di Michelangelo Zecchini
Prima di analizzare un ritrovamento straordinario, qual è that of the Etruscan road Frizzoni, one can not help but draw, albeit briefly, the history of the territory in Etruscan and describe at least the most important archaeological sites.
The plain of Lucca between VIII and V BC
In the second half of the eighth BC on the banks of the lower reaches of the Serchio born small residential areas characterized by predominantly agricultural-pastoral economy and a material culture that has quite a few points Villanova area of \u200b\u200bcontact with the Volterra and Emilia-Bologna. In the seventh and sixth
BC thicken the villages on the banks Auser and its tributaries but life is not unlike that of the previous period, even in the burial customs remains where the cremation. The burial ritual involving the use of impasto or ovoid jars, in isolated cases, bucchero designed to collect the remains of the deceased and one set of very modest.
spilled on them are to protect a large pithos or, less often, a bowl or basin. Rarely, the ossuary is protected by a lid and closed by a circular lytic cassette of six lithic slabs. In more than one case is clear cemetery organization for families and the use of marble stones
club shaped. In economics, we begin to notice some trade openness (amphorae, Buccheri, ceramic basins) to regional markets and south-central Etruria. There is no doubt that "the real explosion and its settlements in the plan must be put in the years of transition between V and VI revitalizing BC Etruria northwest
probably due to a new force of traffic on the routes from the Tyrrhenian Populonia in Marseille, and along the routes of the Apennines, from Pisa to Volterra Marzabotto / Bologna, has immediate implications along the Serchio. The propagation of the villages, which still continue to condense on the banks of the river, is a more open trade reported promptly by the widespread distribution of red-figure Attic pottery.
At this time of prosperity, which continues in the first half of the fifth BC and which is reflected in a generalized way the artefacts returned from settlements and burial grounds and, in particular, from the funeral of the tomb of Ralletta Rio, one of the richest - if not the most refined - the whole of Etruria, is certainly not foreign to the iron trade of the island, and perhaps sections of minerals (Note 1) from the Apuan Alps, the Etruscan village of the plain and the valley, serving as hubs, redistribute the Po Valley. Tracks consisting of ore and slag were found scattered on the surface in the marshes of Bientina (eg farm 40) and, in small quantities but in stratigraphic association, in the Black Pit and Romito Pozzuolo I. The presence of iron slag and pieces of hematite in some clusters, and not in others, you may think a una sorta di specializzazione nella pulitura delle masse ferrose, ma non certo ad un'attività metallurgica di
riduzione in loco. Se il perno dello sviluppo generale dell'economia è dunque da individuare nella mediazione dei prodotti del ferro, bisogna però precisare che in qualche abitato lo slancio mercantile è meno marcato e sono più evidenti aspetti complementari quali la tessitura e l'allevamento del bestiame. Comunque in quasi tutti gli insediamenti, a sottolineare le attività di mercatura, compaiono blocchetti di aes rude. Gli insediamenti, talora dotati di pozzi solidamente
strutturati a secco con pietre adattate, appaiono di dimensioni per lo più ridotte (Nota 2) e sono costituiti da poche case (2-4) ognuna which occupies an area of \u200b\u200bbetween 40-50 square meters of Chiarone III / Black Pit and 70-80 square meters of Podere Linden Bridge 56/Romito Pozzuolo I. A case for the moment only consists of Tempagnano that, dealing with housing and other services
an area of \u200b\u200b1000 square meters, has more elaborate organization of settlements. The houses, everywhere, are mainly wooden structure, and apart from a base of pebbles that sometimes basal (Tempagnano, Linden Bridge Farm 56) appears on one side, are raised according to the technique Tudor style with wooden beams and horizontal axes, lined with layers of branches and reeds, clay
pressed, and smooth plaster, in Pozzuolo, also painted in ivory with gray edges. I tetti sono coperti almeno parzialmente con tegole piane (Fossa Nera, Montecatino, Romito di Pozzuolo). La cultura materiale è caratterizzata da un repertorio articolato di cui fanno parte oggetti a circolazione marittima (ceramica attica, anfore etrusche Py 3 e Py 4, anfore prodotte a Samos, anfore ionomassaliote
forse di manifattura sicula, macine in pietra eruttiva dalla Campania, pasta vitrea
orientale), e da oggetti di ambito locale o regionale come le ceramiche a inclusi scistosi e le ceramiche grigie o buccheroidi di produzione pisana con segni di alfabetizzazione fra i quali spicca il gentilizio [v] etale del Romito di Pozzuolo. Perdura la tradizione del rito sepolcrale consistente nell'olla-ossuario coperta da dolio o ciotola. Le variations are minimal: at most, in the cases of deceased persons from the privileged classes, to serve as a funerary urn is a prestigious Attic krater (Rio and the Isle of Ralletta Bientina). Changes dramatically, however, the organization of cults land. Not a few villages have their own private environment of worship, home, while in locis religiosis in itself suggestive and not related to the presence of springs or water born place of worship, real shrines (Buca di Castelvenere) capable of draw waves of pilgrims.
