Puglia Regional
Bersani si è già rimesso i baffi.
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Arteritis More Condition_symptoms
???????????????? Gordian Knot
"Avremmo dovuto L'Aquila make the event - he said - but The Eagle and 'a city' which could become ghost and we would not want to become a region Abruzzo ghost in the national economic and social. "
Paola Agnello Modica - National Secretary of the CGIL.
"Avremmo dovuto L'Aquila make the event - he said - but The Eagle and 'a city' which could become ghost and we would not want to become a region Abruzzo ghost in the national economic and social. "
Paola Agnello Modica - National Secretary of the CGIL.
Viral Hepatitis More Condition_symptoms
When it becomes inextricable Gordian knot, and when the same is likely to choke or drown you, is only the strength of the solution Alexandrian.
Cut the Gordian knot and take the journey.
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Small Broken Capilliaries On Chest
" Après avoir Nommo a faible président de la Commission européenne, ils ont Désormais Nommo a président du Conseil et une Haute Falotico insignifiante representante, les chefs d'Etat et de gouvernement ont leur politique d'affaiblissement poursuite des Institutions européennes "(DCB).
" Après avoir Nommo a faible président de la Commission européenne, ils ont Désormais Nommo a président du Conseil et une Haute Falotico insignifiante representante, les chefs d'Etat et de gouvernement ont leur politique d'affaiblissement poursuite des Institutions européennes "(DCB).
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Hyperglycaemia More Condition_symptoms
Stage: Difficulty objective or laziness? The
As we saw in an earlier article when entering the stage, you enter a new world and particularly where, for the realization of a show, You can create dangerous situations (outside of the rules) due to artistic requirements and directed that expose all the creative and technical staff, in this stage, the risk of bodily injury.
Thus the stage is right to assert that inevitably some exception to the regulations (To date there is no specific legislation on the boards of Italian theaters).
When it comes to safety is worth remembering that we speak of a concept that involves everyone. The workers, the employer, the officer responsible for security, the directors, the supervisory body, the judiciary.
How often we hear that there is still a widespread culture of security and that there is, unfortunately, a real culture of prevention?. Many plans, safety management of the theaters are often concentrated on the formal aspects to protect themselves with the rules and consequences of a damaging event, rather than on the implementation of proper risk management programs.
These programs, after the detection of a risk, they should change the way and work practices after participation and involvement of employees through the same and their safety representatives (RLS).
In the constitution of an organizational safety, must necessarily be defined roles and responsibilities at different levels, passing by the awareness of employees in security issues, creating a widespread awareness through internal communication and staff training, involving all the functions business for the prevention of accidents at work.
But talk of Risk Management can be dangerous and that can be seen by those who are not used to manipulate certe parole come una cosa troppo complicata per essere applicata. Come vedremo le cose non stanno così e l'applicazione della sicurezza in un Palcoscenico non rappresenta affatto una cosa difficile, fatte salve le deroghe affrontate in precedenza, basta solo volerlo fare. Trovo che una delle cose più disarmanti sia quella di voler far capire, attraverso discussioni lunghe e stancanti, a chi ha un atteggiamento poco costruttivo che anche se esistono reali difficoltà oggettive non per questo bisogna scoraggiarsi e far si che quello che si può fare in sicurezza e nel rispetto delle regole deve essere fatto. Spesso però tali atteggiamenti nascondono dietro un pessimismo ed un malessere lavorativo che porta a creare ostruzionismo in tutto ciò che di positivo can and should be done. To be clear I will try to bring some practical example. The electricians are
stage of "focusing" of the projectors are mounted on an 'American lights positioned 12 meters from the floor. How is pointing at that height? Each stage uses different systems that may be stairs, scaffolds, elevator mechanics, child seats. Each of these systems involves a series of operations, provided by the manufacturer and confirmed within the DVR from the RSPP company for the job safely. We take the example of a mechanical lift, the safety data sheet imposes an obligation to set and level the base of the same by means of four adjustable legs so as to balance any slopes. This operation is not always respected and I would like to stress not always an objective problem, but only out of laziness. Let's say one of the four legs can not be inserted because the base of the elevator touches a wall of a stage set. What do you do in these cases? The easiest and simplest thing is to go on with three legs inserted without wasting time thinking about alternatives that may be. From personal experience, 99% of the time, just move the piece that impedes the inclusion of the fourth leg or put differently, the base of the lift to be able to insert the four legs and can therefore operate safely. At the same time if using a harness ci andiamo ad assicurare al parapetto dell'elevatore eviteremo una caduta dallo stesso in caso di svenimento o malessere. Quello che sto dicendo potrà apparire scontato agli addetti ai lavori che sicuramente si chiederanno: E se oggettivamente la quarta gamba non si può mettere? La risposta non è difficile visto che esistono altri sistemi per lavorare in quota. Se non riusciamo a metterne in sicurezza uno bisogna lavorare utilizzandone un altro. Restando nell'esempio appena citato potremmo utilizzare un seggiolino e dotando l'operatore di una imbracatura ed un paracadute (simile ad una cintura di sicurezza) otterremo un sistema di lavoro assolutamente sicuro.
Spesso alle conferenze cui partecipo sento ripetere che quello che manca è la "cultura della security '. It is true that this culture must be brought down but it is also true that the active involvement of workers is crucial. The biggest problems finding them often with older workers, who are often not very participatory especially with regard to the 'DPI.Alcuni tend to use similar systems to reproduce congedanti last month of military service in rejecting any notion of order, even if this means their own security. From personal experience I can say that female engineers and technicians are young more caring and sympathetic to the issue we are facing.
But who is responsible for developing a "culture of security"?
Naturally, the Employers Work and then the Stewards who must implement the development plans through the collaboration of managers and supervisors.
In this regard between "good" changes that the new Decree. August 3, 2009 No. 106 has led to in Legislative Decree no. 81/2008 are those that relate to their leaders and in fact all 'art. 37 paragraph 7, we see that the leaders must be trained.
This change is very important because even those who are now required to take decisions affecting the life of a theater can no longer be in the dark about the laws and especially the sanctions foreseen in case of serious failures or errors that could cause injury.
How much time is devoted to the development of culture security "?
Again the answer is simple: Little or never enough. It would be useful because, in addition to mandatory training, to have the hours per month, managed by the workers and their representatives for discussion and exchange of experiences and advice on how to improve the way they work safely.
The situations that create more difficulties in being managed safely outfits are definitely co-produced or hospitality. It is not always such arrangements, often of old buildings are fully in line with safety regulations. that should be present in all versions of the stores have a certificate of idonietà theaters, a blue sticker, certifying their perfect safety. A discourse that is already happening with regard to the rental of equipment of all types must comply with the regulations and in case of home-made equipment have a certification document issued by a qualified and competent. The most important Theaters have a technical manager who has the task of going to see, not always present but often only on paper, installations that wish to rent. It would be important that the manager has more than specific technical skills are the powers relating to laws relating to occupational safety. To take an example I remember a version that saw the presence of a pool into which they were lying power cable is not suitable to work immersed in water. What could be done in this case? The best thing would be to replace all the cables, but who had to pay a considerable cost plus? Given the tight time and few resources available, the risk was limited (note that there is never a zero risk) by mounting a circuit breaker rated at 0.03 A mountain of a dimmer (even if there were electric motors and the people workers know the issues that the engines create differentials adjusted 0.03) and prohibiting contact with mimes and singers every element at risk. E 'to be considered, however, that the tank was an area isolated from the possible loss of mass and only a metal cable caduto (molto improbabilmente) dal graticcio avrebbe potuto creare rischi di scossa a chi vi transitava dentro.
Ma come mai questo particolare di elevato rischio elettrico era sfuggito a costruttori e progettisti e a chi aveva visionato l'allestimento da ospitare?
Questo rappresenta appunto un caso emblematico che rafforza l'idea dell'adozione di un bollino blu di rispetto delle regole di sicurezza per tutti gli allestimenti prodotti e dati a noleggio. Con il bollino blu verrebbe come ad uniformarsi un meccanismo di condivisione tra tutte le realtà che producono allestimenti e ci sarebbe una certezza di responsabilità che oggi secondo me non è molto chiara.

As we saw in an earlier article when entering the stage, you enter a new world and particularly where, for the realization of a show, You can create dangerous situations (outside of the rules) due to artistic requirements and directed that expose all the creative and technical staff, in this stage, the risk of bodily injury.
Thus the stage is right to assert that inevitably some exception to the regulations (To date there is no specific legislation on the boards of Italian theaters).
When it comes to safety is worth remembering that we speak of a concept that involves everyone. The workers, the employer, the officer responsible for security, the directors, the supervisory body, the judiciary.
How often we hear that there is still a widespread culture of security and that there is, unfortunately, a real culture of prevention?. Many plans, safety management of the theaters are often concentrated on the formal aspects to protect themselves with the rules and consequences of a damaging event, rather than on the implementation of proper risk management programs.
These programs, after the detection of a risk, they should change the way and work practices after participation and involvement of employees through the same and their safety representatives (RLS).
In the constitution of an organizational safety, must necessarily be defined roles and responsibilities at different levels, passing by the awareness of employees in security issues, creating a widespread awareness through internal communication and staff training, involving all the functions business for the prevention of accidents at work.
But talk of Risk Management can be dangerous and that can be seen by those who are not used to manipulate certe parole come una cosa troppo complicata per essere applicata. Come vedremo le cose non stanno così e l'applicazione della sicurezza in un Palcoscenico non rappresenta affatto una cosa difficile, fatte salve le deroghe affrontate in precedenza, basta solo volerlo fare. Trovo che una delle cose più disarmanti sia quella di voler far capire, attraverso discussioni lunghe e stancanti, a chi ha un atteggiamento poco costruttivo che anche se esistono reali difficoltà oggettive non per questo bisogna scoraggiarsi e far si che quello che si può fare in sicurezza e nel rispetto delle regole deve essere fatto. Spesso però tali atteggiamenti nascondono dietro un pessimismo ed un malessere lavorativo che porta a creare ostruzionismo in tutto ciò che di positivo can and should be done. To be clear I will try to bring some practical example. The electricians are
stage of "focusing" of the projectors are mounted on an 'American lights positioned 12 meters from the floor. How is pointing at that height? Each stage uses different systems that may be stairs, scaffolds, elevator mechanics, child seats. Each of these systems involves a series of operations, provided by the manufacturer and confirmed within the DVR from the RSPP company for the job safely. We take the example of a mechanical lift, the safety data sheet imposes an obligation to set and level the base of the same by means of four adjustable legs so as to balance any slopes. This operation is not always respected and I would like to stress not always an objective problem, but only out of laziness. Let's say one of the four legs can not be inserted because the base of the elevator touches a wall of a stage set. What do you do in these cases? The easiest and simplest thing is to go on with three legs inserted without wasting time thinking about alternatives that may be. From personal experience, 99% of the time, just move the piece that impedes the inclusion of the fourth leg or put differently, the base of the lift to be able to insert the four legs and can therefore operate safely. At the same time if using a harness ci andiamo ad assicurare al parapetto dell'elevatore eviteremo una caduta dallo stesso in caso di svenimento o malessere. Quello che sto dicendo potrà apparire scontato agli addetti ai lavori che sicuramente si chiederanno: E se oggettivamente la quarta gamba non si può mettere? La risposta non è difficile visto che esistono altri sistemi per lavorare in quota. Se non riusciamo a metterne in sicurezza uno bisogna lavorare utilizzandone un altro. Restando nell'esempio appena citato potremmo utilizzare un seggiolino e dotando l'operatore di una imbracatura ed un paracadute (simile ad una cintura di sicurezza) otterremo un sistema di lavoro assolutamente sicuro.
Spesso alle conferenze cui partecipo sento ripetere che quello che manca è la "cultura della security '. It is true that this culture must be brought down but it is also true that the active involvement of workers is crucial. The biggest problems finding them often with older workers, who are often not very participatory especially with regard to the 'DPI.Alcuni tend to use similar systems to reproduce congedanti last month of military service in rejecting any notion of order, even if this means their own security. From personal experience I can say that female engineers and technicians are young more caring and sympathetic to the issue we are facing.
But who is responsible for developing a "culture of security"?
Naturally, the Employers Work and then the Stewards who must implement the development plans through the collaboration of managers and supervisors.
In this regard between "good" changes that the new Decree. August 3, 2009 No. 106 has led to in Legislative Decree no. 81/2008 are those that relate to their leaders and in fact all 'art. 37 paragraph 7, we see that the leaders must be trained.
This change is very important because even those who are now required to take decisions affecting the life of a theater can no longer be in the dark about the laws and especially the sanctions foreseen in case of serious failures or errors that could cause injury.
How much time is devoted to the development of culture security "?
Again the answer is simple: Little or never enough. It would be useful because, in addition to mandatory training, to have the hours per month, managed by the workers and their representatives for discussion and exchange of experiences and advice on how to improve the way they work safely.
The situations that create more difficulties in being managed safely outfits are definitely co-produced or hospitality. It is not always such arrangements, often of old buildings are fully in line with safety regulations. that should be present in all versions of the stores have a certificate of idonietà theaters, a blue sticker, certifying their perfect safety. A discourse that is already happening with regard to the rental of equipment of all types must comply with the regulations and in case of home-made equipment have a certification document issued by a qualified and competent. The most important Theaters have a technical manager who has the task of going to see, not always present but often only on paper, installations that wish to rent. It would be important that the manager has more than specific technical skills are the powers relating to laws relating to occupational safety. To take an example I remember a version that saw the presence of a pool into which they were lying power cable is not suitable to work immersed in water. What could be done in this case? The best thing would be to replace all the cables, but who had to pay a considerable cost plus? Given the tight time and few resources available, the risk was limited (note that there is never a zero risk) by mounting a circuit breaker rated at 0.03 A mountain of a dimmer (even if there were electric motors and the people workers know the issues that the engines create differentials adjusted 0.03) and prohibiting contact with mimes and singers every element at risk. E 'to be considered, however, that the tank was an area isolated from the possible loss of mass and only a metal cable caduto (molto improbabilmente) dal graticcio avrebbe potuto creare rischi di scossa a chi vi transitava dentro.
Ma come mai questo particolare di elevato rischio elettrico era sfuggito a costruttori e progettisti e a chi aveva visionato l'allestimento da ospitare?
Questo rappresenta appunto un caso emblematico che rafforza l'idea dell'adozione di un bollino blu di rispetto delle regole di sicurezza per tutti gli allestimenti prodotti e dati a noleggio. Con il bollino blu verrebbe come ad uniformarsi un meccanismo di condivisione tra tutte le realtà che producono allestimenti e ci sarebbe una certezza di responsabilità che oggi secondo me non è molto chiara.
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Who Does Myammee Hair Ext
One of the few places that seemed to improve, we thought immediately CGIL camp to turn in yet.
Used Kitchenaid Stand Mixer For Sale Saskatoon
LHC, throwback
A pair of prominent physicists have suggested that the hypothetical Higgs boson, which scientists hope to produce through the LHC, could be so rough for nature, its creation would be sufficient to produce a return to the past and stop before they produce a synchrotron.
A pair of prominent physicists have suggested that the hypothetical Higgs boson, which scientists hope to produce through the LHC, could be so rough for nature, its creation would be sufficient to produce a return to the past and stop before they produce a synchrotron.
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Lord Of The Rings Hantai
Walking Tall. I
am quiet and I am proud of what I could do for this city.
Before, during and after the earthquake.
Walking Tall, alongside citizenship imperfect.
am quiet and I am proud of what I could do for this city.
Before, during and after the earthquake.
Walking Tall, alongside citizenship imperfect.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Wedding Program Wording
One day in the prosecution, except for questioning .... I
Exchange, the night before, for the umpteenth time, a place of hospitality.
L'Aquila, a comfortable sofa.
Dinner with black rice and pomegranate, lemon's mom will be to close.
Washing Machine 1000 rpm spin cycle with double, for the shirt to dry overnight, taken from the container. Stretch to warm and light jacket riestratta integrates the car, lilac and red tie, jeans already washed and ironed.
Internet connection, printing of the last things to be added to the file kept in the prosecution. Thankfully, my mail and leave no trace of a collective history all times, dates, names, places, costs.
quick look at the rules, cards, letters, documents, records.
Barba. Three steps, at grade around the cheekbone, a lot about lace, short for the rest. An infusion of tranquility, a cup of chamomile. I try to sleep. The first few hours is difficult, then better than expected. I get up, I update, I reprint the first 5 articles of Decree 29, get ready, have breakfast, I'm nervous. Mineral supplements, you never know. The tie
as always, in its rare use, is wonderful. I go out, look my lawyers and Daniel. Direction bazzano, coffee, and then in attorney. Too many journalists, too many cameras. Greetings to all, correct in accepting to talk only with the lawyers. Photographers and cameramen a bit too invasive. In Prosecutor ahead.
polite, some expression of surprise, everything pretty straightforward.
Outgoing, crowd, again with just the lawyers.
