Friday, March 11, 2011

I B S More Condition_symptoms

Turchia, raffigurazioni erotiche maschili.

Göbekli Tepe. Discovery of the oldest depiction of male erotica.
Xavier G. Malatesta

arouses curiosity the news of the discovery of what appears to be the depiction of a naked man caught in the moment of full erection, if it did, it would be the most archaic representation of male erotica. The discovery was made in the famous site of turkish Göbekli Tepe, near the border with Syria, in what is considered the oldest stone temple structure in the world, dating from around 11 BC .500, seven thousand years before the 'erection of the Great Pyramids in Egypt. Apart
interpretations of archaeological fantasy character, who would see the place, attended by about five centuries before it was mysteriously buried at the origin - or rebuttal - the myth of the Garden of Eden, it is still an archaeological site is unique: the Overall, in fact, consists of an artificial hill surrounded by rough stone walls and four great circular enclosures, bordered by towering monoliths weighing about ten tons each, richly decorated with bas-relief in several animal species, as well as reasons geometry, were also found in some clay statues, very spoiled, representing perhaps a fox or a boar. Thanks to analisi paleobiologiche, si è potuto ricostruire l’ambiente che permise a gruppi di uomini di abbandonare il nomadismo e di insediarsi stabilmente in un luogo: solo un’organizzazione stabile, o in via di stabilizzazione, poteva concepire un progetto tanto monumentale e protrarlo per diverse generazioni, sebbene non siano stati rinvenuti (per il momento) resti di abitazioni o animali domestici.
Al posto dell’attuale deserto, querce, ginepri e mandorle, oltre ad animali selvatici, di cui si sono rinvenuti i resti negli strati più antichi dello scavo, accanto agli strumenti utilizzati per cacciarli ed utilizzarne al meglio carne, ossa, pelli; semi di piante selvatiche e tracce di legno carbonizzato indicano che, già before the construction of the sanctuary, the place had to be attended with some regularity. Perhaps the sedentary, and thus agriculture, had its first fundamental impulse here. Waiting for new discoveries, in the meantime, what was the purpose of many a hard fight? Propitiate the gods of the hunt (but the bas-reliefs of the ants and scorpions, then)? A cosmic celebration of the wealth that nature offered? Shamanic rituals? Ceremonies associated with fertility? Apotropaic cults? The discovery of the male representation could help to answer some questions. Jens
Notroff, spokesman for the Deutsches Institut Archäologisches, the body that is overseeing the excavations in the area, said that the image is "without doubt a man with an erect penis." Figures as of naked old women were already known, then this would be the first involving a male: characterization phallic indicate fertility, so prosperity and abundance, as reflected explicitly in the Greek and Roman culture, but with one small difference. The man of the bas-relief, in fact, has no head. "The man's head is missing - continued Notroff - It was seen as the seat of the soul, then an image that has no means represent that he is dead and departed in the afterlife." To this are added Figures boundary - larger than the male - a bird and a scorpion, in line with an unusually hard, maybe the sun. Understand its meaning, then, becomes even more difficult.
Klaus Schmidt, director of the German mission, epigraphy shows what is the insuperable problem facing those who seek to shed light on an iconography so remote, "This was a time when the writing does not exist, so the names could not be transcribed, and then passed down through the millennia. Just think of Egypt: no hieroglyphics, we would not know what the classical sources that tell us of them, and it is very little. But without the Rosetta Stone, even hieroglyphic writing would be pointless. It is not enough, the sign: we must also interpret it. "To be honest - Notroff says - we are still trying to understand the meaning of the images: we see the figures, but we understand its meaning. It's like if you dig a Christian church finding the cross and other symbols, with no clue what they mean. We know that these images have religious significance, but the rest have no idea. " So the question remains, strong, except that there are no other unexpected discoveries shed new light here in Göbekli Tepe, a sanctuary of over thirteen thousand years ago.
Photo Opening: detail of the stela depicting a naked man in the lower right.
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Wednesday, March 9, 2011

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Porti e approdi antichi in Sardegna, Rassegna organizzata da Italia Nostra.

Review on Sardinia as the interface of cultural exchanges with the outside.