From the middle of the fifth to the third quarter of BC IV occurs, little perceptible
first then more and more profound, a crisis due to several factors. It should be noted first, that the Etruscans in 474 BC by Syracusan suffer a defeat no small ships in Cumae, whose effects are taking their toll on international maritime traffic by
which, in a non-episodic or marginal, it depends - mediated the driving force of Pisa - Lucca economics vici. But it is in the middle of the century that saw the Etruscans heavily attacked the heart of their economic interests: in fact, in 454-452 BC Syracusan fleets are directed, under the command of Failla and Apelles, and against the Elbe, before filling the island, put to the sword the maritime centers undermining the survival of Etruria. Is it any wonder if
not be connected actions of this kind is the striking and widespread traces of fire which, in the layers 8 and 7, ending the first phase of life, or tardoarcaica, up area of \u200b\u200bPozzuoli (See infra, site No. 3) both the wood and two layers of fuel burned that enclose the stratigraphic sequence in the farm of 56 Linden Bridge.
E 'can fully understand what state of uncertainty and difficulties which characterize those moments, even for the Etruscans Lucca, even if you think the pressures on land invasions by Celtic. Moreover, to complete the picture, one can not refer to the disastrous floods of sediment Serchio whose seal many of the fifth century Etruscan settlements so far excavated. Exemplary in this regard is the stratigraphic cross-section of the Etruscan Fossa Nera (See infra, site No. 4) which are documented in two flood events interspersed with many levels of life. That the flooding of about half of the fifth BC has had a devastating and progressive, non-localized but extended to the entire marsh Fossanera Bientina, disrupting the ancient Etruscan tardoarcaica housing system, as demonstrated by the fact that around that date or shortly after cessation of the life cycle of the villages so far investigated. The effects of this situation are also being felt in the fields of the valley of the Serchio it certainly is no coincidence, for example, that attending the rock sanctuary of Etruscan Castelvenere end with the Attic kylix painted by Kodros of around 430 BC It seems reasonable to assume, even if the state does not possess the archaeological record, that the swarm floodable has persisted for several decades and have been its climatic events, coupled with strong and prolonged episodes of social and political crises, to generate the gap between settlements that end much of the IV and V BC still seems to characterize the Serchio valley and plain of Lucca. The main archaeological sites
1) Rio Ralletta Capannori
In August 1892, during reclamation works carried out in the northern basin of the former
Bientina Lake, 400 meters from the channel and 20 Rogio dal fosso n. 9, il piccone degli scavatori occasionali si imbatté, alla profondità di metri 1,50 in una lastra di pietra che ricopriva una grande olla in ceramica comune. Quest'ultima conteneva un ossuario dipinto e gli oggetti di corredo di una ricca tomba muliebre. Oltre al prestigioso cinerario ( un cratere attico a
colonnette, con scena di Teseo e Minotauro, dipinto dal cosiddetto Pittore del Porco)(Nota 3), vennero in luce due grani d'ambra e un complesso altrettanto prestigioso di oreficerie in lamina decorate a stampo e a cesello (2 orecchini a bauletto, 1 spillone per capelli, 11 fibule, diversi pendenti per collana conformati a figurina d'arpia o a coroncina o a ghianda(Nota 4), sei placchette da veste), che fanno collocare burial feminine around 470 BC The type of funeral shows clearly that we are witnessing one of those cases the accumulation of wealth is certainly not uncommon in a time when the villages of the plain and the valley will open up significant trade flows.