I'm going to say goodbye to some friends who were there-
Finite interviews in dribs and drabs are talking to me. A few jokes on the political issue, come on, on the City. Widespread concern, I reassure "the mayor is tightening times, there will be news soon."
d. "You're going to do the commissioner?", R. "Parenthesis"
d. "Parentesi chiusa con la politica? " r. "parentesi chiusa con l'assessorato, non certo con la politica!"
Si torna a casa, qualche servizio tv. Preparo una minestrina (sigh!!).
Nella casa c'è una influenzata (sarà H1N1 ? vabbè dice Fazio tutto tranquillo....ometto di vigilare sul ceppo che tempo fa, dall'altra parte del mondo, ha generato il virus.....) un altro, tamponato, con il collare, momentaneamente al pronto soccorso ed io, iscritto nel registro degli indagati. Una calda minestrina.
Che giorno strano, dice lei. Perchè invece gli ultimi 7 mesi ti son parsi normali, dico io.
In fondo questa è una casa, questa una cucina, questo un frigo. Certo un interrogatorio non è really something that happens often, but I think a better day than others, given that we've been.
Exchange, the night before, for the umpteenth time, a place of hospitality.
L'Aquila, a comfortable sofa.
Dinner with black rice and pomegranate, lemon's mom will be to close.
Washing Machine 1000 rpm spin cycle with double, for the shirt to dry overnight, taken from the container. Stretch to warm and light jacket riestratta integrates the car, lilac and red tie, jeans already washed and ironed.
Internet connection, printing of the last things to be added to the file kept in the prosecution. Thankfully, my mail and leave no trace of a collective history all times, dates, names, places, costs.
quick look at the rules, cards, letters, documents, records.
Barba. Three steps, at grade around the cheekbone, a lot about lace, short for the rest. An infusion of tranquility, a cup of chamomile. I try to sleep. The first few hours is difficult, then better than expected. I get up, I update, I reprint the first 5 articles of Decree 29, get ready, have breakfast, I'm nervous. Mineral supplements, you never know. The tie
as always, in its rare use, is wonderful. I go out, look my lawyers and Daniel. Direction bazzano, coffee, and then in attorney. Too many journalists, too many cameras. Greetings to all, correct in accepting to talk only with the lawyers. Photographers and cameramen a bit too invasive. In Prosecutor ahead.
polite, some expression of surprise, everything pretty straightforward.
Outgoing, crowd, again with just the lawyers.
I'm going to say goodbye to some friends who were there-
Finite interviews in dribs and drabs are talking to me. A few jokes on the political issue, come on, on the City. Widespread concern, I reassure "the mayor is tightening times, there will be news soon."
d. "You're going to do the commissioner?", R. "Parenthesis"
d. "Parentesi chiusa con la politica? " r. "parentesi chiusa con l'assessorato, non certo con la politica!"
Si torna a casa, qualche servizio tv. Preparo una minestrina (sigh!!).
Nella casa c'è una influenzata (sarà H1N1 ? vabbè dice Fazio tutto tranquillo....ometto di vigilare sul ceppo che tempo fa, dall'altra parte del mondo, ha generato il virus.....) un altro, tamponato, con il collare, momentaneamente al pronto soccorso ed io, iscritto nel registro degli indagati. Una calda minestrina.
Che giorno strano, dice lei. Perchè invece gli ultimi 7 mesi ti son parsi normali, dico io.
In fondo questa è una casa, questa una cucina, questo un frigo. Certo un interrogatorio non è really something that happens often, but I think a better day than others, given that we've been.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Ontario Licence Plates Boat Trailer
It 'better to suffer injustice rather than do it. Letter of resignation
Saturday, October 24, 2009
South Park Fishsticks En Streaming
the Mayor of
Dr. Massimo Cialente
The Secretary General of the Municipality of L'Aquila
Dr. Vincenzo Montillo
and the members of the Town Council President Al
Aquila Aquila
City Council Chambers. Carlo Benedetti
Subject: resignation as a Councillor for the Municipality of L'Aquila
Mayor Dear, dear Massimo,
I know that the notice of an act that a public administrator may encounter in its activities, even when the certainty of their smooth action political-administrative as well as I know that in this particular case, the investigation has nothing to do with the role of assessor in the Eagle City Council. I spent a few months
stubbornly to the city and especially to people who have lived and continue to fight to live, as I have always exercised to the full responsibilities delegation attribuitemi only two weeks involved before the earthquake, heavy proxies in this context.
Even when the mood was more overwhelmed, I exercised, good or bad is not up to me to say, delicate responsibility, in the vast majority of the time in silence, in a continuous, not always easy, but profitable relationship with the Department of Civil Protection and other institutions involved.
The notice shall guarantee to me to be investigated, as President dell'Adsu, charging me covered from the end of April 2006 for its failure "to oversee the compliance of the building to be called" (defined by destination acts and restructuring that took place from 1977 to 1982, ed) for failing "to ensure the adequacy of static and seismic building structures and in relation to the original structural consistency" (built in 1965 note), because "both in relation to the actions through the course of the year" (1977 -1982, 1998-2002 ed), "did not guarantee against all those extraordinary maintenance recovery or restructuring respect of requirements for seismic safety and pollution prevention"
course the time will help to bring out the roles, responsibilities, dates , facts and reality, but in these cases, not only its absolute certainty, includes the public confidence in the institution, confidence that the service guarantee, even for what has become over the years this act in the collective imagination, could put at risk.
I know the role that he currently holds, involves delicate responsibility, for this is clear to me that it is necessary to prevent disruptions of the paths administrative proceedings, but it is also important that these paths, all of which are the result of the comparison between the Municipality and Civil Defence, should be followed with the utmost strength, responsibility and trust. One of my automatic
continue only because of the emergency can fray a relationship of trust towards the municipal institution is essential salvaguardare.
In una fase di strutture istituzionali, politiche e sociali particolarmente deboli, cui si aggiungono le difficoltà organizzative e gestionali della macchina comunale, la fiducia verso il Sindaco diviene tassello cruciale di una tenuta civica di una comunità e per questo, l’oggetto vero di queste dimissioni è la salvaguardia della Tua figura, in un momento così delicato per la città e per la comunità aquilana, lasciando dunque a te, e al confronto con le forze politiche, la completa libertà di una piena determinazione.
Nel ringraziarti, saluto Te, la Giunta ed il Consiglio Comunale augurando a Voi tutti, per il bene collettivo, il miglior lavoro possibile.
L’Aquila 23 Ottobre 2009
Luca D’Innocenzo
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Alpine Connection Diagram
A frame or a story. Letter to
E' un dolore lancinante.
E' una vita intera che mi attraversa, quella passata e quella, incredibilmente imprevedebile, futura. Un san Luca che, in ogni caso, accompagna la chiusura per sempre di una vita, without knowing what you will, if ever there will still be open.
I would have to write so much, to tell the world that faces suddenly upon us, what we were before, what we've been in, what we were after.
I would tell an avalanche of hypocrisy of those who turn away and of those who look with contempt and disprezzante posting. On April 6
our beloved land has not held up over and a block of crust to the southwest of the plane flowed down to about 90 cm and resulted in the lowering of the ground surface. Eight kilometers of surface rupture, rupture of 25 km in depth. Moto highways, runway long, impressive acceleration, fault plane deep beneath the city, on the surface between San Gregorio and Paganica. A roar and then one thousand boats. A shock and then thousands of aftershocks. A scream and then thousands of screaming, blood, tears, debris, stones, kids, lists, research, expectations, individual lives and collective lives, the spots, the saviors of the fatherland and cons, speculators and their mirror speculators, gas, water, tents, night, the vultures of the state, local professional vultures, vultures sick for permanent perversion.
deep cracks. Unexpected collapse. Sconquassi sudden.
Cave, cave, vault, Tian, \u200b\u200bgardens, children, the 75, Peep, the Stockel. Where solar panels become
scoop, while the regional civil protection and civil engineering disappear under provincial track, including roles commissarial and bouquets of flowers.
A city ranked in buildings and for some even in the dead, a, b, c, d, e, f, with temporary structures in acronyms, homes, map, mar, musp and 4000 people still in tents.
A city where unions do not disappear when they become pro-spot area and forget the silences, "there are other priorities," the indiffirenza facing decades of struggle.
a city where almost everyone keeps even apply for leave, the responsibilities of others, do not ever questioning their own, perhaps unaware of having, not having understood the roles of all nodes in building a polis. A city where
proud, tough and courageous citizens are obscured by cunning, crafty and sharp operators tricking.
A city with almost all the indices deployed, with sleeves too short and always raised the same folder with the business.
A city that has a broken heart and propped up, and a brain synaptic space "sbracati" in a land increasingly stretched.
And a world that looks improvised sull'Aquila through windows, looking for a frame that tells a truth, while not knowing what it is instead a story, a long and harrowing story collective.
C'è la neve sul Gran Sasso, la nostra gelida acqua è come sempre abbondante, lo zafferano aspetta impaziente un raggio di sole caldo per farsi vedere, in questo assurdo duemilanove, in questo san Luca, ennesimo giorno d'emergenza, in attesa di un diverso domani.
E' un dolore lancinante.
E' una vita intera che mi attraversa, quella passata e quella, incredibilmente imprevedebile, futura. Un san Luca che, in ogni caso, accompagna la chiusura per sempre di una vita, without knowing what you will, if ever there will still be open.
I would have to write so much, to tell the world that faces suddenly upon us, what we were before, what we've been in, what we were after.
I would tell an avalanche of hypocrisy of those who turn away and of those who look with contempt and disprezzante posting. On April 6
our beloved land has not held up over and a block of crust to the southwest of the plane flowed down to about 90 cm and resulted in the lowering of the ground surface. Eight kilometers of surface rupture, rupture of 25 km in depth. Moto highways, runway long, impressive acceleration, fault plane deep beneath the city, on the surface between San Gregorio and Paganica. A roar and then one thousand boats. A shock and then thousands of aftershocks. A scream and then thousands of screaming, blood, tears, debris, stones, kids, lists, research, expectations, individual lives and collective lives, the spots, the saviors of the fatherland and cons, speculators and their mirror speculators, gas, water, tents, night, the vultures of the state, local professional vultures, vultures sick for permanent perversion.
deep cracks. Unexpected collapse. Sconquassi sudden.
Cave, cave, vault, Tian, \u200b\u200bgardens, children, the 75, Peep, the Stockel. Where solar panels become
scoop, while the regional civil protection and civil engineering disappear under provincial track, including roles commissarial and bouquets of flowers.
A city ranked in buildings and for some even in the dead, a, b, c, d, e, f, with temporary structures in acronyms, homes, map, mar, musp and 4000 people still in tents.
A city where unions do not disappear when they become pro-spot area and forget the silences, "there are other priorities," the indiffirenza facing decades of struggle.
a city where almost everyone keeps even apply for leave, the responsibilities of others, do not ever questioning their own, perhaps unaware of having, not having understood the roles of all nodes in building a polis. A city where
proud, tough and courageous citizens are obscured by cunning, crafty and sharp operators tricking.
A city with almost all the indices deployed, with sleeves too short and always raised the same folder with the business.
A city that has a broken heart and propped up, and a brain synaptic space "sbracati" in a land increasingly stretched.
And a world that looks improvised sull'Aquila through windows, looking for a frame that tells a truth, while not knowing what it is instead a story, a long and harrowing story collective.
C'è la neve sul Gran Sasso, la nostra gelida acqua è come sempre abbondante, lo zafferano aspetta impaziente un raggio di sole caldo per farsi vedere, in questo assurdo duemilanove, in questo san Luca, ennesimo giorno d'emergenza, in attesa di un diverso domani.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Squamous Cell Cancer More Condition_symptoms
Fitness? Let's do it in the theater
Fare attività physical theater could be a great help to both technical and often work loads or scenes to be handled well to all employees according to the computer many hours need to put in motion and relax your body. Of course, the best thing would be to go to a gym equipped and followed by a personal trainer to go to run the gym more suitable for the type of activity taking place. As far as technicians should be a strengthening of the whole muscular apparatus, and particularly those with low-back exercises for those muscles and lower back. With regard to training employees should provide more than stretching and relaxation. To however, all physical activity is certainly a great way to prevent heart problems.
Many workers for various reasons tend to underestimate their own welfare and thus may be useful for both prevention organize remedial moments of physical activity in the theater.
Says Technogym founder Nerio Alessandri, or the leading companies in the world for gym equipment, sport is a valuable ally of your health, because a sedentary lifestyle is among the leading factors that cause death. Deaths from cardiovascular disease in Italy is about 240,000 per year, or 44% of total deaths.
In America is catching the " Exercise therapy, physical exercise or as an actual medicine, which is more effective for many diseases of the same drugs.
Just think that is enough to walk half an hour three times a week to decrease by 40% the risk of cardiovascular disease. Always
Alessandri argues that companies need to have a role in protecting the health of people who work there. Have people and therefore workers 'fit' means having a company more productive and a better business climate. When you exercise because your metabolism changes and enter the bloodstream endorphins that increase the good mood (1).
In Italy firms are not yet engaged in far svolgere ai propri dipendenti attività fisica mentre negli Stati Uniti è ormai una cosa sviluppata da tempo e in continua espansione.
Secondo uno studio americano la palestra aziendale riduce le assenze dei lavoratori.
Negli Stati Uniti oltre l’80% delle aziende con più di 50 dipendenti hanno adottato programmi di miglioramento per la salute; in molti casi tali programmi contemplano la realizzazione di una palestra aziendale, dove i dipendenti possono svolgere attività fisica, o di vere e proprie aree benessere.
Le Aziende non sono solo realtà economiche, ma soprattutto realtà umane, fatte di persone. Sono paragonabili ad organismi composti da cellule e il concetto di benessere in azienda è strettamente legato al benessere dei singoli individui con un fattore comune: l’armonia fra corpo, mente e spirito.
Su un articolo apparso su Kataweb-Salute, uno studio condotto su 60 stabilimenti americani della Du Pont ha registrato che le assenze degli operai che lavorano nei 41 stabilimenti che hanno adottato un programma di "corporate wellness" sono diminuite del 14%. La possibilità di svolgere attività fisica nella palestra aziendale, infatti, riduce anche il numero di errori che si commettono mentre si lavora e migliora il morale. Tutto ciò si traduce in una serie di vantaggi per l’azienda, primo fra tutti la riduzione dei costi sanitari e dell’assenteismo per malattia(2) .
Nella legislazione italiana esiste that's something for the gym who have to work with VDUs. In fact, in the Decree of 2 October 2000 " Guidelines for use of display screen " states that to avoid the occurrence of musculoskeletal disorders should be avoided wherever possible, fixed postures for prolonged periods. If this is unavoidable it is recommended that the frequent practice of relaxation exercises (neck, back, upper and lower limbs).
Ribani According to Luke, who worked for the magazine Starmeglio, back pain is commonly widespread, as is the diagnosis made more frequently by family physicians in all Western countries. It is a benign disease, nel 75% dei casi scompare spontaneamente (cioè a prescindere da cosa si fa per curarla) dopo 4 settimane, ma non va però trascurata, dato che è comunque fastidiosa e in alcuni casi invalidante nel momento in cui si manifesta.
Il corpo umano è usato poco e male: siamo sempre più sedentari, perché i movimenti che facciamo sono estremamente ripetitivi e le posizioni che assumiamo spesso sono scorrette. In particolare, sia le occupazioni manuali, afferma Roberto Iovine direttore della UO di Medicina Riabilitativa con sede in San Giovanni in Persiceto, sia quelle intellettuali si svolgono per la maggior parte con un’attività del corpo ‘in flessione’, cioè con il tronco piegato, le braccia e la testa forward. This leads to fatigue of the back and also a disabitudine unhealthy to different movements, ones in an. There are two basic tips to improve the health of your back.
First, take every opportunity to move more, but trying to 'engage' and all joints throughout the body and not to take the same pattern of movement that usually takes place, for example to work. Swimming, aqua aerobics and free exercises in sports are more suitable from this point of view, to be practiced regularly. The second suggestion is to reduce the damage caused by incorrect positions in every walk of life: at work, at home, during leisure time and also during rest. However, there is a position "ideal" in uniform: the secret is to change position frequently (at least every 30-60 minutes) and to avoid certain postures very stressful to the spine. It is recommended to practice activities that overloading the spine, such as lifting weights, because the muscle, if exposed only to exercise and fatigue is sick, to stay healthy, should be extended (with stretching techniques), empowered and relaxed through the rest . In this way the muscle fibers can exert the most of the multiple functions of elasticity, movement, protection and strength (3).
But on entering, how a company and in our If a theater can support workers in physical activity?
Surely the first thing that comes to mind would be to arrange a fully-equipped fitness room. This, however, as times of great economic hardship and the problems of insufficient space still can not always be feasible. I think the best thing is to identify a course that is able to involve employees in all departments and is supportive of all, a discipline that one side has a lot of the other stretching and strengthening the entire spine without excluding other parts of the body. Of all the disciplines that I have examined, after having studied them in order to write this article, I came to the conclusion that the discipline best suited to the world of theater is the Pilates. But let's just see what it is: The method
Pilates training is a very gentle and effective, which gives us the opportunity to strengthen, shape, stretch and relax the body.
