seems impossible!
General Dwight D. Eisenhower was right in ordering
many movies that were made and many photos.
exactly as it was planned about 60 years ago ...
It 's a matter of history to remember that
when the Supreme Commander of Allied Forces
(United States, Britain, France, etc..)
General Dwight D. Eisenhower,
met the victims of concentration camps,
ordered it to be done as many pictures as possible,
and saw to it that the Germans were nearby cities
accompanied to those areas and even buried
the dead.
The reason, explained it this way:
to be taken into full documentation
- who make movies - which are recorded the witnesses -
because, at some point during the story,
qualche idiota potrebbe
che tutto questo non è mai successo.
Tutto ciò che è necessario per il trionfo del male,
è che gli uomini di bene non facciano nulla.
(Edmund Burke)
Questa settimana, il Regno Unito ha rimosso l’Olocausto
dai piani di studio scolastici
poiché offendeva la popolazione musulmana,
che afferma che l’Olocausto non è mai esistito...
Questo è un presagio spaventoso sulla paura
che si sta diffondendo nel mondo,
e che così facilmente ogni Paese
sta permettendo di far emergere.
spent more than 60 years after the end of World War II.
This item is sent as a chain,
in memory of the 6 million Jews, 20 million Russians
10 million Christians and 1,900 Catholic priests
who were murdered, massacred, raped,
burned, starved and humiliated, while
in Germany and Russia turned
look in other directions.
Now more than ever, in the face of someone who claims
"The Holocaust is a myth,"
is essential to ensure that
the world never forgets. The objective
you want to achieve by publishing this article
is being read and disseminated by many people as possible.
Be a link in this chain
and helps to send the article around the world.
translate it into other languages \u200b\u200bif necessary!
not delete it.
only be wasting a minute of your time
sending it to other people.
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