Fig. 1 Kelebia red figures (about 470 BC) found in the tomb of the Rio Ralletta (Capannori). Lucca, Museo di Villa Guinigi. Produced
Attica (Greece) and imported into Etruria, it contained the ashes of the woman together with a rich grave goods consisting of gold and amber necklaces. The horizontal surface of the vase is decorated with a frieze of leaves lanceolate, while to the upper the handles are painted two palms. The foot, which is kind of triple-step, has a frieze-ray. The central part is depicted Theseus, wearing a short chiton, holds the Minotaur, already on his knees, for a horn with his left hand and with his right plunged a sword into the side. A crater
very similar in shape and as a representation was found in the Etruscan necropolis of Spina and was attributed to an artist known greek Pig Painter.

Fig. 2 pair of earrings in the trunk (about 470 BC) found in the tomb of the Rio Ralletta (Capannori). Lucca, Museo di Villa Guinigi. They consist of a curved plate embossed with a Gorgon's head that hair drooping over his forehead, big eyes, cheeks bulging, tongue protruding. The lower cylinder has rectangular openings cerchielli margin. The earrings on the opposite side shows a rosette with six petals and ends with an appendix to anthemion.

Fig. 3 Lucca, Museo di Villa Guinigi, gold from the tomb of Rio Ralletta, Capannori (about 470 BC) to the left, a decorative plate as
, two necklace pendants depicting a 'harpy, a buckle , above, necklace pendants in the shape of a lotus flower, a pine cone and crown.
2) Buca di-Castelvenere Patent Vallico
The cavity opens at about 650 meters above sea level, at the orientale di uno sperone calcareo subverticale del Monte Penna, presso Vallico di Sopra. La spelonca, sul cui lato sinistro scorre un ruscello, presenta un'ampia imboccatura irregolarmente rettangolare rivolta a sud. Essa fu esplorata, nel 1974, con una campagna di scavi curata da chi scrive e dal Centro di studi archeologici di Lucca per conto dell'Istituto di Paleontologia Umana dell'Università di Pisa. Nel riempimento di due vasche naturali, peraltro
sconvolto e rimosso in epoche diverse, furono scoperti un piccolo cane di bronzo, un anello d'argento con palmetta, numerosi frammenti di una coppa attica a figure rosse forse dipinta dal pittore di Kódros, artista operante nel terzo venticinquennio del V a.C., sulla quale compaiono frammenti of inscriptions in Greek letters and the following kalós. Of exceptional interest was the recovery of thirty unique bronzes in schematic human figure (4.5 to 5.0 cm height), hermaphrodites (Note 5) and female (Note 6) (type A), for differences, even if not substantial, in particular, show that they come from a variety of typologically similar matrices. The result of the same design style and technical-religious ... they usually head pointed to the hairstyle, face stand out in the nose, often slightly hooked sometimes so pronounced that it seems a beak, and mouth highlighted by a recess linear, the eyes are rather point and the ears are hidden dall'acconciatura dei capelli che invadono parte del viso; il collo è di solito corto ma non tozzo; le spalle si aprono a semiarco per continuarsi nelle braccia che corrono in senso longitudinale fino alle anche, pressoché parallele al corpo; le mani, più o meno accentuatamente palmiformi, hanno le dita indicate da piccoli solchi verticali; il torso, largo all'innesto con le braccia, subisce poi una rastremazione e si allarga di nuovo all'attacco degli arti inferiori; questi ultimi, con soluzione affatto originale, si incurvano a foglia e si riuniscono per terminare in un cuneo funzionale (Nota 7).
