L’art. 13 del D.lgs 81/08 assegna alle USL e al comando dei Vigili del fuoco il compito di vigilanza.
L’unità operativa prevenzione e sicurezza degli ambienti di lavoro (UOPSAL), promuove, coordina ed effettua interventi di ricerca, vigilanza e controllo nei luoghi di lavoro per conoscere e concorrere all’eliminazione dei fattori di rischio in tutti i settori di attività, pubblici e privati, ove almeno un lavoratore dipendente, o ad esso equiparato, presti il proprio lavoro a qualunque titolo.
L’UOPSAL viene istituita in seguito alla promulgazione dell’art. 9 della legge 300 del 20 maggio 1970 meglio nota come "statuto dei lavoratori" .
-art. 9 “Tutela della salute e dell’integrità fisica”:
"I lavoratori, mediante loro rappresentanze, hanno diritto di controllare l’applicazione standards for the prevention of accidents and occupational diseases and to promote research, development and implementation of all measures necessary to protect their health and their physical integrity. "
With the Law of 23 December 1978 n . 833 is established the National Health Service.
UOPSAL As said the place is the service of prevention than to watch.
From 1 January 1980 to USL are given tasks, previously performed by labor inspectorates, prevention, hygiene and control the health of workers.
With art. 21, 3rd paragraph, of Law 833/78, the Prefect nomination, proposed by the President of the Region, the law enforcement officers from local health services. The officers appointed shall have power to access and the possibility of formal notice of the inspected companies.
Among the activities carried out by 'UOPSAL to find information and assistance on safety and health in the workplace (Article 10 of Decree No. 81/2008) for individual workers, trade unions, representatives of workers' safety , the RSPP, the physicians and employers.
It 'important to specify that Article. 13 paragraph 5 prohibits strictly, the officers carrying out surveillance, to carry out consulting activities.
Other activities carried out from the work of prevention and safety in the lovoro include:
-in training and health education publication guidelines.
Formula-preventive advice on construction projects, expansion, change in destination of industrial and business activities in general (art. 67 Decree 81/2008). The notification provided for in art. 67 must be submitted only by companies employing more than three workers.
-examine complaints submitted by employees in contrast with the assessment of competence of physicians, performing specialized investigations and responding on it (art. 41 of Legislative Decree 81/2008). E ' important to know that the employee must appeal to the USL within thirty days from the date of notification of the competent physician.
-Formula opinions and issues exemptions where expressly provided, on standards of hygiene and safety at work (Article 65 of Legislative Decree 81/2008). Among the exceptions are for example the one concerning the prohibition to carry out in underground rooms or basements. -Ensures
, at the request of the local Labour Office, the presence or absence of conditions of risk for pregnancy or lactation, in work activities that they see the employment of workers.
Make-surveillance activities, both scheduled and on demand, responding to requests di intervento all’interno dei luoghi di lavoro.
-Effettua inchieste infortuni e malattie professionali su richiesta dell’Autorità Giudiziaria e di propria iniziativa.
-Garantisce, in orario di servizio, l’intervento immediato in caso di infortunio grave o mortale ed in caso di segnalazioni urgenti.
Ecco come l'UOPSAL svolge una procedura di “inchiesta infortunio”:
Per prima cosa viene analizzata la documentazione disponibile (denuncia di infortunio, certificati medici, raccolta di SIT da parte della PS, ecc..).
Viene effettuato un sopralluogo presso l’Azienda dove vengono presi in esame sia gli aspetti tecnici che quelli organizzativi e relazionali.
In sede di sopralluogo viene verificata tutta la documentazione ritenuta pertinente al caso in esame, come eventuali procedure e/o istruzioni operative, la documentazione relativa alla formazione ed alla informazione dei lavoratori, il certificato di idoneità alla mansione, il registro infortuni ed il documento di valutazione dei rischi.
Vengono ascoltati i testimoni per ricostruire l’evento che ha causato l’infortunio.
Si procede alla raccolta delle informazioni necessarie alla individuazione dei destinatari della normativa prevenzionale, verificando la posizione degli stessi tramite procure, deleghe ed ordini di servizio se esistenti sentendo anche i lavoratori per raccogliere informazioni.
Viene acquisita copia health report (if not already own) on the injury in order to determine the duration of the disease and possible permanent sequelae.
At the end of the visit is written in a verbal prescription for any violations identified and the report shall be drawn up which will be forwarded to the Judiciary.
The inspection procedure requires that the company just entered (by showing your identification card) USL officials ask the employer or his representative explained that the reason access is required and that is present during the inspection The RSPP is that the RLS, if they are not in the company shall ensure that they are informed of the inspection in progress and call the names for any subsequent contacts. In
Leg. December 19, 1994 No 758 The requirements are standards that will be appropriate to impose the company. They relate to the Articles 20 (prescription), 23 (suspended particles of the criminal proceedings), 21 (verification of performance), 24 (extinction of the crime).
Article 10 of Presidential Decree 520/55, we find the instructions given by the labor inspectors in the field of health and safety at work.
Against such provision may be challenged enters thirty days from the date of their communication.
proceedings shall not have suspensive effect.
against the measures taken by the inspection personnel may be submitted to the President of the Regional Council decides after consulting the organizations of workers and employers. The chairman of the board may suspend the execution of the contested act (Article 21 L.833/78).
The failure to comply with instructions given is sanctioned art. 11 of DPR 520/55, which provides for the punishment of the arrest until a month or fine up to € 413.17.
thank Ing. Antonia Maria Wilhelm dell'UOPSAL Bologna Centre for the report from which I took this job
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