In search of treasure greek plug in the sanctuary of Delphi
Joseph Sgubbi
AA = Upper Adriatic Antiques, Instruments and MemorieAccademia AMAP = Pad =
SVME Athens Archaeological School Yearbook; ASNSP Instruments Pisa
= BCH = Bulletin de Correspondence Hellènique; CISA Contributions = Institute of Ancient History: CCRB = Cultural Workshop on Art and Byzantine Ravenna; MEFRA = Melanges d'Archeologie de Ecole Francaise de Rome; PP = Word of the Past; QUCC = Quaderni Urbinati di Cultura Classica, RM = Mitteilungen des Deutschen Archaeologischen (Roma), RAL = Rendiconti Accademia dei Lincei, Rendiconti = RIL Institutes Lombardi, RFC = Magazine of Classical Philology; RSA = Journal of Ancient History, Classics and Oriental Studies = SCO, SE = Etruscan Studies.
The starting point for this research I had to after a trip to Greece.
Four ancient authors, in their works, recall the presence of the "treasure" of the greek Spineto in the sanctuary of Delphi.
(For treasure means small house in the form of a temple that was built inside the fence sacred function was to guard the gifts offered to Apollo in thanks for the advice received, so no content but a container.
These ancient writers are: Strabo (VI-I7) on the description of the Po Delta, still Strabo (IX, 3-8) at the description of the Delphic sanctuary, Dionysius of Halicarnassus (I-I7) on the description of Spina founded by the Pelasgians, Pliny (III-I6) at the description of the Po Delta, Lung (University XVIII 6 ° 6 A) at the description of Greece.
Despite these conclusive evidence, three Greek people, professionals: the guide, the museum's director of Delphi and a local scholar, specially interpellati riguardo della presenza del tesoro di Spina, non hanno saputo dirmi alcunché. Ritornato a casa ho ritenuto opportuno fare le necessarie ricerche, questi sono i risultati.
Lo studio riguardante la possibile individuazione del tesoro degli Spineti a Delfi, comporta anche l’approfondimento di vari temi ad esso collegati: antiche rotte Adriatiche, antiche migrazioni, rapporti fra Greci ed Etruschi... Si tratta di vicende, che senza alcun dubbio, hanno condizionato la storia e la protostoria, sia dell’area Spinetica che Romagnola.
Il tesoro degli spineti nelle testimonianze antiche
“Anche Altino è situata nelle paludi in una posizione somigliante to that of Ravenna, are found between half Butrio Castle Ravenna and Spina is now a village but was once a famous city of Greece. But in Delphi wont get to see the treasure of the people of Spina and other things wont be talked about them as a people were once powerful in the sea. And they say that this ancient city was built along the sea, but now it is rather far from the sea and land within approximately ninety stadia. "
Strabo (IX-3.8);
Wealth wont be envied so it is difficult to be kept even when it is sacred. But the temple of Delphi is in this poor, since their votes consacratvi, the most valuable were taken away and if but there are another are of inferior quality, but this ancient temple was very rich, witness Homer, but the riches he has not mentioned any vestiges left of it, nearly all votes were consecrated by the winners as the first fruits of the booty gained in their wars and there still read the inscriptions that show the'origine of those gifts and the names of donors, for instance Sibariti Spineto the Gulf and the Adriatic. Who knows why Strabo
feel the need to add after the word Spineto also the voice of the Adriatic, has probably meant that he knew of the existence of two cities with that name? In truth there was in other Licia Spina, (Lattes p. 1894. 35), this could mean that the name to the Adriatic Spina was given by people coming from the Aegean and that took its name from the branch of the Po called spin.