E 'in Italy during the exhibition organized by our non-profit organization, which is attended by some archaeologists on subjects related to ancient ports and harbors on the island (see poster in the picture). I watched the first meetings and I thought to give readers who were involved, the transcription of reports, I apologize in advance for the presence of some small mistake, due to my inexperience of the difficulty of transforming the "file" registered "file" readable .

Ports of ancient Sardinia.
Charles Tronchetti

The island, until a decade ago, was seen as a land of conquest and colonization by foreign people who came, invaded the coast and occupied the territory, bringing their culture. Today there is a marked tendency to study the region as affected by a network of trade throughout the Mediterranean, and as a meeting of cultures, without prevarication.
Two cultures coming into contact to create a third, the result of contamination from the previous ones. Every culture has with the other new things that are perceived, processed and absorbed by a process of change that fits their culture.
We must understand the show "Ports" as an interface that divide but unites diverse people who come into contact. My report about the stretch of coast that is home to Nora, and other landing places as Cape Bithia Malfatano and Porto Pino, little investigated, and therefore difficult to pin down. Nora
interface lends itself well to meetings because it offers a cozy and sheltered harbor. We have two rivers and lowlands that allows connect to Campidano. Furthermore, by climbing a step, you get to Bithia and other streets that were used in ancient times to cross the mountains to the mining areas. Today we know well the village of Nora, and excavation work going on.

