Fare attività physical theater could be a great help to both technical and often work loads or scenes to be handled well to all employees according to the computer many hours need to put in motion and relax your body. Of course, the best thing would be to go to a gym equipped and followed by a personal trainer to go to run the gym more suitable for the type of activity taking place. As far as technicians should be a strengthening of the whole muscular apparatus, and particularly those with low-back exercises for those muscles and lower back. With regard to training employees should provide more than stretching and relaxation. To however, all physical activity is certainly a great way to prevent heart problems.
Many workers for various reasons tend to underestimate their own welfare and thus may be useful for both prevention organize remedial moments of physical activity in the theater.
Says Technogym founder Nerio Alessandri, or the leading companies in the world for gym equipment, sport is a valuable ally of your health, because a sedentary lifestyle is among the leading factors that cause death. Deaths from cardiovascular disease in Italy is about 240,000 per year, or 44% of total deaths.
In America is catching the " Exercise therapy, physical exercise or as an actual medicine, which is more effective for many diseases of the same drugs.
Just think that is enough to walk half an hour three times a week to decrease by 40% the risk of cardiovascular disease. Always
Alessandri argues that companies need to have a role in protecting the health of people who work there. Have people and therefore workers 'fit' means having a company more productive and a better business climate. When you exercise because your metabolism changes and enter the bloodstream endorphins that increase the good mood (1).
In Italy firms are not yet engaged in far svolgere ai propri dipendenti attività fisica mentre negli Stati Uniti è ormai una cosa sviluppata da tempo e in continua espansione.
Secondo uno studio americano la palestra aziendale riduce le assenze dei lavoratori.
Negli Stati Uniti oltre l’80% delle aziende con più di 50 dipendenti hanno adottato programmi di miglioramento per la salute; in molti casi tali programmi contemplano la realizzazione di una palestra aziendale, dove i dipendenti possono svolgere attività fisica, o di vere e proprie aree benessere.
Le Aziende non sono solo realtà economiche, ma soprattutto realtà umane, fatte di persone. Sono paragonabili ad organismi composti da cellule e il concetto di benessere in azienda è strettamente legato al benessere dei singoli individui con un fattore comune: l’armonia fra corpo, mente e spirito.
Su un articolo apparso su Kataweb-Salute, uno studio condotto su 60 stabilimenti americani della Du Pont ha registrato che le assenze degli operai che lavorano nei 41 stabilimenti che hanno adottato un programma di "corporate wellness" sono diminuite del 14%. La possibilità di svolgere attività fisica nella palestra aziendale, infatti, riduce anche il numero di errori che si commettono mentre si lavora e migliora il morale. Tutto ciò si traduce in una serie di vantaggi per l’azienda, primo fra tutti la riduzione dei costi sanitari e dell’assenteismo per malattia(2) .
Nella legislazione italiana esiste that's something for the gym who have to work with VDUs. In fact, in the Decree of 2 October 2000 " Guidelines for use of display screen " states that to avoid the occurrence of musculoskeletal disorders should be avoided wherever possible, fixed postures for prolonged periods. If this is unavoidable it is recommended that the frequent practice of relaxation exercises (neck, back, upper and lower limbs).
Ribani According to Luke, who worked for the magazine Starmeglio, back pain is commonly widespread, as is the diagnosis made more frequently by family physicians in all Western countries. It is a benign disease, nel 75% dei casi scompare spontaneamente (cioè a prescindere da cosa si fa per curarla) dopo 4 settimane, ma non va però trascurata, dato che è comunque fastidiosa e in alcuni casi invalidante nel momento in cui si manifesta.
Il corpo umano è usato poco e male: siamo sempre più sedentari, perché i movimenti che facciamo sono estremamente ripetitivi e le posizioni che assumiamo spesso sono scorrette. In particolare, sia le occupazioni manuali, afferma Roberto Iovine direttore della UO di Medicina Riabilitativa con sede in San Giovanni in Persiceto, sia quelle intellettuali si svolgono per la maggior parte con un’attività del corpo ‘in flessione’, cioè con il tronco piegato, le braccia e la testa forward. This leads to fatigue of the back and also a disabitudine unhealthy to different movements, ones in an. There are two basic tips to improve the health of your back.