Di concezione figurativa leggermente diversa (tipo B) è una placchetta bronzea non laminare, a figura umana, alta 5,5 cm, dalle braccia corte attached to the body, inside which you can see the typical profile of the Group Castelvenere bronzes women with vulvar incision trident. At that time a substantial piece of deposit was left intact, so improvident, as a witness for a future stratigraphic test. The consequence was that it, in a short time, was unceremoniously removed with its rich content of bronzes, most of which, fortunately, have been reacquired by providing for public use, if anything, further evidence of ' intensity in the use of the cave. During the excavations were noted but not collected, and numerous small fragments of bronze, to consider finishing product on site or scraps piuttosto che frutto di un processo di frantumazione naturale. Tale circostanza e la straordinaria concentrazione di offerenti dello stesso Gruppo laddove in altri siti (Campo Servirola, Ponte Gini) il tipo compare per ora con un solo esemplare, costituiscono indizi non lievi di una produzione interna, e
probabilmente di una distribuzione sul posto, tale da esercitare un largo richiamo di devoti da un largo tratto dell'Etruria appenninica.
Nel 1979 la ricerca fu ampliata al tratto compreso fra l'imboccatura della Buca e un muraglione costruito all'esterno probabilmente in epoca medioevale. Furono recuperati altri bronzetti integri e frammentari (una ventina), di cui la maggior parte del tipo A, due a placchetta non laminare del tipo B e uno riferibile a type C, same as B-to-head in the trunk and legs, but different, more elongated
, and arms a bit 'spaced from the body.
There is no doubt however that the cave, a veritable rock sanctuary, was attended by community Etruscan cults related to water and, perhaps, to fertility rites.
3) Romito of Pozzuoli. The excavations carried out in l984 and in l985 by the Archaeological and the Center of archaeological studies, and funded by Superal Supermarkets, on a hill with its 165 feet high overlooking the plain below the western and Ozzeri, Auser wreck of the river, have did surface the remains of a large Etruscan house which covers about 80 square meters. Excavated
part in the shale in place, it had walls with timber frame consists of strong stakes driven into the bedrock and tied together by horizontal beams. The open spaces of this structure were occupied by a tangle of tubes filled with clay and then covered with a layer of lime plaster painted in ivory with gray edges. The roof was covered - perhaps partly
- with plain tile and had more or less the shape of modern roofs. Around 450 BC the town was destroyed by fire as shown by a significant concentration of beams, posts and poles burnt in layers 7 and 8 (in particular in the square III-IV/HG, quote - 139/-159) .
The archaeological deposit, often 2.80 meters, was divided into 11 layers corresponding to three occupation phases, the last of which (layers 3-1), upset by modern works, it is difficult to exegesis. The first (layers 11-7) has a history of between 500 and about 450 BC. Among the materials shown, as well as fragments of tiles and plaster, while a few fragments are well attested bucchero buccheroidi pottery, ceramics including a shale (mostly jars), the gray pottery produced locally or regionally. Comes from the ground is a small piece of black-figure Attic pottery. On the inside or outside of a few cups, or close to the foot, or on the lip of jars, signs and graffiti are isolated letters (alpha, epsilon, chi, phi, spirante labiodentale 8). E' stata
notata una sola sequenza sinistrorsa di cinque lettere interpretabile come [-] etale. Dagli strati 8 e 9, oltre a pochi pezzi di aes rude, due scorie di ferro e due di ematite (Nota 8), provengono numerosi frammenti di pietra lavica grigia, pozzolanica, con grossi cristalli e superficie alterata, pertinenti a
macine(Nota 9).
