Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Autism Spectrum Disorder More Condition_symptoms

Letter from ATA staff

Voghera, July 19, 2010

the attention of the Director General

of the Regional School for Lombardy

Dr. Joseph Colosio

E Dr PC Inspector Mario Maviglia


Executive Office of the Regional School for Lombardy

Subject: Transfer Dean Dr. Francis Rubiconto

Gent. Mr. Colosio,

we learned of his decision to transfer the Head of State School "G. Plana" by Dr. Francis Rubiconto Voghera. We do not enter the merits of the decision, but we ask to see her very much because our school would be a grievous loss.

We lived in these years of growth above qualitative Plana thanks to the great professionalism of this manager who was able, over time, create an efficient and compact group of workers to the community.

The boys love it, parents and school staff they consider deeply. That's why we allowed ourselves di disturbarla per chiederLe di annullare questo provvedimento.

Certi di una Sua comprensione, le inviamo distinti saluti.

Il Personale ATA della Scuola Media Statale "G. Plana"

Firmato: Simona Novello, Aquino Rosina, Cignoli Maria Rita, Gioia Gina, Quarleri Marina, Scavotto Giuseppa, Barbera Vincenza, Bernava Gabriella, Calvaruso Marianna, Cipolla Rosa Maria, Civale Teresa, Pavan Monica, Pignatiello Antonietta, Ricco Esterina, Tirelli Gerardo, La Rosa Francesco, Rettani Maria Grazia, Grazioli Marina, Bianco Attilio.

Stomach Acids More Condition_symptoms

Letter of employees of the Manager

the attention of the Director of the Regional School

Dr. Joseph Colosio

E pc to 'Inspector Dr. Mario Maviglia

dell'USR VII Executive Office of Lombardy

We learned of his decision to transfer Dr. Francis Rubiconto, Headmaster of the Secondary School of First Instance "G. Plana" in Voghera. We do not enter the merits of the decision that we were very surprised, however, as unexpected and seemingly without justification.

Over the years the leadership of Dr. Plana Rubiconto the school had a remarkable evolution in terms number and the quality of its Plan of Studies, tailored to different needs of the area. In addition to teaching the curriculum to which special attention is paid by the teachers, the school, at the instigation of the Dean Rubiconto offers various opportunities for personal growth and development not only to pre-adolescents, but also to adults with the presence of a Permanent Territorial Center especially in advanced education for foreigners and the organization of cultural events aimed at all citizens.

In addition, a calm and helpful that the Manager has created between the faculty and staff, confidence and esteem of pupils and families, continuamente confermata da un elevatissimo numero di iscritti.

Pertanto Le chiediamo di rivedere la Sua decisione perché la nostra scuola ne verrebbe profondamente danneggiata.

Certi della Sua attenzione, Le inviamo distinti saluti.

I collaboratori del Dirigente Scolastico

prof.ssa Maria Luisa Faravelli ( Collaboratrice Vicaria) e prof.ssa Elena Torti

Il Presidente del Consiglio d'Istituto

dott.ssa Simona Airò

Monday, July 19, 2010

South Park Fishsticks Quotes


Si svolgerà nel quartiere fieristico di Modena dal 6 al 7 Ottobre 2010.
Il progetto Ambiente Lavoro Convention nasce agli inizi degli anni novanta e rappresenta un momento di formazione per tutti coloro che si occupano di salute e sicurezza sul lavoro. I temi trattati riguarderanno l'esposizione ad agenti chimici, l'utilizzo di dispositivi meccanici, l'inquinamento acustico, elettromagnetico, radioattivo, il rischio incendio, ecc..

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