The birth of the new world:
Sacconi The researcher says that the end of the thirteenth BC is characterized by a series of events that upset the political framework of Egypt, the Syro-Palestinian coast of 'Anatolia, and Greece also struck a profound impact. One of destruction attributed to Dori, it is important for the documents that come from the archive of Pylos in Messenia. The catalog delle navi dell'Iliade mostra che Pilo era la seconda forza navale dopo Micene, ed era guidata da Nestore. Le tavolette in creta ci sono giunte in perfette condizioni grazie al fuoco che le ha cotte, arrivato sino all'archivio. Si legge di una macchina burocratica dello Stato che registra tutti i beni dello Wanax, racconta gli ultimi giorni di Pilo e manifesta l'angoscia per un imminente pericolo. La città, infatti, è la prima a cadere fra quelle dei regni micenei, seguita da Creta e Micene nel giro di cinquant'anni. Nelle tavolette si intuisce una situazione di emergenza che provoca la requisizione del bronzo dei templi per la fabbricazione di armi. È evidente una grande penuria di metalli poiché solo un terzo dei 270 fabbri presenti in Messenia è equipped with bronze and capable of producing weapons. There is a clear cessation of maritime trade routes. Sacconi describes the content of the tablets called O-ka (troops) that tell the source of danger. The five texts (An657, 519,654,656,661) deal with the dislocation along the coast of the kingdom of Pylos, 10 quotas coastguards. Demonstrate the intention of the building to build a number of observers along the 150 km of coastline to monitor the movements of enemy troops. Each has five general quota, 80 men and some liaison officers between the coast guards and the palace. In those days it was also built a strong defensive bastion of the Strait of Corinth. It is clear that the enemy came from the sea, so Dori, responsible for the attacks, had a powerful fleet. Thucydides says that the inhabitants of mainland Greece before people were also pirates, the people of the sea, and even after centuries proudly showed those customs and traditions forged by the sea. Even Homer is Odysseus asks whether it is a pirate of Crete, but the phrase is not uttered in derogatory sense. Many scholars argue that the Dorians were differentiated into three tribes, and some of them sailed the seas before the final migration. Witness Homer's Odyssey when listing the five languages \u200b\u200bspoken in Crete: AChE, Eteocretans, Cidonio, Doric and Pelasgians. Iliad has testified that Rhodes (With Tlepolemo) and the island of Cos (with other Heraclids) Dorizza were already in the Mycenaean era. This brings us to the last note of the islands of the Great Green-and dell'Haou Nebout when the total and permanent migration has been carefully prepared. The Nebout Haou-depth knowledge of the Mediterranean and planned a pincer movement to crush Egypt. The austere and harsh world of the warrior princes, the apex of a pyramid of feudal type that has characterized more than five centuries of history, is deleted and replaced by the confederations of free poleis. The people of the sea have an attitude of federal, from the Philistine Pentapolis dodecapoli Etruscan, the confederation of cities lice and sardines, to Greek poleis, it is a non-random pattern that propagates dall'Haou-Nebout, permanently changing the course of history.
In the inscriptions of the temple of Medinet Habu-reads: "foreign countries plotted in their islands, and the war spread to all countries and shook them, and no one could resist their weapons, beginning from Khatti, Kode, Danu and Weshesh. The Egyptians left no doubt: it is the islands that was conceived and planned the invasion thanks to the perfect knowledge of both the geography of the places that forces in the field. Unlike 500 years before the Hyksos that flooded in the Delta, Ramesses III stem the Advanced Earth and took a naval victory in the mouth of the Nile. The enemy ships penetrated an arm of the great river, but the deep keels suitable for deep-sea limits the ability to maneuver because of the shallow water. Ramses III had ordered several archers and harpies on the banks of the enemy ships with ropes immobilizing. A group of Egyptian maneuverable boats won, and the trap allowed the pharaoh to capture enemy weapons and disperse into the sea.
