Circe, Ulisse ed Enea in Adriatico?
Circe, Ulisse ed Enea in Adriatico?
di Giuseppe Sgubbi ABBREVIAZIONI PP = La Parola del Passato; RAL = Rendiconti dell’Accademia dei Lincei; RIL = Rendiconti Istituti Lombardi; Dion. Alic. = Dionigi di Alicarnasso, Storia Romana Arcaica; Licofrone, Alex. = Licofrone, Alessandra (traduzione del Ciaceri); ENc Vir = Enciclopedia Virgiliana, CISA = Contributi dell'Istituto di Storia Antica, Università Cattolica di Milano; RFIC = Rivista di Filologia e Istruzione Classica; SCO = Studi Classici e Orientali; AAA = Antichità The northern Adriatic; MEFRA = Melanges d'Archeologie de Ecole Francaise de Rome; PDS = Padusa.
SUMMARY This article is based on several considerations:
(I) Note that in the wake of upheavals in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries BC, that affected all countries bordering the Mediterranean, people have arrived in Italy from different backgrounds and that these arrivals can be remembered by some of the myths with this Article shall be taken into account as mentioned in the myths of Odysseus and Aeneas;
II) regardless of its source or routes (land or maritime) (I) Codest peoples were forced to move from the Adriatic Gulf, then arrived at the mouth padana potevano proseguire lungo le coste adriatiche, oppure se intenzionati ad andare nel Tirreno, scegliere fra due tragitti transappenninici: valle del Senio per valle Arno (2) oppure valle del Savio per valle Tevere;
III) che conseguentemente le tracce di Ulisse e di Enea in Adriatico possono testimoniare presenze di popoli in questo mare;
IV) che le tracce di Enea, alcune tracce troiane e la totalità delle tracce Dardaniche possano testimoniare la presenza Micenea in Adriatico.
"Omero 3OOO anni dopo" ; questo è il suggestivo titolo del convegno svoltesi a Genova che ha visto la partecipazione di oltre 2OO studiosi provenienti da ogni parte del mondo.
Merito di questo convegno è quello di aver riaperto la "questione Omerica", un tema che nonostante i suoi 3OOO anni è sempre di grande attualità. Scopo di questo articolo è di entrare nel dibattito in corso per dare un contributo al riguardo della "questione Adriatica".
Per la tradizione e conseguente toponomastica i miti di Circe, Ulisse e di Enea sono ambientati nel Tirreno, ebbene nei limiti delle mie possibilità (3) riporterò alcuni indizi che se ulteriormente approfonditi potrebbero far ritenere valida l'ipotesi che tali miti siano ambientati anche in Adriatico, o meglio, che tale ambientazione abbia preceduto l'ambientazione tirrenica, con conseguente riconsiderazione delle vicende che hanno interessato il nostro mare.
Conseguentemente ai già mentioned bound journeys (4), the northern Adriatic was hit by legendary influences, religious and cultural.
-Myths: Phaeton, Elettridi, Hyperborean, three labors of Hercules (herds of Geryon, the apples of the Hesperides Cerinea deer), two Sagas Argonautica (the Argonautica of Apolonio Rodio and the so-called legend Minia), Daedalus and Icarus, and Cadmus Harmony, Geryon, Castor and Pollux;.
-Peoples: Pelasgians, Sicilians, Sabines and Latins.
-Deity: Artemis and Yupiter:
-Greek and Trojan heroes: Antenor, Diomedes, Odysseus and Aeneas. (5).
To better introduce the specific issues we first see how they have spoken about the modern scholars who are interested in these issues.
Circe: occorre tenere presente che questa maga è protagonista sia col mito di Odisseo che col mito Argonautico, perciò qualsiasi riferimento può risentire di questa doppiezza.
Considerato che la Circe è ben documentata nel Tirreno, la stragrande maggioranza degli studiosi, considera, in riferimento alle vicende Odissiache, l'ambientazione in quel mare la sede della Circe.
Non mancano come vedremo quelli che ritengono la Circe ambientata anche nell'Adriatico.
Al riguardo di Odisseo:molti concordano sulla individuazione Odisseo = Nanas cioè con un personaggio le cui gesta in Adriatico non possono essere messe in discussione, alcuni riportano ripetutamente alcune testimonianze del passaggio di Ulisse nell'Adriatico, but maybe because they considered the simple steps are not taken seriously.
regard Aeneas: one author quotes a witness who remembers the old presence in the Adriatic, but evidence shows that the sole purpose of reporting them as not worthy of belief. (6)
Let's see the locations of these myths in Italian waters
CIRCE: we have already said that for the vast majority of modern writers, the Circe takes place only in the Tyrrhenian Sea. My first memory of that safe environment dates back to the fourth century BC (7) but for many scholars would be cited in the seventh century by the famous passage from Hesiod (Theogony 1011 = 1016), but as we shall see, about the "loyalty" of this discusso passo sussistono non pochi dubbi.
Occorre al proposito tener presente che i tempi a cui si riferiscono tali vicende (nel 13° e nel 12° secolo a.C.) sono molto anteriori alle testimonianze appena citate, conseguentemente dovremmo cercare testimonianze più antiche, ebbene queste testimonianze esistono ma dicono cose ben diverse.
Per Omero(8) la sede della maga Circe era in "Oriente", in "terre basse", e in una "isola", caratteristiche che mal si adattano al promontorio del Circeo, per Euripide (le Troiane 437) la sede della maga era in Liguria .
La presenza della Circe in Adriatico, con riferimento alle vicende Odissiache, è riportata dal Graves (9), questo studioso, al seguito di una attenta reading of ancient texts, says that in ancient times was in the vicinity of the Po, or in Istria, and which has since been "transferred" in Campania.
