Saturday, October 24, 2009

South Park Fishsticks En Streaming

the Mayor of
Dr. Massimo Cialente
The Secretary General of the Municipality of L'Aquila
Dr. Vincenzo Montillo
and the members of the Town Council President Al
Aquila Aquila
City Council Chambers. Carlo Benedetti

Subject: resignation as a Councillor for the Municipality of L'Aquila

Mayor Dear, dear Massimo,
I know that the notice of an act that a public administrator may encounter in its activities, even when the certainty of their smooth action political-administrative as well as I know that in this particular case, the investigation has nothing to do with the role of assessor in the Eagle City Council. I spent a few months
stubbornly to the city and especially to people who have lived and continue to fight to live, as I have always exercised to the full responsibilities delegation attribuitemi only two weeks involved before the earthquake, heavy proxies in this context.
Even when the mood was more overwhelmed, I exercised, good or bad is not up to me to say, delicate responsibility, in the vast majority of the time in silence, in a continuous, not always easy, but profitable relationship with the Department of Civil Protection and other institutions involved.
The notice shall guarantee to me to be investigated, as President dell'Adsu, charging me covered from the end of April 2006 for its failure "to oversee the compliance of the building to be called" (defined by destination acts and restructuring that took place from 1977 to 1982, ed) for failing "to ensure the adequacy of static and seismic building structures and in relation to the original structural consistency" (built in 1965 note), because "both in relation to the actions through the course of the year" (1977 -1982, 1998-2002 ed), "did not guarantee against all those extraordinary maintenance recovery or restructuring respect of requirements for seismic safety and pollution prevention"
course the time will help to bring out the roles, responsibilities, dates , facts and reality, but in these cases, not only its absolute certainty, includes the public confidence in the institution, confidence that the service guarantee, even for what has become over the years this act in the collective imagination, could put at risk.
I know the role that he currently holds, involves delicate responsibility, for this is clear to me that it is necessary to prevent disruptions of the paths administrative proceedings, but it is also important that these paths, all of which are the result of the comparison between the Municipality and Civil Defence, should be followed with the utmost strength, responsibility and trust. One of my automatic
continue only because of the emergency can fray a relationship of trust towards the municipal institution is essential salvaguardare.
In una fase di strutture istituzionali, politiche e sociali particolarmente deboli, cui si aggiungono le difficoltà organizzative e gestionali della macchina comunale, la fiducia verso il Sindaco diviene tassello cruciale di una tenuta civica di una comunità e per questo, l’oggetto vero di queste dimissioni è la salvaguardia della Tua figura, in un momento così delicato per la città e per la comunità aquilana, lasciando dunque a te, e al confronto con le forze politiche, la completa libertà di una piena determinazione.
Nel ringraziarti, saluto Te, la Giunta ed il Consiglio Comunale augurando a Voi tutti, per il bene collettivo, il miglior lavoro possibile.

L’Aquila 23 Ottobre 2009
Luca D’Innocenzo


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