is to be inaugurated June 10 in the Bologna exhibition center work environment dedicated to safety at work and a strong new commitment to upgrading the quality and dignity of work.
The great theme of health and safety at work continually re-emerges from the record, not only to remind us of the relentless repetition of fatal accidents, but also the devastating human and economic, attitudes guilty or surface the thousands of victims and the hundreds of millions of euro that has cost the company the asbestos, the origin of the process that opens today in Turin.
is recent exhortation of President Giorgio Napolitano not to reduce the conditions of preservation of the safety and health of workers due to economic crisis.
Despite the current difficult situation, work environment is presented to the twelfth meeting with his usual enthusiasm, and the firm commitment that has characterized its past and by the President of the Republic had been recognized during the prior year through the 'appreciation' up valore sociale degli argomenti in programma».
Oggi AMBIENTE LAVORO conferma il proprio ruolo insostituibile di stimolo alla crescita culturale dei temi legati alla sicurezza nei luoghi di lavoro e di centro focale di iniziative rivolte a questo delicato settore con un impegno esteso alla qualità del lavoro e degli ambienti in cui viene svolto.
E se da una parte la dodicesima edizione di AMBIENTE LAVORO si incentrerà ancora sulla proposta di tecnologie, presidi e servizi per la salute e la sicurezza dei lavoratori e di strumenti formativi, forte del sostegno delle istituzioni e delle associazioni di maggior rilievo in questo campo, dall’altra si avvarrà di sei iniziative speciali, espressione ciascuna di un tema di particolare relief.
Exhibit areas that would make the twelfth year of work environments are: safety, hygiene, personal protection, Quality of work, services, promotions and management. In addition there are six special projects, secure environment, focusing on land conservation, safe place, focused on accidents that occur outside the work, quality work, intended to highlight issues such as quality, reliability and reputation of ' firm in terms of ethical responsibility, in sic (Intrinsically Safe), an exhibition of products, systems, equipment, designed and built according to criteria of integral safety, No dedicated fire dell'antincendio sector, Safe streets, products and services to road safety.
The event will be held at the fairgrounds in Bologna and the price of the ticket is Euro 20.
For all the information you can visit the site of work environments at the following address: Click here
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