Further evidence of Circe in the Adriatic, always with reference to the events Odissiache, could be witnessed by feverfew: he says that a King of Daunia, madly in love with Circe, this would have been transformed into a pig and that only the immediate Dauno military intervention saved him (1O), whereas the Dauni arrived "very quickly" in the seat of the witch, and released their king, suggests that Dauni Circe and were very close to each other and players and therefore should be set in Adriatic.
the light of has been said there is no evidence of a "safe" setting of Circe in the Tyrrhenian sea in ancient times.
Odyssey, Ulysses NANAS, (three names for an identical character)
first to review the story of Odysseus Italian, will be well, to promote understanding, make a profit warning in a row that we follow several times' opportunity of running in "Tirreno" or "Tirreno", meaning in terms of identical appearance but in antiquity could sometimes have very different meanings, for example, in various passages often old people read that and people have arrived 'among Tyrrhenian Sea ", as logic would mean an arrival from the Etruscans in Etruria, unfortunately not, or at least not always so, in fact if the word contains no other reference, the pass is not obtained any fact.
"Among the Tyrrhenian Sea" was a very indefinite term, it could be the Tyrrhenian Etruria di.un landing following a route along the Tyrrhenian coast, as it could be a port in Etruria Valley following a route along the Adriatic coast, or an arrival at any location along a route of ancient Etruria land.
As we will see these vague claims are common.
now turn to the wanderings of Odysseus: failing to comment on his travels outside the Mediterranean as off topic for us (11), we see that happens to him in Italian waters.
In the opinion of the overwhelming majority of scholars "tirrenicità" Odysseus was witnessed by some ancient steps, riportiamoli almost full.
Hesiod (Theogony 1O11-1O16)
"Circe the daughter of the sun, offspring of Hyperion, united
with Odysseus from the heart that endures, generated
Agrio and Latin, blameless and strong, these
far reigned in the middle of the islands
sacred in a distant bay, on the famous Tirreni.
Licofrone (Alex 8O6)
"occurred Odysseus to Ithaca and discovered the
faults of Penelope, drove directly to the land of
Tirreni, here come
resided in Cortona where he died honored by all ".
Licofrone (Alex 124O)
" Enea Almopia party will be 'wandering
harvest from the land where the Tyrrhenian Lingeo pours
warm waters into the sea, Pisa and Agilla valley full of sheep, an enemy
Nanas, after listening to prayers and oaths
amicably join his army. "
Ellanico of Mytilene (Dion. Alic. I-72, 2)
"Aeneas Odysseus trasferitesi from the land of
Molossi based in Rome, Italy.
In "Tabula Iliaca" brings comic relief to the fall of Troy "according Stesicoro" one can see Ulysses and Aeneas to depart by ship direct "Esperia" that is Italy.
As mentioned these are the old steps that are reported more frequently by scholars to confirm the "tirrenicità" Odysseus (12), but in particular it is shown the aforementioned step of Hesiod, before moving on to a real " logical analysis "of this step, spend a few words about del già ricordato Nanas, un personaggio particolarmente interessante per il nostro tema.
Ellanico di Mitilene (Dion-Alic I-28,3)
"che i Pelasgi scacciati dal loro paese
dai greci, arrivati al fiume Spinete lasciarono
le navi, proseguirono il viaggio via terra e
arrivati a Cortona, l'occuparono come pure
occuparono il territorio che noi ora chiamiamo
Tirrenia, questo accadde sotto il regno
del loro quinto Re Nanas".
Il nome Nanas compare pure in un vaso trovato nei pressi di Chiusi, ora nel museo di Baltimora.(13)
Gli studiosi che condividono la individuazione Odisseo = Nanas (14) portano a loro sostegno la fondamentale testimonianza di Tzetze in Licrofone (Alex 1244)
"Io so che Odisseo era fra i Tirreni chiamato
Nanas ,ma ora è di nuovo chiamato Odisseo"
A riprova della giusta individuazione vi sono pure alcune comuni vicende: ambedue risultano fondatori di Cortona e in quella città sarebbero ambedue sepolti.(14a)
Stranamente, nonostante tale condivisa individuazione, nessun scrittore moderno afferma esplicitamente che Odisseo "merita" anche una ambientazione Adriatica, se poi consideriamo che esistono anche altre testimonianze che la confermerebbe, come vedremo più avanti, non si può non chiederci la ragione di questa "latitanza", forse anche in questo caso c'è lo "zampino" del famoso passo di Esiodo (14 b); ebbene a questo punto sarà bene, per fare chiarezza, discuterne un po’.
Rileggiamolo di nuovo e facciamone una vera e propria analisi logica.
CIRCE figlia del sole stirpe di Iperione
unitasi in amore con ODISSEO
from the heart that endures, and begat AGRI LATINO,
blameless and strong, this kingdom
far away in the middle of the islands in the distant SACRE
illustrious golf on the Tyrrhenian Sea.
reported before, proof of its vagueness, the exact words of Braccesi that certainly is the most staunch supporter of its "authenticity":
"we are dealing with an ancient tradition
complaint as the same vagueness of the geographical location of
' Etruria, characterized as
region located far away in a bay that is home to more
unknown unknown sacred islands "(15).
analyze the text word for word.
Circe and Odysseus: We have already seen that there are strong doubts that in the ancient seat of the Circe was in the Tyrrhenian Sea, as well as we have seen, that Odysseus is identified with a character that is well Nanas also set in the Adriatic.