4) Fossa Nera di Porcari
Gli scavi diretti da chi scrive fra il 1987 e il 1998 (su concessione del Ministero dei Beni Culturali al Comune di Porcari) hanno portato in luce, sulla riva sinistra dell'antico Auser, una fattoria tardorepubblicana a pianta pressoché quadrata (la superficie coperta del solo nucleo principale si calcola in circa 360 metri quadrati) equipped with a millstone, as well, farmyards, barns, animal shelters and tools. It was built between 150 BC and L70 when
the plain of Lucca, now made safe from the incursions of the Ligurian tribes of the mountains, he met an initial colonization by the Romans. The area excavated so far is now just over 200 meters north of the river Rogio, wreck of the river Auser. The latter in prehistoric times and licked by the Etruscan archaeological site north of Fossanera, plot 183, while in Roman times ran a hundred meters further south and across, 60-70 meters wide with a bed, the particles 186-190. That's right on a hillock on the right bank was built Auser a Bronze Age village with findings in large part attributable to the recent phase / end (X-XII BC), whose maximum concentration of finds (pottery type terramare, bronzes, beads of amber) has been detected in soil particles 180-181. A test excavation of approximately 2 x 2 meters
(FG/5-6 squares) performed in the particle 183, it was established, between 242 and 291 cm depth, the presence of a compact gray silt layer (U.S. 19) with minutes late Bronze Age pottery fragments, slightly floated, which are to be correlated with the nearby town said. This training, lightly populated, is sealed up by a powerful layer of sterile alluvial (U.S. 8 = 18, about two meters power) by the activities floodable
Auser in a period of 500 years (beginning of X - the beginning of the V BC) during which the site is free from any form of human activity.
Around 500 BC the territory was reoccupied by an Etruscan community that builds on the highest hill of the same river (square B 'Z/5-25), leaving traces of affordable housing units varying between -41/-47 cm -53/-58 us 128 and 125 cm of U.S., or the impressive remains of various facilities (silos, was material to landfill, etc.) at altitudes between -104 and -134 cm of us
107 cm of U.S. 54. In very limited areas, unfortunately due to the upheavals resulting from the presence of structures Roman above (especially us three, in foundation up to -44 cm) or levels late republican (U.S. 6, which goes up to - 50 cm) and protoimperiali (eg U.S. 27/40 of up to -83 cm) or the major floods of V BC (see uu. ss. 126 and 127), it was possible to record, with pictures excavation difficulties of interpretation, fragments of walls and dispersed living standards relevant to tardoarcaica era (dating the fragments are Attic black-figure pottery of late-type, related to 500 BC or shortly thereafter, and whirr. Ceramic Attic red-figure that is around 470-450 BC). It 's the case of the pit 113 and ellipsoidal us
of uu. ss. connected to it. It 's the case of us piece of Etruscan wall 52, with sedimentation on us to be connected with 53 128 not only for us typological characteristics virtually identical, but also for the same allowances and because east-west line a distance of just 3 meters. It 's the case of the important stratigraphic sequence in situ in the square CE/12-16
where a very thin man-made (us 125, quote - 53/-58), which documents the first phase of Etruscan life, is superimposed on a alluvial layer (U.S. 126, -53/-47 shares, average power 4 cm) that shows a strong activity with consequent destruction floodable Auser up area in a first, temporary abandonment of the site, is observed immediately above a second level of life etrusco (u.s. 128, quote -47/-41) che è sigillato in alto dai sedimenti di un
secondo evento trasgressivo (u.s. 127, quote -41/-33, potenza media 6 cm), forse totalmente e definitivamente distruttivo.

