Etruria from Anatolia and Spina in Pisa
Joseph Sgubbi
A Tuscan group of scholars led by Professor Gianfranco Bracci did the necessary research in the 'intent to find the location of two ancient routes: a Marine (Etruria from Anatolia) and the other land (from Spina in Pisa). Thanks to a qualified and fair journalistic response, the fruits of their discoveries was made known to the general public. We see these trips.
Route marine
VIA IRON, Etruria from Anatolia.
This is a dated way to XII BC, which would be used for. first by the Etruscans in order to migrate westward in search of metals. The route is: starting from the Turkish city of badrum, then with a navigation of small vessels, Greek coast, Puglia, Calabria Sicily, Sardinia, Racing, landing in Tuscany near Pisa.
Route terrestrial
This is a dated way to the fourth century BC, mentioned in the Periplus of the Mediterranean portolano greek Scylax Carianda of these, during the description the beaches of Romagna, in very exceptional cases, cites a director terrestrial and Spina in Pisa in the Tirreno Adriatico reached. It is the oldest European country road. For scholars Tuscan journey would be, Pisa, Poggio Castiglioni, Monterenzio, Marzabotto, Bologna, Campotto Spina.
As you can see, there are two routes, but being connected, formed a single director, who arrived from Turkey in Romagna.
The topics are fascinating and interesting, it raises historical questions not yet been finally resolved: the migration of peoples, including the origin of the Etruscans, the ancient trade routes, etc..
As long I am interested in these issues in this regard I have already given to the press about different jobs, I intend to bring my modest contribution.
I state first that my assumptions differ much from those made by scholars from Tuscany, differences arising from a different basic question: For the first people arrived in Tuscany in Italy would be reached through a broken Tyrrhenian, in my humble opinion but would come through a route to the Adriatic. Consequently, while accepting their departure from Anatolia, the end point would not plug and Pisa, that is, Anatolia, Spina, Pisa, and Anatolia, Pisa, Spina. The difference in appearance is formal but substantial, the reasons will be found in the special appendix. From this
different underlying issue, resulting historical views that may challenge believed irrefutable knowledge of Italian history. Turning to
: Whereas Spina intermediate stage, therefore the starting point for the path of the two seas, the route designated by the Tuscan scholars. at least for the stretch from the foot of the Apennines to Spina, in my opinion should be revised, and this is what I am going to do, in fact I only just touching this point, all other issues will be addressed in my next job which soon will give to the press entitled: Very ancient stories set in northern Adriatic and in Romagna, extracted from the oldest stories in the world. Let's see what is
written in the circumnavigation:
The Etruscans with the Greek city of Spina, 20 steps away from the sea along the river Eridanus and 3 days' walk away from an Etruscan city on the Tyrrhenian Sea.
All scholars agree, although it is a step often interpolated and therefore difficult to interpret, that the pilot's book intended to describe the actual existence of a locally important route that connected the two seas. The opinions of scholars who are interested in this route do not agree about the identification of possible ancient path: the path could be for some Spina, Ravenna, Faenza, Valle del Lamone, Florence, Pisa. For others, Spina, Bologna, Valle Rhine, Pisa. Already said that offering Tuscan scholars, unfortunately does not specify the exact location where it would be the road that led from Spina in Bologna, have suggested that it could be also an unnamed river trip.
In my opinion, however, for several reasons that explain the way from plug to the foot of the Apennines had to correspond to the current route of the Long, a road and clearly visible in many places still viable, that by the close of Spina through the territory of several municipalities, Lugo, Bagnara Solarolo and Castel Bolognese, Emilia arrives on the street at the Senio valley.
We see the reason why I seem to lack credibility trips offered by other scholars; route Spina Ravenna Faenza, in those days, we're talking about the IV century BC, in the feature plug-Romagna Ravenna various rivers flowed, so it is very difficult at that point could well be a viable way, just think still time Itinerarium Antonini, at least four centuries after the period we are dealing with, a stretch of that journey is made only by boat.
