducenti Preturo;
4. Leachate Second Street and related access dirt adducenti Avenue in Flames Yellow;
5. Via del Poppleto (adducente tract to the town of Coppi and stroke in the opposite direction SS 80);
6. Via Cerritola, entire section;
7. Via Cagnano, entire section;
8. Via Borgorose, full stretch, to the intersection with SR 80 Street DIR Amiternina Preturo;
9. Via San Vittorino, entire section;
10. Roads between Avenue of yellow flame that rely to some private homes;
11. Via del Campo, entire section;
12. Via Fontecchio, entire section;
13. Via Capitignano.

pedestrians will be allowed (but not the car) only to those who for various reasons will have a special "badge" rilasciato dalla Struttura di Missione G8 nonchè ai residenti preventivamente censiti, muniti anch’essi dell’ apposito “badge” rilasciato dalla Struttura di Missione G8.
Detta circolazione avverrà lungo appositi corridoi di transito con accesso all’altezza della nuova rotonda posta all’intersezione della S.S.80 con Via Borsellino e Via Fermi.
Sarà altresì consentito, ai soli residenti muniti dell’anzidetto “badge” ed al personale dell’organizzazione, l’accesso a mezzo di apposito servizio di navette, ad orari prestabiliti e sotto il controllo delle Forze di Polizia, con partenza dall’ingresso di Viale delle Fiamme Gialle.
Sarà altresì consentito l’accesso veicolare a coloro che devono assicurare servizi inderogabili di pubblica utilità (preventivamente censiti a cura delle Forze di Polizia e muniti di Passi Identificativo rilasciato dal Gruppo Operativo Interforze G8), al personale e mezzi delle Forze di Polizia, delle Forze Armate e di Soccorso Pubblico, ai mezzi del Dipartimento della Protezione Civile, la cui targa rechi la sigla DPC, nonché ai mezzi addetti al trasferimento delle delegazioni.
B. interdizione della circolazione veicolare, compresi i mezzi pesanti (7,5 t.), nonché della circolazione pedonale lungo:

1. S.S. 80, tratto compreso tra l’intersezione con la S.R. 80 DIR e l’intersezione con le Via E. Fermi and Borsellino (Commercial Center Amiternum ");
2. SP 33 - Via herring - Via Preturo, suddenly bounded to the west from the intersection with SR 80 and east DIR with the start-up area of \u200b\u200bCoppito at Via Montagnino;
3. Via Borsellino, to its confluence with the Via Vetoio.
will be allowed by shuttles AMA provided for the purpose of the Company.
pedestrian access will be allowed (but not vehicular), solely in the sections immediately facing these streets, residents, resident, the residents of fact and operators previously surveyed by occupation forces Police and fitted with ID passes issued by the G8 group Operation Command and to those who need to fulfill tasks previously surveyed also provided assistance by the Police and fitted Pass ID key propositions.
will also be allowed vehicle and pedestrian access to those who must provide compelling public utility services (previously registered by the Police and fitted with ID passes issued by the G8 group Operation Command) and those who, for whatever reason, will bear the badge of the G8 mission structure for access to work and the staff and resources of police forces, Armed Forces and Public Assistance, means the Department of Civil Protection, whose license plate bears the initials DPC, and the means employed to transfer the delegations.
C. prohibition of vehicular traffic, including heavy goods vehicles (7.5 tonnes), along:

1. SS 80, the stretch between the intersection with Via Enrico Fermi and Borsellino and the confluence with the West exit L'Aquila.
will be allowed by shuttles AMA provided for the purpose of the Company.
will also allow vehicle access to those services must ensure that mandatory public utility, previously surveyed by Force Police and fitted with ID passes issued by the G8 group Operation Command, to those who, for whatever reason, will have a special badge issued by the G8 mission structure for access to the work and personnel and means of Police, the Armed Forces and Public Assistance, means the Department of Civil Protection, whose license plate bears the initials DPC, and the means employed to transfer the delegations.
D. prohibition of vehicular and pedestrian movement, coinciding with the arrival and departure of delegations, long:

1. SR 80 Dir - Amiternina Street, in the stretch north of the confluence with the SS 80 and south of the one with the SP 33 - Way of the larynx - Via Preturo;

E. interdiction of the movement of heavy vehicles (7.5 tonnes) long:
1. Via Antica Arischia;
2. Via Enrico Fermi;
3. Via Giovanni Falcone,
4. Provincial Road Preturo;
5. Via Borsellino, to the junction with the SS 80;
will be allowed vehicle access only to heavy vehicles fitted with the Organization of the G8 Summit "badge", and lorries of police forces, armed forces and Public Assistance .
F. interdiction of the movement of flocks of animals along:
1. SP 33 - Way of the larynx - Via Preturo, in the stretch SR 80 between the DIR and the limit of the town of Torque - Via Montagnino height;
2. Avenue of the Guardia di Finanza and roads to it adducenti.

G. movement of concrete mixers engaged in the transport of cement materials for the CASE Project.
will also be allowed vehicle traffic of means, including heavy, carrying materials to cement the achievements of the CASE project along the following route:
Via Borsellino - Via Falcone in both directions.

That option is allowed on condition that these vehicles and their drivers should carry ID passes issued by the G8 group Operation Command.
The police are responsible to carry out targeted control services on transport provided by these vehicles. ***

Throughout the 24 hour period (7:00 am July 5, 2009 at 12:00 pm on 11 July 2009) will be set up along the streets below, a shuttle service accompanied by teams of police forces for the transport of residents and merchants interested in reaching the places subject to the prohibitions Vehicle:
1. SS 80, entire section;
2. SP 33 - Via herring - Via Preturo;
3. Avenue of the Guardia di Finanza and roads adducenti.
The Quaestor is responsible for overseeing the implementation of the Eagle taking advantage of this provision for the implementation of the necessary interventions and services, the Municipal Police Force Eagle, as well as Corps and local police services to other local authorities who carry out their activities in the province in accordance with applicable regulations.
L'Aquila, June 23, 2009

The Prefect (Gabrielli)


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