These would be for the children they had with Circe Odysseus but by reviewing the evidence we realize that the old number and the names do not correspond almost ever. For Hyginus (Fab 125) were called and Telegono Nausitoo; to Plutarch (Roma 2) and only one was named Romulus to Apollodorus (epithelial 7) Odysseus had one son; For Licofrone (Alex 8O9) a son named Telemachus and a daughter named Cassifone; for Xenagora (16) would have three children: Romulus and Ardeas Anteias (17),
But let's assume that the children listed by Hesiod are the right ones, we see those who are: Agriculture; there Some say that it would be misinterpreted (18), but there are those who have read Adria (19) Well in that case, they would be right in considering Teoponto and Eudoxus Adrio descendant of Odysseus, and as founder of Adria as one who gave the name to the Adriatic, (2O)
LATINO; Oltre al Latino ricordato in questo passo risultano altri quattro personaggi vissuti in tale epoca con quel nome: un Latino che Odisseo avrebbe avuto con Calipso,Apollodoro (Epit 7,24), un Latino che accoglie Enea (voce Latino in EN ,Virg), un Latino figlio di Eracle con una ragazza iperborea Dion Alic (1,43) e un Latino ancora figlio di Eracle, ma avuto con la figlia di un Re Aborigeno(22).
Non è facile capire di quale Latino si intenda, in verità dovrebbe trattarsi di un Re che ha avuto a che fare molto con gli Etruschi, ebbene il Pallottino, sulla cui autorità in materia non occorre soffermarsi, afferma che il Latino ricordato da Esiodo non era il Re dei Tirreni ma semplicemente un Re dei Latini(23).
But let's assume that the Latin Kings have had to deal with the Etruscans, is always the problem, in addition to proper identification, if at the time the Latins were already allocated on the spot. Unfortunately, in the opinions of scholars are not always convergent, some say that this people arrived from the north along with the Sicilians would be allocated in the Adriatic Sea (24) is no coincidence that the Protolatini would arrive in Lazio after they have been for a long time in Daunia (25),
We have already stressed the geographical vagueness of these terms, some have tried to give a location, offering Sicily, Sardinia and Corsica (26) but did not find followers, se proprio volessimo ubicarle in qualche luogo cercando un eventuale ricordo nelle fonti antiche, dovremmo nominare le isole Elettridi che, come abbiamo già visto, si trovavano in Adriatico nella Foce del Po e spesso ricordate come isole sacre ad Artemide e per l'ambra, (27) in tal caso troverebbero una giusta ubicazione in un “lontano” cioè in alto Adriatico; tale area era in antico dai Greci considerato un “golfo” e non un mare (27a).
TIRRENI (28), Abbiamo già messo in evidenza l'indeterminatezza anche di questo termine, per molti scrittori antichi fra cui Tucidide), IV 1O9) Mirsilo di Lesbo apud Dion Alic (1,23), Sofocle e lo stesso Esiodo (29) i Tirreni venivano spesso identificati with the Pelasgians (3O).
For De Palma, in the past, at least for a time the Greeks called Tirreni almost all the Italian population (Latin, Umbrian, Ausoni etc.) (31). But in this regard is the significant step of Stephen Byzantine
"Tirrenia takes its name from the Tyrrhenian Sea and is situated at the Adriatic Sea" (32).
the result of this "logical analysis", assuming that there are other items that escape me, the "Tirrenicità" This step does not seem so sure, I am comforted by the realization that this was also the opinion an ancient commentator Hesiod (33) these things are made in this regard:
"Odysseus and his sons had ruled the islands Elettridi"
Since the Mastrocinque back often above mentioned step, suggests that for him the passage of Hesiod not find a safe location in the Tyrrhenian Sea.
We see other traces of Odysseus in the Adriatic.
We have already referred to the almost unanimous identification of Odysseus with Nanas, so a "landing" or a simple "step" in the Adriatic Odysseus must have been, let's not forget that he saw well Wilamowtiz (34), in a pre-Odyssey Ours was written that Odysseus, Thracian by birth, had arrived in Italy by land, so by l'arco Alto Adriatico .
La presenza di Odisseo in Adriatico,di permanenza o di semplici tappe, è documentata da varie fonti antiche: lo Ps Scilace (35) descrivendo le coste Adriatiche ricorda l'isola di Calipso ove l'eroe visse alcuni anni, l'ambientazione di tale isola in Adriatico è pure confermata da Plinio (III 96) da Tucidide (I-25) e da Apollodoro (epit 7-17):
Una presenza di Odisseo in Adriatico,seppur solo come semplice passaggio, ce la documenta Strabone, dice infatti il grande geografo che Odisseo dopo un approdo in una località Adriatica passa da Felsina per andare a Cortona(36), come pure è documentato un suo sbarco in una località della Daunia.(36a)
ENEA IN ADRIATICO. aside to comment on the ancient evidence about the end of Aeneas (37) merely stated the reservations of historians, ancient and modern about his presence in Lazio (38), let us reflect on a "safe" and ancient testimony about the presence in the Adriatic, from which has led to the hazardous situation briefly mentioned in the initial summary of this article. In the manuscripts of Aristotle
Ps, the unknown author of a collection of "wonderful things", who probably lived in Greece between the third and second century BC, was written in chapter 79, which Aeneas King of an island of the Tremiti killed Diomede the greek hero who was wandering in the wake of landed there. Arbitrarily
some scholars led by the German philologist Ulrich von Wilamowitz, replaced with Enea Dauno (39). It would be interesting to know the reasons which have led scholars to make this choice.
far as I know this would be the only evidence of "direct" the presence of Aeneas in the Adriatic, there is also the one handed down by a certain Riccobaldo from Ferrara, on the presence of Aeneas in various places in the Po valley, (4O), but this chronicler of the fifteenth century is widely considered "not trustworthy".
However, there are traces of possible indirect presence of the Trojan hero in our sea: all the commentators on the Aeneid (41) agree that the structure of the work of Virgil, rests on a certainty that Aeneas's journey back from Troy to Italy made the journey from his ancestor Dardanus from Italy, precisely from Cortona, went to Troas. If you really
Enea made "backwards" this trip, since he made the journey Dardano Cortona-Adriatico - Troy, (42) a presence in the Adriatic, though only in passing, may have failed. A prophecy given by all the writers who are interested in the topic "Aeneas," says that when the Trojan hero will make a stop during his flight, build a city that will give the name of Troy (43) Troy is in a Well Veneto (43a), one in Lazio and one in Daunia (44).
