Tuesday, February 15, 2011

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Sea Peoples - La storia dei popoli del mare 4° parte di 5

Invasion of the Sea Peoples: The end of
Amenophi IV is characterized not only by the collapse of Egyptian rule in Syria but also from attacks by the Hittites that it maintained its expansionist ambitions in the south- east, and the growing Assyrian power. At the expense was the kingdom of Mitanni, invaded by tribes Aramean. Amurru, Ugarit, and Qadesh Karchemish, became vassals of the Hittite and the ruin of the kingdom of Mitanni set the stage for one of the most celebrated battles of antiquity, that between Hittites and Egyptians to Qadesh, on the Orontes river in 1274 BC It was a draw and came to a peace treaty with Ramses II, who took in marriage the daughter of the king of the Hittites Khattusili, who succeeded Muwatalli. Egypt was unassailable, and the Hittite empire was at its peak. The Assyrians were not able to create serious threats, while the Mycenaean-Achaean were masters of the Aegean, at least until the ten-year siege of the firm Pelasgian Troy, the only city in a strategic position to escape the power of the Mycenaeans, the nodal point for trade on the Black Sea type palatial civilization is the characteristic, except Egypt, the world overlooking the Mediterranean, a direct consequence of the arrival of the noble warrior caste indoeuropeei that around 1750 BC bearers of new weapons, the horse and a new culture, had cambiato la realtà del mondo. Questo equilibrio di forze e di potenze sarà drammaticamente interrotto da una tempesta devastatrice tale per cui la storiografia considera i successivi tre secoli una buia era. Solo l’Egitto si salverà dall'invasione, ma a caro prezzo, tanto da meritarsi il sarcastico appellativo degli assiri: “la canna spezzata”. La tempesta arriva dal mare e dai suoi popoli, come ci raccontano gli egizi. Sono le genti dell'Haou-Nebout e arrivano dalle isole del Grande Verde. L'invasione avverrà in due tempi a circa quarant'anni di distanza, prima sotto Mereptah e poi sotto Ramesse III, preceduta da sintomi che sarà opportuno analizzare. Ciò che rese inevitabile una migrazione di ben nove popoli va ricercata in major climate changes in internal social upheaval or environmental disasters. The Hittite Empire was struck by a sudden and severe famine. The request for aid and wheat to Egypt comes with very dramatic tones, making it a matter of life or death. The same request is submitted by the last Hittite king Shuppilulyuma II to the city of Ugarit, which appears in the archaeological layer corresponding also shocked by an earthquake of great violence. Several centers of the Aegean, including Mycenae, are affected by strong earthquakes causing destruction and even collapse of the cyclopean buildings. Many towns were no longer inhabited or not rebuilt, with a significant population decline. The company was decimated and survived only major cities that show restoration, consolidation and growth of the fortifications. Many residents of small towns destroyed flocked in the main centers such as Mycenae and Tiryns, but this time it signals the end of the power of those we call Mycenaean: the presence of numerous arrowheads, along with evidence of fire, followed by the abandonment of main strongholds are obvious signs of war, interpreted by scholars with the arrival of the Dorians. If Egypt is spared, Libya is suffering from a sudden and disastrous desertification. Further confirmation of an environmental disaster may be indicated in the biblical plagues of Egypt sent on request di Mosè, dal momento che è proprio Mereptah il faraone dell'esodo. Le prime 7 piaghe sono interpretabili come eventi concatenati originati da un'unica causa innescante, da uno sconvolgimento che portò il mare a penetrare profondamente lungo il corso del Nilo, tanto da cambiarne, nei tratti più vicini al delta, il senso della corrente. Un impaludamento portò ad una moria di pesci e alla proliferazione delle rane che invasero le città. Le successive piaghe sono state identificate anche microbiologicamente e sono risultate essere episodi infettivi di grande contagiosità, probabilmente a seguito di inondazioni di tipo ciclonico in un clima come quello egizio. I testi di Medineth Habu, pur essendo mutili, testimoniano che l'Haou-Nebout e the peoples of the sea have been affected by the power of Amon-Ra by the work of the goddess Sekhmet who has the destructive power and is the one who hurls thunderbolts. Here's what you read on the walls of the temple, "the great warmth of Sekhmet was mixed with that of their homes, so their bones are on fire inside their bodies. The meteor was terrifying to them as persecuted as the land of 'Egypt was serene. So to foreign countries was the destruction of their cities. were destroyed in a moment, their trees and their peoples have become ashes. They took advice from their hearts as the place to go? Their Heads were with their wealth and their children back to Egypt. " It says
In addition to numerous earthquakes and a tidal wave that swept the towns and villages. E 'Amon-Ra Ramses III who speaks in saying that while Egypt is spared from its beneficial embrace, the Ocean and the Great Circle are upset by the oscillation and dall'ondeggiamento. It continues: "I gave my sword to destroy the Nine Bows for you and put all the countries under your feet. So I took them to see your majesty as a force of Nun, when he destroyed and wiped their towns and villages with their a wave of water. " These texts appear to be enlightening and express a logical sequence, however, is to be determined whether it was actually a meteor fall in the ocean to cause the tidal wave. Survivors This catastrophic event was subsequently hit by earthquakes and volcanic eruptions in the texts of which are confirmed Medineth Habu, which states that "the islands had no rest." If so, it is clear that the people dell'Haou-evaluated Nebout impossible to live in their islands threatened by the nature and carefully prepared what they needed: a large fleet. Even the Bible comes to us, as it defines the Philistines (one of the peoples of the sea) as the "survivors of the islands." Ovid wrote of an astronomical event with the collapse of a star from heaven, 'E' Phaethon that before plunging into the Atlantic sea, where the river flows Eridani, fires and desertification in its wake whole regioni della terra, vaporizzandone i fiumi e cambiando drammaticamente il paesaggio”. Questi eventi ambientali portarono a due reazioni: una prima migrazione immediata dovuta alla perdita di ogni bene, e in seguito un piano di invasione accuratamente ideato e progettato nelle isole dell'Haou-Nebout, messo in atto con una perfetta conoscenza del Mediterraneo e dei suoi paesi.