First, take every opportunity to move more, but trying to 'engage' and all joints throughout the body and not to take the same pattern of movement that usually takes place, for example to work. Swimming, aqua aerobics and free exercises in sports are more suitable from this point of view, to be practiced regularly. The second suggestion is to reduce the damage caused by incorrect positions in every walk of life: at work, at home, during leisure time and also during rest. However, there is a position "ideal" in uniform: the secret is to change position frequently (at least every 30-60 minutes) and to avoid certain postures very stressful to the spine. It is recommended to practice activities that overloading the spine, such as lifting weights, because the muscle, if exposed only to exercise and fatigue is sick, to stay healthy, should be extended (with stretching techniques), empowered and relaxed through the rest . In this way the muscle fibers can exert the most of the multiple functions of elasticity, movement, protection and strength (3).
But on entering, how a company and in our If a theater can support workers in physical activity?
Surely the first thing that comes to mind would be to arrange a fully-equipped fitness room. This, however, as times of great economic hardship and the problems of insufficient space still can not always be feasible. I think the best thing is to identify a course that is able to involve employees in all departments and is supportive of all, a discipline that one side has a lot of the other stretching and strengthening the entire spine without excluding other parts of the body. Of all the disciplines that I have examined, after having studied them in order to write this article, I came to the conclusion that the discipline best suited to the world of theater is the Pilates. But let's just see what it is: The method
Pilates training is a very gentle and effective, which gives us the opportunity to strengthen, shape, stretch and relax the body.
In a short time helps improve posture, correcting errors and increasing the awareness of body posture.
Important features of the physical work, crucial to achieve rapid and visible, are a great precision in the execution of the exercises, which are carried out with elastic movements, a condition can be relaxed and more natural breathing, and deep.
What effect do our muscles when we are sitting or standing, walking or running? All these movements are made possible by the harmonious cooperation of the muscles. In fact, a muscle never works alone but always in duet with his so-called 'rival'. When a muscle contracts, its 'partner' on the other hand is stretched, so that the contraction is restricted and is maintained within healthy limits for the active muscle.
For various reasons this mutual game very often is not. For example, it happens often that we use our body in a unilateral way: we are sitting too long at a computer or carry heavy objects always with the same hand. Even
diseases and injuries affect the body. A broken bone or walking with aids are often the consequence of movements that used to save the affected side of the body, creating a muscle imbalance. By the time they contract certain muscle groups too and so shorten and stiffen, while the muscles on the other side is iperstendono and weaken.
To understand the importance of muscular balance has to know that our body is put in motion by two types of muscles: the mobilization, they are close to the surface, whose task is to move our end, legs and arms, and stabilizing, located at the center of the body, whose job is to maintain stable the trunk.
Through Pilates you try to restore the natural balance of muscle. During the training the muscles that are stretched are shortened and strengthened weak antagonists. First, however, are turned off by the mobilizers hyperactive basic exercises performed with the utmost precision. This allows the stabilizer, with a maximum relaxation of the muscles surrounding the back to do their work.
In training, we deal with stretch and strengthen the muscles contract so much as those with hypertension, this long because the muscles are stronger and less prone to injury and allow the joint to have more freedom of movement. In fact, long muscles
and strong, like those of the runners, they protect the body throughout the day, while the muscles are short and stocky, as is often found in people who are body-building, maybe you can immediately achieve high performance, but they easily subject to fatigue and injuries.
Joseph Pilates, founder of the method which bears his name (Monchengladbach 1880 - New York 1967), felt his way to teach a highly individual matter, either by the teacher, both from the student. Often developed specific exercises for individuals, modified existing exercises, considering the individual and his physical capabilities. This partly explains Pilates never instituted because no special training for instructors.