In a short time helps improve posture, correcting errors and increasing the awareness of body posture.
Important features of the physical work, crucial to achieve rapid and visible, are a great precision in the execution of the exercises, which are carried out with elastic movements, a condition can be relaxed and more natural breathing, and deep.
What effect do our muscles when we are sitting or standing, walking or running? All these movements are made possible by the harmonious cooperation of the muscles. In fact, a muscle never works alone but always in duet with his so-called 'rival'. When a muscle contracts, its 'partner' on the other hand is stretched, so that the contraction is restricted and is maintained within healthy limits for the active muscle.
For various reasons this mutual game very often is not. For example, it happens often that we use our body in a unilateral way: we are sitting too long at a computer or carry heavy objects always with the same hand. Even
diseases and injuries affect the body. A broken bone or walking with aids are often the consequence of movements that used to save the affected side of the body, creating a muscle imbalance. By the time they contract certain muscle groups too and so shorten and stiffen, while the muscles on the other side is iperstendono and weaken.
To understand the importance of muscular balance has to know that our body is put in motion by two types of muscles: the mobilization, they are close to the surface, whose task is to move our end, legs and arms, and stabilizing, located at the center of the body, whose job is to maintain stable the trunk.
Through Pilates you try to restore the natural balance of muscle. During the training the muscles that are stretched are shortened and strengthened weak antagonists. First, however, are turned off by the mobilizers hyperactive basic exercises performed with the utmost precision. This allows the stabilizer, with a maximum relaxation of the muscles surrounding the back to do their work.
In training, we deal with stretch and strengthen the muscles contract so much as those with hypertension, this long because the muscles are stronger and less prone to injury and allow the joint to have more freedom of movement. In fact, long muscles
and strong, like those of the runners, they protect the body throughout the day, while the muscles are short and stocky, as is often found in people who are body-building, maybe you can immediately achieve high performance, but they easily subject to fatigue and injuries.
Joseph Pilates, founder of the method which bears his name (Monchengladbach 1880 - New York 1967), felt his way to teach a highly individual matter, either by the teacher, both from the student. Often developed specific exercises for individuals, modified existing exercises, considering the individual and his physical capabilities. This partly explains Pilates never instituted because no special training for instructors.
Some teachers still follow the original approach of the founder, teaching exercises almost acrobatic and physically demanding. Others have mixed with the original aspects of yoga exercises. Still others, to meet the needs of the gym, to teach large groups exercises that they are on a high-level sports.
The important thing is that the Pilates method is suitable to the almost anyone who wants to do something good for your body.
For those engaged in a physically demanding profession, the Pilates method can reduce tension and to relax. For someone who is so much time sitting at a desk method can provide useful exercises compensating the sedentary and the relaxation of the head.
The Pilates method can be practiced both in the postpartum period, or to strengthen the muscles in old age or after an operation or injury, or after an illness.
The Pilates method is particularly suitable in the sense budget. Indeed, who would not want to bring your body to the highest degree of form, ease tension or correct errors postulari? Pilates
stressed that the breathing control and concentration are the most important aspects of his training.
beginning of each year there is a relaxation, because only through it reaches the goal of the training. Osservatevi when such was the computer. It 'really necessary to keep the shoulders raised? Of course not.
Another aspect that is decisive play centering and work from the center of the body that represents the foundation of Pilates. Joseph Pilates called the powerhouse of the body center, which is the area between the chest and pelvis, which is also part of the protective muscles surrounding these districts and has its axis in the spine.
strong muscles in the districts of the back and protect the organs of the abdomen and the back and preserve the pain. Therefore all the Pilates exercises are designed to strengthen the powerhouse that includes the deep abdominal diagonally, which stabilize the body like a corset and protect internal organs, the abdominal oblique, whose task is to turn your torso to one side, the deep muscles of the back that 'argument' between the oblique and longitudinal appendages of individual vertebrae and stabilize the lumbar spine working together with the transverse abdominals, the pelvic floor muscle that closes down the powerhouse.
Another aspect of Pilates is breathing. Thence along the alignment. Try to make a tower of bricks in a brick core is slightly moved. Will be unstable. The same happens to our body in relation to the mutual interplay of the stabilizing muscles. That is considered very important to keep the Pilates the correct alignment during the exercises.
Another crucial aspect is the concentration that is the characteristic that the Pilates method differs from most other types of physical activity. For 'concentration' Joseph Pilates intended execution of a movement and the conscious mind control and body during exercise. Another aspect of Pilates is the fluidity. It 's only recently that scientific research has established that the movement is important for learning and for whole brain activity. The exercises are performed without any major breaks and fluid action. Thanks to this continuous sequence of movements and muscles bones are working very effectively, it stimulated the body's energy flow and avoid injuries that may occur due to sudden movements. Following coordination essential to perform an exercise where you need to take the correct position (alignment), feel the tension (relaxation) and then direct attention to the various parts of the body (concentration). You must activate the powerhouse (breathing, centering) and perform their movements with fluency (fluency). All these elements must be agreed between them (coordination). The condition of muscle is the last of the fundamental aspects of the Pilates method. The aim of Pilates training is to strengthen the muscles in order to make in a position to work all day with an intermediate degree of tension, so that the body can remain healthy and strong throughout the day.
After a short time it will be easy to notice that the muscles are improving their condition by the fact that the exercises are easier than ever, although the degree of difficulty increases. In daily life, work that previously considered themselves to be unexpectedly heavy costs a lot less effort. The body will not only be healthy, strong and elastic, but also more toned, especially the abdomen, thighs and buttocks (4).
in these pages I hope to be able to put a new theme and that is what a worker is physically fit and mentally calm can make a difference in a company like in a theater.
It 's a challenge that I think is worth collecting as soon as possible to put us on the road that run through the United States for many years.
Giuseppe Patti
(1) Gloria Ciabattoni in Il Resto del Carlino - Tuesday, October 6 p. '09.
35 (2) Margaret Frezza, The fitness? It is in the office in kataweb health http://www.kwsalute.kataweb.it/Notizia/0, 1044,4435,00.
html (3) Back Pain by Luca Ribani years in Starmeglio VII No 65 -
(4) Korte Antje, Pilstes for all, Red Edizioni, 2007

Fare attività physical theater could be a great help to both technical and often work loads or scenes to be handled well to all employees according to the computer many hours need to put in motion and relax your body. Of course, the best thing would be to go to a gym equipped and followed by a personal trainer to go to run the gym more suitable for the type of activity taking place. As far as technicians should be a strengthening of the whole muscular apparatus, and particularly those with low-back exercises for those muscles and lower back. With regard to training employees should provide more than stretching and relaxation. To however, all physical activity is certainly a great way to prevent heart problems.
Many workers for various reasons tend to underestimate their own welfare and thus may be useful for both prevention organize remedial moments of physical activity in the theater.
Says Technogym founder Nerio Alessandri, or the leading companies in the world for gym equipment, sport is a valuable ally of your health, because a sedentary lifestyle is among the leading factors that cause death. Deaths from cardiovascular disease in Italy is about 240,000 per year, or 44% of total deaths.
In America is catching the " Exercise therapy, physical exercise or as an actual medicine, which is more effective for many diseases of the same drugs.
Just think that is enough to walk half an hour three times a week to decrease by 40% the risk of cardiovascular disease. Always
Alessandri argues that companies need to have a role in protecting the health of people who work there. Have people and therefore workers 'fit' means having a company more productive and a better business climate. When you exercise because your metabolism changes and enter the bloodstream endorphins that increase the good mood (1).
In Italy firms are not yet engaged in far svolgere ai propri dipendenti attività fisica mentre negli Stati Uniti è ormai una cosa sviluppata da tempo e in continua espansione.
Secondo uno studio americano la palestra aziendale riduce le assenze dei lavoratori.
Negli Stati Uniti oltre l’80% delle aziende con più di 50 dipendenti hanno adottato programmi di miglioramento per la salute; in molti casi tali programmi contemplano la realizzazione di una palestra aziendale, dove i dipendenti possono svolgere attività fisica, o di vere e proprie aree benessere.
Le Aziende non sono solo realtà economiche, ma soprattutto realtà umane, fatte di persone. Sono paragonabili ad organismi composti da cellule e il concetto di benessere in azienda è strettamente legato al benessere dei singoli individui con un fattore comune: l’armonia fra corpo, mente e spirito.
Su un articolo apparso su Kataweb-Salute, uno studio condotto su 60 stabilimenti americani della Du Pont ha registrato che le assenze degli operai che lavorano nei 41 stabilimenti che hanno adottato un programma di "corporate wellness" sono diminuite del 14%. La possibilità di svolgere attività fisica nella palestra aziendale, infatti, riduce anche il numero di errori che si commettono mentre si lavora e migliora il morale. Tutto ciò si traduce in una serie di vantaggi per l’azienda, primo fra tutti la riduzione dei costi sanitari e dell’assenteismo per malattia(2) .
Nella legislazione italiana esiste that's something for the gym who have to work with VDUs. In fact, in the Decree of 2 October 2000 " Guidelines for use of display screen " states that to avoid the occurrence of musculoskeletal disorders should be avoided wherever possible, fixed postures for prolonged periods. If this is unavoidable it is recommended that the frequent practice of relaxation exercises (neck, back, upper and lower limbs).
Ribani According to Luke, who worked for the magazine Starmeglio, back pain is commonly widespread, as is the diagnosis made more frequently by family physicians in all Western countries. It is a benign disease, nel 75% dei casi scompare spontaneamente (cioè a prescindere da cosa si fa per curarla) dopo 4 settimane, ma non va però trascurata, dato che è comunque fastidiosa e in alcuni casi invalidante nel momento in cui si manifesta.
Il corpo umano è usato poco e male: siamo sempre più sedentari, perché i movimenti che facciamo sono estremamente ripetitivi e le posizioni che assumiamo spesso sono scorrette. In particolare, sia le occupazioni manuali, afferma Roberto Iovine direttore della UO di Medicina Riabilitativa con sede in San Giovanni in Persiceto, sia quelle intellettuali si svolgono per la maggior parte con un’attività del corpo ‘in flessione’, cioè con il tronco piegato, le braccia e la testa forward. This leads to fatigue of the back and also a disabitudine unhealthy to different movements, ones in an. There are two basic tips to improve the health of your back.
First, take every opportunity to move more, but trying to 'engage' and all joints throughout the body and not to take the same pattern of movement that usually takes place, for example to work. Swimming, aqua aerobics and free exercises in sports are more suitable from this point of view, to be practiced regularly. The second suggestion is to reduce the damage caused by incorrect positions in every walk of life: at work, at home, during leisure time and also during rest. However, there is a position "ideal" in uniform: the secret is to change position frequently (at least every 30-60 minutes) and to avoid certain postures very stressful to the spine. It is recommended to practice activities that overloading the spine, such as lifting weights, because the muscle, if exposed only to exercise and fatigue is sick, to stay healthy, should be extended (with stretching techniques), empowered and relaxed through the rest . In this way the muscle fibers can exert the most of the multiple functions of elasticity, movement, protection and strength (3).
But on entering, how a company and in our If a theater can support workers in physical activity?
Surely the first thing that comes to mind would be to arrange a fully-equipped fitness room. This, however, as times of great economic hardship and the problems of insufficient space still can not always be feasible. I think the best thing is to identify a course that is able to involve employees in all departments and is supportive of all, a discipline that one side has a lot of the other stretching and strengthening the entire spine without excluding other parts of the body. Of all the disciplines that I have examined, after having studied them in order to write this article, I came to the conclusion that the discipline best suited to the world of theater is the Pilates. But let's just see what it is: The method
Pilates training is a very gentle and effective, which gives us the opportunity to strengthen, shape, stretch and relax the body.
In a short time helps improve posture, correcting errors and increasing the awareness of body posture.
Important features of the physical work, crucial to achieve rapid and visible, are a great precision in the execution of the exercises, which are carried out with elastic movements, a condition can be relaxed and more natural breathing, and deep.
What effect do our muscles when we are sitting or standing, walking or running? All these movements are made possible by the harmonious cooperation of the muscles. In fact, a muscle never works alone but always in duet with his so-called 'rival'. When a muscle contracts, its 'partner' on the other hand is stretched, so that the contraction is restricted and is maintained within healthy limits for the active muscle.
For various reasons this mutual game very often is not. For example, it happens often that we use our body in a unilateral way: we are sitting too long at a computer or carry heavy objects always with the same hand. Even
diseases and injuries affect the body. A broken bone or walking with aids are often the consequence of movements that used to save the affected side of the body, creating a muscle imbalance. By the time they contract certain muscle groups too and so shorten and stiffen, while the muscles on the other side is iperstendono and weaken.
To understand the importance of muscular balance has to know that our body is put in motion by two types of muscles: the mobilization, they are close to the surface, whose task is to move our end, legs and arms, and stabilizing, located at the center of the body, whose job is to maintain stable the trunk.
Through Pilates you try to restore the natural balance of muscle. During the training the muscles that are stretched are shortened and strengthened weak antagonists. First, however, are turned off by the mobilizers hyperactive basic exercises performed with the utmost precision. This allows the stabilizer, with a maximum relaxation of the muscles surrounding the back to do their work.
In training, we deal with stretch and strengthen the muscles contract so much as those with hypertension, this long because the muscles are stronger and less prone to injury and allow the joint to have more freedom of movement. In fact, long muscles
and strong, like those of the runners, they protect the body throughout the day, while the muscles are short and stocky, as is often found in people who are body-building, maybe you can immediately achieve high performance, but they easily subject to fatigue and injuries.
Joseph Pilates, founder of the method which bears his name (Monchengladbach 1880 - New York 1967), felt his way to teach a highly individual matter, either by the teacher, both from the student. Often developed specific exercises for individuals, modified existing exercises, considering the individual and his physical capabilities. This partly explains Pilates never instituted because no special training for instructors.
Some teachers still follow the original approach of the founder, teaching exercises almost acrobatic and physically demanding. Others have mixed with the original aspects of yoga exercises. Still others, to meet the needs of the gym, to teach large groups exercises that they are on a high-level sports.
The important thing is that the Pilates method is suitable to the almost anyone who wants to do something good for your body.
For those engaged in a physically demanding profession, the Pilates method can reduce tension and to relax. For someone who is so much time sitting at a desk method can provide useful exercises compensating the sedentary and the relaxation of the head.
The Pilates method can be practiced both in the postpartum period, or to strengthen the muscles in old age or after an operation or injury, or after an illness.
The Pilates method is particularly suitable in the sense budget. Indeed, who would not want to bring your body to the highest degree of form, ease tension or correct errors postulari? Pilates
stressed that the breathing control and concentration are the most important aspects of his training.
beginning of each year there is a relaxation, because only through it reaches the goal of the training. Osservatevi when such was the computer. It 'really necessary to keep the shoulders raised? Of course not.
Another aspect that is decisive play centering and work from the center of the body that represents the foundation of Pilates. Joseph Pilates called the powerhouse of the body center, which is the area between the chest and pelvis, which is also part of the protective muscles surrounding these districts and has its axis in the spine.
strong muscles in the districts of the back and protect the organs of the abdomen and the back and preserve the pain. Therefore all the Pilates exercises are designed to strengthen the powerhouse that includes the deep abdominal diagonally, which stabilize the body like a corset and protect internal organs, the abdominal oblique, whose task is to turn your torso to one side, the deep muscles of the back that 'argument' between the oblique and longitudinal appendages of individual vertebrae and stabilize the lumbar spine working together with the transverse abdominals, the pelvic floor muscle that closes down the powerhouse.
Another aspect of Pilates is breathing. Thence along the alignment. Try to make a tower of bricks in a brick core is slightly moved. Will be unstable. The same happens to our body in relation to the mutual interplay of the stabilizing muscles. That is considered very important to keep the Pilates the correct alignment during the exercises.
Another crucial aspect is the concentration that is the characteristic that the Pilates method differs from most other types of physical activity. For 'concentration' Joseph Pilates intended execution of a movement and the conscious mind control and body during exercise. Another aspect of Pilates is the fluidity. It 's only recently that scientific research has established that the movement is important for learning and for whole brain activity. The exercises are performed without any major breaks and fluid action. Thanks to this continuous sequence of movements and muscles bones are working very effectively, it stimulated the body's energy flow and avoid injuries that may occur due to sudden movements. Following coordination essential to perform an exercise where you need to take the correct position (alignment), feel the tension (relaxation) and then direct attention to the various parts of the body (concentration). You must activate the powerhouse (breathing, centering) and perform their movements with fluency (fluency). All these elements must be agreed between them (coordination). The condition of muscle is the last of the fundamental aspects of the Pilates method. The aim of Pilates training is to strengthen the muscles in order to make in a position to work all day with an intermediate degree of tension, so that the body can remain healthy and strong throughout the day.
After a short time it will be easy to notice that the muscles are improving their condition by the fact that the exercises are easier than ever, although the degree of difficulty increases. In daily life, work that previously considered themselves to be unexpectedly heavy costs a lot less effort. The body will not only be healthy, strong and elastic, but also more toned, especially the abdomen, thighs and buttocks (4).
in these pages I hope to be able to put a new theme and that is what a worker is physically fit and mentally calm can make a difference in a company like in a theater.