I Dori:
Alla morte di Ramesse II era salito al trono suo figlio Mereptah. Nel V anno del suo regno (1220 a.C.), da occidente, i libici insieme ad altre genti sconosciute chiamati Meshwesh (i futuri berberi), dilagano oltre i confini dell'Egitto. Il re dei libici Meriye guida una coalizione di 5 popoli del mare: Shardana, Lika, Ekwesh, and Shekelesh Tursha. They are the inhabitants of the islands in the center of the Great Green, the foreign peoples dell'Haou-Nebout, the forerunners of the great migratory movement that will invest across the Mediterranean in 1185 BC Beginning with the Libyan king, the invaders brought with them the entire family, cattle and all kinds of good, to show that the invasion had the express purpose of finding new settlements. Breasted's work we read that the Libyan state, "the fire has penetrated our seed no longer exists, our cities were reduced to ashes, ravaged, desolate." As a result, not only Libya had suffered a sudden process of desertification, but that such an environmental disaster occurred even further west in the territory of Meshwes, which was to be a kingdom by the high cultural level, if we consider the degree of nobility conferred by the Egyptians to this people, and because Ramesses III boasts the title of "Prince of Meshwesh" is because following the principles of this people will be integrated in the aristocracy was even Egyptian pharaohs Sheshonk, founder of the XXII dynasty that has nine Pharaohs. The invaders had pillaged the border fortresses and some of them had penetrated even the oasis of Farafra. The decisive battle took place in a place called Pi-yer, in the interior of the Delta. The texts report that the battle lasted 6 hours with 6000 Libyans killed and 9000 prisoners, and numerous reports of losses inflicted on the peoples of the sea, which did not enter a confrontation with the Egyptians, but merely to support ground operations led by Meriye. Sanders wrote that in 1978 these allies Egyptian eyes of Africans, wherever you came here were all of the lands of the North, including Libya and Meshwesh. This alliance between the tribes of Libya, the inhabitants of the islands and Anatolia is amazing. From sources we know that the Achaeans are the most numerous among the allies of the Libyans.
Lici I had already known as a people Pelasgian and had settled on the Aegean coast of Anatolia: their marine incursions as pirates are proved by a letter found in Egypt at Tell El Amarna, where the King of Cyprus complained Alasya-frequent incursions of the sea dogs. They had also participated at the side of the Hittites in the Battle of Qadesh and had fought alongside the Homeric Trojan War. The scholar Gardiner speaking of Ramesses II said something about Shardana, saying that a stela from Tanis said that they came from the open sea with their ships of war and that nobody has been able to cope with them. Shortly after the guards found the body of Pharaoh, recognizable by their helmets surmounted by horns, round shields and large swords with which they are portrayed as enemies kill Hittites. In some documents that we find many Shardana seedlings grown in soils of their property, had as a reward of the military services. They were warriors of the Great Green Nebout-Haou, and overlapped the megalithic culture that for centuries have inhabited Sardinia. It witnessed the arrival on the island of aristocratic elite from large number of imposing buildings, operating a burst of evolution that is astonishing for its spectacular monumental ruins. The complexes are designed to nuragici tholos megaron and diagrams, similar to patterns of Troy and Mycenae, but they are probably the oldest. The cult of the waters there are the constructions