Thursday, February 10, 2011

Hiv Infection More Condition_symptoms

the beating I

This is definitely not a good moment for the Mexican team's coach, after the onset of a week ago lost badly by boys blue orange, it is expected that the reaction but did not arrive.

E 'instead got the second consecutive defeat gained more or less the same along the lines of the first.

was expected, said a response from the boys blue orange, but everything was rejected, il gruppo che aveva dato una buona impressione nel torneo natalizio, voluto per prepararsi al meglio per il campionato, stenta ad essere gruppo, non c'è intesa, non c'è spirito di squadra, volendo restare in tema, la Lombardi Centro Revisioni è una Ferrari con il motore ingolfato, che non riesce a partire, fa fatica, e questa è una grossa grana per mister Messicano .

L'ultima gara non andiamo a raccontarla, possiamo solo dire che i blu orange visti nelle prime due gare hanno avuto due facce, ad un primo tempo giocato in modo egregio, andando subito in vantaggio gestendo, sciupando a più riprese il doppio vantaggio, e subendo poi verso la fine del tempo il pari avversario, hanno contrapposto a recovery drab, anonymous, non-messy pulling on the door but never providing a tedious game play that made of precious and have not had anything, even offered to opponents of the moment, actually appeared to no longer transcendent, the side to share and strike, and despite the test-time director William Tinessa deployed in the door and on to another innocent signatures, none of this has served to prevent the debacle.

The only positive note is the return on the pitch after an injury suffered a boring summer to an end the "captain" historic hours without degrees, the host, and newcomer Andrea Velardi born 1992.
Both are been employed by the coach at the end, a result already obtained, namely considering the recovery offered by the judges who played ten minutes.

host and appeared in good shape, but the contract and not afraid and we know that we can give him is a tough, tough, and he will regain the confidence of the coach and the gal.

for Velardi Andrea is a different matter, despite the short time that it has exercised the kid comes in and proves not to be awe (remember that was the debut ever) goes right into the game said, and proves to handle it like a veteran.

Cio viene notato un po da tutti in special modo dal direttore Errico che ha parole di elogio, questo
è sicuro una nota lieta per il mister che ora come non mai ha proprio bisogno dell'apporto di tutti.

Ricordiamo, ma solo per onor di cronaca, che Velardi è figlio "d'arte", anche il padre, ora dirigente, (il sottoscritto) due anni or sono disputò nella compagine che allora si chiamava AWS il suo primo ed unico campionato come terzo portiere, sembrava non dovesse essere mai impiegato, ed invece dette il suo buon contributo per quella causa finendo la stagione al terzo posto.

Come si dice "buon sangue non mente" sarà proprio cosi?
Who knows, posterity will judge, to secure the premises because we are all Macandrew (so we'll call him from now on) dispersed an important season.

Before closing, to avoid giving votes to individuals because it is not really the case we are only limited by saying that except for the goalkeeper and the Captain are filled with enough, the rest is absolute mediocrity except of course the last two inputs to be assigned a sv

Come on guys we now have a bit of time to focus and regain the lost spirit, that spirit of team we were going and proud that others envy us, let force square face and try to start this engine, the race has just begun and the road there is so much to do.

The manager
Velardi Tullio.


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