It 's a challenge that I think is worth collecting as soon as possible to put us on the road that run through the United States for many years.
Giuseppe Patti
(1) Gloria Ciabattoni in Il Resto del Carlino - Tuesday, October 6 p. '09.
35 (2) Margaret Frezza, The fitness? It is in the office in kataweb health http://www.kwsalute.kataweb.it/Notizia/0, 1044,4435,00.
html (3) Back Pain by Luca Ribani years in Starmeglio VII No 65 -
(4) Korte Antje, Pilstes for all, Red Edizioni, 2007
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Used Paddle Boat For Sale In Md.
Labour FILM FESTIVAL is a festival / film festival job-related collaboration between three promoters: the CGS Rondinella, the Circolo ACLI S. Clement of Sesto San Giovanni and CISL Lombardia.
The objective is to stimulate public debate on issues related to employment, both in our social context than in other countries, through events, film, music and theater can to combine reflection and entertainment. From the point of view the film, will be selected meaningful titles in the recent film production that provide the occasion for reflection and debate on the themes chosen. Each screening will be structured as an event through the presence in the hall of directors, the participation of experts from the world of work, the involvement of professionals or other people who have had a primary role in implementing the work and, therefore, fit to take up the topic of cinema as a profession.
The event will be held at the movie theater Rondinella Viale Matteotti 425 Sesto San Giovanni (MI) from 17 September to 5 October
Admission to the screenings: 3.20 €
Admission to the concert: Free
Read more click here

Labour FILM FESTIVAL is a festival / film festival job-related collaboration between three promoters: the CGS Rondinella, the Circolo ACLI S. Clement of Sesto San Giovanni and CISL Lombardia.
The objective is to stimulate public debate on issues related to employment, both in our social context than in other countries, through events, film, music and theater can to combine reflection and entertainment. From the point of view the film, will be selected meaningful titles in the recent film production that provide the occasion for reflection and debate on the themes chosen. Each screening will be structured as an event through the presence in the hall of directors, the participation of experts from the world of work, the involvement of professionals or other people who have had a primary role in implementing the work and, therefore, fit to take up the topic of cinema as a profession.
The event will be held at the movie theater Rondinella Viale Matteotti 425 Sesto San Giovanni (MI) from 17 September to 5 October
Admission to the screenings: 3.20 €
Admission to the concert: Free
Read more click here
Friday, August 28, 2009
Blueprints For A Wooden Swing Set
The outlook for the year is to come are not encouraging. Many workers are worried for some time, for their future, and this inevitably creates a "business climate" not very clear.
The current emergency facing the entire entertainment industry, with 40,000 people who risk their jobs, is the direct result of the heavy cuts inflicted by the last Finance Act to Fus Fund (one show).
The FUS is the mechanism used by the government to regulate public intervention in the areas of the entertainment world, and that is especially film, theater and music. It was created by Article 1 of Law April 30, 1985, No 163 ("New guidelines on state intervention in favor of the show") to "provide financial support to organizations, institutions, associations, organizations and companies in film, music, dance, theater, circus and traveling show, and for the promotion and support of events and initiatives of national importance and in Italy or abroad. " Under the same law, the fund is refinanced every year by the Finance Law and shall be distributed among the various branches of a decree of the Minister for Cultural Heritage.
For the current year funding had to be established by the financial forecast of over 500 million € 400 million and instead is limited (to be exact: € 398,036,000). The cut was twenty percent. The figure available, according to the implementing decree, is distributed as follows: 47.5%
to opera houses, film-making activities to 18.5%, 16.3% in the activities of drama, musical activities 13.7%, 2, 3%) and dance (0.2%) the activity of the circus.
In 2011, the circumstances will be available for the entire industry just 307 million euro, equal to 0.20% of GDP. France and Germany to spend the entire field of culture for 1, 5% of GDP.
Alcuni Sovrintendenti delle 13 Fondazioni Lirico Sinfoniche denunciano il rischio di cancellazione delle rappresentazioni previste in cartellone e il rischio di non poter pagare gli stipendi per i 7000 dipendenti (tra masse artistiche e personale tecnico-amministrativo).
Ancora più preoccupante risulta la situazione dei precari i quali sanno bene che in caso di tagli al personale saranno i primi a restar fuori.
Paradossalmente ed in controtendenza a questi tagli assistiamo ad un aumento della domanda di chi è alla ricerca di intrattenimento culturale, infatti la frequentazione del teatro è aumentata del 23,5% dal 1997 al 2007. Nel 2007 il totale della spesa in cultura delle famiglie italiane è stato di 61,5 miliardi di euro, con un incremento 2.3% over the previous year.
In particular, the trend concerns the theater, which last year registered a 7.66% of the public more.
Inevitably, the above spread concern among workers about losing their jobs or be in the 10 (or 27) of the month without salary, it must constitute a "business climate" not very clear.
The organizational climate is what we can "breathe" in the workplace, is that which regulates moods, relationships between people. The weather affects everything that happens in the organization, from performing his duties to the relationship with superiors and colleagues. Good weather allows the organization to reach more easily its objectives and achieve good results in terms of efficiency and in terms of internal harmony.
For many workers over the fear of losing their salary or their place of work, the feeling comes forward, derived from a mass media campaign denouncing the so-called "waste" of workers feel less useful. Then if we add to the cancellation of many of these activities on the bill with the remaining inactive workers, which of course continue to be paid, it follows that the level of discomfort increases.
But having said that how to deal with this?
of course it could give many answers, each of us drawing on their backgrounds, political or religious training, but the fact is that when the problems of our work does not depend on us all create a situation disarming.
Many, perhaps all, we expect that the work makes us happy, and we realize that we are looking for, always finding new ideas to grow. For many, work is the key to their identity. It 'strange to think though that it was not always so. Aristotle thought that those who made a living could not be considered free. Christianity saw the effort as a punishment for the sin of Adam and Eve. It was not until the Renaissance arts because it is considered that the completion of outstanding works would be better aristocratic idleness. But Only 800 bourgeois philosophers such as Rousseau and Diderot, said that the working life could be central to the pursuit of happiness. In this situation precisely
disarming, to stay on the subject of philosophers, could help us even Nietzsche himself who understood that our problems are aggravated when we worry for our concern. His recipe was to accept suffering as a necessary step to achieve the objectives of value. Suffering is normal and most rewarding projects go through a certain degree of anguish. Why? Because nobody knows how to create a work of art without experience and in the intervals between the first failure and ultimate success, we require grief, anxiety, envy, humiliation believe that success comes soon and above all remain intact forever may lead us to take a step back from the present and future challenges.
It 'really was time to put everything back in the game? Of course we hope that is not the case but in any case, and considering what Nietzsche says Let us not be discouraged and inizamo the new season looking as far as you can, to do our part so that values \u200b\u200bsuch as solidarity, altruism and participation (to put it Gaber ) does not deteriorate further. Welcome back to all
/ e.
Giuseppe Patti

The outlook for the year is to come are not encouraging. Many workers are worried for some time, for their future, and this inevitably creates a "business climate" not very clear.
The current emergency facing the entire entertainment industry, with 40,000 people who risk their jobs, is the direct result of the heavy cuts inflicted by the last Finance Act to Fus Fund (one show).
The FUS is the mechanism used by the government to regulate public intervention in the areas of the entertainment world, and that is especially film, theater and music. It was created by Article 1 of Law April 30, 1985, No 163 ("New guidelines on state intervention in favor of the show") to "provide financial support to organizations, institutions, associations, organizations and companies in film, music, dance, theater, circus and traveling show, and for the promotion and support of events and initiatives of national importance and in Italy or abroad. " Under the same law, the fund is refinanced every year by the Finance Law and shall be distributed among the various branches of a decree of the Minister for Cultural Heritage.
For the current year funding had to be established by the financial forecast of over 500 million € 400 million and instead is limited (to be exact: € 398,036,000). The cut was twenty percent. The figure available, according to the implementing decree, is distributed as follows: 47.5%
to opera houses, film-making activities to 18.5%, 16.3% in the activities of drama, musical activities 13.7%, 2, 3%) and dance (0.2%) the activity of the circus.
In 2011, the circumstances will be available for the entire industry just 307 million euro, equal to 0.20% of GDP. France and Germany to spend the entire field of culture for 1, 5% of GDP.
Alcuni Sovrintendenti delle 13 Fondazioni Lirico Sinfoniche denunciano il rischio di cancellazione delle rappresentazioni previste in cartellone e il rischio di non poter pagare gli stipendi per i 7000 dipendenti (tra masse artistiche e personale tecnico-amministrativo).
Ancora più preoccupante risulta la situazione dei precari i quali sanno bene che in caso di tagli al personale saranno i primi a restar fuori.
Paradossalmente ed in controtendenza a questi tagli assistiamo ad un aumento della domanda di chi è alla ricerca di intrattenimento culturale, infatti la frequentazione del teatro è aumentata del 23,5% dal 1997 al 2007. Nel 2007 il totale della spesa in cultura delle famiglie italiane è stato di 61,5 miliardi di euro, con un incremento 2.3% over the previous year.
In particular, the trend concerns the theater, which last year registered a 7.66% of the public more.
Inevitably, the above spread concern among workers about losing their jobs or be in the 10 (or 27) of the month without salary, it must constitute a "business climate" not very clear.
The organizational climate is what we can "breathe" in the workplace, is that which regulates moods, relationships between people. The weather affects everything that happens in the organization, from performing his duties to the relationship with superiors and colleagues. Good weather allows the organization to reach more easily its objectives and achieve good results in terms of efficiency and in terms of internal harmony.
For many workers over the fear of losing their salary or their place of work, the feeling comes forward, derived from a mass media campaign denouncing the so-called "waste" of workers feel less useful. Then if we add to the cancellation of many of these activities on the bill with the remaining inactive workers, which of course continue to be paid, it follows that the level of discomfort increases.
But having said that how to deal with this?
of course it could give many answers, each of us drawing on their backgrounds, political or religious training, but the fact is that when the problems of our work does not depend on us all create a situation disarming.
Many, perhaps all, we expect that the work makes us happy, and we realize that we are looking for, always finding new ideas to grow. For many, work is the key to their identity. It 'strange to think though that it was not always so. Aristotle thought that those who made a living could not be considered free. Christianity saw the effort as a punishment for the sin of Adam and Eve. It was not until the Renaissance arts because it is considered that the completion of outstanding works would be better aristocratic idleness. But Only 800 bourgeois philosophers such as Rousseau and Diderot, said that the working life could be central to the pursuit of happiness. In this situation precisely
disarming, to stay on the subject of philosophers, could help us even Nietzsche himself who understood that our problems are aggravated when we worry for our concern. His recipe was to accept suffering as a necessary step to achieve the objectives of value. Suffering is normal and most rewarding projects go through a certain degree of anguish. Why? Because nobody knows how to create a work of art without experience and in the intervals between the first failure and ultimate success, we require grief, anxiety, envy, humiliation believe that success comes soon and above all remain intact forever may lead us to take a step back from the present and future challenges.
It 'really was time to put everything back in the game? Of course we hope that is not the case but in any case, and considering what Nietzsche says Let us not be discouraged and inizamo the new season looking as far as you can, to do our part so that values \u200b\u200bsuch as solidarity, altruism and participation (to put it Gaber ) does not deteriorate further. Welcome back to all
/ e.
Giuseppe Patti
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Fish Sticks South Park Free
Bertolaso \u200b\u200b- proposed amendments to ordinances. The Eagle
Al Capo del Dipartimento della Protezione Civile della Presidena del Consiglio dei Ministri e Commissario delegato per l'emergenza.
dott. Guido Bertolaso
Oggetto: richiesta integrazioni in ordinanza
Illustrissimo dott. Bertolaso,
al fine di favorire il rientro nella città dell'Aquila delle migliaia di sfollati e di evitare fenomeni di dispendio di risorse pubbliche, si richiedono the following changes to the interventions implemented through specific rules in order. In particular:
a) specify the municipalities outside the Region of Abruzzo, where you can stay with for rent in charge of Civil Protection. In particular, it calls for the territories are considered outside the region, but that they are compatible with the commute to the city of L'Aquila and to avoid the incentive to rent in particularly remote and real estate markets with absolutely higher than the prices set by civil protection. Just as now understood
(border regions), the instrument is likely to be "normally" used to pay for a thick aimed at a permanent home for activities (Study or work) in different cities from Aquila.
In particular, it is believed that out of the Abruzzo Region, are to be considered useful for thick places in charge of civil protection sites only municipalities in the province of Rieti and the following in the provinces of Ascoli Piceno and Rome: Acquasanta Terme Acquaviva, Arquata of Tronto, Ascoli Piceno, Foligno, Monteprandone, S. Benedetto del Tronto, Spinatoli (AP) Agosta, Arsoli, Camerata Nuova, Cervara di Roma, Mandela, Marano Fair, Riofreddo, Subiaco, Vicovaro (Rm).
b) specifies the possibility that the rent charged to the civil protection will be extended beyond 6 months for homes classified B and C.
This specification is considered useful in view of the fact that there is the possibility of allocation of housing for citizens with permanent residence classified B or C and are extremely common in cases of classes B and C appear to have time to work that makes it impossible to rapid recovery of practicability.
It is also considered, including encouraging the use of the instrument rentals, which is to be extended beyond 18 months the period for the nuclei having home classified E.
c) increasing the figure for the contribution of autonomous systems. This intervention will also help the self-accommodation of choice, decidedly more economical use of hotel facilities and residential, hospitality also to promote the instrument through cohabitation with families whose homes accessible.
L'Aquila, July 23, 2009 The Councillor for Social Policies
with responsibility for housing policy.
(Luca D'Innocenzo)
Al Capo del Dipartimento della Protezione Civile della Presidena del Consiglio dei Ministri e Commissario delegato per l'emergenza.
dott. Guido Bertolaso
Oggetto: richiesta integrazioni in ordinanza
Illustrissimo dott. Bertolaso,
al fine di favorire il rientro nella città dell'Aquila delle migliaia di sfollati e di evitare fenomeni di dispendio di risorse pubbliche, si richiedono the following changes to the interventions implemented through specific rules in order. In particular:
a) specify the municipalities outside the Region of Abruzzo, where you can stay with for rent in charge of Civil Protection. In particular, it calls for the territories are considered outside the region, but that they are compatible with the commute to the city of L'Aquila and to avoid the incentive to rent in particularly remote and real estate markets with absolutely higher than the prices set by civil protection. Just as now understood
(border regions), the instrument is likely to be "normally" used to pay for a thick aimed at a permanent home for activities (Study or work) in different cities from Aquila.
In particular, it is believed that out of the Abruzzo Region, are to be considered useful for thick places in charge of civil protection sites only municipalities in the province of Rieti and the following in the provinces of Ascoli Piceno and Rome: Acquasanta Terme Acquaviva, Arquata of Tronto, Ascoli Piceno, Foligno, Monteprandone, S. Benedetto del Tronto, Spinatoli (AP) Agosta, Arsoli, Camerata Nuova, Cervara di Roma, Mandela, Marano Fair, Riofreddo, Subiaco, Vicovaro (Rm).
b) specifies the possibility that the rent charged to the civil protection will be extended beyond 6 months for homes classified B and C.
This specification is considered useful in view of the fact that there is the possibility of allocation of housing for citizens with permanent residence classified B or C and are extremely common in cases of classes B and C appear to have time to work that makes it impossible to rapid recovery of practicability.
It is also considered, including encouraging the use of the instrument rentals, which is to be extended beyond 18 months the period for the nuclei having home classified E.
c) increasing the figure for the contribution of autonomous systems. This intervention will also help the self-accommodation of choice, decidedly more economical use of hotel facilities and residential, hospitality also to promote the instrument through cohabitation with families whose homes accessible.
L'Aquila, July 23, 2009 The Councillor for Social Policies
with responsibility for housing policy.
(Luca D'Innocenzo)
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Coping With Depression More Condition_symptoms
Debris, rubble in the G8.
This G8 G8 was a predictably futile. Needless
in its international role.
A G8 where the amount of emissions become of degrees Celsius, running away from the commitment real.
A G8 where the undertakings become statements. A recycling
G8 promises on Africa without saying a word about past never met. A G8
meaningless, with the vast majority of the population represented in the Codazzi and not in the summit. A
G8 had already failed, had failed to Genoa and from there forever. A place
reduced to a time to know each other.
Where the act more politically significant than the economic model is the doggy bags to Michelle.
Where the challenge has been the most interesting cultural distance between Michelle Obama and Carla Bruni. A
G8 will have a sense that if it will only place for the beautiful pictures that Aquila was destroyed and poignant has left the world, where the background, the tragic and tortured background, has made great pictures of the 8, of others, the wives of the participants.
A G8 where it was expected that an actor UN Secretary-General.