Più agevole, e più completo, è stato lo scavo dei servizi etruschi ubicati una decina di metri verso sud, per fortuna in aree non coperte da strutture successive e abbastanza profondi da non essere intaccati, se non marginalmente, dai lavori di epoca romana. Si tratta di due fosse contigue con orientamento est-ovest che insieme presentano una pianta a forma di 8 irregolare: la prima (u.s. 107), ellissoidale, ha un asse maggiore nord-sud di circa due metri, un asse less
just over a meter and show a plan to 100 cm deep, and the second (U.S. 107A), irregularly circular, has a floor at a depth of about 90 cm and a diameter of about two meters. Both are likely to be interpreted as silos or large containers as housing for wood or clay. The U.S. 107A is cut by a circular pit (U.S. 54) larger (diameter of about three meters) and deeper (up to about -128 cm), but with the same type and some with the same intended use, which replaced the 107 and 107A at a time
that an initial analysis of the materials, we are able to place between 500 and 450 BC. At this time span is riferiscono infatti le coppe e i piattelli, gli skyphoi e i pocula buccheroidi rinvenuti in grossi frammenti o quasi integri nel relativo riempimento 55-57. Pressoché immediatamente a nord delle tracce di case etrusche che, stando ai dati attuali sembrano essere piuttosto limitate quanto a numero (2-3) ed estensione (complessivamente non più di 80-120 mq ),
si aprono due discariche di materiali ( 13 e 50), una accanto all'altra. La prima, dalla planimetria non definita perché si inoltra sotto le strutture romane, ha restituito importanti materiali fra cui olle a inclusi scistosi, coppe in ceramica grigia e in ceramica figulina biancogiallastra, un poculum buccheroide, un grosso frammento di olla a inclusi scistosi con ansa reel from the ends of which branch parallel strings, the second plant has elliptical and large (about 5.5 meters by 3) and, together with stone tiles and plaster, yielded few blocks aes rude, a few fragments of pottery Attic black and red figures, a fragment ion massaliote amphora rim decorated à la Brosse, a fragment of amphora Samia (note 10), fragments of Etruscan vases and massaliote form Py 4, gray ceramic bowls and plates in Pisan buccheroide manufacturing , skyphoi and cups in the tradition of bucchero
many fragments of pottery including jars and schist related to pithoi, a slag and iron from Elba and volcanic fragments of millstones gray. These findings show it to be black, using the path-Auser river Arno, was a kind of terminal to be mediated by intense international maritime trade hub of Pisa, and that, Romito Pozzuolo
I and perhaps other outposts, was a stage of redistribution to oltreAppennino of important products such as semi masses of iron on the island of Elba (Note 11) and finished products such as millstones eruption (Note 12).
Following the river off Fossanera was once again devoid of human activity for long periods of time (300 years) and, unlike other sites that experienced a reoccupation of the marsh during the third century BC Etruscan, was re- for settlement purposes only during the final Roman occupation of the territory and the first assignment to settlers
agro centuriato.

In the spring of 2004 a group of archaeologists and architects (Alexander Mrakic, Ivana Giunta, Luca Ubaldo Cascinu, Augusto Andreotti, Franco Castellacci), led by the writer, was in charge of Dall'ASCIT Capannori to precede the backfilling of trenches made years before diagnosis to assess the feasibility or otherwise of an incineration plant. At the bottom of the trench were noted a few western sandstone whose presence in situ, in that place at least
strange and unexpected, led to the decision to enlarge the hole and Undertake review. The first assumption was that he was another of the dozens of emerging late Republican farms that dot the area, but the idea was soon called into question both dall'affiorare, almost touching the stones, fragments of Etruscan pottery in the late archaic including shale is the width of the agglomeration lytic well beyond the maximum size until then recorded in
Roman settlements. The clue to the correct interpretation came with the appearance of the signs of battle in two blocks of sandstone. But it was not so easy to drop the doubts about the dating, because at the time was daring to mention the presence of a large Etruscan road in an area considered Ligurian, or otherwise etruscoide and peripheral to most of archeology official. Then, after two months of inspections, the reserves were dissolved and was formally announced
(Note 13) the discovery of a remarkable feature (the three wise men carried in a straight line covering about 200 meters) of an artery Etruscan road at all unexpected and unthinkable by location, by imposing (more than six meters wide) and history (500 BC or shortly thereafter). No less unexpected is the construction technique that, in the absence of crepidines provides in any case such magnitude to allow the smooth passage of two carts.

