As we saw in the previous article , the stage is the environment at greater risk for the safety of all personnel artistic, technical, and guest operating within it. Eng. Bruno Scagliola RSPP of the Teatro Regio of Turin noted that there is currently no specific legislation on the security stage, but only 322 of the DPR 20 March 1956 referring to the rules to prevent accidents in the filming. Scagliola draws attention to some risks related to work on stage, showing the impossibility of being eliminated:
• you can not stand under suspended loads. •
when a drop of more than 100 - 200 cm. height from the floor, it is necessary to put the guardrails.
• The work area should be wide, well lit and free of obstacles. •
bridges and lifting equipment are "equipment" to the scene and are not authorized for transportation of persons as are not elevators or lifts. •
on stage is not smoke, use naked flames.
recently opened a serious reflection on the complicated issue
waivers and what is revealed is precisely the impossibility
to adopt alternative measures and / or countervailing
to get in compliance with regulatory requirements.
As we shall see, however, on the theme of fire prevention the Legislature has provided clear rules regarding exemptions (Article 6 of Decree 19 August 1996) that remittances are, in turn, the evaluation of the Regional Directorate of the Fire Department. The standard vertical fire prevention is that of August 19, 1996 DM as "approval of the technical rule of fire prevention for the design, construction and operation of entertainment venues and shows."
For all that is not about fire prevention call the Legislature entirely to the directors of public entertainment venues, and the theaters, il compito di trovare misure alternative che fanno seguito ad una attenta valutazione dei rischi.
A complicare ulteriormente le cose vi è la mancanza di un coordinamento nazionale di tutti i Teatri i quali si trovano a dover valutare singolarmente questioni e rischi comuni a tutti.
A questo proposito le Organizzazioni Sindacali e l'Anfols ( la parte datoriale) avevano previsto già nel 2004, nel contratto collettivo nazionale di lavoro dei teatri stabili pubblici e dei teatri gestiti dall'Eti (ultimamente inserito tra gli Enti inutili dall'ultima manovra correttiva del Governo Berlusconi), un Protocollo aggiuntivo in tema di sicurezza e salute dei lavoratori nei luoghi di lavoro. Si annunciava la creazione di un Organismo paritetico nazionale e joint bodies of the territory.
The tasks of these bodies was that they lay down guidelines and common positions in matters of health and safety at work, assessing the possible experiences and understandings already operating across the sector.
Unfortunately this project never started.
I am told that some theaters, including Teatro Comunale di Bologna and the Teatro Regio in Turin, began coordination work just to find a common line on the issues discussed here.
the delicate issue of derogations in the theater was occupied Prof. Alberto Cocchi, Professor of Law building and safety at the Faculty of Engineering, University of Bologna RSPP, as well as the Teatro Comunale di Bologna. Below publish his work, which is in continuity with the Treaty by 'Mr. Canary and deepens in excellent way the parties regarding the scope of criminal law.
thank 's Attorney for the availability Cocchi had in allowing the publication of his work.
Giuseppe Patti
In light of the reports presented during the seminar "Work in Show" held in Bologna on 24 February and saw that in that context there is mentioned on several occasions, I may be an appropriate derogabilità brief clarification on the limits of the legislation on accident prevention. We know come non di rado nell’ambito teatrale e soprattutto sul versante della sicurezza in palcoscenico si avverta una obiettiva difficoltà nel dover dar seguito a previsioni normative ideate dal Legislatore nella prospettiva della produzione industriale e dei cantieri edili.
Distinguerei quindi anzitutto la deroga dalla adozione tout court di misure alternative e/o compensative a fronte dalla impossibilità ad adempiere in modo puntuale alla prescrizione normativa.
Per quanto concerne la deroga in senso proprio, questa, vertendo in ambito penale, deve anzitutto essere espressamente prevista dalla legge (ubi lex voluti dixit). In secondo luogo, ove la facoltà di derogare alla disposizione puntuale sia espressamente prevista, la sussistenza nel caso concreto dei presupposti che la consentono (an) e le misure compensative da adottarsi (quodmodo) non sono in genere lasciate (esclusivamente) alla libera valutazione del destinatario del precetto, bensì sono (anche) rimesse alla valutazione dell’Ente di volta in volta tenuto alla vigilanza sul rispetto del precetto medesimo o del Ministero competente, ovvero, in alternativa, sono preventivamente e tassativamente determinate dalla legge.
Per le disposizioni in materia di igiene e sicurezza sul lavoro ciò avviene in talune ipotesi, sia sotto la forma della deroga concessa dall’Organo di vigilanza o dal Ministero competente (ad es.: artt. 205, commi 1 e 2, e 228, comma 3 del D.Lgs. 81/08), whether in the form of the exemption with conditions (and an quodmodo) predetermined by law (eg.: Articles. 113, paragraph 10, 140, paragraph 4, Annex VI paragraph 4.2 and paragraph of Annex XVIII Leg. 81 / 08).