If it were not for the immensity of Obama that seems to repeat the ranks of the future of the world (not just in L'Aquila, but first in Moscow and then in Africa), just remember this G8 summit and majestic mountain backdrop the "scene" of my beloved city and ruinous. A G8
useless to the world, wherever it was done. A G8
maybe leave some trace utility Aquila, a city that had destroyed the destruction to be known, recognized, appreciated. The G8
closes so, does the curtain down on his decades of failure by saving his face and covering the debris with the rubble of the Eagle.
did not have to argue with, a summit was useless to the world, had already lost.
was good that remains in memory two different things, the ruins and the immensity of the Eagle, pictures, stories, photos, shame, and fear the words of the days of Genoa. The Debris
Eagle and the days of Genoa, two deafening silence in respect of which the traces of Michelle and Charles have already vaporized.
This G8 G8 was a predictably futile. Needless
in its international role.
A G8 where the amount of emissions become of degrees Celsius, running away from the commitment real.
A G8 where the undertakings become statements. A recycling
G8 promises on Africa without saying a word about past never met. A G8
meaningless, with the vast majority of the population represented in the Codazzi and not in the summit. A
G8 had already failed, had failed to Genoa and from there forever. A place
reduced to a time to know each other.
Where the act more politically significant than the economic model is the doggy bags to Michelle.
Where the challenge has been the most interesting cultural distance between Michelle Obama and Carla Bruni. A
G8 will have a sense that if it will only place for the beautiful pictures that Aquila was destroyed and poignant has left the world, where the background, the tragic and tortured background, has made great pictures of the 8, of others, the wives of the participants.
A G8 where it was expected that an actor UN Secretary-General.
If it were not for the immensity of Obama that seems to repeat the ranks of the future of the world (not just in L'Aquila, but first in Moscow and then in Africa), just remember this G8 summit and majestic mountain backdrop the "scene" of my beloved city and ruinous. A G8
useless to the world, wherever it was done. A G8
maybe leave some trace utility Aquila, a city that had destroyed the destruction to be known, recognized, appreciated. The G8
closes so, does the curtain down on his decades of failure by saving his face and covering the debris with the rubble of the Eagle.
did not have to argue with, a summit was useless to the world, had already lost.
was good that remains in memory two different things, the ruins and the immensity of the Eagle, pictures, stories, photos, shame, and fear the words of the days of Genoa. The Debris
Eagle and the days of Genoa, two deafening silence in respect of which the traces of Michelle and Charles have already vaporized.
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Consumer Report Calico Horse Trailers
G8: consigli in caso di terremoto.
We read of the presence of duplex B in case of earthquake. A B
to make the summit elsewhere, a B for escape in case of strong shock at the Summit in L'Aquila.
We have seen the deployment of police, the massive presence of military forces, air defense batteries, we have read or seen the sniper and read the secret services and vice versa.
We are worried. We are concerned about the reaction in case of strong shock, we now know we have acquired a self-alas on the ground in case of aftershocks. You do not.
This is perhaps some useful advice if you experience the hypothesis generating the plan B.
1. If the earth shakes is not useful against ground fire.
It 's true that the' attack 'comes from the underground, but if you shoot missiles or bombs against the land, the effect is multiplied, not fade.
2. If a partition falls, do not use the gun against the partition.
E ' true that the danger comes from the partition, but if you shoot at him, this will accelerate the fall.
3. If the "Warrior of Capistrano" moves, saltategli not throwing him to the ground to disarm him.
It 's true that it is dangerously armed, but is helpless, and if you throw on the ground to grab it or you save it to cushion the fall, saltereto him throwing him to disarm him, you're going to destroy a symbol of the Abruzzo, coming from our City Aufinium and a representative of our peoples ancestors.
4. If you run away sky, felt the first flak that's you!
5. If you run away land, not to obstruct the roads, are used for relief efforts. Wait instead of hours, sooner or later come to mount a civil defense shelters for your visit.
6. If you see scenes of panic, do not shoot at random against everything and everyone. If
snipers, secret services, aircraft, missiles, helicopters, tanks, special forces continue to fire against the effect a panic, shoot-for-all and end up killing you for everyone.
7. By the way, President Obama, her first individual a structure, in the case of very strong event, put them away. After the shock controls the stairs, go down if they are ok, otherwise you put away and wait for our outstanding Fire Department. If by chance instead triggered a panic from 1 to 6, to hide and escape infernal machine, vastly more dangerous than the earthquake. To her we are very keen, if we want some place in our camper.
We read of the presence of duplex B in case of earthquake. A B
to make the summit elsewhere, a B for escape in case of strong shock at the Summit in L'Aquila.
We have seen the deployment of police, the massive presence of military forces, air defense batteries, we have read or seen the sniper and read the secret services and vice versa.
We are worried. We are concerned about the reaction in case of strong shock, we now know we have acquired a self-alas on the ground in case of aftershocks. You do not.
This is perhaps some useful advice if you experience the hypothesis generating the plan B.
1. If the earth shakes is not useful against ground fire.
It 's true that the' attack 'comes from the underground, but if you shoot missiles or bombs against the land, the effect is multiplied, not fade.
2. If a partition falls, do not use the gun against the partition.
E ' true that the danger comes from the partition, but if you shoot at him, this will accelerate the fall.
3. If the "Warrior of Capistrano" moves, saltategli not throwing him to the ground to disarm him.
It 's true that it is dangerously armed, but is helpless, and if you throw on the ground to grab it or you save it to cushion the fall, saltereto him throwing him to disarm him, you're going to destroy a symbol of the Abruzzo, coming from our City Aufinium and a representative of our peoples ancestors.
4. If you run away sky, felt the first flak that's you!
5. If you run away land, not to obstruct the roads, are used for relief efforts. Wait instead of hours, sooner or later come to mount a civil defense shelters for your visit.
6. If you see scenes of panic, do not shoot at random against everything and everyone. If
snipers, secret services, aircraft, missiles, helicopters, tanks, special forces continue to fire against the effect a panic, shoot-for-all and end up killing you for everyone.
7. By the way, President Obama, her first individual a structure, in the case of very strong event, put them away. After the shock controls the stairs, go down if they are ok, otherwise you put away and wait for our outstanding Fire Department. If by chance instead triggered a panic from 1 to 6, to hide and escape infernal machine, vastly more dangerous than the earthquake. To her we are very keen, if we want some place in our camper.
Friday, June 26, 2009
Motorcycle Golf Bag Rack
How often we have seen, even on this Blog, le difficoltà nell'applicare le normative di sicurezza, soprattutto quando parliamo di teatri storici, sono sempre presenti. Sul versante dell'antincendio le difficoltà non sono minori anche in considerazione dell'elevato numero di spettatori presenti nonchè della presenza di ditte o lavoratori con contratti stagionali o professionali che non fanno parte degli organici fissi dei teatri. Questo lavoro ha l'intenzione di rendere nota l'esperienza, a mio avviso preziosissima, del Teatro della Fortuna di Fano che grazie alla presenza di una Direzione estremamente sensibile, supportata da Tecnici della Prevenzione appassionati e competenti, ha messo la diffusione della Cultura della Sicurezza al primo posto.
Vediamo, con un breve cenno storico, to understand the type of structure that represents the Teatro della Fortuna in Fano:
The current theater, which makes the old facade of the Palazzo del Podesta founded in 1299, was built by architect Luigi Poletti Modena between 1845 and 1863 replacing the famous ancient theater of the same name built by the famous designer Giacomo Torelli and stagecraft Fano between 1665 and 1677.
The theater was closed in 1839 and declared unfit for use later killed. Today's theater was heavily damaged during the Second World War (summer 1944) by the collapse of the adjacent civic tower and incendiary fell on the roof of the hall. Only After fifty-four years after its forced closure in the spring of 1988, the theater was reopened to the public after the long and complex restoration and renovation that have preserved the original appearance while renewing all facilities and technical equipment.
very beautiful and the neo-classical hall of the shows, about 595 seats, equipped with every comfort and decorated with exemplary refinement.
It has three tiers to projections of a humiliating withdrawal and capable in the gallery balcony.
from the second hall, climbing the stairs that develop on the two shorter sides and leading to the corridors of the boxes, we reach the foyer of the third order which also gives access to the renovated Green Room, a vast environment for a time to dance parties, concerts and conferences. Completely devastated by the collapse of the old tower, the restaurant has been completely renovated as a modern concert hall designed by architect Gianni Fabbri.
Poletti With the new theater, there was the complete triumph of the work before and romantic realist then remember the titles of the most famous Bellini and Donizetti, Giuseppe Verdi, the French Gounod, Bizet and Massenet, Catalani, Puccini, Mascagni , Leoncavallo, Cilea and Zandonai and also, in 1906, with the "Lohengrin" by Richard Wagner. Equally rich and varied programming in the field of prose with hundreds of dramas, comedies and farces of texts known and applauded, compresi i fanesi Cesare Rossi, Claudio Leigheb e Ruggero Ruggeri.
Poi il lungo silenzio dovuto alle ricordate distruzioni belliche del 1944 e, per finire, il decennio di varia e intensa attività seguita alla riapertura del 1998 culminato con la nascita della Fondazione Teatro della Fortuna.
- Il testo completo a cura di Franco Battistelli è visionabile al link
Entriamo adesso nel merito di questo lavoro e con l'aiuto del Dott. Ing. G. Uguccioni cerchiamo di capire in cosa consiste l'esperienza realizzata dal Teatro della Fortuna.
Il Dott. Ing. Uguccioni svolge dai primi mesi del 2000 il ruolo di RSPP ed ha elaborato tutta la documentazione richiesta first by Legislative Decree no. 626/94 and then by Legislative Decree no. 81/2008 no hiding the real difficulties encountered in applying this legislation a reality as complex as that of a theater, who lives in part of production as well as of their seasons in which they host in a traveling theater companies cultural and artistic programs defined by the Superintendent. I asked
Ing. Uguccioni to tell us about their experience:
"Our experience as professionals in the security industry has taught us that first we have to be the promoters of a culture that creates security and that our task is to create a strong feeling in principal regarding this matter.
My support has already begun at the restoration of the structural unit above, I followed the whole plant at project restructuring and retrofitting of plants with a structure of great historical and architectural merit with your foot until the obtainment of the CPI, the which marked the start of the operation of the theater as a place of public entertainment.
A particularly delicate issue is certainly related to the structure dell'antincendio especially since the renovation of the theater has not always allowed to apply strictly the rules fire fighting equipment, which is why a number of measures were planned to contain the risk of a procedural nature, related especially for the proper management of the audience during performances. As for building fine art and history was not always possible to perform the necessary work and has gone to Exemption (Approved by the Fire Brigade) with equivalent safety measures.
service Box Office, Concierge and masks are provided by a local cooperative that has been awarded the contract to cover the service of the theater, so as you can imagine the difficulty in defining a proper emergency management has also requested a careful work of cooperation and coordination on the preparation of the evacuation plan for the theater. In the year 2008, considering also the variation Part of the relevant legislation has been updated the version of the PE of the theater with all the predictable evacuation procedures for different stages of its functioning. The organization of the evacuation procedures have therefore been planned and designed for three different moments in the life of the Theatre:
1. daytime activities - operation of the production office - administration, production shows with employees (in some periods of the year);
2. maintenance activities - the property has planned a time schedule of routine maintenance to the structure and for all plants present (Chandelier historian, mechanical stage, fixed and mobile fire, electrical system, heating system, air-conditioning system, etc. ...), emergency battery for the conduct of such activities were in charge of external companies and all operations are scheduled so as not to overlap with construction activity - evidence and show, for such activities have been defined procedures for evacuation and emergency management in cooperation with the contractors who were awarded the maintenance of the structure;
3. entertainment activities - testing and preparation, with the presence of Masks - for that moment of life of the Theatre have been defined other evacuation procedures and emergency management in cooperation with the Cooperative, which provides forms, taking into account the presence of the public.
First you have identified a stable core of emergency workers (fire and PS) that are part of the plan stable foundation that manages the THEATRE OF FORTUNE, and according to role in organizing cover for the permanent moments life of the theater with different job functions (Maintenance Manager, Technical Manager, Productions Manager, Administration and Production staff offices etc. ....). For this reason completely oversee all emergency management activities that were planned for every moment of life Theatre.
Today we can be satisfied with the evacuation plan that is currently in use at the facility since it was designed for all activities of the Theater and is primarily the result of a long career of sharing, cooperation and verification that lasted about a year .
the end of this long career to the next step was to start planning the evacuation drills that were actually useful to memorize the procedures in this PE. Last year, two tests were performed in accordance with evacuation planning is shared by all the figures that are actively involved in managing security at the theater.
The first trial (year 2008) was organized during the construction and test performance with the presence of an external company that was doing construction work without the presence of the audience. The emergency workers are part of the Foundation of the theater before moving to the test evacuation took part in a training process dall'RSPP wanted. The difficulty of proof was in the management of workers outside the building, unaware of what was happening, while the internal team that handled the event had been informed of what would happen and had been adequately trained to handle the evacuation test. The outcome was positive and the Head Technical Coordinator as well as emergency all'RSPP asked to increase the difficulties in the subsequent test to administer.
The second round of evacuation (year 2008) was organized in collaboration with the Cooperative providing the masks for the management of the audience during the show. Obviously aware that it is unthinkable to hold a trial evacuation during a performance with the paying public, we have tried to recreate a situation similar to that of the show with the audience through the involvement of some cultural associations of our city inviting them to join for free the day indicated in the guided tours of the theater, during a morning conference attendees are now so viewers needed to test the procedures planned in order to safely evacuate the audience. During the same test
evacuation technicians have also tested the correct operation of the sound signal of alarm, sprinkler system located on stage (first put in safeguards to prevent flooding the stage), of automatic smoke extractors heat and all the other automatic fire protection . Although this test was successful, the only drawback was the low number of visitors since the morning in question was very wet and there have been few people who have accepted the invitation. Nevertheless, the experience has been fruitful, especially for males who have been able to verify in practice the procedures developed theoretically in the activity of the preparation of evacuation plans.
The first test of 2009 will take place every other day and was scheduled during a maintenance extraordinary challenging enough, these days the staff of the Theatre dall'RSPP is prepared with the aim of having a successful outcome from the test, but especially trying to contain the risks as much as possible. We are aware that the evidence of evacuation of such complex structures can be risky, so you try to contain them as much as possible by careful planning of activities and the continuous training of staff must become more efficient with regard to the subject matter.
The second race of the year 2009 is already being prepared and will be in the second half. At this stage in agreement and collaboration with the Managing Director and the Superintendent of the Teatro della Fortuna will try to involve students in secondary schools. Our activity is aimed at organizing a day in accordance with the schools about safety and then getting students to participate in evacuation drills simulating il pubblico presente in sala, ovviamente l’organizzazione di questo evento è più complesso in quanto richiede la collaborazione dei Presidi e degli Istituti Scolastici coinvolti. Poichè confidiamo nella collaborazione di tutti siamo certi che riusciremo a portare a termine il nostro progetto relativamente alle prove di evacuazione programmate per il 2009 così come siamo effettivamente riusciti nel 2008 e negli anni precedenti. Ovviamente la nostra attività mira a formare addetti sempre più preparati al tema della gestione dell’emergenza per tale motivo ci piacerebbe poter organizzare in futuro delle prove di evacuazione sempre più complesse anche con la collaborazione dei VVFF, della Protezione Civile e del 118, così come ha fatto the region Emilia Romagna for the preparation of evidence for the dispersal of the Region Palaces in Bologna.
(The video of the test evacuation of the region Emilia Romagna is visible at the following link: video nda)
I want also to remember that evacuation drills are optional activities but are not required by current regulations on safety and hygiene in the workplace and on the structure of the Teatro della Fortuna is a compulsory requirement (2 per year) contained in fire prevention certificate issued by the Provincial Command of the Fire Department regarding the structure above.
The site
internernet theater of Fortune can be seen at:
Teatro della Fortuna

How often we have seen, even on this Blog, le difficoltà nell'applicare le normative di sicurezza, soprattutto quando parliamo di teatri storici, sono sempre presenti. Sul versante dell'antincendio le difficoltà non sono minori anche in considerazione dell'elevato numero di spettatori presenti nonchè della presenza di ditte o lavoratori con contratti stagionali o professionali che non fanno parte degli organici fissi dei teatri. Questo lavoro ha l'intenzione di rendere nota l'esperienza, a mio avviso preziosissima, del Teatro della Fortuna di Fano che grazie alla presenza di una Direzione estremamente sensibile, supportata da Tecnici della Prevenzione appassionati e competenti, ha messo la diffusione della Cultura della Sicurezza al primo posto.
Vediamo, con un breve cenno storico, to understand the type of structure that represents the Teatro della Fortuna in Fano:
The current theater, which makes the old facade of the Palazzo del Podesta founded in 1299, was built by architect Luigi Poletti Modena between 1845 and 1863 replacing the famous ancient theater of the same name built by the famous designer Giacomo Torelli and stagecraft Fano between 1665 and 1677.
The theater was closed in 1839 and declared unfit for use later killed. Today's theater was heavily damaged during the Second World War (summer 1944) by the collapse of the adjacent civic tower and incendiary fell on the roof of the hall. Only After fifty-four years after its forced closure in the spring of 1988, the theater was reopened to the public after the long and complex restoration and renovation that have preserved the original appearance while renewing all facilities and technical equipment.
very beautiful and the neo-classical hall of the shows, about 595 seats, equipped with every comfort and decorated with exemplary refinement.