Pliny the Elder (III-I6);
"The Po to Ravenna Port Augusta through the pit where it is now called, and a time Padusa Messana, near the mouth of which is the size of a port that is said to be a Vatrenus river that descends from the hills of Imola. This was said before Eridania mouth and other Spineta, the city of Spina, founded by Diomedes, who excelled in the area leads us to believe as the "treasure" that exist in Delphi. "
Dionysius of Halicarnassus (I-I7);
"Some of those Pelasgians who dwelt in Thessaly, Greek descent from the Poloponneso, forced to abandon their lands, after various events took refuge inside from the people of Dodona, but they stayed only for a reasonable time, and then left the area following the address of the oracle to navigate to Italy at that time called Saturnia, built many ships and sailed to the Ionian Sea, but because of strong winds in the South and the lack of knowledge of those places, were taken over and moored near the mouth of a river called Po Spine. They founded
Spina had much luck certainly much more than other cities of the Ionian Sea for a long time becoming the most powerful rulers of the sea as da essere in condizioni di portare al santuario di Delfi decime più belle quanto mai, ricavate dalle loro attività marinare, successivamente attaccati da barbari che abitavano in zone confinanti, furono costretti ad abbandonare la città. Cosi scompare la stirpe dei Pelasgi che si era stabilita a Spina “.
Polemone(Ateneo XVIII 606) ;
“A Delfi nel tesoro degli Spinati, vi sono due statue in marmo di fanciulli dicono gli abitanti di Delfi che un visitatore del santuario si sarebbe innamorato di una delle due immagini, ragion per cui si sarebbe fatto chiudere nell’edificio e per questo amplesso avrebbe lasciato una corona”.
Il sito di Spina
Nonostante la city \u200b\u200bof Spina has been, albeit only partially found, and were found over 4OOO graves that were part of his burial, despite the fact that this city is mentioned by many ancient writers, in addition to the already mentioned Strabo, Pliny and Dionysius of Halicarnassus should be added Stephen Byzantine (v plug), Ps Scylax (I7) and Trogir-Justin (XX-I-II), despite the vast literature that this city can boast, just think of the numerous acts of conferences dedicated to her Spina (I959 ), Spina (I96O), Spina (I992), Spina (I993), Spina (I994), Spina (I998), well despite all this, little is known of plug: not its name, its origin, its development on ethnicity of its inhabitants and its end. Rightly, some have called this city a sphinx.
One of the reasons why his stories have been so puzzling is the fact that in the same delta area, but separated by at least five centuries, there have been two cities with the same name (Ferri I959 p. 59-63). One is the Spina
Etruscan city that is part and found that the ceramic is existing from the beginning of the end of the sixth III BC, the other is the plug "Pelasgian" mentioned by Dionysius of Halicarnassus, which was founded by Pelasgians at the time of the Trojan War, around 1200 BC They are two different realities, hence the uncertainties, by Hence the confusion. We see with the help of testimony where you can locate the ancient Pelasgians. We know from
Ellanico (apud Dionysius of Halicarnassus I-28) and by the same Dionysius, who was based in a branch of the Po said thorns from the Byzantine Empire, we learn that Stephen was connected to the branch Spino, the circumnavigation of Ps Scylax (17) it is written that the city needed to get back to that a course of water for at least three kilometers, of which course it was Pliny tells us, (CIT) was a branch of the Po, said Spinete, fed by a river, from from the hills of Imola, called Vatrenus (Santerno), which later give its name to the mouth. From these ancient remains, come si può vedere, non è possibile sapere con esattezza a quale delle due Spina essi si riferiscono. Dubbioso è anche il riferimento di Strabone, quando dice che al suo tempo, I d.C. oppure al tempo della sua fonte, (Artemidoro I a.C), la città di Spina distava dal mare oltre I5 km.
Al riguardo della localizzazione della Spina pelasgica, la stragrande maggioranza degli studiosi moderni ha preferito non prendere posizione, uno di loro il Ferretti Spadazzi (I983 pag 80), ha proposto che potrebbe corrispondere all’abitato venuto alla luce a Frattesina Terme, prov Rovigo. La motivazioni che lui riporta è che questo è il maggiore insediamento di epoca pelasgica della zona e che si trovava in un ramo del Po ora estinto.
