She brings to the attention of Mr. athletes who are still missing today after countless exhortations of documentation needed in order to regularize the situation of the organization of the championship team.
so please SGI. Athletes who are defaulting to regularize their position on the team and organization, in order not to incur any penalties in the organization itself then the whole team if they will be charged.
Below are the names and records that are missing:
Collarile Luigi, Carlo Collarile, Servodio Mattia, Daniela Guerra, Armando Vetrone, Andrea Festa, Tinessa William, Michael and Mexican leaders, Danilo Errico.
Sgrò Ivan, Collarile Louis, Collarile Charles, John Rapuano, Luca Lombardi, Vincenzo Dell'Oste, Nicole Caruso, Servodio Mattia, Vetrone Armando, Andrea Festa, William Tinessa,
Formicola Marcello.
insurance fee of € 10 (ACLI) MANDATORY
Mazzacane Fabrizio, Sgro Ivan, Collarile Louis, Collarile Charles, John Rapuano, Gianmarco Pinto, Servodio Mattia, Daniela Guerra, Nazzareno Micco, Vetrone Armando, Andrea Festa Tinessa William Formicola Marcello, Angelo Raffio, and managers Mesica Michele Danilo Errico.
Both the documents that the share can be delivered into the hands of the executive Velardi Tullio tomorrow during the race that memory will be held at 21.15.
trust in the full cooperation of all.
The manager
Velardi Tullio
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