The Dioscuri (45), in the opinion of many scholars were brought to Italy by Aeneas, well, this could be a trace of the Trojan hero worship as such is well documented in the Upper Adriatic. Bagnacavallo is the emblem of a white horse with the inscription Cillario, well, that horse could mean that you took care of the horses on site, but could instead be a reminder that the twins Dioscuri Castor and Pollux, which together with the Argonauts landed in an island Elettride sacred to Artemis. Bagnacavallo wants an old tradition that was based on one of these islands, the horse Cillario, one of many horses Pollux, repeatedly mentioned by Stesicoro, this coat of arms, could be a "test". Also interesting is the presence in loco del culto di Feronia , che come è noto è la corrispondente latina della greca Artemide. In loco è documentato anche il culto di Jupiter considerato, insieme ai Dioscuri, protettore dei naviganti.
Qualcuno potrebbe obiettare che in considerazione del fatto che in Adriatico è ambientato anche il troiano Antenore (46), eventuali tracce "Troiane" potrebbero essere addebitate a lui o ad altri Troiani questo non si può escludere , ma ci sono delle buone ragioni per distinguerle.
Considerato che le uniche famiglie salvatesi dalla distruzione di Troia sarebbero quelle di Antenore e di Enea(47) si deve perciò supporre che eventuali tracce "Troiane" in Adriatico, quando non possano essere attribuite ad Antenore (48), debbano essere attribuite ad Enea.
Di queste tracce ce ne sono molte, particolarmente nella Daunia, ma anche altrove.
Il già ricordato Ps Aristotele al cap 1O9 ricorda la nota vicenda del fuoco delle navi da parte delle donne troiane(49), ma diversamente dalle altre testimonianze riguardanti tale vicenda, le navi non sarebbero quelle guidate da Enea ma sarebbero guidate da Diomede e le donne che bruciano le navi sarebbero troiane ma schiave,
Al riguardo della genuinità di questo passo sussistono seri dubbi avvalorati dalla testimonianza di Licofrone (Alex 1126) il quale documenta in loco sia il culto della Cassandra (50), la nota profetessa troiana, sia il culto di Atena Iliaca cioè la dea troiana raffigurata nel Palladio(51); ebbene questi elementi fanno pensare che anche questo passo possa essere stato "arbitrariamente " manipolato per meglio adattarlo all'altro passo dello Ps Aristotele (cap 79) ove il protagonista era sicuramente Enea che, come abbiamo detto, fu sostituito con Dauno. Se queste mie supposizioni sono esatte, il passo deve essere letto diversamente:
le navi erano guidate da
Enea e conseguentemente
le donne non erano schiave.
Aggiungo anche un'altra traccia "troiana" che se giusta ci riguarda da vicino: il dio delle acque Tiberino, dio favorevole ai troiani, culto portato nel Lazio da Enea, oltre ad aver dato il nome al Tevere potrebbe avere dato anche il nome al nostro Senio, infatti in antico il suo nome era Tiberiacum (52).
Anche le tracce Dardaniche in Adriatico potrebbero essere collegate con una probabile presenza di Enea nel nostro mare.
Mi rendo perfettamente conto della "debolezza" di questa ipotesi, ma essendone personalmente convinto riporto, seppur con le dovute riserve e cautele, alcune di queste tracce.
Enea era detto "il Dardano" in quanto faceva parte di detta stirpe, non a caso la profezia di Poseidone (53) dice che Enea doveva salvarsi dalla distruzione di Troia in quanto in caso contrario la stirpe di Dardano si sarebbe estinta (54). Spesso in antico “Troiani” significava “Cardani” o viceversa; per esempio i Romani, desiderosi di definirsi Troiani, said to themselves "Dardanium" (54a).
Dardano (55) is well set in our sea; Daunia was called the "province Dardensis" (56), and there was a town called Dardanus (57), traces not only in the southern Adriatic, but also in the Veneto, the writer Roman Claudio Apone remember the source (58) probably Abano Terme, says "the glory of the land of Dardani, a Longarus Re Dardania, is set in Veneto (59), Harmony, Dardano's sister would be buried in Pula (6O).: I can not remember
Dardano without speaking of Crete.
The cult of the Dioscuri mentioned would be from Crete, the separation of groups of syllables with a point in Venetic language was the work of the Cretans, (62) is set in the Cretan craftsman Daedalus Elettridi Islands (Ps Aristotle ch 81) this passage tells us that Daedalus as "escapes" because of the arrival of the Pelasgians, and that they are Cretans enemies.
You can not talk without making some reference to Crete to Mycenae (63) Well, there are abundant traces
Adriatic, especially archaeological, their attendance, not only tracks existing in the lower Adriatic, but also in the upper Adriatic: Frattesina Spa, Vases Torcello, Mycenaean pottery found in various places, as well as the amber type Tiryns "also found in the Valle del Senio (64).
sum up: the myth of Odysseus, bound to that of the Argonauts, may contain "memories" of mere acquaintances or migration of populations "Pelasgic" Aegean-Anatolian and Indo-European, and this could explain the presence greek hero in Scotland, Germany, Portugal and Britain. The myth of Aeneas, is in the Adriatic Sea and elsewhere, even leaving aside the hypothesis of the link Enea-Darda, may contain "memories" of migration or attendance of Mycenae, moreover this is also the opinion of many scholars (65).
