The history of the Monte Claro
Pierluigi Montalbano.
Paper presented at the series of meetings organized by the hills of Cagliari Italy Nostra.
Until the second half of the nineteenth century, the maniacs across the island were left to themselves or interned in Cagliari, obtained in two rooms in the basement of the Civic Hospital "S. Antonio Abate." In 1859, the new civil hospital "St. John of God" was opened, among others, the psychiatric clinic, which greatly improved the fate of the mentally ill and marked a turning point in their treatment and therefore also in the history of psychiatry island . Testimonials
remote site appeared during construction of foundations provincial psychiatric hospital, where the archaeological findings unearthed traces of what scholars have called significantly Culture of Monte Claro, and that qualifies among the most important prehistoric Mediterranean area. The site provides continuity of attendance, with inscriptions and fragments of columns reported by Canon Giovanni Spano, testifying to the Roman period, up to the medieval remains when the area of \u200b\u200bagricultural vocation, was the site of choice for monastic settlements that favored the worship and devotion to Santa Maria Chiara, resulting in the production of works of art, some of which are still preserved. When the Province of Cagliari rented the hill to build the new psychiatric hospital at the end of the nineteenth century, the Villa allocating accommodation to the Director, efficiency maintained in the orchards and vineyards, as they were in previous centuries.

The hill became a farming colony, which help support the structure. The recent history sets the key date 1978, when the law Basaglia imposed the elimination of mental hospitals and even to 1998 when the last guests left the hospital. In recent years the provincial government has devoted great efforts to recover and return to public use area of \u200b\u200bthe park and facilities are included. Spaces for children, recreational and cultural projects, community service.
The history of the area, until a few years ago for the presence of inaccessible buildings hospitals, is developing and rolling hills of Monte Claro, never urbanized over the centuries, today it is available as green space. The park with its fountains, ponds and numerous parking areas and games for children, have gained the preference of many families who attend to enjoy a quiet moment away from the city noise.
This place is full of important ancient history that makes it unique in its kind. The oldest of the supplies Enrico Atzeni, which explained how, from the hill of Monte Claro, located on the eastern outskirts of Cagliari, derives the name of one of the most important prehistoric culture of the Sardinian and Mediterranean, the Monte Claro. Highlighted agli inizi del Novecento durante la fondazione dell’ospedale psichiatrico provinciale, e progressivamente approfondita nel corso di scavi e ricerche a partire dal secondo dopoguerra. Gli studi hanno evidenziato un contesto archeologico prenuragico dai caratteri originali e spiccatamente innovativi nelle tipologie tombali, nelle decorazioni e forme dell’artigianato ceramico, e nell’avanzata presenza della metallurgia del rame.

La ricerca scientifica attesta la presenza di questa cultura distribuita capillarmente nel territorio isolano in un periodo compreso fra 2700 e 2200 a.C., precedente agli assetti architettonici della civiltà nuragica dell’Età del Bronzo.
L’archeologa Donatella Salvi said that the site reserves also interesting testimonies of the Roman period along the street called Stelladas Is that linked to Cagliari Pirri. This is a set of routes: Bacaredda, Ciusa, of Valencia, Santa Maria Chiara. Numerous fragments of marble columns scattered along the path beyond the pillars still visible inside the church of San Nicolò, the result of counting by older buildings. Also came from the same place the granite columns flanking the entrance to the Royal Arsenal, now the Citadel of Museums. Many
news comes on the Way Is Stelladas linking Cagliari Pirri. The trail begins along the Via Giardini to the current Via Riva Villasanta, a roads which in Roman times and were leaving the city were marked by cemeteries. This structure is already discernible in the Piazza Garibaldi and the Church of San Domenico, where a sarcophagus was found during the construction of the school Riva Villasanta, just behind the apse of San Domenico. The direct route to where Bacaredda Via Pirri walked in the garden of Joseph Millo and possessions Calvi, found stones and capitals barrel with funerary dedications. At the beginning of Via Riva Villasanta (including because of the way of the crickets and cicadas) were discovered the oldest human settlement of Cagliari, dated around 3000 BC, known as the village has a large tank Terramaini Roman testifies to the continuity of attendance.

The social group mentioned in the inscriptions was to enjoy a good standard of living and a certain level of education because the implementation of the stones was a financial commitment, given that the hard limestone is not available in soils and sedimentary Pirri Cagliari had to be transported from the quarries already sketched for final processing. In addition, the drafting of the texts in memory of the dead suggests a high degree of literacy to read the written record of their loved ones.
Other tracks are represented by stones and slabs with inscriptions, dating from the early centuries AD, indicating a good level of commission and allow to establish the existence of devices to the city cemetery, placed along the streets connecting with the hinterland. The area of \u200b\u200bMonte Claro, Martorelli said Ross, also has emergency dating from medieval times to a time when the area had a rural connotation characterized by the presence of villas and small settlements where they engaged in agricultural and pastoral, in able to supply products to the city to meet domestic demand and for export through the port. Starting XI AD were given plots of land to small religious communities, often monastic, devoted to farming.

