Esordio bello solo a metà . Proprio cosi, parte col piede sbagliato l'avventura L.C.R.
Risultato netto, cinque a uno per il Bar Soriba. Veniamo all'incontro.
Mister Messicano parte dal primo minuto con Mazzacane tra i pali, trio difensivo formato dai due fratelli Collarile e Pinto sulla sinistra, centrocampo con Servodio e Raffio, in attacco con capitan Micco e Guerra. In panchina Vetrone e Rapuano.
Partono bene i Pistons, squadra ben messa in campo sia nel reparto difensivo che offensivo. Il temuto Aquino ben contenuto dal difensore centrale Collarile.
On three occasions the blue Orange, are close to the goal with Micco and War, up to the twentieth minute, where a restart Aquino finds herself face to face with Mazzacane. This knocks him down by arranging the penalty kick for the Bar Soriba, transformed by the same Aquino. Soriba a bar, LCR zero.
pass three minutes, of an LCR is a draw with the bomber Micco close with a shot under the intersection of the poles.
the end, it is still Micco to tap the advantage for her, with a shot from outside that hits right in the post.
End Bar Soriba a first time, an LCR. Bel
first time by the whole team, mature and ready to face the second time with the right mentality, and bring home the best result.
In the second half of the night for the children of Mexican Mister.
Bar Soriba, Aquino employee takes off bringing in fifteen minutes on five to one. Collarile no longer able to contain the strong striker who is five.
factor that influences the game until the end.
The Pistons, blocked no longer able to create the game, just going to conclusion in a war that sees opportunity with a header from close dismiss the opposing goalkeeper.
final whistle, Bar Soriba LCR beats five to one.
A debut, but bitter we must not give up because the championship is long. Special
in all leagues played by the team of Mr. Mexico, the beginnings have always been bitter, with conclusions, pride.
The goal is to have fun, but it should not affect our behavior in the field. In the next few games we should give up because we all know that they could win the opponent is hurt, but especially not funny !!!!!
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