Route Spina Bologna; equally impractical Cotesta land journey, because, again, it was necessary to cross some rivers and vast swamps, thus excluding a river journey, (the circumnavigation is clear that means a road), even tale proposta appare insostenibile. Non ha caso, nonostante assidue ricerche, di questa fantomatica strada non è stata trovata nessuna traccia, se veramente fosse esistita, qualcosa si dovrebbe trovare, non può essere scomparsa dal tutto. A mio parere non sarà mai trovata in quanto non è mai esistita.
Vediamo invece il tragitto Spina-Via Emilia, cioè l’attuale tracciato della via Lunga; ove attualmente è tracciata tale via vi è da tempi antichissimi una lingua di terra molto alta, (non ha caso il Santerno fu costretto a deviare a destra verso il Senio, ed il Sillaro non riuscì mai a superare), ebbene tale alta fascia di terreno, esente da alluvioni e sopraelevata rispetto alle paludi, un vero unicum for these areas, soon lent itself to be inhabited by prehistoric peoples, as the excavations are authoritatively Ordi Street showing, and soon lent itself to being used as a means of communication on Earth.
At that time, this was the only way to get there by land to the foot of the hills, then cross the Apennines could make different choices, if you wanted to go in Lazio, the more comfortable it was certainly the Savio valley, but if, as in our case, we wanted to go to Pisa, there was only spoiled for choice, Senio valley, valley Santerno Valley Sillaro.
The reasons for assuming that I took the Long Way as the only possible guideline for those lontani tempi, e le ragioni che ho portato e che porterò per escludere altri possibili tragitti terrestri, mi sembrano validi, ma trovano una probante conferma da una determinante constatazione: i sassi di Spina provengono dalle colline romagnole, se vi fosse stata una direttrice ben praticabile Spina-Bologna, i sassi sarebbero derivati dalle colline bolognesi.
Riassumendo: da antiche fonti greche, (Dionigi di Alicarnasso ed Ellanico di Lesbo), si apprende in maniera inequivocabile che Spina da tempi antichissimi, almeno dal 1500 a.C, era un importantissimo scalo usato da genti Medio Orientali intenzionati ad andare in Toscana o nel Lazio. Questi, dopo aver risalito l’Adriatico, ed arrivati, grazie a questo comodo e breve land route, at the foot of the Apennines, could they please use one of the many valleys of Romagna, as demonstrated by the numerous archaeological, all appear to have been continuously practiced since ancient times. Of course it of any Tuscan valley to cross in the opposite direction, but from the Via Emilia to plug there was only one viable land route, the current route of the Via Lunga. Nothing prevents to believe that in ancient times there were various lines river Bologna-Plug, but among these there can not be that reported by Scylax Ps.
As is known, the description of the coast more or less corresponds to notices to mariners: possible landing places, distances between them, coastal populations and other information not only useful, but sometimes necessary for those who are preparing to navigate a sea. This is exactly what is in the Periplus of the Mediterranean and in any other Periplus.
Scylax of Carianda or whoever he was surely aware that a few generations before the Trojan War, Eastern populations, under the generic heading Pelasgians, oriented to go in the territories bordering the Tyrrhenian Italic center, they chose the course "Adriatic" therefore, thought it should rightly describes the landing place most convenient to reach the goal. The
portolano certainly knew the possible routes leading to the river Land of the Tyrrhenian, but did not think it appropriate to report them because he knew that these routes were not safe, it could change the result of a worsening climate, not only those routes could be easily used by locals, but people from other areas, the risk was too great to be mired in the vast marshes, so rightly decided to report the unique, safe and long journey beaten earth, the fact that Spin allows you to easily reach the Tyrrhenian city.
scholars have not come into this light and therefore have great doubts about the actual importance of the route now marked by a long way, was in ancient times.
Illustrazione di Stefano Gesh, per gentile concessione.
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