of the sacred wells, made with a technical perfection that demonstrates outstanding architectural skills. The bull's horns that surmount some sacred places us back to the cult known, while in votive deposits we find gold, silver, amber, ivory, and an advanced metallurgical technique that has left us an extensive series of beautiful pictures, especially of priests and warriors dressed for parade with horned helmets. The world of the Aegean and Crete itself, will be disrupted soon after the disaster in which the leading role of the Sea Peoples, overlaps the Dorian migration, handed down by the Greeks as the return of Heraclidae. The Dorians were led by the descendants of the hero and in fact have rights on many Mycenaean kingdoms previously conquered by Heracles. We have reached a crucial point of the flow of our civilization. The concept that assimilated the rugged mountain dori in Epirus and Macedonia, has misled many scholars. But the Dorians were sailors or mountaineers? We know that the mountain people can not be improvised sailors fear and avoid the sea. If we look at the distribution area of \u200b\u200bthe tomatoes and their urban centers, we highlight the strategic location dominating the Aegean Sea, including Crete. Like the Minoans, the Mycenaean Greeks and others aspired to thalassocracy. The sea was a constant invitation to contact and trade with other nations. As you can see in Pausanias and other authors, the family trees of the kings of the most important Doric cities have a single parent: Ocean. In the Iliad, Homer says that "the water of the River Ocean is the common father of us all, and that ocean is the father of the gods and mother Tethys of these." Of course, no Balkan or mountaineer would place its origin in the ocean. Probably the tomatoes can be identified with those Akawasa representing the most numerous of the peoples of the sea. This will also solve the longstanding problem if they were the Sea Peoples dori or advocates the destruction of the Mycenaean culture. The identity and continuity between the Mycenaean and Achaean-dori is also underlined by the fact that Dorian Heracles becomes the hero par excellence and does not belong to any specific city, but to the whole Greece. Even the Athenians, so attentive to their identity, came to consecrate sanctuaries that a greater number of non-Athenian Theseus. Heracles seems like figure emerging and more celebrated by the peoples of the sea, and some of the labors of Hercules are living beyond the limits he sets himself with the famous columns, in Ocean, on the mysterious island where it seems, as in the case of the Hesperides, that gold grows on trees like apples . Cultural elements linked to the arrival of tomatoes are the geometric style in ceramics, the use of incineration and the use of iron. In place of the palace complex emerging poleis that come together to form federations also ready to fight each other, and Crete became part of the Hellenic world completely, losing all forms of political and economic unity. The comparison between the Mycenaean and WANAX Basileus (Doric or ionic) is enlightening: the former has a control over the economy based on solid hierarchical administration, while no Basileus has an administration, we find a board meeting of the people and that limits their powers. In no Mycenaean center amounted anything like that has already taken big step that will lead to democracy. It is dusk in the era dominated by the caste of warrior princes, arrived on the scene around 1750 BC In the top

the people represented in the tomb of the vizier Rekmire.
The image below is taken from Lilliu, 1966, sculptures of Sardinia nuragica


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