Bithia is a small headland on which lies the village, although the actions of excavation have revealed only traces on the hill, perhaps because the measures were superficial. At the bottom there is a temple dedicated to Bes and a large area of \u200b\u200bthe necropolis.
The south west coast of Sardinia favors the port for the routes that go from east to west, and offers a good port for travel from Sicily and Carthage. The winds and currents suggest these routes and certainly in ancient seafaring activities mainly take account of natural events. The Tyrrhenian Sea is presented as a triangle has a vertex in Sicily, one in North Africa and the last section between Corsica and Tuscany. The land bordering the water in this triangle are always in contact with each other.
in the Bronze Age, the area between Sarroch Pula and is affected by contact with the Mycenaean world. The Mycenaean culture is high and hierarchical, and reaches across the western Mediterranean in search of metals, to the Iberian Peninsula. Local communities sardines were certainly affected by the Mycenaeans and Contact the coastal areas was strong. The Mycenaean Greece and Cyprus show pottery identical to those found in Sardinia, and above all to Antigori (Sarroch), there is a community that takes luxury ceramics, large jars for storing food and household products. From
Sarroch Nora attest to the presence of Mycenaean and it is likely that the influence has come to Decimoputzu view of the precious statue with a human face wearing a helmet decorated with ivory boar's teeth, identical to other specimens present their in Mycenaean Greece. The port of
Nora has been identified by underwater archaeological investigations of Ignazio Sanna, a technical supervision. You notice a well-cut canal, dug sott’acqua, che si dirige verso l’attuale peschiera, e ai lati si notano accumuli di cocci. Le strutture del porto sono di età punica e romana, ma l’insenatura mostra tracce di lavori precedenti.
I segni dei primi insediamenti sono deboli ma la ceramica è notevole, e possiamo affermare che la frequentazione più massiccia avvenne dall’VIII a.C. fino al VII d.C., in età bizantina. Circa 1500 anni di storia che mostrano una fioritura di Nora intorno al 650 a.C., con la presenza di ceramiche greche più antiche, recentemente scoperte, che offrono uno scenario tutto da studiare. La ceramica dal 750 al 700 a.C. è locale, prevalentemente da cucina, non oggetto di commercio. Intorno al 700 a.C. aumenta la ceramica fenicia fino a raggiungere, intorno al 650 a.C., una quantità che supera quella indigena. Parrebbe che i fenici arrivano intorno al 720 a.C., iniziando a collaborare con gli indigeni e a stabilirsi con propri insediamenti in luoghi dove c’era una forte presenza di nuragici. L’integrazione è pacifica e la costa era un punto d’appoggio per i navigli che stagionalmente giungevano per commerciare. Nasce una comunità mista e non si rileva più se è fenicia o indigena. Dal 650 a.C. in poi si nota in Sardegna un incremento di fenici, forse spinti dagli Assiri ad abbandonare le coste orientali. La costa sarda presenta ormai una popolazione con fenici già integrati ed è verosimile che i nuovi arrivati si mescolino proprio nelle zone where the ancestors were more numerous. The Phoenician component increases, but within five generations (750-650 BC) it is probable that, at least in the present coast, Sardinia and Phoenicians had become a single people.
The Phoenicians who came to port, in addition to products, whether ideas and technologies.
Perhaps the culmination of Nora was used as a base of support from the Etruscan and Greek sailors, but the closest in this period were with the Phoenicians. The ceramics and other materials Tyrrhenian area are less numerous. The most significant pieces show a strong collaboration between people and is complex when it comes to identifying pieces of imported or copied from the premises. A
Bithia was excavated a Phoenician necropolis that returned intact interesting materials. Precious objects such as decorated ostrich eggs and used as pitchers, with the addition of prostheses made of ivory similar to those excavated in the Etruscan necropolis, along the Arno River. In addition to the Phoenician pottery, the tombs of Etruscan ceramics Bithia are also intact. Interesting are, in addition to the traditional cremation Phoenician, some burial tombs where the deceased had on his chest remains in iron and bronze combined with a dagger. Nuragici characters that were around 650 BC, lived in an area Phoenician. Nuragici vessels were also found containing the charred remains of the dead, and then applied to a rite Phoenician characters Sardinians. Probably Bithia è un insediamento misto. Man mano che si scava in Sardegna, si sta attenti a nuovi dettagli e questi studi mostrano rapporti strettissimi fra sardi e fenici, quasi fossero il risultato dell’unione dei due popoli avvenuta nel secolo precedente.
A Bithia è stata trovata la statua di Bes che oggi si trova al museo archeologico di Cagliari. È un tempio di età romana, con una divinità benefica egiziana (Bes) portata probabilmente dai cartaginesi, che viene venerata anche in Sardegna, a dimostrazione della pluralità di contatti con il mondo esterno. Bes fu forse integrato in Sardegna con qualche divinità della salute, e questo culto è attestato anche da altre statuette di età romana, sempre rinvenute nell’isola. Many statues are made by craftsmen who knew best the art of making pots because it is obvious that the shapes are derived from that school. We have rolls that are used clay pots to get anthropomorphic figures. With
Etruria there is an evident feeling, as well as the Phoenician and Carthaginian world. These reports can be seen from the excavated material, such as with ships that have Pyrgi letters written in Etruscan and Punic in the sanctuary of the port of Cerveteri. In fact, after 500 BC, reports continue: Nora becomes a permanent settlement permanent. Prior to this date have not been found traces of houses or urban settlement, but only holes for poles or huts. In the Punic necropolis of Nora you can see the relations with the outside world because we have, for example, a wooden box with decoration in ivory, dating from around 470 BC, similar to those of Tharros. It is difficult to understand the relationship between Nora and the hinterland because the surface were found fragments of Punic, but we do not know exactly what lay beneath, or that it had extended the territory belonging to the port. Another world in which Nora is presented as the interface of trade, always mediated by the Punic ships, is greek, with Athens in particular. From a Punic tomb of a female character of Greek descent, lived in Nora and buried there, it was clear that relations with Greece were strong, because it is the only one of 40 tombs that we have in the kit is made up solely of Greek pottery figures, with scenes that take us back to women. These beautiful black Attic pottery, painted, are then copied locally and the port of arrival, and in other areas. Imitations, later, become prevalent, and after about a century, when relations with the world greek show no more contacts, replace imports and became the dominant ceramic good in the whole island. We also have some beautiful black pottery that comes from Campania, and the local ceramics workshops incorporate these forms of luxury, play with the technique similar to the original. Create a joint production with forms of Punic pottery painted black and decorated as if they were Greek. During the Punic ceramics are also typical of the Roman world, demonstrating that relations were good with many people. Between the BC and AD have produced their own pottery in Tuscany and luxury in Gaul that are reworked internally by the Sardinian artistic workshops and spread inland, becoming the most popular island. Then we still influences and cultural artifacts that come to Nora from Africa, and trade continued until the Byzantine era. Up to the sixth AD, a period of decline of the city of Nora, port facilities were used at full capacity, and the city was an interface exchange with the Mediterranean. While some of Nora streets were abandoned and occupied by sculptures of animals or other figures, the great road leading to the port was kept clear until 650 AD

Picture of Stephen Gesh.

