Cagliari: Save the necropolis of Tuvixeddu
Xavier Malatesta (Archeorivista)
Every now and then, in the increasingly bleak panorama of Italian cultural heritage, there is some good news. The State Council has issued a ruling that would put a definitive end sull'ennesima long-standing issue of concern to the heritage of our country by accepting the appeal submitted by the Region of Sardinia and Italy Our association, the court has confirmed the constraints on one of the most archaeological sites on the island and the Mediterranean, avoiding the destruction in favor of the usual scenic residential complex.
Occupying the same name and part of the hill near Tuvumannu relief, within the city of Cagliari, to Tuvixeddu is the largest Phoenician necropolis discovered so far, and also one of the most ignored. Until the Eighties, in fact, the company ran a Italcementi quarry that those interested in their heights, causing the destruction of an unknown number of burials, only belatedly was closed, and only with the regional council, chaired by Renato Soru constraints were imposed on the acts his protection, according to a future creation of an archaeological park that would preserve much historical evidence, as the charming and rugged landscape in which they are located. An agreement between the City of Cagliari, always in favor of the subdivision and the construction company, had led to ignore these constraints, strongly advocated by the then superintendent, Fausto Martino, who canceled the authorization granted by the administration. Against that decision is appealed to the TAR of Lazio, which gave reason for manufacturers: the plan was to build a complex of well 260 thousand cubic meters of concrete, in an area already plagued by other disfigurements such as when, in 2000, four hundred burials were destroyed, having been studied and cataloged, only to build the foundations of some buildings.
Fortunately - and the fact that it looks a fortune indicates which was our heritage is reduced - the Council of State overturned the ruling, while supporting the protection, and reaffirming that an area already affected by not building so it must be further marred by new buildings: a principle that could be applied to other archaeological sites and landscapes, constantly threatened by the advance of the cement unstoppable. It seems rhetorical, but every year in Italy, five hundred square kilometers of land disappear under the gray concrete.
This time, however, the horde cement was temporarily halted. At least Tuvixeddu.
Sources: http://tg24.sky.it/tag/tg24/tuvixeddu_1.html
http://ricerca.repubblica.it/repubblica/archivio/repubblica/2009/11/02/una-colata-di- cement-assed-the-necropoli.html
The image of the central area of \u200b\u200bthe necropolis of Tuvixeddu, seen from above is from www.Repubblica.it
For the record, I add an article that I published a few months ago.
Tuvixeddu The necropolis is the largest extant Phoenician necropolis. Extends into the city of Cagliari, on the whole the hill, between the district and is grown along the avenue and the street Is Sant'Avendrace Maglias.
Tuvixeddu The name means "hill of small holes," Sardinian tuvu for the term "cavity", precisely because of the presence of numerous tombs carved into the limestone.
Between the sixth and third century BC the Carthaginians chose the hill to bury their dead: the tombs were accessible through a well dug into the rock limestone and eight feet deep by up to eleven meters. Within a small opening of the well introduced to the burial chamber or burial chamber. The burial chambers were decorated beautifully, and were also found inside amphorae decorated, were also found where you put the phials of perfume essences. At the foot of the hill is also Tuvixeddu una necropoli romana, che si affacciava sulla strada che, all'uscita della città, diventava la a Karalibus Turrem (oggi il viale Sant'Avendrace). La necropoli romana è prevalentemente composta da tombe ad arcosolio e colombari.
Di particolare interesse, tra le tombe puniche, la Tomba dell'Ureo e la Tomba del Combattente, decorate con palme e maschere tuttora ben conservate. Dopo la distruzione della città di Santa Igia intorno al 1200 da parte dei Pisani, i superstiti si stanziarono nell'attuale viale Sant'Avendrace, alle pendici del colle: così buona parte delle case si addossarono a Tuvixeddu, utilizzando ognuna di queste un accesso alle grotte. Ancora oggi, in caso di demolizione delle vecchie case del quartier spesso si trovano caves with signs of residential (some re-used caves as dwellings can be seen behind the Siotto). The hill of
Tuvixeddu was never exploited, and in the twentieth century became the quarry of a cement plant of Italcementi, which has finished extracting only in the eighties. So with the work of many tombs quarry went irretrievably destroyed, even if they were found more. Moreover, during the bombings of World War II caves were used by the inhabitants of the area as bomb shelters, and used it as the older homes do not have to run every time the hill. Immediately after the war were inhabited by those who had lost their homes during the bombing. In the cement hill today rimane soltanto la torre per la fabbricazione della calce e un capannone che si trova accanto alla nuova ala della scuola media intitolata al canonico Giovanni Spano.
Vi si vorrebbe realizzare un grande parco archeologico e naturalistico, all'interno del quale è prevista anche la costruzione di un museo che conservi i reperti e la storia del colle, anche se alcune imprese edilizie stanno realizzando numerosi interventi edilizi residenziali nella via Is Maglias, area interessata a ricerca archeologica dopo l'accordo del 2000 fra regione, comune e privati.
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