However, in view of the principle of risk assessment which I will discuss today the Legislature sometimes without predetermining the exemption allows absolutely no cases (n), or compensatory measures to be taken (quodmodo) or to refer to their identification to a third body, but it put the choice in the assessment of the employer. This happens, for example, and as far as we can relate in terms of work under suspended loads in accordance with section 3.1.5. Annex VI of Legislative Decree no. 81/08.
In fire prevention, a subject which affects obviously the protection of workers, the exemption following a precise procedure (Article 6 of Decree 12 January 1998, n. 37), is feasible only in the cases determined by law (n) and provides for the adoption of compensatory measures (quodmodo) whose fitness is within the discretion of the Regional Directorate Fire Department. Regarding in particular places of public entertainment, Article 6 of Decree 19 August 1996 expressly provides that where by virtue of particular technical or functional requirements is not possible to comply with any of the provisions contained in the relevant technical regulation, it is necessary proceed notwithstanding the base della medesima procedura sopra citata.
Ecco pertanto che fuori dai casi in cui la deroga è consentita (e disciplinata) dalla legge, non dovrebbe esservi spazio per la disapplicazione di norme puntuali e per la sostituzione di norme prescritte con misure alternative e/o compensative, a sicurezza equivalente, a prescindere dalla loro efficacia nel raggiungimento dell’obiettivo sotteso alla norma.
Come noto, nell’ambito della prevenzione incendi e, più in generale, nell’ambito di tutta la legislazione in materia di costruzioni, negli ultimi anni si sta cercando di introdurre un approccio normativo tendenzialmente prestazionale, con definizione normativa delle sole prestazioni attese e delle modalità calculation to verify the effectiveness of measures taken, resulting in relative freedom for the designer, however, not restricted to quantitative analysis,
in the identification of measures to achieve these benefits (quodmodo). The question is not, however, in my opinion particularly emphasized, as our country still firmly anchored to a tradition of precise standards required (specifically: technical fire prevention), also best to ensure minimum safety standards generally. Therefore, when we are confronted today with a discipline-defined performance, often it is actually a discipline semiprestazionale, in which live performance targets and prescrizioni puntuali intermedie
Ad ogni modo, nella materia di prevenzione incendi, dopo una fuga in avanti operata con la emanazione delle norme tecniche per le costruzioni nella loro prima versione (D.M. 14 settembre 2005), che appunto aveva introdotto e generalizzato l’approccio prestazionale, con la novella del 2008 (D.M. 14 gennaio 2008) e, prima ancora, con i Decreti Ministeriali 9 marzo 2007 e 9 maggio 2007 l’approccio prestazionale (peraltro in questo caso puro) è stato mantenuto (in via facoltativa) esclusivamente per quelle attività per le quali non dovesse esistere una regola tecnica, ossia prescrizioni puntuali, ovvero, appunto, per le quali sia necessario procedere in deroga per la sussistenza di constraints. All but always under the supervision of the Regional Directorate Fire Department. Furthermore, as rightly said Eng. Felice Monaco during the seminar, for now the approach performance all'antincendio (fire engineering) has not been particularly successful because of the substantial lack of reliability, for various reasons, the results of calculations which would demonstrate the soundness of the measures taken to achievement of expected benefits.
However, for our purposes we can say that even in the current legislation relating to fire prevention, where there remains the norm and it is timely only if that standard does not exist, or where it is possible or necessary exemptions which may intervene, lent its support to, the normal procedure in derogation of Art. 6 of Decree 12 January 1998, No 37, the performance approach.
With regard to the rules of hygiene and safety at work, it must be said that the Legislative Decree no. 626/94 and the subsequent formal introduction into our legal system the principle of risk assessment discipline has gradually assumed a markedly characterization purposive or, if you will, performance. The principle of risk assessment does not end well-known fact in the corresponding documentation requirements charged to the employer, but is also expressed, if not more, in ever increasing flexibility of the commandments (quodmodo), more often characterized by adaptability to the case by requesting suitability, adequacy and sufficiency of the measures taken for the protection of workers.
Indeed, as rightly pointed out the RLS Foundation's Teatro Comunale di Bologna, Giuseppe Patti in his speech at the seminar, the principle of risk assessment was (and is) already evident in our legal obligation (or rather: debt) General security imposed on the former employer. Article 2087 of the Civil Code. However, that forecast, certainly capable of generating a position to guarantee the very large employer, could not (and can not), in fact, have effective preventive its violation is not punishable in itself.
