I work at height has always represented a source of very high risk for the safety of workers, for that reason have been, especially in recent years, legislative measures aimed at reducing the number of accidents. In particular, the Legislative Decree 235/2003 has introduced the concept of working at height as "work which exposes the worker to the risk of falling from an altitude altzza mail to more than 2 meters from the plane stable." The Legislative Decree 81/2008 to Title IV, Chapter II, and Attachments from the XVIII to XXIII introduced some new features such as those related to the scaffolding and the dell'estenzione employed persons of the scope of the accident prevention regulations concerning work at height.
must be performed by the employer, an analysis of the risks inherent in identifying the hazards of falling from above and the estimated probability of occurrence. Next group will identify measures which consist in eliminating the risk.
Article 115 of Legislative Decree 81/2008 stipulates that where the work at height have not been implemented collective protection measures (as provided by art. 111, paragraph 1, letter a) requires that workers use appropriate personal protection systems consist of several elements, not necessarily present simultaneously, such as:
- energy-absorption devices (ie in case of falling from the rope inpediscano safety curtain is violently break or cause injury to the worker);
- connectors;
- anchoring device;
- lanyards;
- retractable devices;
- rails or life lines flexible
- rigid rails or life lines;
- slings.
systems Fall arrest PPE are equipped with an attachment for the body and a link to a secure anchorage point.
Retractable type fall arrest systems are equipped with a locking function and an automatic tension and return the cord.
systems guided type fall arresters on a rigid anchor line consist of a rail or wire rope attached to a frame so that lateral movements are prevented.
systems guided type fall arresters on a flexible anchor line are made with a synthetic fiber rope or a wire rope fixed to an anchor point placed higher.
An effective tool for what concerns the use and maintenance of devices Personal protective equipment against falls from above is provided by the guidelines published dall'ISPELS which can provide valuable support for all stakeholders. To view log in: click here
When assessing the risks of falling from it is important to assess:
- the mental and physical fitness of the worker;
- information and training appropriate and qualified the worker in the operations envisaged;
- training qualified workers and repeated on operational techniques, the rescue operations and emergency procedures.
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