It has three tiers to projections of a humiliating withdrawal and capable in the gallery balcony.
from the second hall, climbing the stairs that develop on the two shorter sides and leading to the corridors of the boxes, we reach the foyer of the third order which also gives access to the renovated Green Room, a vast environment for a time to dance parties, concerts and conferences. Completely devastated by the collapse of the old tower, the restaurant has been completely renovated as a modern concert hall designed by architect Gianni Fabbri.
Poletti With the new theater, there was the complete triumph of the work before and romantic realist then remember the titles of the most famous Bellini and Donizetti, Giuseppe Verdi, the French Gounod, Bizet and Massenet, Catalani, Puccini, Mascagni , Leoncavallo, Cilea and Zandonai and also, in 1906, with the "Lohengrin" by Richard Wagner. Equally rich and varied programming in the field of prose with hundreds of dramas, comedies and farces of texts known and applauded, compresi i fanesi Cesare Rossi, Claudio Leigheb e Ruggero Ruggeri.
Poi il lungo silenzio dovuto alle ricordate distruzioni belliche del 1944 e, per finire, il decennio di varia e intensa attività seguita alla riapertura del 1998 culminato con la nascita della Fondazione Teatro della Fortuna.
- Il testo completo a cura di Franco Battistelli è visionabile al link
Entriamo adesso nel merito di questo lavoro e con l'aiuto del Dott. Ing. G. Uguccioni cerchiamo di capire in cosa consiste l'esperienza realizzata dal Teatro della Fortuna.
Il Dott. Ing. Uguccioni svolge dai primi mesi del 2000 il ruolo di RSPP ed ha elaborato tutta la documentazione richiesta first by Legislative Decree no. 626/94 and then by Legislative Decree no. 81/2008 no hiding the real difficulties encountered in applying this legislation a reality as complex as that of a theater, who lives in part of production as well as of their seasons in which they host in a traveling theater companies cultural and artistic programs defined by the Superintendent. I asked
Ing. Uguccioni to tell us about their experience:
"Our experience as professionals in the security industry has taught us that first we have to be the promoters of a culture that creates security and that our task is to create a strong feeling in principal regarding this matter.
My support has already begun at the restoration of the structural unit above, I followed the whole plant at project restructuring and retrofitting of plants with a structure of great historical and architectural merit with your foot until the obtainment of the CPI, the which marked the start of the operation of the theater as a place of public entertainment.
A particularly delicate issue is certainly related to the structure dell'antincendio especially since the renovation of the theater has not always allowed to apply strictly the rules fire fighting equipment, which is why a number of measures were planned to contain the risk of a procedural nature, related especially for the proper management of the audience during performances. As for building fine art and history was not always possible to perform the necessary work and has gone to Exemption (Approved by the Fire Brigade) with equivalent safety measures.
service Box Office, Concierge and masks are provided by a local cooperative that has been awarded the contract to cover the service of the theater, so as you can imagine the difficulty in defining a proper emergency management has also requested a careful work of cooperation and coordination on the preparation of the evacuation plan for the theater. In the year 2008, considering also the variation Part of the relevant legislation has been updated the version of the PE of the theater with all the predictable evacuation procedures for different stages of its functioning. The organization of the evacuation procedures have therefore been planned and designed for three different moments in the life of the Theatre:
1. daytime activities - operation of the production office - administration, production shows with employees (in some periods of the year);
2. maintenance activities - the property has planned a time schedule of routine maintenance to the structure and for all plants present (Chandelier historian, mechanical stage, fixed and mobile fire, electrical system, heating system, air-conditioning system, etc. ...), emergency battery for the conduct of such activities were in charge of external companies and all operations are scheduled so as not to overlap with construction activity - evidence and show, for such activities have been defined procedures for evacuation and emergency management in cooperation with the contractors who were awarded the maintenance of the structure;
3. entertainment activities - testing and preparation, with the presence of Masks - for that moment of life of the Theatre have been defined other evacuation procedures and emergency management in cooperation with the Cooperative, which provides forms, taking into account the presence of the public.
First you have identified a stable core of emergency workers (fire and PS) that are part of the plan stable foundation that manages the THEATRE OF FORTUNE, and according to role in organizing cover for the permanent moments life of the theater with different job functions (Maintenance Manager, Technical Manager, Productions Manager, Administration and Production staff offices etc. ....). For this reason completely oversee all emergency management activities that were planned for every moment of life Theatre.
Today we can be satisfied with the evacuation plan that is currently in use at the facility since it was designed for all activities of the Theater and is primarily the result of a long career of sharing, cooperation and verification that lasted about a year .
the end of this long career to the next step was to start planning the evacuation drills that were actually useful to memorize the procedures in this PE. Last year, two tests were performed in accordance with evacuation planning is shared by all the figures that are actively involved in managing security at the theater.
The first trial (year 2008) was organized during the construction and test performance with the presence of an external company that was doing construction work without the presence of the audience. The emergency workers are part of the Foundation of the theater before moving to the test evacuation took part in a training process dall'RSPP wanted. The difficulty of proof was in the management of workers outside the building, unaware of what was happening, while the internal team that handled the event had been informed of what would happen and had been adequately trained to handle the evacuation test. The outcome was positive and the Head Technical Coordinator as well as emergency all'RSPP asked to increase the difficulties in the subsequent test to administer.
The second round of evacuation (year 2008) was organized in collaboration with the Cooperative providing the masks for the management of the audience during the show. Obviously aware that it is unthinkable to hold a trial evacuation during a performance with the paying public, we have tried to recreate a situation similar to that of the show with the audience through the involvement of some cultural associations of our city inviting them to join for free the day indicated in the guided tours of the theater, during a morning conference attendees are now so viewers needed to test the procedures planned in order to safely evacuate the audience. During the same test
evacuation technicians have also tested the correct operation of the sound signal of alarm, sprinkler system located on stage (first put in safeguards to prevent flooding the stage), of automatic smoke extractors heat and all the other automatic fire protection . Although this test was successful, the only drawback was the low number of visitors since the morning in question was very wet and there have been few people who have accepted the invitation. Nevertheless, the experience has been fruitful, especially for males who have been able to verify in practice the procedures developed theoretically in the activity of the preparation of evacuation plans.
The first test of 2009 will take place every other day and was scheduled during a maintenance extraordinary challenging enough, these days the staff of the Theatre dall'RSPP is prepared with the aim of having a successful outcome from the test, but especially trying to contain the risks as much as possible. We are aware that the evidence of evacuation of such complex structures can be risky, so you try to contain them as much as possible by careful planning of activities and the continuous training of staff must become more efficient with regard to the subject matter.
The second race of the year 2009 is already being prepared and will be in the second half. At this stage in agreement and collaboration with the Managing Director and the Superintendent of the Teatro della Fortuna will try to involve students in secondary schools. Our activity is aimed at organizing a day in accordance with the schools about safety and then getting students to participate in evacuation drills simulating il pubblico presente in sala, ovviamente l’organizzazione di questo evento è più complesso in quanto richiede la collaborazione dei Presidi e degli Istituti Scolastici coinvolti. Poichè confidiamo nella collaborazione di tutti siamo certi che riusciremo a portare a termine il nostro progetto relativamente alle prove di evacuazione programmate per il 2009 così come siamo effettivamente riusciti nel 2008 e negli anni precedenti. Ovviamente la nostra attività mira a formare addetti sempre più preparati al tema della gestione dell’emergenza per tale motivo ci piacerebbe poter organizzare in futuro delle prove di evacuazione sempre più complesse anche con la collaborazione dei VVFF, della Protezione Civile e del 118, così come ha fatto the region Emilia Romagna for the preparation of evidence for the dispersal of the Region Palaces in Bologna.
(The video of the test evacuation of the region Emilia Romagna is visible at the following link: video nda)
I want also to remember that evacuation drills are optional activities but are not required by current regulations on safety and hygiene in the workplace and on the structure of the Teatro della Fortuna is a compulsory requirement (2 per year) contained in fire prevention certificate issued by the Provincial Command of the Fire Department regarding the structure above.
The site
internernet theater of Fortune can be seen at:
Teatro della Fortuna
Tendonitis Treatment More Condition_symptoms
Viabilità durante il G8
The Prefect of the Province of L'Aquila
Hit the notes and Cat Cat A.4/Gab/G8/33/2009 30/05/2009 A.4/Gab./G8/048/2009 17/06/2009 Eagle's Police Headquarters in which measures have been proposed disqualification from road traffic to be carried out at the G8 Summit International provided in L'Aquila from 8 to July 10 pv;
Considering that, for security reasons public and for reasons related to traffic safety, it is necessary to temporarily suspend the movement on the streets below;
Having regard to Article 6 of the Highway Code;
for reasons of public order and security, from 7:00 am of July 5, 2009 at 12:00 pm on 11 July 2009, below the temporary suspension of the movement: A
. prohibition of vehicular traffic, including heavy goods vehicles (7.5 tonnes) and the pedestrian traffic along:
1. Avenue of the Guardia di Finanza, entire section;
2. New link connecting the airport to the Courts and Avenue of the Guardia di Finanza;
3. All the roads between the perimeter of adducenti Preturo;
4. Leachate Second Street and related access dirt adducenti Avenue in Flames Yellow;
5. Via del Poppleto (adducente tract to the town of Coppi and stroke in the opposite direction SS 80);
6. Via Cerritola, entire section;
7. Via Cagnano, entire section;
8. Via Borgorose, full stretch, to the intersection with SR 80 Street DIR Amiternina Preturo;
9. Via San Vittorino, entire section;
10. Roads between Avenue of yellow flame that rely to some private homes;
11. Via del Campo, entire section;
12. Via Fontecchio, entire section;
13. Via Capitignano.
pedestrians will be allowed (but not the car) only to those who for various reasons will have a special "badge" rilasciato dalla Struttura di Missione G8 nonchè ai residenti preventivamente censiti, muniti anch’essi dell’ apposito “badge” rilasciato dalla Struttura di Missione G8.
Detta circolazione avverrà lungo appositi corridoi di transito con accesso all’altezza della nuova rotonda posta all’intersezione della S.S.80 con Via Borsellino e Via Fermi.
Sarà altresì consentito, ai soli residenti muniti dell’anzidetto “badge” ed al personale dell’organizzazione, l’accesso a mezzo di apposito servizio di navette, ad orari prestabiliti e sotto il controllo delle Forze di Polizia, con partenza dall’ingresso di Viale delle Fiamme Gialle.
Sarà altresì consentito l’accesso veicolare a coloro che devono assicurare servizi inderogabili di pubblica utilità (preventivamente censiti a cura delle Forze di Polizia e muniti di Passi Identificativo rilasciato dal Gruppo Operativo Interforze G8), al personale e mezzi delle Forze di Polizia, delle Forze Armate e di Soccorso Pubblico, ai mezzi del Dipartimento della Protezione Civile, la cui targa rechi la sigla DPC, nonché ai mezzi addetti al trasferimento delle delegazioni.
B. interdizione della circolazione veicolare, compresi i mezzi pesanti (7,5 t.), nonché della circolazione pedonale lungo:
1. S.S. 80, tratto compreso tra l’intersezione con la S.R. 80 DIR e l’intersezione con le Via E. Fermi and Borsellino (Commercial Center Amiternum ");
2. SP 33 - Via herring - Via Preturo, suddenly bounded to the west from the intersection with SR 80 and east DIR with the start-up area of \u200b\u200bCoppito at Via Montagnino;
3. Via Borsellino, to its confluence with the Via Vetoio.
will be allowed by shuttles AMA provided for the purpose of the Company.
pedestrian access will be allowed (but not vehicular), solely in the sections immediately facing these streets, residents, resident, the residents of fact and operators previously surveyed by occupation forces Police and fitted with ID passes issued by the G8 group Operation Command and to those who need to fulfill tasks previously surveyed also provided assistance by the Police and fitted Pass ID key propositions.
will also be allowed vehicle and pedestrian access to those who must provide compelling public utility services (previously registered by the Police and fitted with ID passes issued by the G8 group Operation Command) and those who, for whatever reason, will bear the badge of the G8 mission structure for access to work and the staff and resources of police forces, Armed Forces and Public Assistance, means the Department of Civil Protection, whose license plate bears the initials DPC, and the means employed to transfer the delegations.
C. prohibition of vehicular traffic, including heavy goods vehicles (7.5 tonnes), along:
1. SS 80, the stretch between the intersection with Via Enrico Fermi and Borsellino and the confluence with the West exit L'Aquila.
will be allowed by shuttles AMA provided for the purpose of the Company.
will also allow vehicle access to those services must ensure that mandatory public utility, previously surveyed by Force Police and fitted with ID passes issued by the G8 group Operation Command, to those who, for whatever reason, will have a special badge issued by the G8 mission structure for access to the work and personnel and means of Police, the Armed Forces and Public Assistance, means the Department of Civil Protection, whose license plate bears the initials DPC, and the means employed to transfer the delegations.
D. prohibition of vehicular and pedestrian movement, coinciding with the arrival and departure of delegations, long:
1. SR 80 Dir - Amiternina Street, in the stretch north of the confluence with the SS 80 and south of the one with the SP 33 - Way of the larynx - Via Preturo;
E. interdiction of the movement of heavy vehicles (7.5 tonnes) long:
1. Via Antica Arischia;
2. Via Enrico Fermi;
3. Via Giovanni Falcone,
4. Provincial Road Preturo;
5. Via Borsellino, to the junction with the SS 80;
will be allowed vehicle access only to heavy vehicles fitted with the Organization of the G8 Summit "badge", and lorries of police forces, armed forces and Public Assistance .
F. interdiction of the movement of flocks of animals along:
1. SP 33 - Way of the larynx - Via Preturo, in the stretch SR 80 between the DIR and the limit of the town of Torque - Via Montagnino height;
2. Avenue of the Guardia di Finanza and roads to it adducenti.
G. movement of concrete mixers engaged in the transport of cement materials for the CASE Project.
will also be allowed vehicle traffic of means, including heavy, carrying materials to cement the achievements of the CASE project along the following route:
Via Borsellino - Via Falcone in both directions.
That option is allowed on condition that these vehicles and their drivers should carry ID passes issued by the G8 group Operation Command.
The police are responsible to carry out targeted control services on transport provided by these vehicles. ***
Throughout the 24 hour period (7:00 am July 5, 2009 at 12:00 pm on 11 July 2009) will be set up along the streets below, a shuttle service accompanied by teams of police forces for the transport of residents and merchants interested in reaching the places subject to the prohibitions Vehicle:
1. SS 80, entire section;
2. SP 33 - Via herring - Via Preturo;
3. Avenue of the Guardia di Finanza and roads adducenti.
The Quaestor is responsible for overseeing the implementation of the Eagle taking advantage of this provision for the implementation of the necessary interventions and services, the Municipal Police Force Eagle, as well as Corps and local police services to other local authorities who carry out their activities in the province in accordance with applicable regulations.
L'Aquila, June 23, 2009
The Prefect (Gabrielli)
The Prefect of the Province of L'Aquila
Hit the notes and Cat Cat A.4/Gab/G8/33/2009 30/05/2009 A.4/Gab./G8/048/2009 17/06/2009 Eagle's Police Headquarters in which measures have been proposed disqualification from road traffic to be carried out at the G8 Summit International provided in L'Aquila from 8 to July 10 pv;
Considering that, for security reasons public and for reasons related to traffic safety, it is necessary to temporarily suspend the movement on the streets below;
Having regard to Article 6 of the Highway Code;
for reasons of public order and security, from 7:00 am of July 5, 2009 at 12:00 pm on 11 July 2009, below the temporary suspension of the movement: A
. prohibition of vehicular traffic, including heavy goods vehicles (7.5 tonnes) and the pedestrian traffic along:
1. Avenue of the Guardia di Finanza, entire section;
2. New link connecting the airport to the Courts and Avenue of the Guardia di Finanza;
3. All the roads between the perimeter of adducenti Preturo;
4. Leachate Second Street and related access dirt adducenti Avenue in Flames Yellow;
5. Via del Poppleto (adducente tract to the town of Coppi and stroke in the opposite direction SS 80);
6. Via Cerritola, entire section;
7. Via Cagnano, entire section;
8. Via Borgorose, full stretch, to the intersection with SR 80 Street DIR Amiternina Preturo;
9. Via San Vittorino, entire section;
10. Roads between Avenue of yellow flame that rely to some private homes;
11. Via del Campo, entire section;
12. Via Fontecchio, entire section;
13. Via Capitignano.
pedestrians will be allowed (but not the car) only to those who for various reasons will have a special "badge" rilasciato dalla Struttura di Missione G8 nonchè ai residenti preventivamente censiti, muniti anch’essi dell’ apposito “badge” rilasciato dalla Struttura di Missione G8.
Detta circolazione avverrà lungo appositi corridoi di transito con accesso all’altezza della nuova rotonda posta all’intersezione della S.S.80 con Via Borsellino e Via Fermi.
