MAZZACANE FABRIZIO: 6,5 Si è disimpegnato bene, pian piano sta ritrovando il sul standard.
LOMBARDI LUCA: 6,5 Buona gara, arcigno, tosto al punto giusto sulla sua fascia di competenza non si passa.
FORMICOLA MARCELLO: 6,5 Lo conosciamo con l'appellativo "THE WALL" ebbene anche per lui vale lo stesso discorso di Mazzacane pian piano sta ritrovando il suo standard poi sarà un'impresa passare.
COLLARILE CARLO: 6,5 Partita discreta, ritorna sulla fascia dove si distingue for its vision, its fate was created by the opportunity to score from the penalty spot, then gives a bit of glory he
violating the opponent.
NICHOLAS CARUSO: 7.5 The metronome is back, his playing is exemplary on the quiet side but it takes little to guide the carburetor and eight BluOrange to victory.
GAFF ANGELO: 7 Last year when we met was the "child prodigy" is now "phenomenon."
him to the ball and you always know what to do, to play in the middle where it can injure ruthlessly throwing fellow at the net, irreplaceable.
ANDREA FESTA: 6.5 A pleasant surprise, much can be done and will do what I am sure the quality does not lack is only to serve the team the rest will come.
DANILO GUERRA: 6 full game with enough sin for the missed penalty, but we are sure that the caterpillar has yet to start, then opposing defenses will be pain.
OST VINCENT: 6 + Match that of the strong-willed captain, for he is the saying "want but can not" is a psychological block his hope that his signature that ended the race will serve as medicine for ridarcelo as we know it, driver.
The manager
Velardi Tullio
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