The outlook for the year is to come are not encouraging. Many workers are worried for some time, for their future, and this inevitably creates a "business climate" not very clear.
The current emergency facing the entire entertainment industry, with 40,000 people who risk their jobs, is the direct result of the heavy cuts inflicted by the last Finance Act to Fus Fund (one show).
The FUS is the mechanism used by the government to regulate public intervention in the areas of the entertainment world, and that is especially film, theater and music. It was created by Article 1 of Law April 30, 1985, No 163 ("New guidelines on state intervention in favor of the show") to "provide financial support to organizations, institutions, associations, organizations and companies in film, music, dance, theater, circus and traveling show, and for the promotion and support of events and initiatives of national importance and in Italy or abroad. " Under the same law, the fund is refinanced every year by the Finance Law and shall be distributed among the various branches of a decree of the Minister for Cultural Heritage.
For the current year funding had to be established by the financial forecast of over 500 million € 400 million and instead is limited (to be exact: € 398,036,000). The cut was twenty percent. The figure available, according to the implementing decree, is distributed as follows: 47.5%
to opera houses, film-making activities to 18.5%, 16.3% in the activities of drama, musical activities 13.7%, 2, 3%) and dance (0.2%) the activity of the circus.
In 2011, the circumstances will be available for the entire industry just 307 million euro, equal to 0.20% of GDP. France and Germany to spend the entire field of culture for 1, 5% of GDP.
Alcuni Sovrintendenti delle 13 Fondazioni Lirico Sinfoniche denunciano il rischio di cancellazione delle rappresentazioni previste in cartellone e il rischio di non poter pagare gli stipendi per i 7000 dipendenti (tra masse artistiche e personale tecnico-amministrativo).
Ancora più preoccupante risulta la situazione dei precari i quali sanno bene che in caso di tagli al personale saranno i primi a restar fuori.
Paradossalmente ed in controtendenza a questi tagli assistiamo ad un aumento della domanda di chi è alla ricerca di intrattenimento culturale, infatti la frequentazione del teatro è aumentata del 23,5% dal 1997 al 2007. Nel 2007 il totale della spesa in cultura delle famiglie italiane è stato di 61,5 miliardi di euro, con un incremento 2.3% over the previous year.
In particular, the trend concerns the theater, which last year registered a 7.66% of the public more.
Inevitably, the above spread concern among workers about losing their jobs or be in the 10 (or 27) of the month without salary, it must constitute a "business climate" not very clear.
The organizational climate is what we can "breathe" in the workplace, is that which regulates moods, relationships between people. The weather affects everything that happens in the organization, from performing his duties to the relationship with superiors and colleagues. Good weather allows the organization to reach more easily its objectives and achieve good results in terms of efficiency and in terms of internal harmony.
For many workers over the fear of losing their salary or their place of work, the feeling comes forward, derived from a mass media campaign denouncing the so-called "waste" of workers feel less useful. Then if we add to the cancellation of many of these activities on the bill with the remaining inactive workers, which of course continue to be paid, it follows that the level of discomfort increases.
But having said that how to deal with this?
of course it could give many answers, each of us drawing on their backgrounds, political or religious training, but the fact is that when the problems of our work does not depend on us all create a situation disarming.
Many, perhaps all, we expect that the work makes us happy, and we realize that we are looking for, always finding new ideas to grow. For many, work is the key to their identity. It 'strange to think though that it was not always so. Aristotle thought that those who made a living could not be considered free. Christianity saw the effort as a punishment for the sin of Adam and Eve. It was not until the Renaissance arts because it is considered that the completion of outstanding works would be better aristocratic idleness. But Only 800 bourgeois philosophers such as Rousseau and Diderot, said that the working life could be central to the pursuit of happiness. In this situation precisely
disarming, to stay on the subject of philosophers, could help us even Nietzsche himself who understood that our problems are aggravated when we worry for our concern. His recipe was to accept suffering as a necessary step to achieve the objectives of value. Suffering is normal and most rewarding projects go through a certain degree of anguish. Why? Because nobody knows how to create a work of art without experience and in the intervals between the first failure and ultimate success, we require grief, anxiety, envy, humiliation believe that success comes soon and above all remain intact forever may lead us to take a step back from the present and future challenges.
It 'really was time to put everything back in the game? Of course we hope that is not the case but in any case, and considering what Nietzsche says Let us not be discouraged and inizamo the new season looking as far as you can, to do our part so that values \u200b\u200bsuch as solidarity, altruism and participation (to put it Gaber ) does not deteriorate further. Welcome back to all
/ e.
Giuseppe Patti
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