APPENDIX arrived at the end I realize, given my "media" - I have only a primary school, that I "pushed" well beyond those that are my real chances, but so would I opinion things to say about this too overlooked the sea, which I "let go" with all the consequences that have emerged from
Who knows what could I say if I could tap into the well of information that is the Royal Inciclopedia Pauly-Wissowa, who knows how many ideas I could find in the vast bibliography estera.Roscher, Jacoby, Briquel, Beaumont, Beloch, Bethe, Weinstock, Heugon, Rossbach, Gage, Stoll, Perret,, Horsfall, Galinsky, West, groups, etc..
add another "who knows" who knows how many news "historical" you will learn by studying in depth the many myths set in Alto Adriatico: Hyperboreans Eridanus, Hercules, the Argonauts, Daedalus, Cadmus, etc., we hope that any qualified student to make a contribution to a better knowledge of the sea.
NOTE * This is an article excerpt from a book I'm writing, cutting with popular, that soon I will give to the press, entitled "People and myths set in area and high-Romagna Adriatic from the thirteenth to ' XI century BC "
(1) During the period we are referring to is very difficult ship systems using the technique of the seas, Pausanias says that before the Trojan War, long trips were made only for navigation by land or by small vessels, therefore, to go into the Tyrrhenian Sea were sometimes lined the Adriatic coast that is those Ion, Strabo says that in ancient times not addressed the high seas, we must also bear in mind that the Adriatic was first known to the ancients of the Mediterranean. CIFR Walls Homer and the historical reality of 1979 p. 78, 1 to 3.2 Strabo. The Mycenaean presence in Sardinia already documented archaeologically in the 13 th century BC shows that this people, unlike those in the Aegean-Anatolian, had a naval technique that allowed him to arrive in Italy without having to circumnavigate the Adriatic, could in fact make the trip Greece - Illyria - Puglia - Strait of Messina - Sicily, Italy or even come from the African coast.
(2) can not be excluded that this is the way land reported in the circumnavigation of the PS Scylax, for three days of travel, could be reached by Spina Pisa.
This route could be confirmed by the existing prehistoric settlements on either side of the road is long, an ancient road from the valley of the Senio arrive in the valleys Spineto CIFR Sgubbi "The territory Solarolese the most ancient times the year one thousand," published in installments in the journal Comparison the PPI section Solarolo (1992), and from amber "type Tiryns" found in Battle Mountain High Valley Senio. Catharsis CIFR History of Bellaria 1993 p. 43. A convenient sea route consisted of coastal navigation along the Dalmatian coast as favorable ocean currents brought to Istria CIFR Scuccimarra; of the Greeks in the Adriatic History of Ravenna 1990.
(3) Not knowing any foreign language, except a few lines that I have it translated, I have not been possible to take advantage of the limitless resources abroad, it is a striking consistency in the disability are not able to give a real evaluation.
I have not seen fit to go into the problems concerning the reasons for, the periods and by whom these myths were brought to the West because, in my opinion, can not bring any contribution to the knowledge of possible migrations in the second millennium BC, which is then the primary purpose of my research.
(4) The northern Adriatic is distinguished from other Italian seas for a special, use the words of Braccasi "as is avarissima the literary documentation of attendance age of Greek colonization, the memory is full of legendary traditions that bring us back to the period of precolonizzazione" Braccesi Clues for attendance in the Adriatic in Mycenaean "Moments precolonial Antico1985 in the Mediterranean.
(5) The presence of all these "myths" could be a confirmation of these ancient peoples or isolated passages of navigators, naval steps ended when the technique has allowed the crossings marini.Non all the events that occurred in the 13th and 12th centuries BC, as an interest of all nations that border the Mediterranean, are remembered by the myths or the ancient testimonies, some of them know the result of indirect evidence, we will mention a few: when Greek colonists arrived in Ancient Greece were surprised to find that those people already living there, they knew their language, divine their gods, they knew some of their stories of heroes. When the Roman consul Mario faced the Cimbri in 1O1 A, C, near Ferrara, was surprised to find, it refers to Plutarch, that the cry of the soldiers and the cries of the Ligurian Cimbri were identical, these two events, but if it may lead others, they say, even if it is not reported by any ancient historian, that these people come from a same area. Certainly over the aforementioned upsets happened all the collapse of empires, invasions, migrations that created more migration, even the biblical events occurred during this period: these events are confusing but interesting. At that time must seek the roots of civilization Italian, Umbrian, Daun, Etruscans, etc., this is one of the reasons why we need to investigate the myths.
(6) De Vanotti Mirabilibus Auscultationibus 1997 comment in chapter 79.
(7) Ampolo The reception of Greek myths in the Lazio region: the example of Ulysses and the Circeo Elpenore 1994.Eratostene PP says that Hesiod is the first author who remembers the Circe in Italy, but did not say if or in Tirreno Adriatico cif Strabo I, 23. Before being finally transferred to the Circeo, Circe was found for a certain period in the island of Pandataria, figures Capovilla Greek Tradition and the Problem of Ambrontas Ligyes-1953 p. 26th, but before it was in Colchis (Black Sea) then as it says Apollonius Rhodius (Argonautica III item 31) was transported in Campania, someone, not convinced of the Bell home, because the evidence clearly say that she was in a different place, he wondered why everyone say "Tyrrhenian" such Terzaghi The mirage of the Odyssey in the Athens and Rome 19O7, well, he himself gives the answer, "of course!! Odysseus is only ever considered in the Tyrrhenian Sea, thus is set in the sea also Circe! ". For the anonymous author of the Argonautica Orfeiche (12O5), the seat of Circe was near Gibraltar.
(8) P. 1992 Greek Manfredi Braccesi Ocean 54.
(9) Graves The Greek Myths 1995
p. 559 (1O) Giannelli cults and myths of Ancient Greece
1963 p. 98 (11) Of the wanderings of Ulysses out of the Mediterranean, already discussed it Aristarchus and Crates cif Manfredi Braccesi Ocean Greek 1992 199 p., Portugal Pomponius Mela, Pliny and Martian Capella, Germany Tacitus, Solino Scotland, Britain from Caesarea Procopius, Plutarch and Claudia.
