After the winter break and resumed Sunday, March 6, at the park Nurallao, the 3rd edition of "Journey into History." Theme of the day was the history of burial and funeral rites, in Sardinia dal Neolitico ai Punici. Gli oltre 40 partecipanti si sono dati appuntamento nella sala del ristorante del parco Funtana Is Arinus, dove alle 10.30 in punto, come da programma, si è svolto il convegno-dibattito su "domus de janas e tombe di giganti".
Il toponimo Nurallao deriva da "nur", la stessa radice protosarda di "nuraghe", che significherebbe "cumulo o luce”, e suggerisce la frequentazione della zona in epoca nuragica. Ma il suo territorio conobbe anche insediamenti punici, che dotarono la regione di un sistema di fortificazioni a presidio delle vie di penetrazione verso la Barbagia. In epoca medioevale il paese appartenne alla curatoria di Valènza, del Giudicato di Arborea, svolgendo un ruolo centrale nella gestione dei rapporti policy with the neighboring kingdom of Calari.
Following the conference, around 13.00, the large group has enjoyed the delights of the restaurant with an extensive menu typical of the place, accompanied by good wine production. Pancakes, fruit salad and coffee, prior to the tasting of spirits.

In the afternoon, around 16:00, the participants walked along the forest trails, along the river to waterfalls, ideal location for group photos. The waters of the Rio
Sarcidano, which feed the lake Is Borrocus, born in Park City Nurallao Funtana Is Arinus, where the beautiful waterfalls roar, jumping more than 20 m and surrounded by greenery, with which the Rio Sarcidano began its run toward the lake. The park protects a beautiful natural forest of oaks, holm oaks and cork trees with waterfalls and springs and is located upstream of the country.

At 17.00 in the car, the group reached the Tomb of the Giants "Aiòdda" in the immediate vicinity of the village. The Aiòdda tomb, dating from the fifteenth BC, is 400 m high on the western limestone plateau is Pranu Ciaexìus, and was badly damaged by bulldozers during farm work. It has the classic bull-like pattern, with the semicircular semicircular slab of limestone, and the remains of a large stele broken transversely at the base. The burial chamber is located on a sunken, and originally was bounded by mound outside. The rows of projecting base of the walls inside, navetiforme cell line a long, arched cross-sectional.
Within twenty bodies were found, with ceramic handles elbow type Bonnannaro, copper and bronze brooches, Culture Bell, and some sections of standing stones in limestone stele figures, dating back to 2800/2500 BC similar to the symbolic motifs of statue-menhirs of Laconi, tipped with a candlestick, and daggers with triangular blades, double or single.

Some of these stelae are still positioned in the wall hangings of the megalithic tomb, others are on the ground. The megalithic tomb of
Aiòdda marks the southern boundary all’espansione delle statue-menhirs sarcidanesi, ma presenta nuovi particolari aspetti. I resti di nove Nuraghi, la tomba megalitica e un piccolo pozzo sacro sono le testimonianze nuragiche di Nurallao. Sicuramente il sito sul colle era già sacro ai Protosardi che vi eressero i simulacri di pietra (i menhir), poi riutilizzati dai Nuragici, simboli dei loro defunti più carismatici o eroici.
Alle 18.30 si è conclusa la giornata con i saluti e l'arrivederci al 27 Marzo, quando sede dell'evento sarà il pozzo di Santa Cristina a Paulilatino. E' prevista la visita al nuraghe Losa e ad altri siti del territorio.
Questo il video sulle cascate , realizzato durante la passeggiata nel bosco di Nurallao, by his friend Giancarlo M. who kindly made available this spell of Sardinia.
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