Sarà altresì consentito, ai soli residenti muniti dell’anzidetto “badge” ed al personale dell’organizzazione, l’accesso a mezzo di apposito servizio di navette, ad orari prestabiliti e sotto il controllo delle Forze di Polizia, con partenza dall’ingresso di Viale delle Fiamme Gialle.
Sarà altresì consentito l’accesso veicolare a coloro che devono assicurare servizi inderogabili di pubblica utilità (preventivamente censiti a cura delle Forze di Polizia e muniti di Passi Identificativo rilasciato dal Gruppo Operativo Interforze G8), al personale e mezzi delle Forze di Polizia, delle Forze Armate e di Soccorso Pubblico, ai mezzi del Dipartimento della Protezione Civile, la cui targa rechi la sigla DPC, nonché ai mezzi addetti al trasferimento delle delegazioni.
B. interdizione della circolazione veicolare, compresi i mezzi pesanti (7,5 t.), nonché della circolazione pedonale lungo:
1. S.S. 80, tratto compreso tra l’intersezione con la S.R. 80 DIR e l’intersezione con le Via E. Fermi and Borsellino (Commercial Center Amiternum ");
2. SP 33 - Via herring - Via Preturo, suddenly bounded to the west from the intersection with SR 80 and east DIR with the start-up area of \u200b\u200bCoppito at Via Montagnino;
3. Via Borsellino, to its confluence with the Via Vetoio.
will be allowed by shuttles AMA provided for the purpose of the Company.
pedestrian access will be allowed (but not vehicular), solely in the sections immediately facing these streets, residents, resident, the residents of fact and operators previously surveyed by occupation forces Police and fitted with ID passes issued by the G8 group Operation Command and to those who need to fulfill tasks previously surveyed also provided assistance by the Police and fitted Pass ID key propositions.
will also be allowed vehicle and pedestrian access to those who must provide compelling public utility services (previously registered by the Police and fitted with ID passes issued by the G8 group Operation Command) and those who, for whatever reason, will bear the badge of the G8 mission structure for access to work and the staff and resources of police forces, Armed Forces and Public Assistance, means the Department of Civil Protection, whose license plate bears the initials DPC, and the means employed to transfer the delegations.
C. prohibition of vehicular traffic, including heavy goods vehicles (7.5 tonnes), along:
1. SS 80, the stretch between the intersection with Via Enrico Fermi and Borsellino and the confluence with the West exit L'Aquila.
will be allowed by shuttles AMA provided for the purpose of the Company.
will also allow vehicle access to those services must ensure that mandatory public utility, previously surveyed by Force Police and fitted with ID passes issued by the G8 group Operation Command, to those who, for whatever reason, will have a special badge issued by the G8 mission structure for access to the work and personnel and means of Police, the Armed Forces and Public Assistance, means the Department of Civil Protection, whose license plate bears the initials DPC, and the means employed to transfer the delegations.
D. prohibition of vehicular and pedestrian movement, coinciding with the arrival and departure of delegations, long:
1. SR 80 Dir - Amiternina Street, in the stretch north of the confluence with the SS 80 and south of the one with the SP 33 - Way of the larynx - Via Preturo;
E. interdiction of the movement of heavy vehicles (7.5 tonnes) long:
1. Via Antica Arischia;
2. Via Enrico Fermi;
3. Via Giovanni Falcone,
4. Provincial Road Preturo;
5. Via Borsellino, to the junction with the SS 80;
will be allowed vehicle access only to heavy vehicles fitted with the Organization of the G8 Summit "badge", and lorries of police forces, armed forces and Public Assistance .
F. interdiction of the movement of flocks of animals along:
1. SP 33 - Way of the larynx - Via Preturo, in the stretch SR 80 between the DIR and the limit of the town of Torque - Via Montagnino height;
2. Avenue of the Guardia di Finanza and roads to it adducenti.
G. movement of concrete mixers engaged in the transport of cement materials for the CASE Project.
will also be allowed vehicle traffic of means, including heavy, carrying materials to cement the achievements of the CASE project along the following route:
Via Borsellino - Via Falcone in both directions.
That option is allowed on condition that these vehicles and their drivers should carry ID passes issued by the G8 group Operation Command.
The police are responsible to carry out targeted control services on transport provided by these vehicles. ***
Throughout the 24 hour period (7:00 am July 5, 2009 at 12:00 pm on 11 July 2009) will be set up along the streets below, a shuttle service accompanied by teams of police forces for the transport of residents and merchants interested in reaching the places subject to the prohibitions Vehicle:
1. SS 80, entire section;
2. SP 33 - Via herring - Via Preturo;
3. Avenue of the Guardia di Finanza and roads adducenti.
The Quaestor is responsible for overseeing the implementation of the Eagle taking advantage of this provision for the implementation of the necessary interventions and services, the Municipal Police Force Eagle, as well as Corps and local police services to other local authorities who carry out their activities in the province in accordance with applicable regulations.
L'Aquila, June 23, 2009
The Prefect (Gabrielli)
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Alziemers More Condition_symptoms
To avoid the risk of triggering fires in the stage it is important to keep in mind that projectors used by lighting engineers electricians need be installed at a distance from objects and surfaces more or less flammable. In fact, in order to prevent overheating, you should keep a safe distance between the projector and the surface to be illuminated. This distance is indicated on the label side of the projector. The measure indicates the minimum allowed distance between the beam and the illuminated surface.
As for the halogen lamps is considered that the temperature reached by the filament may be more than 1400 degrees centigrade and it is precisely this high temperature that allows the particles to break away from the tungsten filament and connect with the halide gases before they reach the 'glass envelope of the lamp. Then come back to the particles of tungsten filament where halogens are released that take part in a new cycle. Because of the high temperature reached by the lamp and dispersed simultaneously requires that the manufacturer indicates a minimum distance of the materials in the vicinity of the lamp. Of course there will be a material difference if we're going to light will be a scene of a fire retardant fabric or plastic. The distance shown is of course referring especially to the highly flammable materials but it is still a distance to be respected forever.
For those who had direct experience of events occurring for non-compliance with this safe distance above may seem unimportant. I have personally witnessed
twice to trigger a fire, fortunately offset by prompt intervention by the operators themselves, set design or tailoring of materials. Take into consideration the safety distance is a precaution that will surely eliminate any possible risk.

To avoid the risk of triggering fires in the stage it is important to keep in mind that projectors used by lighting engineers electricians need be installed at a distance from objects and surfaces more or less flammable. In fact, in order to prevent overheating, you should keep a safe distance between the projector and the surface to be illuminated. This distance is indicated on the label side of the projector. The measure indicates the minimum allowed distance between the beam and the illuminated surface.
As for the halogen lamps is considered that the temperature reached by the filament may be more than 1400 degrees centigrade and it is precisely this high temperature that allows the particles to break away from the tungsten filament and connect with the halide gases before they reach the 'glass envelope of the lamp. Then come back to the particles of tungsten filament where halogens are released that take part in a new cycle. Because of the high temperature reached by the lamp and dispersed simultaneously requires that the manufacturer indicates a minimum distance of the materials in the vicinity of the lamp. Of course there will be a material difference if we're going to light will be a scene of a fire retardant fabric or plastic. The distance shown is of course referring especially to the highly flammable materials but it is still a distance to be respected forever.
For those who had direct experience of events occurring for non-compliance with this safe distance above may seem unimportant. I have personally witnessed
twice to trigger a fire, fortunately offset by prompt intervention by the operators themselves, set design or tailoring of materials. Take into consideration the safety distance is a precaution that will surely eliminate any possible risk.
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Honeywell Skinner Valve H935lb2150
After one month and a half everyone is surprised to discover that, despite having a direct line to the undersigned students of the house is not communicated to me nor, nor representatives, nor any of their concerns to the board of directors.
's so. This is told as an alarm megagalattico was in fact limited the relationship between students and offices.
Nobody, neither the office nor the students communicated anything to the board of directors.
may not have time, maybe it was a warning "back", so maybe it's not a thread. But this is.
Another surprise, apparently for those who have erased the memory of the years: the students were largely satisfied with the hotel and all it asked for confirmation. Of course has nothing to do with complaints with them either, just a restore a heritage that has always been common. The House was not a concentration camp as well as he wanted to tell this month and a half. Other
, which concerns the possible liability, not about nulla con questa storia.
A proposito, non solo io sento nell'aria un tentativo di "depistaggio"..., ma il tempo piano piano fa sgonfiare i palloni e lascia in prospettiva la ricerca delle cose reali...
After one month and a half everyone is surprised to discover that, despite having a direct line to the undersigned students of the house is not communicated to me nor, nor representatives, nor any of their concerns to the board of directors.
's so. This is told as an alarm megagalattico was in fact limited the relationship between students and offices.
Nobody, neither the office nor the students communicated anything to the board of directors.
may not have time, maybe it was a warning "back", so maybe it's not a thread. But this is.
Another surprise, apparently for those who have erased the memory of the years: the students were largely satisfied with the hotel and all it asked for confirmation. Of course has nothing to do with complaints with them either, just a restore a heritage that has always been common. The House was not a concentration camp as well as he wanted to tell this month and a half. Other
, which concerns the possible liability, not about nulla con questa storia.
A proposito, non solo io sento nell'aria un tentativo di "depistaggio"..., ma il tempo piano piano fa sgonfiare i palloni e lascia in prospettiva la ricerca delle cose reali...
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Ovaries More Condition_symptoms Bleeding
Speaking of noise risk in theater is not a simple thing and it is precisely for this reason that the legislature has deferred to a year from the date of entry into force of Legislative Decree no. 81/2008, the issuance by the Permanent Conference for relations between the State, the Regions and Autonomous Provinces of Trento and Bolzano, specific guidelines that will cover just the music industry and recreation.
The above however does not obviate an accurate assessment and measurement for work at that stage of its type can be compared to the work site and / or workshop. In
stage productions usually come already built, but that happens, especially on installations metal (in recent years also used more frequently than traditional wood) are both necessary adjustments during the installation and dismantling. All this involves the use of tools such as grinders, drills, welders, etc. ...
Who uses these tools? For small adjustments are usually technical drivers (often lack information and training) are working to use these tools while for complex installations that require mounting the stage, are often contractors specializing in the manufacture of iron. The above represents what can happen in the work on the stage so that noise is not without risk.
Surveillance Hearing health was certainly the visits that are made in particular to technical machinery and equipment but the same should be extended to all those who work in a stage.
Let's see what the law says about the risk that noise is still often overlooked but is the hearing loss they may cause one of the first entries in the list of occupational diseases.
It is estimated that the costs for hearing loss in Europe amount to about 10% of all those for occupational diseases. For these reasons the European Council disciplineto matter to fifteen years on expanding its scope and providing a review of the threshold values \u200b\u200bthat take into account progress in technology and scientific knowledge.
In Italy the noise is still the cause of occupational diseases reported INAIL more frequently. Occupational disease by physical agents cause more than 13,000 cases annually of about 26,000 total, of which the hearing loss is by far the most common disease.
The Leg. April 10, 2006, No 195 transposed the Directive 2003/10/EC on the minimum health and safety requirements regarding the exposure of workers to risks arising from noise. In connection with the reorganization
work with the enactment of Legislative Decree no. 81/2008, all matter is merged in Title VIII, Chapter II, art. Article 187. 198.
Article. 180 Leg. 81/2008 defines the first paragraph of the scope as follows:
'For the purposes of this Legislative Decree shall be construed to physical agents noise, ultrasound, infrasound, mechanical vibrations, electromagnetic fields, optical radiation, the microclimate and the atmosphere that hyperbaric may involve risks to the health and safety of workers'.
Also in reference to Chapter I, Art. 181 provides for the assessment of risks, the art. 182 contains provisions aimed at eliminating or reducing the risk at issue, Article. 183 indicates the categories of workers particularly vulnerable to physical hazards, art. 184 prescribes the obligation to provide information and targeted training, the exposed workers and their representatives in the art. 185 prescribes the obligation of health surveillance, Article. 186 shows evidence for the compilation of medical records and risk.
What is noise? We
as defining the noise as a complex set of sounds of various frequencies and duration, ie the transmission of mechanical energy through elastic means in the form of mechanical vibrations that propagate with a characteristic speed of the vehicle and result in vibrations of pressure.
A sound is an auditory sensation caused by a disruption of the equilibrium state of the air. Noise can damage the health of exposed persons (mostly hearing) or safety, masking the verbal communication and perception of audible security.
noise-induced hearing loss occurs in the first period with a hearing impairment asymptomatic and limited to mid-high frequencies and then can be extended to other frequencies, which occur so some physical symptoms (tinnitus), buzzing and dizziness. Afterwards begins the perception of a slight deafness in some instances as to be on the phone or listen to a program on TV, and by extension, be warned sharply.
Noise can also cause damage outside the hearing, sense of balance and movement, nervous system, appear on the digestive, respiratory and vascular system.
Among the definitional aspects of interest should be noted:
- peak sound pressure (p-peak) that is the maximum instantaneous sound pressure frequency-weighted "C";
- the daily noise exposure level (L-EX, 8h) [dB (A) relating to 20 nPa ] that is the weighted average function of time, the levels of noise exposure for a nominal 8-hour workday, as defined by international standard ISO 1999:1990 section 3.6. It covers all noises present at work, including work impulsive
- weekly noise exposure level (L ex-, w) which is the weighted average depending on the weather, the daily noise exposure levels for a week Rated five working days of 8 hours, as defined the international standard ISO 1999:1990 section 3.6, footnote 2.
limit values \u200b\u200band exposure action values, depending on the level of daily exposure to noise and peak sound pressure, are so 'set:
a) exposure limit value, respectively ex-L = 87 dB (A ) and p = 200nPa
-peak (140 dB (C) is referred to 20nPa)
b) higher values \u200b\u200bof action, respectively, L x = 85 dB (A) and p = 140nPa
-peak (137 dB (C) reported to 20nPa)
c) lower values \u200b\u200bof action, respectively ex-L = 80 dB (A) and p-peak = 112nPa
(135 dB (C) is referred to 20nPa).
Where, due to the intrinsic characteristics of work, exposure giornaliera al rumore varia significativamente, da una giornata di lavoro all'altra, è possibile sostituire, ai fini dell'applicazione dei valori limite di esposizione e dei valori di azione, il livello di esposizione giornaliera al rumore con il livello di esposizione settimanale a condizione che il livello di esposizione settimanale al rumore, come dimostrato da un controllo idoneo,non ecceda il valore limite di esposizione di 87dB(A) e siano adottate le adeguate misure per ridurre al minimo i rischi associati a tali attività.
Nel caso di variabilità del livello di esposizione settimanale va considerato il livello settimanale massimo ricorrente.
Il datore di lavoro, secondo quanto disposto dall'art. 190, deve valutare l'esposizione dei lavoratori al rumore durante il lavoro prendendo in considerazione in particolare:
- il livello, il tipo e la durata dell'esposizione, ivi inclusa ogni esposizione a rumore impulsivo;
- i valori limite di esposizione e i valori di azione;
- tutti gli effetti sulla salute e sulla sicurezza dei lavoratori particolarmente sensibili al rumore;
- per quanto possibile a livello tecnico, tutti gli effetti sulla salute e sicurezza dei lavoratori derivanti da interazione fra rumore e sostanze tossiche connesse con l'attività svolta e fra rumore e vibrazioni;
- tutti gli effetti indiretti sulla salute e sulla sicurezza dei lavoratori risultanti da interazioni tra rumore e segnali di avvertimento o altri suoni che vanno osservati al fine di ridurre il rischio di infortuni;
- le informazioni sull'emissione di rumore fornite dai costruttori dell'attrezzatura di lavoro in conformità alle vigenti disposizioni in materia;
- l'esistenza di attrezzature di lavoro alternative progettate per ridurre l'esposizione al rumore;
- il prolungamento del periodo di esposizione al rumore oltre l'orario di lavoro normale, in locali di cui è responsabile;
- le informazioni raccolte dalla sorveglianza sanitaria, comprese, per quanto possibile, quelle reperibili nella letteratura scientifica;
- la disponibilità di dispositivi di protezione dell'udito con adeguate caratteristiche di attenuazione.
Fatto salvo il divieto al superamento dei valori limit exposure to fluctuations in activities that involve high levels of exposure among workers, the employer may assign to such workers exposure to noise above the higher values \u200b\u200bof action, providing them with preventive measures and resulting in protection and in particular:
- the availability of personal protective equipment hearing;
- information and training;
- health checks.
In this case the measurement associated to the evaluation is limited to determining the level of noise produced by equipment in the workplace for the identification of measures of prevention and protection and to formulate a program of technical measures and organizational.
workplaces where workers may be exposed to noise above the upper action values \u200b\u200bshall be indicated by appropriate signs. These areas shall also be delimited and access to them limited where this is technically possible and justified by the risk of exposure.
The employer, if the risks arising from noise can not be avoided through preventive measures and protection must provide personal protective equipment for the hearing.