(12) Esperia meant "land of the sunset" figure Mastrocinque Amber and Eridanus, 1991, p. 29. A times are also reported other ancient past, particularly that of Eugammone of Cyrene, where Telegono kills his father Ulysses to Ithaca, then brings the body in Etruria cif Manfredi Braccesi Ocean Greek p. 1992 92.
(13) The Etruscans column of Romagna Romagna Instruments Proto 1987 p. 43. Nanas The name is also reported in Phrygia, Pisidia and Licia, has this to say that a person's name and not as someone proposes a "nano",
(14) Braccesi Greich Border 1994, p. 55; Magnani paths in mythical 'Adriatic and the problem of the origins of Ravenna in Ravenna Studies and Reports 1998 p. 186.
(14th) Alex Licofrone 8O5-8O6, Braccesi Cortona and Assisi in the legend of Ulysses and the ancient Umbrian 1991, Aristotle also knew of a tomb of Odysseus in Cortona cif Ciaceri Alex comment 8O6 step, Capovilla The grading Mediterranean names Pisa Teuta in RIL-195o p. 3O2.
(14b) Recognize the existence of Odysseus in the Adriatic actually means "deny" the passage in Hesiod, perhaps to avoid this is that modern scholars use of this exaggerated "hesitation."
(15) Braccesi Nostoi Literature and Greek colonization in Magna Graecia Acts 1996 p. 83, if you give a look to the writings where he discusses this step often find these terms: "vagueness." "Indeterminacy" "not trustworthy" because of the fact Theogony ended at chapter 965, so è chiaro che il passo è stato aggiunto, magari da una altra mano, non a caso qualcuno lo chiama passo dello Ps Esiodo. Per il commento di tale passo vedere Portulas ;Una geografia dei limiti nell'immaginario dei Greci, in Kokalos XXXIX 1993, con interventi di Mele e di Braccesi Dice il Mastrocinque ,Romolo e la fondazione di Roma 1993 pag 175, che quel passo non può essere di Esiodo in quanto ben difficilmente poteva essere a conoscenza dei progenitori delle stirpi italiche. Il soprannominato Portulas , rispondendo alla troppa " fiducia " del Braccesi, fa presente che a parere di Tucidide, Esiodo "raccontava balle",
(16) Zevi Sulla leggenda di Enea in Italia in Gli etruschi e Roma 1981 pag 155
(17)Vi sono pure i children that Odysseus was with Calypso.
(18) During critical and philological notes in PP 1951 VI p. 216
(19) Cinti Mitilogico Dictionary 1998 p. 73.
(2O) Briquel: Plug seasoned Diomede in PP 1987 and Mastrocinque Illyrians and Greeks at the time of Dionysius of Syracuse in India to Aloni Thule 1996.pag
359 (22) Mythology Grimal Latino voice. For Hyginus (Fab 127) Latin ancestor of the Latins was the son of Circe and Telemachus.
(23) early history of Rome Pallottino 1993 p. 366.
(24) Universal Larousse Encyclopedia
p. 622 (25) Adriatic Capovilla crocuses Parerga RIL 6.Devoto Ancient Italic p. 1957, 1967, p. 35, 36, 48, Ronconi From Homer to Dante
1981 (26) De La Palma Tirrenia Former
1983 pg 8 (27) the Apollonius Rhodius Argonautica 4-5O4., For the Mastrocinque, pagan cults in northern p. 116 1994, these islands 'sacred' were in the Adriatic.
(27th) Grilli, The Adriatic period between prehistory and legend, AAA in 1991.
(28) I realize that speaking of the "Tirreno" you can not fail to mention the complex problem of Etruscan origins, or rather as we say now, "the origins and provenance of the influences that have contributed to the formation of the Etruscan civilization." I limit myself only to point out that the famous passage of Herodotus (1-94) does not say exactly where they landed Tirreni from Lydia, says "the land of Umbria", but later Herodotus (IV 49) clarifies what he means by "Umbria", a northern people, hence "Po".
(29) The Pelasgians Biancardi name ethnography, history in SCO 1O 1961cifr Nava Notes for the control of traditional archaeological data mythography Upper Adriatic inPds 1972, apud Strabo Anticlide 2.4 V, (Plutarch Rom 11.3).
( 3O) Niebur Roman History
1831 p. 52 (31) De Palma Old Tirrenia 1983 p. 181,
(32) Adria Coppola and tradition of Syracuse in 1991 PDS, the same who were the inhabitants of these Tirreni Adria, says Dionysius of Halicarnassus 1 to 25.5, which was intended for Tirrenia the western part of Italy, for Licofrone Tirreno was also the Straits of Messina CIFR Capovilla, for the classification of Mediterranean names Pisa-Ril Teuta 1959 p. 291.
(33) Mastrocinque Notes on the history of Spina Spina and the Po Delta in 1994.
(34) 4 Pavan Hungarian Studies
1989 (35) Peretti, Teoponto SCO in 1963 and Ps Scylax
(36) D'Aversa Etruria and the Etruscans in the classical authors
1995 p. 29 (36b) and Cogrossi Athena Iliaca cult of the CISA in 1982
p. 97 (37) For many Aeneas would have remained in or near Troy, Bertolini Ancient History of Italy 186O Page 5. Vanotti others Enea
1995 p. 143 (38) Strabo Enea has never been in Lazio cif Vanotti The other Enea 9th p. 1995. It would be a stretch of Virgil , The journey of Aeneas in Latium Della Corte cif the map Aeneid, 1972, p. 197.
