Quirra, proposta choc di un senatore: test con armi all'uranio nelle basi
Crowds proposal for a senator from Puglia.
am speaking with a tear in the ordinary course of this daily on-line because I was deeply shaken by a crazy proposal of a parliamentary Puglia, rather than engage in projects for the welfare of the community, the purpose for which we citizens pay the salty salaries of politicians, he decides to express his opinion on the problems of polygon Quirra (and, consequently, other military bases).
provide all public information on this Senator to express your opinion directly at their contact.
We welcome comments from visitors to the blog, any contribution would be most welcome.
This is his e-mail address public gallo_c@posta.senato.it, this is his webpage: http://www.senato.it/leg/16/BGT/Schede/Attsen/00025262 . htm Senator is part of the Commission of inquiry into depleted uranium, which is also part of Gian Piero Scanu PD, which will hopefully make its voice heard, members of the committee are listed nel seguente link http://www.senato.it/leg/16/BGT/Schede/Commissioni/0-00081.htm
Test con armi all'uranio impoverito nei poligoni sardi per vedere se producono nanoparticelle cancerogene". E' la proposta del senatore Pdl Cosimo Gallo.
Si potrebbe sparare un po' di uranio impoverito per vedere finalmente l'effetto che fa. E' la proposta, ufficiale, avanzata dal senatore pugliese Cosimo Gallo (Pdl) durante l'ultima riunione della commissione parlamentare di inchiesta all'uranio impoverito, che si è tenuta a Roma mercoledì scorso. Si può trovare negli atti ufficiali del Senato, pubblicati nel sito internet istituzionale .
La proposta ha subito scatenato le reazioni dei parlamentari. «Credevo was a joke, but appears in official records. Absurd, "said Gian Piero Scanu, MP gallurese of Pd present in the work of the parliamentary committee of inquiry called to shed light on the high occurrence of cancer among soldiers and civilians returning from the NATO missions abroad or who live or work near polygons. Critics also separatists IRS: For Sale Gavino is a 'demented logic. "
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