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Mazzacane Fabrizio
F ormicola Marcello
Lombardi Luca
Collarile Carlo
Pinto Gianmarco
Festa Andrea
Caruso Nicola
Micco Nazzareno
Servodio Mattia
Guerra Danilo

Tinessa William
Collarile Luigi
Rapuano Giovanni
Raffio Angelo
Vetrone Armando

Velardi Andrea ( 6 giorni )
Sgrò Ivan ( 60 giorni)
Dell'Oste Vincenzo (185 days)


Tuesday, March 8, 2011

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La "Via del ferro", dall'Anatolia all'Etruria.

Etruria from Anatolia and Spina in Pisa
Joseph Sgubbi

A Tuscan group of scholars led by Professor Gianfranco Bracci did the necessary research in order to find the location of two ancient routes: a Marine (Etruria from Anatolia) and the other land (from Spina in Pisa). Thanks to a qualified journalistic response, the fruits of their discoveries has been made known also to the general public. We see these trips.
Route marine
VIA IRON, Etruria from Anatolia.
This is a dated way to XII BC, which would be used for the first time by the Etruscans in order to migrate westward in search of metals. The route is: starting from the Turkish city of badrum, then with a navigation of small vessels, Greek coast, Puglia, Calabria Sicily, Sardinia, Racing, landing in Tuscany near Pisa.
Route terrestrial
This is a dated way to the fourth BC, mentioned in the Periplus of the Mediterranean portolano greek Scylax of Carianda. These, in the description the beaches of Romagna, in very exceptional cases, cites a director terrestrial and Spina in Pisa in the Tirreno Adriatico reached. It is the oldest European country road. For scholars Tuscan journey would be, Pisa, Poggio Castiglioni, Monterenzio, Marzabotto, Bologna, Campotto Spina.
As you can see, there are two routes, but being connected, formed a single director, who arrived from Turkey in Romagna.
The topics are fascinating and interesting, it raises historical questions not yet been finally resolved: the migration of peoples, including the origin of the Etruscans, the ancient trade routes, etc..
As long I am interested in these issues in this regard I have already given to the press about different jobs, I intend to bring my modest contribution.
I state first that my assumptions differ much from those made by scholars from Tuscany, differences arising from a different basic question: For the first people arrived in Tuscany in Italy would be reached through a broken Tyrrhenian, in my humble opinion but would come through a route to the Adriatic. Consequently, while accepting their departure from Anatolia, the end point would not plug and Pisa, that is, Anatolia, Spina, Pisa, and Anatolia, Pisa, Spina. The difference in appearance is formal but substantial, the reasons will be found in the special appendix.
Different from this basic question, arising historical views that may challenge believed irrefutable knowledge of Italian history. Turning to
: Whereas Spina intermediate stage, therefore the starting point for the path of the two seas, the route designated by the Tuscan scholars. at least for the stretch from the foot of the Apennines to Spina, in my opinion should be revised, and this is what I am going to do, in fact I only just touching this point, all other issues will be addressed in my next job which soon will give to the press entitled: Very ancient stories set in northern Adriatic and in Romagna, extracted from the oldest stories in the world. Let's see what
is written in the circumnavigation: The Etruscans with the Greek city of Spina, distant 20 stadia from the sea, along the river Eridanus and 3 days' walk away from an Etruscan city on the Tyrrhenian Sea.
All scholars agree, although it is a step often interpolated and therefore difficult to interpret, that the pilot's book intended to describe the actual existence of a locally important route that connected the two seas. The opinions of scholars who are interested in this route do not agree about the identification of possible ancient path: the path could be for some Spina, Ravenna, Faenza, Valle del Lamone, Florence, Pisa. For others, Spina, Bologna, Rhine Valley, Pisa. Already said that offering Tuscan scholars, unfortunately does not specify the exact location where it would be the road that led from Spina in Bologna, have suggested that it could be also an unnamed river trip.
In my opinion, however, for several reasons that explain the way from plug to the foot of the Apennines had to correspond to the current route of the Long, a road and clearly visible in many places still viable, that by the close of Spina through the territory of several municipalities, Lugo, Bagnara Solarolo and Castel Bolognese, Emilia arrives on the street at the Senio valley.