(39) 1997 Vanotti De Mirabilibus Auscultationibus comment in step 79,
(4O) Enc Virg Legend of Aeneas. Riccobaldo probably refers to the presence of Aeneas in the Po valley, in search of allies in the war against Turnus, which is embraced Lombardy, Veneto and Emilia.
(41) See for all: Column, Virgil Etrusca Cortona and the legend of Dardanus Arc. Class. 32 198O.
(42) Many would propose it as the reverse journey made by the Greeks describe Pelasgi.cifr Braccesi Coppola Spina in Pisa history of a city between the Greeks and Etruscans 1993. Braccesi Greich Border 1994, p. 53.A opinion the Capovilla, Italic Convergences in Stock for South Tyrol 196o p. 77, when Aeneas arrived in Etruria, step Licofrone (alex 124O), before arriving in Pisa, he arrived at the thermal waters that were in a hill, this means that may not have used a sea crossing but land, that is Senio valley-Arno valley.
(43) The other Vanotti Enea p. 164; Musti A city like Troy in Strabo and the Magna Grecia 1994.
(43a) For the Musti, Opera cit. note 7, pag.99, Such place-name in the Veneto area should refer to the landing of Aeneas.
(44) Vannucci History of Ancient Italy
1873 p. 356 (45) Mastrocinque Amber and Eridanus 1991, p. 36; Carratelli Achaeans Etruria and Lazio? Written on the ancient world
1966 (46) The legend of Antenor Braccesi
1984 (47) Scuderi, The Betrayal of Antenor in channels of propaganda in the ancient world
1976 p. 43 (48) As is well known Antenor is set in Veneto, and in Yugoslavia, but there are some who call into question its presence in the Adriatic: Gitti, op. note 27a.
(49) Ps Aristotle De Vanotti Mirabilibus Auscultationibus p. 51, says Coppola, Aspects of the Trojan legend in the West, in Archaeology and Propaganda1995 p. 16, that the fire of the ships Daunia may have been attributed to Diomede as local people are not Trojan hero was no set. It should be noted that having risen Enea Ps in the passage of Aristotle, has created many "problems" in addition to that reported by Coppola, you can add the one reported by Pasqualini, The legendary traditions about the foundation of Lanuvio MEFRA in 1998, that to justify the great cult due to Athena Iliaca and Cassandra in Lucera (Daunia), it had to "think" on a "booty taken from the enemy," p. 668 Note 41: All of these cases, "questionable" would fall on their own if he would recover the "voice" in Ps Enea Aristotle step 79 . The desire at all costs charged to the various cults Diomedes Trojans set in Daunia means not wanting to take into account that Diomedes is linked to Argos and was not Iliaca Athena. What actually old Ps in the manuscripts of Aristotle Enea you know there was one condition: when translating the Ciaceri Alexandra of Licofrone (19O1), among the ancient sources that reported by reference to the presence of Aeneas in Daunia, also shows the Ps Aristotle Chapter 79. Yet the group in his work of 1906 (Griechische Mythologie und Religionsgeschiche) P.. 364 shows a legend Diomedes Puglia where he would be killed from behind by Aeneas. Recognizing the effective presence of Aeneas in those areas would give credibility to the testimony of the Company under which the hero said to have founded the city of the homonymous island Corcyra Melaina (Scudder, op. Cit. Note 47, p.46).
(5O) Berard The Magna Grecia 1963 p. 353;, lying Alexandra of the Licofrone, commentary passo126
(51) The Palladium was a banner with the image of Athena Iliaca, the city that had became invincible and immortal. Where Aeneas landed was ever erected a temple to Athena Iliaca CIFR Ciaceri with step 1254.
(52) The name Tiberiaco, Tiber, is documented along the valley of the Senio: Bagnacavallo called Castrum Tiberiacum, close by the end there was Tiberino, Upper Valley Senio there was the church of Santa Maria in Tiberiaco, and in the middle valley, the cave of King Tiberi. Most probably these names come from the Trojan king Tiberino and not as many suggest, by the Roman emperor Tiberius or his namesake Byzantine emperor. It should also bear in mind that the original name of the Tiber was Spino, Spino Well as we said was the river where they landed the Pelasgians. Veggiani says that the spin was formed by a river coming from the Apennines, perhaps the Vatrenus, which later gave its name to the mouth Vatreni. If we look at the valley hydrography we realize that this spin may correspond well to a course of water formed by Senio, the Santerno by Lamone and perhaps, why the "problem" Tiber, Senio, plugs, Tiberiaco, ought to be depth. As well we have to deepen the connection Tiberino Yupiter also exists in this Bagnacavallo.
(53) 1983 Graves Greek Myths
p. 612 (54) Literature Braccesi Nostoi Ancient Greece and the Greek colonization in 1996 p. 87.
(55) The Dardani, which would be the ancestor Dardanus, are remembered for the first time in Egyptian inscriptions of Medinet Habu (Pallottino, Etruscologia, 1990, p. 95).. For the genealogy of Dardanus, see Pauly-Wissowa Real Encyclopedia, voice Dardani, pag.2160.
(56) The Magna Grecia Berard p. 375.
(57) The Magna Grecia Magna Berard p. 353, In ancient Daunia it was intended for an area between the Gargano and Umbria, so a good part of central Italy on the Adriatic gravitating En cif. Virg 1OO3 p. ..
(58) The legend of Antenor Braccesi 1984 p. 27.
(59) Adriatic Capovilla crocuses Parerga RIL in 1957 p. 783,
(6O) Capovilla Greek tradition and the problem of Ambrontas Ligyes in MAL-1953 p. 246.Dice Arctino that Palladio had brought Dardano CIFR Vanotti the Other Enea p. 234.
61) Castagnoli The legend of Aeneas in Latium Roman Studies XXX, The cult of the horse Mycenaean was the custom, figures Braccesi clues freguentazione etc. p. 144.