The details of the excavation were published promptly in a volume and it is referred for further study. In this stage, it is clear, however, that:
1 - The discovery of Etruscan glareata provides insight and wealth accumulation of wealth that transpires from the analysis of contemporary archaeological sites.
2 - The discovery of iron slag in the settlements of Pozzuoli and Fossanera Romito, located along the road, suggests that the transport of iron and minerals play a significant role secondary.
3 - I suspect deep furrows on the pavement, while a term not short-lived and the passage of heavy tanks.

4 - The discovery of the contemporary city of Gonfienti directed towards planning
and urban infrastructure as never before.
5 - The fact that four test excavations carried out at a distance from each other, are in a straight line, leading to the hypothesis, plausible, and other extended features can be located, but with some ease as the 'undeveloped area. This would strengthen the argument that the
Frizzoni Capannori was identified artery of the two seas (Tirreno-Adriatico) as cited in the Pseudo-Scylax.
6 - layered roadway - which today is upset because of the beatings suffered by Auser transgressions in the second half of the fifth BC - was essere molto solida e scorrevole, composta com’era in superficie da conci arenacei legati fra loro e livellati negli interstizi da una sorta di duro conglomerato fatto di clasti e ciottoli impastati in limo e argilla. Ciò rende la testimonianza dello Pseudo Scilace (Nota 14) (la città di Spina si raggiunge da Pisa in tre giorni di
cammino) assai meno improbabile di quanto finora è stata giudicata dagli studiosi.

1 L'archeologia, di fatto, non ha ancora affrontato seriamente il problema del ruolo svolto in epoca etrusca dal bacino minerario apuano, e in particolare dal ricco distretto di Seravezza/Valdicastello. Eppure still in the mines of Ripa, Levigliani, Bottino, Angina, Argentiera Arsiccio, Gallena, Corsinello, there are valuable minerals such as hematite, limonite, malachite, chalcopyrite, azurite, cuprite, alum, cinnabar, manganese, ocher. Offers ideas about place names and addresses of significant research. E 'was supported (see Ambrosini R. 1981: The Romanization p. 296) that one of the most important mines, Gallena, Etruscan has a clear name, as well as Ruosina, also in the mining area, and perhaps angina, other name of the mine. 2
to that effect addressed the excavation data available so far. But I have the impression that a number of difficulties objective (especially the inability to push the investigation, under the structures of the Roman era, but also the disruption and destruction resulting from the old river is at its transgressions carried out by the Romans), we have induced a certain understatement. 3 On the face of the main
Kelebia Theseus, dressed in a short chiton and leaning forward, while holding the Minotaur is represented by the right wing and simultaneously plunges his sword into his chest, at the feet of Theseus is a rock and behind the petasus (very similar to a crater found in Spina and dated to 470 BC, cf. 1963 JD Beazley: Attic Red Figure, p. 563, n. 6). 4 These
pending "should be part of a series system with catenelle simile a quelle dalla Maremma e da Cerveteri. Con queste condividono, fra l'altro, l'immagine dell'arpia (Cristofani M. - Martelli M. 1983: L'oro degli Etruschi, p. 291).
5 Oltre agli attributi sessuali maschili sono posti in forte risalto anche i seni.
6 Sono contrassegnati dal simbolo vulvare indicato da un'incisione verticale tagliata orizzontalmente da solchi più leggeri.
7 In tutti gli offerenti sulle braccia, sull'arcuatura delle gambe, sulla superficie anteriore e posteriore del tronco sono incisi brevi solchi trasversali (più numerosi nelle statuette femminili) che forse indicano la presenza di tessuti o monili. Negli idoletti femminili è curata l'acconciatura, sulla nuca, mediante piccole incisioni arranged according to a syntax variant, and, most importantly, you notice other decorations on the shoulders engraved no doubt that tend to give us the idea of \u200b\u200ba certain kind of feminine clothing (Mencacci P. - M. Zecchini 1976: Prehistoric Lucca, p. 214).