A reflection is indispensable as it is possible that the Aegean islands had been able to unleash such an enormous event? We can not forget that long before all the great Mycenaean rulers, including Crete, had failed in 10 years to bend the resistance of a single city if not the cunning of Odysseus. The archaeological findings confirm a trail of destruction, but historians, that minimize the phenomenon of the Sea Peoples, they talk about political and social crisis, with internal uprisings and disintegration of states. This is related to the theory of Gardiner on the Hittites. But you can not expect that phenomena of internal crisis to be ramped up everywhere. The armies of Arzawa Hittites, Carchemish and others, as hungry and low in the ranks, always had to be a war machine whose power could not be destroyed by gangs of pirates and raiders. The entire Mediterranean civilization was completely redesigned. It will also be a profound revolution in content, with the new world will be born the alphabet that we use and will allow access to writing by scribes of the collapse of the world, so exclusive and elitist. It is an entire system that dissolves and begins the last era of man: the Iron Age.

What we know about the Philistines is due in large part to the research of Professor Garbini 1997. The main source of news about this people is the Bible passage from the prophet Amos in the eighth BC says: "I not brought out Israel from the land of Egypt, from the Philistines and the Arameans of Qir Kaftor?". More nuanced is the text of Jeremiah about the origins of the Philistines, the Hebrew text speaks of "the island of Kaftor survivors, while the greek recita "superstiti delle isole". Questa conferma biblica lascia ben comprendere l'entità del disastro che i testi egizi raccontano essersi abbattuto sull'Haou-Nebout. Mentre Creta dall’epoca dello stanziamento dei micenei aveva goduto di un'ottima salute, interrompendosi solo con la sovrapposizione dorica, la Bibbia ci conferma esplicitamente dei disastri delle isole Haou-Nebout. Secondo Garbini, dai testi più antichi dipende l'affermazione del Deuteronomio secondo cui “la regione da Gaza verso oriente era stata conquistata dai Kaftoriti usciti da Kaftor”. Dato che questa area era abitata dai filistei, continua Garbini, non vi è dubbio che a questi ci si volesse riferire. Il forte legame culturale con Creta, confermato anche dalla Bibbia, lascia supporre un radicamento dei filistei in tale isola, difficilmente compatibile con una permanenza provvisoria di pochi decenni. Ma ci si potrebbe chiedere come mai gli archeologi non abbiano trovato a Creta tracce dell'antica presenza filistea. La tradizione asserisce che furono i Dori a portare il ferro, ma la relazione di Garbini sullo strapotere bellico dei filistei si basa sul possesso del ferro: “dal punto di vista militare fu il carro da guerra la più importante acquisizione dei filistei in Palestina”. Resi ancora più temibili dagli accessori in ferro che i filistei vi introdussero, doveva trattarsi di un'arma terribile, specie per i poco equipaggiati israeliti se al tempo di Saul quelli che dovevano essere poche decine di carri apparvero a costoro come se fossero 30.000 (Samuele13.5) e se nell'insperata vittoria ottenuta presso Medio fu visto il diretto intervento di Dio, che fece straripare un torrente rendendo impossibili le manovre dei carri stessi (Giudici 5,21). Resta sottinteso che l'impiego di carri era limitato alle zone pianeggianti, e questo spiega come mai i filistei restarono sempre padroni della pianura costiera palestinese. Il 1200 a.C. segna per gli archeologi il passaggio al Ferro, ma questo metallo era già conosciuto in precedenza, introdotto nel vicino oriente probabilmente dai popoli del mare, visto che nella Bibbia c'è un passo che si riferisce al tempo di Saul (X a.C.) che recita: "in tutta la terra di Israele non si trovava un fabbro perché, said the Philistines, the Jews are not being manufactured sword or spear. All the Israelites had to go to the Philistines to sharpen those ol'ascia plow or a hoe or sickle "(Samuel 13, 19-21). If the Jews were not able to do the wire to a spade, it is clear that were not technically capable of working iron. Philistines, owners of new powerful weapons, could easily dominate the country. It is precisely the lack of iron by the Israelites, is underlined in the Song of Deborah (Judges 5), which celebrates the victory Philistines on the wagons. The first examples of this metal were found in the Philistine