We see the reason why I seem to lack credibility i tragitti proposti dagli altri studiosi; tragitto Spina Ravenna Faenza, a quei tempi, stiamo parlando del IV a.C, nel tratto Spina-Ravenna sfociavano vari fiumi romagnoli, perciò ben difficilmente in quel tratto poteva esserci una strada ben praticabile, basti pensare che ancora all’epoca dell’Itinerarium Antonini, almeno quattro secoli dopo al periodo che stiamo trattando, un tratto di quel tragitto si faceva solo in barca.
Tragitto Spina Bologna; altrettanto impraticabile cotesto tragitto via terra, in quanto, anche in questo caso, occorreva attraversare alcuni fiumi e vastissime paludi, perciò, escludendo un tragitto fluviale, (nel periplo è chiaro che si intende una strada), anche tale proposta appare untenable. It has no case, in spite of diligent research, this elusive path was not found any trace, if he really existed, you should find something, can not be concealed from the whole. In my opinion it will never be found because it never existed.
We see instead the way plug-Via Emilia, ie the current route of the Long, where he is currently drawn that way since ancient times, there is a strip of land very high, (not the case Santerno was forced to turn right towards the Senio, and the Sillaro was never able to overcome), well, this band of high ground, free from floods and raised above the swamps, a real unique for these areas, soon lent itself to be inhabited by prehistoric peoples, as the excavations are authoritatively Ordi Street showing, and soon is likely to be used as a means of communication on Earth.
At that time, this was the only way to get there by land to the foot of the hills, then cross the Apennines could make different choices, if you wanted to go in Lazio, the more comfortable it was certainly the Savio valley, but if, as in our case, we wanted to go to Pisa, there was only spoiled for choice, Senio valley, valley Santerno Valley Sillaro.
The reasons for assuming that I took the Long Way as the only possible guideline for those distant times, and the reasons I have brought and will bring that to rule out other possible routes by land, seem valid, but found a convincing confirmation of a crucial fact: the stones come from the hills of Romagna Spina, if there had been a director very viable plug-Bologna, the rocks were derived from the hills around Bologna.
summary, from ancient Greek sources, (Dionysius of Halicarnassus and Ellanico of Lesbos), we learn very clear that Spina ancient times, at least since 1500 BC, was an important port used by Middle Eastern nations willing to go in Tuscany or Lazio. These, after climbing the Adriatic, and arrived, thanks to this convenient and quick way terrestrial at the foot of the Apennines, could they please use one of the many valleys of Romagna, as demonstrated by the numerous archaeological, all appear to have been continuously practiced since ancient times. Of course it of any Tuscan valley to cross in the opposite direction, but from the Via Emilia to plug there was only one viable land route, the current route of the Via Lunga. Nothing prevents to believe that in ancient times there were various lines river Bologna-Plug, but among these there can not be that reported by Scylax Ps.

As is known, the description of the coast more or less corresponds to notices to mariners: possible landing places, distances between them, coastal populations and other information not only useful, but sometimes necessary for those who are preparing to navigate a sea. This is exactly what is in the Periplus of the Mediterranean and in any other Periplus.
Scylax of Carianda or whoever he was surely aware that a few generations before the Trojan War, Eastern populations, under the generic heading Pelasgians, oriented to go in the territories bordering the Tyrrhenian Italic center, they chose the course "Adriatic" therefore, thought it should rightly describes the landing place most convenient to reach the goal. The
portolano certainly knew the possible river routes leading to the land of Tirreni, but not saw fit to report them because he knew that these routes were not safe, it could change the result of a worsening climate, not only those routes could be easily used by locals, but people from other areas, was too large risk of being mired in the vast marshes, so rightly decided to report the unique, safe and long journey beaten earth, the fact that Spin allows you to easily reach the Tyrrhenian city.
scholars have not come into this light and therefore have great doubts about the actual importance of the route now marked by a long way, was in ancient times.