This proposal comes up against his hard to beat an inconsistency; Spina Pelasgian was bound to be located to the south of the Po, otherwise you do not see how they sailed the Pelasgians in Etruria going from Cortona. Frattesina so difficult is the place where it was this early Spina. I wish I could be so far away from the sea! because then I might suggest, more likely, which may also correspond prehistoric village came to light where I live, that is Solarolo Ravenna prov. It is a town that has the same characteristics Frattesina, the only difference is that, despite having been discovered almost twenty years, this village do not know almost nothing, while instead of Frattesina, you are known only after two months many things that had been discovered.
Solarolo do not propose that the area where the plug could be located Pelasgians, although we can not exclude it, because I intend to make an assumption more credible. From time support (Sgubbi I992), unfortunately unheeded by experts, where that is now traced the ancient Via Longa, a road which, starting from the Via Emilia, at the Senio valley, the southern reaches of the valleys on either side of Comacchio ancient times there was a strip of high ground, free from floods, which no doubt was used in ancient times as an important director of the Earth. Antiquity in this way is archaeologically documented by the presence of numerous settlements on either side of the Bronze and Villanovans, came to light in the wake of plowing, so a small depth.
This ancient land route has all the features to match the route mentioned by Ps Scylax (Sgubbi I992), who with three days of walking, you could join with Spina Pisa. Despite having strong doubts on the possibility that in just three days of travel they could take over 2OO miles, this route may mark the road that connected with Spina Felsina, a road more than once sought but never found because it is absolutely not sought which could be. That this journey was for the land Thorn as convenient to get to the Via Emilia, Bologna, then turning towards, it also demonstrates the fact that the stones found in Spina come, or the Alps or Romagnolo Apennines, this means that there was a road that connected online Direct Plug and Bologna, as in this case, was also used to transport the much rocky material, which would have been from the Apennines, but the Bolognese. Regardless of all this, the finding in this guideline, Amber type of Tiryns (Catharsis Garland I993 p. 43) and two fragments of pottery, considered by some Mycenaeans, which of course should be added to the Mycenaean artifacts discovered in Mugello ie in the Tuscan side, shows that this ancient road was widely practiced.
And it is along these lines that I believe we must seek an Spina pelagic, but where exactly? Maybe we can help the testimony of Pliny the Elder as these in hand, we have already seen, he says that the branch Spinete, where Spina was founded, consisted of a course of water from dall'imolese; the Vatrenus (Sgubbi I983) , then this course of water formed in the ancient Santerno from Rasena (Martial Epigram) and the Senio, which could correspond to the actual mouth of the Rhine, it should be, with the help of aerial photos, hard to find him, well, once traced , should be find where it crosses the above-mentioned former director, and right there, in my opinion, it should check the plug Pelasgians. They say Uggeri Patitucci (1974 p. 70-91) that 3000 years ago the coastline was at least 30 km from today's. If so, this thorn pelasgo need to search much farther from the Etruscan Spina. Ferri says (1957 p. 97) to look for 4 or 5 km to the west, I believe that we should look further. What should the iron (cited) could be valid considering that Spina was built as Ravenna and Venice on the islands, but as we have seen, Dionysius of Alicannaso says that these Pelasgians went to the branch of the spin by this witness can not be know than went up this river, but surely until it found a lot of land. Well, the land was not far away, in fact, without a doubt, they found the strip of land before mentioned, and surely in that place founded Spina. You should also note that the settlements were built in ancient times a bit 'in order not to suffer the pirates. So if I had the task of finding certainly would start the arc of land, S'Alberto, Madonna del Bosco, Longastrino. and I would be very high up, because, as we know, between the period Protovillanovan and the Etruscan period, there was a long deterioration in climate that made much progress in the coastline.
tomorrow ... the 2nd part
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