settlement now called Beth-Shean, Tel Gems, and date from the XI BC In Jeremiah 15.12 we talk about "U-North that nothing can break," and asserts that the cost paid to the blacksmith to sharpen an ax philistine corresponded to the value of a sheep. The iron was then the monopoly of the Philistines that the Dorians, both members of the Sea Peoples. The Philistines spoke a Indo-European language closely related to the greek, and the Philistine religious beliefs, as can be seen in the rows of Tell Miqne, he turned to divinity is equivalent to the greek world than to Semitic, as well as the Egyptian, with the concept of absolute religious syncretism that was not important the name of the deity, but his attributes. The religion was founded on a divine triad are women who inherited aspects of worship directly the mother goddess, and Dagon, the main deity (by Flavio equated with Apollo), as Osiris along the way until we get to the afterlife resurrection. This is shared by many Semitic deities such as Melkart of Tyre. This trinity is completed by the typical figure of Baal, which in Ekron (Tell Miqne, one of five cities of the Philistine Pentapolis) acquires the name of Baal-Zebul which means "house of the Lord," or the afterlife. The hatred of the Jews against the Philistines had become the religion known Beelzebub. The magical arts of divination possessed by the priests of Dagon and Baal-Zebul exercised enormous power over the Jews and the Bible tells us that the king of the kingdom Judah sent a request to the oracular responses Philistine deity. Another of the Sea Peoples who excelled in magic and theurgy Tursha was that of the Etruscans. Do not forget that the founding of Rome, where they remained alive, the last Etruscan families were the only ones to Rome to establish the laws and rituals of the cult, observed with absolute respect and the utmost rigor. Even the mysterious Etruscan world in which the figure on the figure of the enthroned dell'Aruspice Lucumone, came together with the superb art of divination Philistine, dall'Haou-Nebout, the islands of the Great Green. Some argued that classical Dagon was the equivalent of Zeus was born in Crete, the gods of Keftiou object of worship in the caves of the mysterious Mount Ida, has the distinction of being a God who dies. Herodotus says that the most famous temple of Aphrodite in the Mediterranean, Paphos in Cyprus, was founded by the Philistines of Ashkelon, and the same would have founded the equally famous temple dedicated to her on the island of Kythira, opposite the Peloponnese. Two strategic position for trade and commerce, which gave the highest reputation, and two shrines that became capital of the world greek, precursors of these temples dedicated to Hercules-Melkart that so-called Phoenicians distributed throughout the Mediterranean. These reports are to understand what freedom of movement and settlement enjoyed by the Philistines, a maritime domain which implied a Consolidated power status and capable of great works, even far away geographically from their Palestinian settlement. The figurative repertoire is indicative of an identical religious beliefs in the afterlife and the same concept of life and resurrection of the Egyptian world: beetles, winged sun disks, sphinxes, the symbol ank, hawks, snakes, monkeys and figures of deities completely overlapping images Egypt, ending with the anthropomorphic terracotta sarcophagi where the figure is represented in the identical posture of the Egyptian. The idea that the Philistines have derived their eschatological views from contact with Egypt during the invasion of Ramesses III is incorrect because there is no example storico dove due nemici che si affrontano in battaglia siano poi disposti a modificare il proprio mondo religioso. Non dimentichiamo, inoltre, che si tratta di un popolo arrogante e bellicoso tanto da indurre, sostiene Garbini, altri popoli del mare come i Dani e i Tjekker ad allearsi e ad entrare nel contesto delle tribù d'Israele, tradizionali nemici dei filistei. La spiegazione del fatto che i filistei adottavano culti egittizzanti è che l'Haou-Nebout fu la loro patria originaria. È il luogo dove si svolge la stessa scena del mito egizio e dove dominano gli stessi dei dell'Egitto, vi si pratica l'imbalsamazione, l'arte magica e quella medica: è il regno di Seth.
Nella foto in alto un bassorilievo scolpito nel tempio Medinet Habu
In the picture below the bronze statue of Decimoputzu.
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