In terms of the definition of the precepts of prevention, already several provisions of DD.PR 547/55 and 303/56 in fact contain elements of a qualitative evaluation (suitability, sufficiency and adequacy), implicitly referring, if available, to its standardization, but this is still the exceptions to the prevailing framework in which individual provisions are subject to more quantitative assessments (instrumental measurement of the risk factor).
Today as I said, the picture is largely changed in virtue of the statement of the principle of risk assessment anche e soprattutto come approccio alla tecnica normativa. Al punto che anche nella disciplina, ad esempio, dei rischi correlati agli agenti fisici, di per sé tipicamente misurabili, esistono disposizioni che implicano valutazioni qualitative pure. Ad esempio, per il rumore, i rischi per la sicurezza da interazione con segnali di avvertimento, ma anche la scelta dei periodi di riferimento dell’esposizione per la rappresentazione del fenomeno sotto il profilo degli effetti dell’udito.
Personalmente, ho sempre criticato questo approccio in considerazione del fatto che, stante la natura penale delle violazioni nella materia de qua, si finisce per produrre fattispecie di mera condotta del contenuto indeterminato (rectius: non preventivamente e tassativamente determinato) e/o soggette ad integrazioni da parte di fonti extrapenali e, spesso, persino extralegislative. Ad ogni modo, come detto, questo è l’approccio finalistico, se volete prestazionale, attuale. E posto che (e, sottolineo, fin tanto che) la prestazione attesa è in via immediata e diretta la tutela della salute, della sicurezza ed, in definitiva, della vita delle persone, può anche essere che i principi costituzionali di tassatività, determinatezza del precetto e riserva di legge debbano subire qualche compressione, salvo poi capire sino a che punto ciò possa accadere e, paradossalmente, sino a che punto la flessibilità del precetto sia in grado di garantire realmente i lavoratori al fronte risk assessments wrong never submitted to the consideration of the supervisory board ....
However, with regard to the subject in question, despite the aforementioned developments, today we can speak of (and action) alternative measures and / or countervailing measures only where the standard explicitly allows the waiver. But where the rule limits the requirement already in the first instance the adequacy, sufficiency and appropriateness of the measures taken, it is clear that you can not even speak of alternative or compensatory measures, since the rule itself leaves itself free of the employer to define what measures to take, provided, of course, are appropriate, sufficient and appropriate ... Out of these assumptions, is not possible to adopt measures other than those provided by the command (or from additional sources): This just in virtue of a criminal nature, is therefore imperative (ubi lex noluit tacuit), the provisions in question.
said, it is a fact that, as rightly emphasized in the seminar Eng. John Libener, particularly in theater and on stage (but not only) there are certain safety rules which does not seem possible to fully implement and therefore requires the adoption of alternative measures and / or countervailing measures. This, we said, is already in many cases a positive finding in the rule, designed in terms of performance or to whom derogation is allowed, but not necessarily always the case.
In these cases, the inability to restrain prescriptive rules may depend on the technical impossibility of the adoption of the standard prescribed by or incompatibility with the requirements of that stage .... And this brings the familiar question of the relationship between security needs and requirements stage, on which is clearly not within, but merely point out that, while no stage need never justify the failure to adopt a detention does it not then follows an injury to a worker on the other hand no one (not even a prosecutor) would imagine going to the theater to see the singers ed il coro cantare con un caschetto antinfortunistico in testa, o di trovare una balaustra davanti al golfo mistico, eppure….
E’ chiaro che comunque, allorché si debba derogare, che sia consentito o meno farlo, ciò non avviene senza adottare misure alternative o compensative, possibilmente misure a sicurezza equivalente. Il problema però, a mio avviso, è a monte: se infatti esistono prescrizioni inderogabili, qualsiasi misura che venga adottata che sia diversa da quella prescritta, a prescindere dalla motivazione, è valida (ovviamente di fatto e non certo per l’Organo di vigilanza) solo fin tanto che è efficace. Nel momento in cui dovesse rivelarsi inefficace, per qualsiasi motivo, rispetto event there would be detrimental to specific fault, with all that implies in terms of responsibility and ... what, exactly, despite the impracticality of certain provisions are there for all employees in the sector or not.
Perhaps, I repeat, we are talking about marginal situations. Perhaps your view will become increasingly marginal to the principle of risk assessment, but I wish we were all well aware that, to date, not all, exceptions, and that in such cases where the exemption is made to demand for technical or stage minimum, inherent to the fact that it is theater, in the absence of acknowledgment of it by the legislature the exemption is not allowed.
Then, that of mere derogabilità should be treated, or the development of an ad hoc framework can also define the quodmodo, as with the noise just for the music industry art. 198 Leg. 81/08 depends on the real (and I stress real) magnitude of the issue and perhaps the starting point for an argument in this regard should be to own a careful analysis of those cases that require necessarily assumes an exception ...
Good work!
Alberto Cocchi