From the XI century furono ceduti alcuni appezzamenti di terreno a piccole comunità religiose monastiche dedite alla coltivazione dei campi, come attesta la chiesetta di Santa Maria de Vineis, donata ai vittorini di Marsiglia. La sua ubicazione, all’ingresso di Pirri, è sconosciuta. Dopo la conquista catalano aragonese di Cagliari del 1326, l’area di Monte Claro risultò compresa nella giurisdizione del capoluogo isolano. A quei tempi risale la chiesa di Santa Maria de Monte Claro, in riferimento ad un edificio di culto che gli studiosi ritengono collegato ad un insediamento cistercense.
Nel 1348 una catastrofe demografica, legata anche alla peste, colpì Cagliari e causò lo spopolamento dei piccoli centri. Tuttavia nel 1351 la villa di Santa Maria de Claro (aggregate means small villa that dealt with rural agro pastoral activity) was still inhabited, as it was between the fiefdoms of the Catalan family of San Clemente which houses some of the jurors had to pay duties. With the Aragonese domination, many ecclesiastical territories and possessions, already heavily plundered by Pisa and Genoa, were alienated and allocated to families in a feud with the king, who ran the local economy militarily. In 1358, the villa is called run-down because of the war between the kingdom of Arborea and the Catalans. In 1397 the King granted the land of Martin's house at the University of Cagliari.
A paper in 1442 report that Pol Antonio tied the chapel of St. Peter, in San Domenico, many census and 25 land around the church of Santa Maria Clara for pasture and crops.
linked to the small village church has disappeared in the sixteenth century but the ruins are believed to be incorporated in a farmhouse is still visible on the slopes of Monte Claro. It is from this place that gave rise to the worship and devotion to Santa Maria Chiara (perhaps never existed), whose origin was the thirteenth century in the historical period that coincides with the maximum presence of the Cistercian order. The church of Sancta Maria Clara is mentioned in documents until 1550. In 1604 some inventories
remember the transfer of furniture from the church of Santa Maria de Claro in the church of St Peter's Parish today Pirri evidently because the original building was no longer popular. In 1701 the Cause Pia on San Pietro Pirri ordered costs for the restoration of the Church of Santa Maria Clara, on the occasion of the visit of the bishop. It was a late-Gothic church planting with Catalan Baroque transformation of 700, the construction of the bell is now kept at the town hall Pirri the inscription 1775 Santa Maria de Claro, and a crypt built in 1777.
In 1809, with spending of 164 pounds, 3 and 6 denier money, Santa Maria Clara was dismantled and its stones carried to San Pietro di Pirri. There
news on the site of Monte Claro 1600 to 1900 AD, mentioned by Adriana Gallistru, land, cultivated in orchards, vineyards and orchards, was occupied by the Jesuits, who had acquired a plot in this area at the end of '500. In the following centuries we have acquired vast areas of the area by Otger Don Vincenzo, Giovanni Maria Angioy, which are promoted through the vineyard of the Step Count, remembered by Joan Deidda as one of the most prestigious wine makers of the nineteenth century. Step Count modernized the winemaking Sardinian through the introduction of new machinery and experimented with new winemaking techniques. In 1860, during the ownership of Count Federico Mossa, the company had 839 olive trees, 320 almond, apricot 9, 30 pears, locust 6, 50 figs, 66 di prugne, 5 di ciliegie24 di melograno, 35 di pistacchio e lunghe siepi di fico d’india, 434 filari con 34632 viti. I processi di vinificazione erano seguiti personalmente dal conte, attento alla qualità dei vitigni e a miscelare con equilibrio le uve al momento della vendemmia per creare vini migliori, destinati ai più esigenti mercati di Torino, Genova, Milano, Napoli, Firenze e Roma. Produceva, fra gli altri, moscato, nasco, monica e malvasia, oltre una lista di vini da pasto, da taglio e da dessert. Non mancava il cosiddetto vinetto che veniva offerto quotidianamente ai lavoranti. Con il Calamattias di Monte Claro, ottenne la medaglia d’oro nel 1878 all’esposizione di Parigi, e l’anno seguente a Milano. Si did his utmost to ensure that all Sardinian products, not just the wine, were sold off the island and held a long correspondence with Francesco Cirio, along with the canning industry which supplied the Italian markets, London and Paris. He died in 1891 but the award-winning vineyard Count Federico Mossa heirs continued the business until the early twentieth century.