Some teachers still follow the original approach of the founder, teaching exercises almost acrobatic and physically demanding. Others have mixed with the original aspects of yoga exercises. Still others, to meet the needs of the gym, to teach large groups exercises that they are on a high-level sports.
The important thing is that the Pilates method is suitable to the almost anyone who wants to do something good for your body.
For those engaged in a physically demanding profession, the Pilates method can reduce tension and to relax. For someone who is so much time sitting at a desk method can provide useful exercises compensating the sedentary and the relaxation of the head.
The Pilates method can be practiced both in the postpartum period, or to strengthen the muscles in old age or after an operation or injury, or after an illness.
The Pilates method is particularly suitable in the sense budget. Indeed, who would not want to bring your body to the highest degree of form, ease tension or correct errors postulari? Pilates
stressed that the breathing control and concentration are the most important aspects of his training.
beginning of each year there is a relaxation, because only through it reaches the goal of the training. Osservatevi when such was the computer. It 'really necessary to keep the shoulders raised? Of course not.
Another aspect that is decisive play centering and work from the center of the body that represents the foundation of Pilates. Joseph Pilates called the powerhouse of the body center, which is the area between the chest and pelvis, which is also part of the protective muscles surrounding these districts and has its axis in the spine.
strong muscles in the districts of the back and protect the organs of the abdomen and the back and preserve the pain. Therefore all the Pilates exercises are designed to strengthen the powerhouse that includes the deep abdominal diagonally, which stabilize the body like a corset and protect internal organs, the abdominal oblique, whose task is to turn your torso to one side, the deep muscles of the back that 'argument' between the oblique and longitudinal appendages of individual vertebrae and stabilize the lumbar spine working together with the transverse abdominals, the pelvic floor muscle that closes down the powerhouse.
Another aspect of Pilates is breathing. Thence along the alignment. Try to make a tower of bricks in a brick core is slightly moved. Will be unstable. The same happens to our body in relation to the mutual interplay of the stabilizing muscles. That is considered very important to keep the Pilates the correct alignment during the exercises.
Another crucial aspect is the concentration that is the characteristic that the Pilates method differs from most other types of physical activity. For 'concentration' Joseph Pilates intended execution of a movement and the conscious mind control and body during exercise. Another aspect of Pilates is the fluidity. It 's only recently that scientific research has established that the movement is important for learning and for whole brain activity. The exercises are performed without any major breaks and fluid action. Thanks to this continuous sequence of movements and muscles bones are working very effectively, it stimulated the body's energy flow and avoid injuries that may occur due to sudden movements. Following coordination essential to perform an exercise where you need to take the correct position (alignment), feel the tension (relaxation) and then direct attention to the various parts of the body (concentration). You must activate the powerhouse (breathing, centering) and perform their movements with fluency (fluency). All these elements must be agreed between them (coordination). The condition of muscle is the last of the fundamental aspects of the Pilates method. The aim of Pilates training is to strengthen the muscles in order to make in a position to work all day with an intermediate degree of tension, so that the body can remain healthy and strong throughout the day.
After a short time it will be easy to notice that the muscles are improving their condition by the fact that the exercises are easier than ever, although the degree of difficulty increases. In daily life, work that previously considered themselves to be unexpectedly heavy costs a lot less effort. The body will not only be healthy, strong and elastic, but also more toned, especially the abdomen, thighs and buttocks (4).
in these pages I hope to be able to put a new theme and that is what a worker is physically fit and mentally calm can make a difference in a company like in a theater.
It 's a challenge that I think is worth collecting as soon as possible to put us on the road that run through the United States for many years.
Giuseppe Patti
(1) Gloria Ciabattoni in Il Resto del Carlino - Tuesday, October 6 p. '09.
35 (2) Margaret Frezza, The fitness? It is in the office in kataweb health http://www.kwsalute.kataweb.it/Notizia/0, 1044,4435,00.
html (3) Back Pain by Luca Ribani years in Starmeglio VII No 65 -
(4) Korte Antje, Pilstes for all, Red Edizioni, 2007
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