will be presented Friday at about 18.00, at the Archaeological Museum of Sinnington, Via Coletti 20, as part of Aperitifs Archaeology 2011, edited by the Archistoria cultural initiative, work on Nuraghic and presentation of the book:
"Sherden, Lords of the sea and Metal", Pierluigi Montalbano
Speakers, as well as the author of the book, Marco Cabras and Joseph Walls, writers works on the history of Sardinia at the time of Nuraghe.
Inside the conference hall of the museum will be an exhibition of four wooden boats, built in 1:20 scale according to the techniques used in nuraghic, and a spacecraft built by a master bronze caster Sardinia.
At the end of the evening is provided refreshments.
Admission free.
For information: Ente
operator Civic Archaeological Museum and Art Gallery
ATI Bios - Nemeion - 335 80 91 112 coop.bios @ libero.it
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