Below is the press release ISPESL that with the new corrective action launched by the Government, will be absorbed by Inail.
As the author of this blog would like to express my concern about this decision which is likely to slow down the process of accidents had decreased in recent years thanks to the excellent work that the ISPESL has done in relation to injury prevention. In several of my articles, I used the guidelines ISPESL having thus been able to grasp the importance and scope of the work done by the institute.
Before the release of ISPESL want to publish the concerns expressed by the editors of diary prevention
In no European country the reasons of the crisis have led to the dissolution of the research institutions that deal with health and safety at work.
INRS France, UK HSE, the German and Northern European institutions are maintained if not strengthened. The Italian government has instead decided to take advantage of the crisis and disaster reduction in public spending to dissolve ISPESL, without a clear plan and discussed in appropriate fora on the possible transfer of skills available in a future Ispesl and mysterious place security on the part of Polo Inail.
What is happening is very worrying in that it provides that the State delegates its powers in the field of research health and safety insurance agency Inail without there being a clear and transparent picture of who will do what. The good health of the people who work moves from protection based on the constitutional right to protection paradigm based on actuarial and insurance based on the logic of business conveniences and the right to health.
It appears that the regions have been consulted by the government on this act of suppression Ispesl: it takes into account the fact that SPSAL or Smpil Ispesl the regions used for the training of operators and second-level reference for consultancy scientific techniques.
We ask: what work will be transferred to an agency that will respond to logical
different from those of health protection provided by Article 32 of the Constitution?
The passage of the search functions in health and safety at work to Inail is a return to a past bankruptcy: even before the 1978 Inail performed functions of research and advice to businesses through ENPI, a private organization was dissolved for failure of ' Inail decent way to manage aspects of prevention in health and safety at work. We
important to know the views of workers and the leadership of ISPESL, important structure for prevention in Italy, focus of relations with the structures and agencies of the European and global research on the prevention health and safety at work. The act of the government is once again the idea was that animates those who have the responsibility of government indifference and culpable ignorance of the wealth of knowledge that professionals Ispesl and other public research bodies are in Italy and around the world . A heritage in danger of being lost in this operation called pompous Polo Inail security sub domain. JOURNAL EDITOR
Press Release:
ISPESL: l’Istituto non è un “ente inutile”, ma indispensabile per la sicurezza e la salute dei lavoratori italiani. Con il provvedimento del Governo si chiude l’unico Ente di ricerca del Paese.
Nonostante il dimezzamento dei fondi, l’Ispesl è in grado di autofinanziarsi per più del 60% dello stanziamento concesso dallo Stato.
In relazione alle notizie di stampa si apprende che l’Ispesl (Istituto Superiore per la prevenzione e la sicurezza del Lavoro), unico Ente di ricerca del nostro Paese con vastissime competenze nel settore della prevenzione e della sicurezza dei lavoratori, nell’ambito della manovra finanziaria varata dal Consiglio dei Ministri del 25 maggio, risulterebbe deleted.
We remain astonished by the news of the suppression and development of body useless for the Institute for Prevention and job security (ISS).
The label, which some attributed, institution of "useless body" is offensive to all workers, besides unfounded.
ISPESL institution is not only useless, but the silence of his thirty years of daily work, through the commitment and sacrifice of the many professional
(engineers, doctors, chemists, physicists, biologists, etc.) while the scarcity of resources, provides an irreplaceable contribution to knowledge, experience and training to the production system of our country in the sensitive area of \u200b\u200bhealth and safety of workers, providing know-how, assets in Italy, recognized and appreciated not only in science but from all national and international organizations of employers and trade unions.
While fatal accidents per year decreased from 1600 to 1200 (to speak only of so-called dead white) this is due to all the countless initiatives
Ispesl, fielded by his staff.
The year 2000 Body suffers a constant and steep reduction in funds halved in recent years, from 110 million to 58 million euro, as well as a drastic reduction
staff reached retirement age (without the possibility of a physiological turn over to the hiring freeze), has never
reduced its commitment to protecting the safety and health of workers. Nevertheless, the Institute has consistently used during these years to have the means and willingness to exert the most of their functions.
The Institute has, in fact, increased and extended all possible facilities that the law allows him to do, even managing to significantly increase its own revenues.
The Institute is now self-financing (35 million euro) for more than 60% of the budget that comes from the state.
And 'this can be considered a "useless institution"?
who is committed and those who work on behalf of the Government and local authorities, for the areas of Taranto, Civitavecchia, Casale Monferrato, or for very serious problems
Earthquake in Aquila, in Umbria?
who spoke to the security of settlements in accident risk or more complex power plants?
who faced national emergencies alongside regional and national institutions (accident Monte Bianco, G. vessel Montara, Gran Sasso, Tissen Krupa, hyperbaric chambers, etc. ...)?
and concluded that not only is not Ispesl "institution inutile”, ma che sia “utilissimo” per il nostro sistema produttivo che si finanzia per gran parte da solo.
A questo punto sarebbe utile sapere in quale logica e con quali procedure sia stata disposta la “soppressione” dell’Ispesl con lo “scioglimento” nell’Inail.
Aspettiamo una risposta.
Il personale dell’Ispesl ce la chiede. Ce lo chiedono anche i lavoratori e i familiari delle vittime sul lavoro.