At the end of the nineteenth century opened a new chapter for the Monte Claro and, as reported by Anna Castellino, the Province of Cagliari designed the new psychiatric hospital to organize it as a type called "village", that is detached pavilions, according to a model common in European asylums. The ancient Villa Clara was addressed to the Director's residence and his family, while the cottages were adapted to stables, warehouses and housing of an agricultural colony, designed to allow for valid occupational therapy to patients, but also to ensure self-sustenance of the asylum. The settlement included an almond grove, an orchard, a vineyard and a variety of fields planted with legumes and vegetables: the guaranteed supply of patients, and were also a source of revenue through sales made to physicians and hospital employees, but also to all people 'outside.
Basaglia Law of 1978 imposed the closure of psychiatric hospitals, but Villa Clara continued to operate for those who were already hospitalized. The great gate is closed March 18, 1998, with the last guests, bewildered and incredulous, turned away forever from their old shelter.
Monte Claro in prehistory Cagliari
Between the sixth and the first millennium BC, the sources divided along the coast of Sardinia, ancient Neolithic phases, with grinding stone and the first agricultural societies, and Eneolithic, with the first metals processing, to reach the stage of the Bronze and Iron Ages, which saw the flowering architectural nuragica. The former Cagliari
nuclei are dedicated to fishing and maritime activities, with proliferation of the hinterland villages of huts campidanesi. In the early '50s, following findings in the districts of La Vega and Sa Duchess, is part important prehistoric culture in the metropolitan area of \u200b\u200bMonte Claro, now widespread in Sardinia with regional variations. This period is placed upstream of Nuraghic, with strong concentrations in the south, especially in Marmilla campidanesi and territories. This document capannicoli villages, burial sites with tombs of various types, shrines to menhirs, narrow and elongated structures with rooms built on concrete and stone apsidal towards the final period, gigantic megalithic buildings that seem to anticipate the future spatial strategies nuragiche. The construction of Great Wall posed a defense of settlements built on high ground or are a clear indication of changes in society. The wall
best known is the Monte Baranta of Olmedo, the area where the settlement is situated on the steep edge of the rise, while the fort was built in the barrier of the weaker side and open. In the south of the island are documented in small graves were lined with small stones or slabs as in San Gemiliano Sestu Cruxi and knows' and Murmuri Sarroch. In Sulcis-Iglesiente natural caves sheltering a large number of the dead, becoming the charnel-caves.
It is a culture that shows a flourishing ceramic craftsmanship with elements of reflection known along the Mediterranean routes linked to the expansion of metallurgy. Do you see new decorative styles in vessels of large and small format, jars, jars, flasks, mugs, plates, bowls, tripods and other findings with hems and wide-brimmed outer belt loops.
stralucido geometric ornaments, with the action of the stick passed over the surface of the pot before cooking or pronounced vertical and horizontal grooves round earthenware production. Sometimes you can see rows of stitching patterns etched or carved small triangles.
Among the products of the metallurgical industry, the presence of significant copper dagger-shaped leaves with long, narrow rod riveted to shank. It is also documented for the first time the use of lead for the production of grappa for restoration of the vases. In practice when it broke a jar were charged holes in the matching fragments and small strips of lead were holding the pieces together. In the districts of La Vega and
Duchess outcrops can be seen traces of habitation and a large cemetery area between the Student House, Via Basilicata, Via Trentino, documented by groups of tombs scattered in single and multicellular subterranean tombs, with deep wells to access bedrooms and a burial in the oven. The funeral ritual was the primary burial with the dead huddled on one side. Some tombs show multiple counters perimeter floor and beaten with a thick layer of red clay.

The funeral is rich in ceramics and has oggetti d’ornamento ed elementi metallici.
Nella fase finale della cultura Monte Claro, intorno al 2200 a.C., la Sardegna viene interessata dalla corrente culturale detta del Vaso Campaniforme, che ebbe ampia diffusione nell’Europa centro-occidentale. Questo nuovo periodo è caratterizzato da bicchieri a campana e dalla presenza di 3/4 piedi sui vasi, così da poter essere meglio posti sul fuoco. Sono denominati tripodi.
Al termine di questo periodo si assiste ad una cesura culturale caratterizzata dall’introduzione di grandi spade, scomparsa di decorazioni nelle ceramiche, scomparsa dei vasi tripodi ed edificazione dei primi protonuraghe.
I pazienti dell’ospedale e i loro assistenti furono le ultime genti di monte Claro, and repository of the ancient town hospital, with its 16,000 cases, is still a voice of their own.
In pictures:
Some ceramic photographic representation of the museum of Cagliari
multiple drawings of a tomb in the cockpit, with a bar perimeter.
View from the Citadel of Health
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