E 'provided that the employer ensures that workers exposed to values \u200b\u200bat or above the lower values \u200b\u200bof action are informed and trained in relation to the risks from exposure to noise. It 'also the duty of the employer to undergo health surveillance employees whose noise exposure exceeds the upper action values. The monitoring is carried out periodically, usually once a year or a different schedule decided by the physician in charge, with adequate reasons given in the document risk assessment and made known to the representatives for the safety of workers on the basis of risk assessment. The supervisory board, for justified reasons, may provide content and frequency of monitoring different from those provided by the physician.
Health surveillance is extended to workers exposed to levels lower than the values \u200b\u200bof action, at their request and if the physician in charge confirms their opportunities.
The employer may require derogations from the use of PPE and compliance with the exposure limit value (art. 197), when the nature of work, the use of such devices might pose a risk to health and safety of workers more than would happen without their use.
These exemptions are granted, after hearing the two sides, for a maximum period of four years by the supervisory board that has territorial jurisdiction shall also notify the Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare. The conditions for exemptions are reviewed every four years and in the event of the loss of its assumptions, apply immediately resumed the regular life.
The granting of exemptions is conditioned by the intensification of surveillance and health conditions which guarantee, taking into account the particular circumstances, that the risks are minimized. The employer shall ensure the strengthening of health surveillance and compliance with the conditions set by the exceptions.
The ISPELS has developed guidelines that address all matters pertaining to the noise hazard. Council to refer the following link for further information which was made part of this post:
www.ispesl.it / linee_guida / fattore_di_rischio / LG% 20RUMORE.pdf
The noise can be measured in two ways:
- without measuring
- with measurement
In the first case we are dealing with workplaces that often have no risk or noise, however it is very low and calculated on the basis of technical specifications of the machinery used. The thing but we must always take into account is that in the presence of multiple machines detected the noise is always the sum of individual machine noise.
In the second case the detection of noise is often advisable to make it to companies that specialize in the possession of equipment whose cost is around key figures ranging from five to ten thousand euro.
methods to assess the noise level of a worker wearing PPE:
- OBN based on levels per band octave;
- HLM based on relaxations in low, medium and high frequency-weighted sound pressure levels to A and C;
- SNR on the basis of mean attenuation across frequencies and the C-weighted
The laboratory findings coincide with reality only if the workers use PPE for hearing in the same way, working hard to implement in reality. We must also consider the usage time dell'otoprotettore relation to the timing of exposure to noise: in fact, a PPE can attenuate 30 dB when worn all day, loses the equivalent of 7 dB if you have not worn for a minutes of exposure time, but if you wear only half of workday provides effective protection of only 3 dB.
PPE for hearing (ear, ear headband, earplug, etc..), Despite the apparent ease of use, ability to have different protection depending on how they are worn.
The technical reference on the subject is represented by the UNI 9432 'Determination of the level of personal exposure to noise at work'.
Let's say in a stage are operated at the same time one or more grinders and machinists, electricians, toolmakers and engineers (not to be present simultaneously in all these departments to have a significant noise hazard) are running assembly or disassembly.
The noise made by a grinder is already just above the upper limit of 80dB (A) rapprenta the exposure limit value, in fact, let's see what he says the technical details of a grinder cumunissima:
For those who make use of the grinder industry, should also protect your hearing: the sound of the machine in action, may in the long run, bring injury to the ear ...
As we can easily deduce the noise of the grinder would add up to the sound of another possible grinder and maybe add up to the sound of a tow used by electricians to join a Trus aluminum while drivers smartellano con i loro preziosi martelli fiorentini e fonici ed attrezzisti urlano dal palcoscenico ai ballatoi per farsi sentire. Proviamo ad immaginare quanti Db sono presenti in quel momento in palcoscenico! sicuramente è auspicabile fare un'adeguata valutazione e decidere di arginare il problema o strutturalmente o a livello organizzativo evitando così la possibilità che vengano causati seri danni all'udito dei lavoratori presenti.
Un approfondimento interessante che riguarda soprattutto gli elettricisti che uniscono o dividono le Trus di alluminio è rappresentato dalla pressione acustica di picco e cioè tutti quei rumori improvvisi che colgono l’operatore impreparato ed
indifeso. Esiste un meccanismo naturale di difesa che è chiamato riflesso tympani.
Two small muscles acting on the chain of ossicles contract by way of reflection when the ear is subjected to sound having intensity of at least 70-80 dB (A) above the hearing threshold.
The tightening of these muscles leads to increased resistance from the eardrum-ossicular system for the transmission of sound, attenuation and therefore
thereby protecting the receptor from the snail sounds too intense.
Note that between the beginning of the stimulus and the beginning of the reflex contraction, there is a delay of at least 90-100 ms:
this means that the tympanic reflex is unable to provide any protection against noise-type pulses are very short and very intense, as
firing of a gun or (in our case) a hammer on a metal surface. It 'should therefore use its IPR.

Speaking of noise risk in theater is not a simple thing and it is precisely for this reason that the legislature has deferred to a year from the date of entry into force of Legislative Decree no. 81/2008, the issuance by the Permanent Conference for relations between the State, the Regions and Autonomous Provinces of Trento and Bolzano, specific guidelines that will cover just the music industry and recreation.
The above however does not obviate an accurate assessment and measurement for work at that stage of its type can be compared to the work site and / or workshop. In
stage productions usually come already built, but that happens, especially on installations metal (in recent years also used more frequently than traditional wood) are both necessary adjustments during the installation and dismantling. All this involves the use of tools such as grinders, drills, welders, etc. ...
Who uses these tools? For small adjustments are usually technical drivers (often lack information and training) are working to use these tools while for complex installations that require mounting the stage, are often contractors specializing in the manufacture of iron. The above represents what can happen in the work on the stage so that noise is not without risk.
Surveillance Hearing health was certainly the visits that are made in particular to technical machinery and equipment but the same should be extended to all those who work in a stage.
Let's see what the law says about the risk that noise is still often overlooked but is the hearing loss they may cause one of the first entries in the list of occupational diseases.
It is estimated that the costs for hearing loss in Europe amount to about 10% of all those for occupational diseases. For these reasons the European Council disciplineto matter to fifteen years on expanding its scope and providing a review of the threshold values \u200b\u200bthat take into account progress in technology and scientific knowledge.
In Italy the noise is still the cause of occupational diseases reported INAIL more frequently. Occupational disease by physical agents cause more than 13,000 cases annually of about 26,000 total, of which the hearing loss is by far the most common disease.
The Leg. April 10, 2006, No 195 transposed the Directive 2003/10/EC on the minimum health and safety requirements regarding the exposure of workers to risks arising from noise. In connection with the reorganization
work with the enactment of Legislative Decree no. 81/2008, all matter is merged in Title VIII, Chapter II, art. Article 187. 198.
Article. 180 Leg. 81/2008 defines the first paragraph of the scope as follows:
'For the purposes of this Legislative Decree shall be construed to physical agents noise, ultrasound, infrasound, mechanical vibrations, electromagnetic fields, optical radiation, the microclimate and the atmosphere that hyperbaric may involve risks to the health and safety of workers'.
Also in reference to Chapter I, Art. 181 provides for the assessment of risks, the art. 182 contains provisions aimed at eliminating or reducing the risk at issue, Article. 183 indicates the categories of workers particularly vulnerable to physical hazards, art. 184 prescribes the obligation to provide information and targeted training, the exposed workers and their representatives in the art. 185 prescribes the obligation of health surveillance, Article. 186 shows evidence for the compilation of medical records and risk.
What is noise? We
as defining the noise as a complex set of sounds of various frequencies and duration, ie the transmission of mechanical energy through elastic means in the form of mechanical vibrations that propagate with a characteristic speed of the vehicle and result in vibrations of pressure.
A sound is an auditory sensation caused by a disruption of the equilibrium state of the air. Noise can damage the health of exposed persons (mostly hearing) or safety, masking the verbal communication and perception of audible security.
noise-induced hearing loss occurs in the first period with a hearing impairment asymptomatic and limited to mid-high frequencies and then can be extended to other frequencies, which occur so some physical symptoms (tinnitus), buzzing and dizziness. Afterwards begins the perception of a slight deafness in some instances as to be on the phone or listen to a program on TV, and by extension, be warned sharply.
Noise can also cause damage outside the hearing, sense of balance and movement, nervous system, appear on the digestive, respiratory and vascular system.
Among the definitional aspects of interest should be noted:
- peak sound pressure (p-peak) that is the maximum instantaneous sound pressure frequency-weighted "C";
- the daily noise exposure level (L-EX, 8h) [dB (A) relating to 20 nPa ] that is the weighted average function of time, the levels of noise exposure for a nominal 8-hour workday, as defined by international standard ISO 1999:1990 section 3.6. It covers all noises present at work, including work impulsive
- weekly noise exposure level (L ex-, w) which is the weighted average depending on the weather, the daily noise exposure levels for a week Rated five working days of 8 hours, as defined the international standard ISO 1999:1990 section 3.6, footnote 2.
limit values \u200b\u200band exposure action values, depending on the level of daily exposure to noise and peak sound pressure, are so 'set:
a) exposure limit value, respectively ex-L = 87 dB (A ) and p = 200nPa
-peak (140 dB (C) is referred to 20nPa)
b) higher values \u200b\u200bof action, respectively, L x = 85 dB (A) and p = 140nPa
-peak (137 dB (C) reported to 20nPa)
c) lower values \u200b\u200bof action, respectively ex-L = 80 dB (A) and p-peak = 112nPa
(135 dB (C) is referred to 20nPa).
Where, due to the intrinsic characteristics of work, exposure giornaliera al rumore varia significativamente, da una giornata di lavoro all'altra, è possibile sostituire, ai fini dell'applicazione dei valori limite di esposizione e dei valori di azione, il livello di esposizione giornaliera al rumore con il livello di esposizione settimanale a condizione che il livello di esposizione settimanale al rumore, come dimostrato da un controllo idoneo,non ecceda il valore limite di esposizione di 87dB(A) e siano adottate le adeguate misure per ridurre al minimo i rischi associati a tali attività.
Nel caso di variabilità del livello di esposizione settimanale va considerato il livello settimanale massimo ricorrente.
Il datore di lavoro, secondo quanto disposto dall'art. 190, deve valutare l'esposizione dei lavoratori al rumore durante il lavoro prendendo in considerazione in particolare:
- il livello, il tipo e la durata dell'esposizione, ivi inclusa ogni esposizione a rumore impulsivo;
- i valori limite di esposizione e i valori di azione;
- tutti gli effetti sulla salute e sulla sicurezza dei lavoratori particolarmente sensibili al rumore;
- per quanto possibile a livello tecnico, tutti gli effetti sulla salute e sicurezza dei lavoratori derivanti da interazione fra rumore e sostanze tossiche connesse con l'attività svolta e fra rumore e vibrazioni;
- tutti gli effetti indiretti sulla salute e sulla sicurezza dei lavoratori risultanti da interazioni tra rumore e segnali di avvertimento o altri suoni che vanno osservati al fine di ridurre il rischio di infortuni;
- le informazioni sull'emissione di rumore fornite dai costruttori dell'attrezzatura di lavoro in conformità alle vigenti disposizioni in materia;
- l'esistenza di attrezzature di lavoro alternative progettate per ridurre l'esposizione al rumore;
- il prolungamento del periodo di esposizione al rumore oltre l'orario di lavoro normale, in locali di cui è responsabile;
- le informazioni raccolte dalla sorveglianza sanitaria, comprese, per quanto possibile, quelle reperibili nella letteratura scientifica;
- la disponibilità di dispositivi di protezione dell'udito con adeguate caratteristiche di attenuazione.
Fatto salvo il divieto al superamento dei valori limit exposure to fluctuations in activities that involve high levels of exposure among workers, the employer may assign to such workers exposure to noise above the higher values \u200b\u200bof action, providing them with preventive measures and resulting in protection and in particular:
- the availability of personal protective equipment hearing;
- information and training;
- health checks.
In this case the measurement associated to the evaluation is limited to determining the level of noise produced by equipment in the workplace for the identification of measures of prevention and protection and to formulate a program of technical measures and organizational.
workplaces where workers may be exposed to noise above the upper action values \u200b\u200bshall be indicated by appropriate signs. These areas shall also be delimited and access to them limited where this is technically possible and justified by the risk of exposure.
The employer, if the risks arising from noise can not be avoided through preventive measures and protection must provide personal protective equipment for the hearing.
E 'provided that the employer ensures that workers exposed to values \u200b\u200bat or above the lower values \u200b\u200bof action are informed and trained in relation to the risks from exposure to noise. It 'also the duty of the employer to undergo health surveillance employees whose noise exposure exceeds the upper action values. The monitoring is carried out periodically, usually once a year or a different schedule decided by the physician in charge, with adequate reasons given in the document risk assessment and made known to the representatives for the safety of workers on the basis of risk assessment. The supervisory board, for justified reasons, may provide content and frequency of monitoring different from those provided by the physician.
Health surveillance is extended to workers exposed to levels lower than the values \u200b\u200bof action, at their request and if the physician in charge confirms their opportunities.
The employer may require derogations from the use of PPE and compliance with the exposure limit value (art. 197), when the nature of work, the use of such devices might pose a risk to health and safety of workers more than would happen without their use.
These exemptions are granted, after hearing the two sides, for a maximum period of four years by the supervisory board that has territorial jurisdiction shall also notify the Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare. The conditions for exemptions are reviewed every four years and in the event of the loss of its assumptions, apply immediately resumed the regular life.
The granting of exemptions is conditioned by the intensification of surveillance and health conditions which guarantee, taking into account the particular circumstances, that the risks are minimized. The employer shall ensure the strengthening of health surveillance and compliance with the conditions set by the exceptions.
The ISPELS has developed guidelines that address all matters pertaining to the noise hazard. Council to refer the following link for further information which was made part of this post:
www.ispesl.it / linee_guida / fattore_di_rischio / LG% 20RUMORE.pdf
The noise can be measured in two ways:
- without measuring
- with measurement
In the first case we are dealing with workplaces that often have no risk or noise, however it is very low and calculated on the basis of technical specifications of the machinery used. The thing but we must always take into account is that in the presence of multiple machines detected the noise is always the sum of individual machine noise.
In the second case the detection of noise is often advisable to make it to companies that specialize in the possession of equipment whose cost is around key figures ranging from five to ten thousand euro.
methods to assess the noise level of a worker wearing PPE:
- OBN based on levels per band octave;
- HLM based on relaxations in low, medium and high frequency-weighted sound pressure levels to A and C;
- SNR on the basis of mean attenuation across frequencies and the C-weighted
The laboratory findings coincide with reality only if the workers use PPE for hearing in the same way, working hard to implement in reality. We must also consider the usage time dell'otoprotettore relation to the timing of exposure to noise: in fact, a PPE can attenuate 30 dB when worn all day, loses the equivalent of 7 dB if you have not worn for a minutes of exposure time, but if you wear only half of workday provides effective protection of only 3 dB.
PPE for hearing (ear, ear headband, earplug, etc..), Despite the apparent ease of use, ability to have different protection depending on how they are worn.
The technical reference on the subject is represented by the UNI 9432 'Determination of the level of personal exposure to noise at work'.
Let's say in a stage are operated at the same time one or more grinders and machinists, electricians, toolmakers and engineers (not to be present simultaneously in all these departments to have a significant noise hazard) are running assembly or disassembly.
The noise made by a grinder is already just above the upper limit of 80dB (A) rapprenta the exposure limit value, in fact, let's see what he says the technical details of a grinder cumunissima:
For those who make use of the grinder industry, should also protect your hearing: the sound of the machine in action, may in the long run, bring injury to the ear ...
As we can easily deduce the noise of the grinder would add up to the sound of another possible grinder and maybe add up to the sound of a tow used by electricians to join a Trus aluminum while drivers smartellano con i loro preziosi martelli fiorentini e fonici ed attrezzisti urlano dal palcoscenico ai ballatoi per farsi sentire. Proviamo ad immaginare quanti Db sono presenti in quel momento in palcoscenico! sicuramente è auspicabile fare un'adeguata valutazione e decidere di arginare il problema o strutturalmente o a livello organizzativo evitando così la possibilità che vengano causati seri danni all'udito dei lavoratori presenti.
Un approfondimento interessante che riguarda soprattutto gli elettricisti che uniscono o dividono le Trus di alluminio è rappresentato dalla pressione acustica di picco e cioè tutti quei rumori improvvisi che colgono l’operatore impreparato ed
indifeso. Esiste un meccanismo naturale di difesa che è chiamato riflesso tympani.
Two small muscles acting on the chain of ossicles contract by way of reflection when the ear is subjected to sound having intensity of at least 70-80 dB (A) above the hearing threshold.
The tightening of these muscles leads to increased resistance from the eardrum-ossicular system for the transmission of sound, attenuation and therefore
thereby protecting the receptor from the snail sounds too intense.
Note that between the beginning of the stimulus and the beginning of the reflex contraction, there is a delay of at least 90-100 ms:
this means that the tympanic reflex is unable to provide any protection against noise-type pulses are very short and very intense, as
firing of a gun or (in our case) a hammer on a metal surface. It 'should therefore use its IPR.
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