(62) Kerenki Greek gods and heroes
1972 (63) That the Mycenaean Crete occupied need not be indicated sources.
(64) In the upper valley of the Senio at Monte Battaglia was found that type of cif Catharsis Amber Garland Story in Bellaria, 1993, p. 44.
(65) Among the surveys to be done about the Mycenaeans: matriarchy Romagna might come from them? The statement of Ps Aristotle that Daedalus had "power" in the islands Elettridi, mean that the Minoans Mycenaeans or even "commanded" in those areas? In this case you must think of something more than just a business? Perhaps the Illyrians are the Mycenaeans? In this case Illirio son of Cadmus founder of Adria, he can be considered a Mycenaean? How many other links you can do?, No doubt the prehistory of the Northern Adriatic is still to be written! perhaps, after a careful investigation, we will realize that the "story" had been written by Greek authors, but they were taken into account because it was thought they were all "myths". For
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By some excavations in the prehistoric solarolese you can open a "window" in the proto-Romagna.
AAVV Enea nel Lazio, Archaeology and Myth, 1981
Ampolo Aeneas and Odysseus in Lazio Ellanico to Festo in PP 1992
Arrighetti mythical cosmology of Homer and Hesiod Hesiod in SCO 1966 1998
Antonelli ships of Eubei: Imaginary and mythical archaic trades in Esperance 5 1995
Bosi Greeks from Pontus to the Adriatic, Historical Studies, 1973
Braccesi Greich Adriatica 1977, with much bibliography
Braccesi Coppola The Greeks and the Adriatic in Prontera Magna Graecia and the Sea 1996
Carandini The Birth of Rome 1997, with much bibliography
Castagnoli Lazio archaic greek world
idem PP 1977 The Legend of Aeneas in Latium Roman Studies XXX
Capovilla Wise of Geography and mythical proto-language institute in Acts Veneto scienze1963
Praehomerica idem et idem
Praeitalica 1964 The Odyssey and problems on the extreme west in 1958 RIL
idem studies Geolinguistica and Proto-Italic Aevum in 1957
idem Introduction Mycenaean Italica RIL-196o
Cerrato, Sophocles, Cimon, Antenor and the Venetians in 1985 Athenaeum
Colonna, The Greeks of ancient historical review of Adria in 1974
Pelagosa idem, Diomede, and the routes of the Adriatic Arc 1999 in Class
Coppola Syracuse and the Adriatic Diomede in 1988
D'Anna Prometheus myth of Aeneas in the documentation in literary Instruments Magna Grecia 1979
Del Ponte, Gods and Myths Italic, 1988
De Palma La Magna Grecia, 1990
De Simon, The name of the Tiber, Etruscan Studies, 1975
Di Benedetto in the laboratory of Homer 1994
Ferri The problem of Ravenna in Pre-Roman Iron
Opuscola SCO 1962 The function of the Adriatic in the migratory movement of the early history in 1977 AAA
Funaroli The figure of Athens and Rome in Virgil's Aeneas 1941
Mirsilo of Mitimma Gabba, Dionysius and Tirreni in RAL 1975
Giardina Identity unfinished Roman Italy in Acts conv Italie d'Auguste a Dioclétien 1992
Gitti, Sulla colonizzazione greca nell’alto e medio Adriatico, PP, 1952
Guglielmi Sulla navigazione in età micenea PP 1971
Lazzaro, Fons Aponi: Abano e Montegrotto nell’antichità, 1981
Luppino i Pelasgi e la propaganda politica del V secolo A.C. in CISA 1972
Mazzarino Il pensiero storico classico 1966
Mastrocinque Romolo e la fondazione di Roma 1993
idem Da Cnido a Corcira Melaina 1988
idem Santuari e divinità dei Paleoveneti 1987
idem La fondazione di Adria in Antichità delle Venezie 199O
Medas, La navigazione adriatica nella prima età del ferro, in Genti e Civiltà, 1996
Nava Appunto per un controllo con dati archeologici della tradition mythography high Adriatica Pds1972
Ostenberg Luni Mignone and problems in the prehistory of Italy 1967
Pais History of Sicily and Magna Graecia
Pallottino 1894 Italy 1994 History of the First
Palmer, Mycenaeans and Minoans, 1969
Paratore Legend of Apulian Diomede in Archives Pugliese 1953
Pasquali Idea of \u200b\u200bRome in 1942 Third extravagant pages
Patrons Studies Mediterranean mythology and Homer 195o
Peretti Ephorus and Ps Scylax SCO
idem 1961 The Periplus of Scylax 1979
Ronconi for my name day of the old seas Studies in Classical Philology of Italian
Scuderi 1931 The myth of child eneico Augusta in 1978 Aevun
Sordi, Trojan myth and the legacy Etruscan Rome, 1989
Stella dall'Ionio Greek Myths in the High Adriatic AAA 1977
Susini Yupiter Serenus and others in the Epigraphic 33 1971
Susini, The shrine of divine healing in Ferocity and Bagnacavallo, in Studi Romagnoli, 1960
The Argonauts and the earth Zanco Proto SCO in 1957
idem Diomede Diomedes Greek and Italic in RAL 1965
Vagnetti, The Mycenaeans in Italy, PP 1970
Vinci Homer in the Baltic 1998.
my rating would know your opinion.
More of my writings In search of treasure greek plug in the sanctuary of Delphi. The trip signaled
land in Ps-circumnavigation of Scylax
San Procolo holder of Pieve Bridge. The border of Romagna
In Search of place name where the fifth was killed in 536 the king of the Goths Teodato "Historia" 2 2005.
civil and ecclesiastical jurisdiction of Imola and Faenza in Roman times. Evolution and expectations regarding the prehistoric settlement discovered in solarolese.
JOSELFSGUBBUS @ FREE. IT The picture is of Stephen Gesh, courtesy.