8 See, for contemporary claims, Fossanera, no site 4. Returns the oldest (first half of the sixth century BC) are those of Pisa, where in situ came to light three pieces of Elba hematite associated with six iron slag, charcoal and clay concotta (Bonamici M. 1989: Contribution, p. 1145) . 9 The
pozzolans are silicates multiple, more or less basic, which are always in the vicinity of volcanoes and are composed of silica (SiO2), alumina (Al2O3), carbon monoxide, iron (Fe2O3), lime (CaO), magnesia (MgO) and other elements in small quantities. A fragment of a millstone Pozzuolo, chemically analyzed at the time of the excavations by the laboratories of the Montedison Massa, was composed of silica (68%), alumina (15%), iron oxide (3%), lime (4%) magnesia (2%) and a loss by calcination < 5%. I valori più vicini al campione di Pozzuolo risultano quelli delle pozzolane grigie dei vulcani Flegrei (perdita per calcinazione < 5%, silice 59%, allumina 17%, ossido di ferro 4%, calce 3,5%, magnesia 1,5%). Indicazioni di provenienza non dissimili (vulcani campano-laziali)provengono dalle analisi petrografiche eseguite su campioni del genere recuperati nell'insediamento di Bora dei Frati in Versilia (P.Pallecchi 1990: Etruscorum, Bora, p. 233). L'analisi chimica parrebbe escludere la provenienza dai vulcani laziali perché questi ultimi danno valori distanti soprattutto per ciò che concerne la perdita per calcinazione (minore del 5 %), la silice (46%), l'ossido di ferro (10%) e la calce (9%).
to the presence of fragments of millstones cf., infra, Fossa Black No site 4 and above, Romito Pozzuolo, no site 3.
10 The claims are the closest so far in the extraordinary commercial emporium of S. Rocchino at Viareggio (A. Maggiani 1990th: Etruscorum, S. Rocchino, pp. 92-94, figs. 42 and 44).
11 As no can rule out limited activities for reducing iron ore from Elba - ranging
try anyway - also near the famous industrial centers, it seems to me to ascribe a hyperbolic reduction process in place, leaving tracks well beyond the isolated or rare and slag sporadic pieces of hematite found in the settlements of Lucca and Pisa so far investigated. Their presence may perhaps be explained by the need for limited intervention of the masses instead of finishing on the spongy, with disposal of waste slag and ore, placing first in the mercantile circuit Po. Diodorus Siculus (v. 13) tells that the blocks of siderite taken from the mines of Elba were thrown to burn and liquefied in forni costruiti ad arte, ridotti in masse uguali di aspetto spugnoso, infine inviate sul continente per un'ulteriore lavorazione.
12 Cfr. Romito di Pozzuolo, sito n..3. Con il periodo tardoarcaico sembra iniziare la tradizione di circolazione marittima delle macine in pietra eruttiva grigia che, seguendo le stesse rotte commerciali, continuerà in età ellenistica, e che, nel periodo tardorepubblicano, costituirà "il terzo elemento campano che veniva, insieme alla ceramica, inserito nel carico a completare le anfore delle grande esportazione vinaria campana " (Lamboglia N. 1964: La campagna sul relitto, p. 251). Macine del genere compaiono, ad esempio, sui relitti di Punta Scaletta a Giannutri (Lamboglia N. 1964: op. cit., S. Andrea B on the island of Elba (M. Zecchini 1982: Wrecks, pp. 93-94). 13
The presentation took place in the presence of Minister Urbani, prof. Salvatore Settis sole director of the Normal
Superiore di Pisa and Dr. Angelo Bottini superintendent of the Archaeological Heritage of Tuscany.
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